SDP | Simple Data Protocol - data
kandi X-RAY | SDP Summary
kandi X-RAY | SDP Summary
Main idea of this protocol is that user can send data between diferent "nodes" using simple functions, while protocol will make sure the correct data is delivered and if not, retry or give up and report that to user. It was primary designed for smaller embeded systems and payloads (up to 255 bytes per payload/message) to use with UART (specifically STM32 LL UART drivers), but can be easily ported to other communication hardware. Tested for speeds up to 115200 bps. Although each node can initiate communication to the other end, it was primary meant for Master-Slave point-to-point communication, where master poll other node for any new available data (or user must take care of possible data collision and timing, or use other technique to notify other system for available data - like unused CTS/RTS line). Protocol check each payload data with CRC-16 and responds with ACK (+ optional user defined respond). If CRC values does not match, NACK is returned. If no response is received, this is considered as error and protocol retry. Note: In many ways SDP is very simillar to MIN (which was discovered after this library was already created. SDP is simpler and more straight forward and therefore simpler to modify and customize. MIN has some other nice features which are lacking in SDP, but is more complex.
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Things were fine till yesterday. Today when I opened system I'm suddenly getting the error:
Answered 2021-May-19 at 06:59In my case downgrading ConstraintLayout
version from 1.0.0-alpha07
to 1.0.0-alpha06
I am trying to implement a simple messaging mechanism between my browser (peer 1) and another browser (peer 2) on a different network. I am using Google's public STUN servers for learning.
Peer 1 does the following first:
Answered 2021-Feb-15 at 02:22Here is a complete example of what you are trying to accomplish. Notice that it also has code for a Google STUN server, but it is remarked out:
That page uses two iframes:
This should get you started.
Also, two libraries built on WebTorrent exist that can aid in discovering and connecting to peers using only the browser: Bugout, P2PT.
I applied case_when
to a text data of thousands of rows to detect strings with multiple conditions and replace them but got a wrong result because case_when
doesn't execute the remaining conditions once a condition is met. I have seen a solution in How to detect more than one regex in a case_when statement, but the solution does not have multiplicity of multiple conditions such as in my data.
Any alternative to case_when
will be is appreciated.
This is the dummy data:
Answered 2021-Jan-22 at 06:51You may use case_when
with grepl
and a regex alternation:
The code flow doesn't even enter the onIceCandidate function while answering the SDP for webRTC connection. The webRTC is used for Voice calling for VOIP in android and I have also setted up TURN server with viagene website.
Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 03:24So, I can clearly see that there you haven't set any local description for the remote user who is going to answer this call.
So, here I tried to fetch some data from the firestore and when I tried to decode it, it causes some error.
Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 09:37you do not need to decode FireStore response as its already in map format
Am new to webRTC and am trying to create a react native app with video calling functionality using this tutorial here as an example to follow
However i keep getting this error on iOS and on android the app just closes once i try to join a call. The error i get on iOS says:
Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 06:38I guess you are trying to use firebase as a signalling medium and want to use react-native-webrtc for the video calling.
Here is the sample code I have for the same solution with the latest libraries and react-native version.
Firebase Installation React Native.
Just set up ios and android using this above link and then use the below code for reference.
i am trying to use useRef in my react functional component, but when i try to access it I am getting error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'onMonthSelect' of undefined while using "useRef" " .
Here is the code below for this
Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 07:05The ref value won't be set yet on the initial render. Use a guard clause or Optional Chaining operator on the access.
My app needs a functionality of internet call so I planned to use webRTC and using firebase as signalling server.
In this feature caller is interested in calling the callee. But in webRTC the user needs to use the code to answer the call by send sdp and ice candidate.
But the problem for me is how to notify the user about the incoming offer call. Can I use FCM for notifying the user?
What are the other ways of notifying the user?
Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 15:17As you are already using firestore or firebase real-time database as a signaling medium you should use firebase cloud messaging to notify users about the calls.
You can yous firebase cloud functions for the same. Where by detecting changes in the database you can send notifications to users.
We have hanging problem (the app freezes due of main thread lock) with our iOS (swift) native app with OpenVidu implementation (which uses GoogleWebRTC under the hood). The specific conditions required: need to join existing room with at least 8 participants already streaming. With 6 participants it happens less often and almost never with less than 6. It doesn't hang if participants join one by one, only if you join the room with all other participants already streaming. This indicates concurrent nature of the issue.
The GoogleWebRTC hangs on setRemoteDescription
Answered 2021-May-26 at 03:45The WebRTC Obj-C API can be called from any thread, but most method calls are passed to WebRTC's internal thread called signalling thread
Also, callbacks/observers like SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface
or RTCSetSessionDescriptionCompletionHandler
are called from WebRTC on the signaling thread
Looking at the screenshots, it seems that the signaling thread is currently blocked and can no longer call WebRTC API calls.
So, to avoid deadlocks, it's a good idea to create your own thread / dispatch_queue
and handle callbacks.
See and for details.
I'm working on WebRTC streaming which streams video from a device to a browser. This streaming works in Chromium browsers just fine but fails in Firefox. There is a failure with the SDP exchange which then halts the rest of the connection (no ICE candidates sent after SDP exchange).
There are some issues with Firefox's answer SDP I've found but I haven't discovered a reason for the issues: SDP mentions VP8 but we use H264 only; m=video 0 has port 0 but typically that's non zero; I typically get an a=inactive line; a=sendrecv should probably be a=recvonly; many other lines are missing (for example, ICE-specific lines)
SDP examples below:
Answered 2021-May-13 at 18:03Firefox likely doesn't support the profile level id 0x4d4016. Then you have no codecs in common and the media is rejected (which is what port 0 means). Without any non-rejected m-line your connection will fail.
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