vdev | A device-file manager for * nix

 by   jcnelson C Version: Current License: Non-SPDX

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kandi X-RAY | vdev Summary

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A device-file manager for *nix

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            Community Discussions


            DPDK Crypto Device Scheduler "Capability Update Failed"
            Asked 2021-Apr-28 at 14:30

            I am working on a DPDK project and experience issues that need you help. The project needs to implement encryption/decryption through DPDK (multi-buffer library). To support all cipher and hash algorithms, I need create 4 type of virtual devices: crypto_null, crypto_aesni_mb, crypto_snow3g and crypto_zuc. I tried to create a crypto-scheduler to manage all 4 devices. When the devices attach to the scheduler, it failed. I can reproduce the exact same failure with the DPDK example program: l2fwd_crypto.

            Here is the command I use to run l2fwd_crypto.

            ./l2fwd-crypto -l 0-1 -n 4 --vdev "crypto_aesni_mb0" --vdev "crypto_null" --vdev "crypto_zuc" --vdev "crypto_snow3g0" --vdev "crypto_scheduler,slave=crypto_null,slave=crypto_aesni_mb0,slave=crypto_snow3g0,slave=crypto_zuc" -- -p 0x3 --chain CIPHER_HASH --cipher_op ENCRYPT --cipher_algo aes-cbc --cipher_key 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f --auth_op GENERATE --auth_algo aes-xcbc-mac --auth_key 10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:1a:1b:1c:1d:1e:1f

            The error message is:

            rte_cryptodev_scheduler_slave_attach() line 214: capabilities update failed

            I am using DPDK 20.05 on CentOS 7.4

            My question is:

            1. Is this the correct way to handle all different crypto algorithm? I mean create 4 virtual devices.
            2. Why the crypto scheduler failed?

            Any suggestion/comments are really appreciated.



            Answered 2021-Apr-28 at 14:30

            [EDIT-1: Based on comment conversation]

            DPDK POLL mode Crypto Scheduler is intended to be running with either HW or SW of the same type. This is covered in dpdkd document. Hence if one needs to Crypto scheduler to work, it has to initialized with all same type (either HW/SW).

            Hence re-running the test with either all NULL, ZUC, SNoW, AES_MB will work

            note: with respect to internally logic working, my personal opinion is the current logic in crypto-scheduler logic is correct. Because, in actual logic one will lookup dest-ip or src+dest IP in either ACL, LPM, or Exact Match to identify the SA or Crypto keys. this can offloaded to SW or HW depending upon work load or flow (mice or elephant) flow.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67202903


            DPDK sample app ipsec-secgw failing with virtio NIC
            Asked 2021-Jan-20 at 17:31

            I tried running the DPDK ipsec-secgw sample app with the following versions

            • DPDK version dpdk-stable-19.11.5
            • OS CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
            • Kernel 3.10.0-1062.el7.x86_64

            NIC type and driver

            • 0000:00:04.0 'Virtio network device 1000' drv=igb_uio unused=virtio_pci,uio_pci_generic

            Command and cmd line args used to run the app



            Answered 2021-Jan-20 at 17:31

            DPDK example ipsec-gw make use of RX offload .offloads = DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM. For DPDK 19.11.5 LTS following are the list of devices which supports the same

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65806289


            pktgen cannot find Mellanox port
            Asked 2021-Jan-18 at 14:32
            • Pktgen version 21.01.0
            • DPDK version 20.11
            • OS: ubuntu 18.04
            • NIC: Mellanox


            Answered 2021-Jan-18 at 14:32

            It is evident the pktgen utility is

            1. either not built with Mellanox PMD mlx5 based on the logs
            2. or pktgen is not passed shared library for initlailizing MLX5 PMD

            Since the DPDK used for building is DPDK version 20.11. The probability of pktgen build with the shared library is high. Passing eal argument as -d librte_net_mlx5.so should resolve the shared library issue.

            Reason for not suggesting static library path is because of the logs of testpmd shows MLX5 is identified while eth0 and eth1 are non-existing interface and skipping PCAP PMD

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65731779


            Handling JWT Authentication and Soft Deleted Users in Django Rest Framework
            Asked 2021-Jan-05 at 13:52

            I'm trying to make a username available once a user deletes their account. By default the username is unique meaning the username won't be available even after the account is soft deleted.

            This is, by default, the setup that comes with django out of the box.



            Answered 2021-Jan-05 at 13:52

            I'm guessing the error is raised when the authenticate is being called from the UserModel. Looking at the source code, the method calls get_by_natural_key from the user manager. Examining the source code for this method shows us where we need to make the change.

            Hence, what you'll probably have to do is to create a custom user manager, inheriting from BaseUserManager and overriding get_by_natural_key.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65579066


            Can multi-queue be used with DPDK vdev rx_pcap
            Asked 2020-Nov-09 at 09:51

            I could not tell from the documentation if it is possible to use vdev rx_pcap to simulate RSS with a pcap file, using multiple cores.

            It seemed like an interesting proposition, after reading this:

            For ease of use, the DPDK EAL also has been extended to allow pseudo-Ethernet devices, using one or more of these drivers, to be created at application startup time during EAL initialization.

            To do so, the –vdev= parameter must be passed to the EAL. This takes take options to allow ring and pcap-based Ethernet to be allocated and used transparently by the application. This can be used, for example, for testing on a virtual machine where there are no Ethernet ports.

            Pcap-based devices can be created using the virtual device –vdev option.

            This is how I read one PCAP file and write to another, using their example with the dpdk-testpmd application:



            Answered 2020-Nov-07 at 05:55

            The number of queues available on a port depends upon the NIC configuration and driver from OS. Hence expecting a PCAP PMD emulating RXPCAP file as RX device will have multiple RX queue is not right. You would need to start using the actual interface from OS which has multiple queues.

            Explanation below:

            As per the DPDK NIC Feature there is no support for RSS on PCAP PMD. So the option of receiving packets based on 3 IP Tuple or 5 IP+TCP|UDP|SCTP Tuple on multiple queues is not present natively and needs to be implemented in SW.

            A per the PCAP PMD if one needs to read from the physical port we have use option rx_iface and not rx_pcap. Similarly to send on Physical interface one has to use option tx_iface and not tx_pcap.

            If your requirement was to capture the RX or TX packet from specific DPDK port, you should look DPDK PDUMP application which uses rte_pdump API. The PDUMP Documentation explains clearly how to grab packets from specific queues too.

            If one needs to read packets using PCAP PMD, use rx_iface in primary application. Then to write packets from desired port-queue into a PCAP file use dpdk-pdump as secondary application with option --pdump 'port=[your desired DPDK port],queue=[your desired DPDK port queue],rx-dev=/tmp/rx.pcap.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64721095


            DPDK pdump failed to hotplug add device
            Asked 2020-Jul-13 at 04:31

            I'm trying to use dpdk-pdump capture tx packets from NIC under dpdk control.

            • DPDK 18.11.4
            • In config/common_base, CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y and CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PDUMP=y are already set
            • After rebuilding, CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y and CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PDUMP=y are also set in x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/.config
            • rte_pdump_init(NULL) and rte_pdump_uninit() are called in primary process's init and destroy function
            • DPDK interface


            Answered 2020-Jul-13 at 04:31

            I am able to get it working properly without issues. Following is the steps followed

            1. DPDK: download 18.11.4 http://static.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-18.11.4.tar.gz
            2. built DPDK with PCAP PMD enabled
            3. modify skeleton main: add rte_pdump_init(NULL) right after rte_eal_init
            4. modify skeleton lcore_main: modify RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(port) with for (port = 0; port < 2; port++)
            5. bullt: LD_FLAGS="-lrte_pmd_pcap" make
            6. Run primary
            7. Run pdump secondary (if whitelist is passed in primary pass the same here to)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62795017


            Media from capture card in Unity with Vlc plugin for Unity
            Asked 2020-May-04 at 10:07

            I am trying to get the camera feed from a blackmagic capture card into the mediaplayer of the Vlc plugin for Unity.

            What i have done :

            • I can get the capture device with the vlc desktop application, so camera and capture card work fine.

            • I can run the sample scene of the vlc plugin which show an video from a web url, it works fine

            • I searched the LIBVLCSharp to try to understand a bit how it all works, https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp/-/blob/master/src/LibVLCSharp/Media.cs
            • I am trying to modify the UseRenderingPlugin.cs, which is a script which plays the video on a texture in the Unity scene, and especially the line which chose the media to be played :

            The original line of code : _mediaPlayer.Media = new Media(_libVLC, "http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4", FromType.FromLocation);

            And what i achieved so far (but doesn't work). I changed 'FromLocation' to 'FromPath' and replace the URL with the mrl to the capture card with the options, thanks to the vlc desktop application :



            Answered 2020-May-04 at 10:07

            Thank you @mfkl for your help.

            Here is what has worked :

            _mediaPlayer.Media = new Media(_libVLC, "dshow:// ", FromType.FromLocation );

            And add all the options like this : _mediaPlayer.Media.AddOption(":dshow-vdev='Blackmagic WDM Capture'"); _mediaPlayer.Media.AddOption(":dshow-fps=50"); ...

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61524292


            VLC - terminate stream/transcoding interactively via command line on windows/ python / programmatic video capture on windows
            Asked 2020-Mar-08 at 04:32

            I want to use vlc command line tool to capture a video from a usb camera (on Windows!). The Problem is that is not clear, when to stop recording. The aim is to capture the users face, while he is running the program. It is important to have correct timing. I am launching vlc like this:



            Answered 2017-Jan-31 at 14:31

            Ok, so this answer did the trick to shut down vlc regularly. In my case I also needed to set the muxer in the sout-standard to "ts" in order to get a video with a correct time index, so the command now looks like this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41896583


            dpdk-pdump "no driver found for net_pcap_rx_0"
            Asked 2019-Dec-13 at 00:29

            Ubuntu 16, DPDK 16

            I have a couple of DPDK-based applications sending packets between two machines and want to capture them with dpdk-pdump. I'm running it with sudo ./build/app/pdump/dpdk-pdump -c 0x00f -- --pdump 'port=0,queue=*,rx-dev=/tmp/rx.pcap', and I see this output and a crash:

            EAL: no driver found for eth_pcap_rx_0 EAL: Driver, cannot attach the device EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1 Cause: vdev creation failed:create_mp_ring_vdev:736

            My DPDK was compiled like this: hostname:~/dpdk-stable-16.07.1/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc# CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y make (also did export CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y before) so that it builds with libpcap support, as the documentation said to do. And my system has libpcap installed. The make script output shows == Build lib/librte_pdump. Looking around online, I've only found one person with a similar issue, and the suggested fix was what I tried. Is there something else I have to do?

            I tried installing the DPDK Ubuntu package's version of the tool and using the dpdk-pdump command, same result.



            Answered 2017-Jun-05 at 09:41

            Unfortunately, setting CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y in command line does not work, so the compiled dpdk-pdump have no pcap support.

            In config/common_base set CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y, remove your build directory and recompile the DPDK.

            Make sure the .config file you your build directory has CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP=y

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44357995


            RTSP stream is not correct
            Asked 2019-Nov-05 at 20:11

            I am trying to stream and RTSP video only stream from my webcam and consume the feed inside a VM (Docker container) on the same machine.

            Here are the commands line args I'm using:



            Answered 2019-Oct-24 at 07:20

            After reading your logs, it seems that you are able to connect to the RTSP protocol, but the RTP protocol fails.

            I'd try two things:

            • stream with rtp{dst=
            • Play the stream with --rtsp-tcp (if that works, it's an issue with UDP and your VM configuration)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58530372

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