euler | My Project Euler solutions
kandi X-RAY | euler Summary
kandi X-RAY | euler Summary
sometimes i'll play with project euler ( ) as a way to learn languages, gauge relative speed, kick-start my brain for the day, or learn a thing about number theory. consequently, there are solutions for a large number of languages. here are the solutions, there aren't that many, and they're not that good. some of them benchmark themselves, and some would be happier if you typed 'time' before them. most of them are documented. all of them run in reasonable amounts of time (under a few seconds on semi-modern hardware, usually under a second) except my pez solutions for #145 and #204, both of which (shamefully) take several minutes, and a novelty solution in bash which takes about three hours or so. the files are all named consistently: $language/$problem_number.$ext, (with exceptions for languages which tie module names and filenames and don't allow module names to start with numbers, like erlang and limbo). some problems i have solved by hand; these solutions
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def euler_modified(
ode_func: Callable, y0: float, x0: float, step_size: float, x_end: float
) -> np.array:
Calculate solution at each step to an ODE using Euler's Modified Method
The Euler Method is straightforward to implemen
def explicit_euler(
ode_func: Callable, y0: float, x0: float, step_size: float, x_end: float
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate numeric solution at each step to an ODE using Euler's Method
For reference to Euler's method refer to https://e
public static ArrayList eulerFull(
double xStart,
double xEnd,
double stepSize,
double yStart,
BiFunction differentialEquation) {
if (xStart >= xEnd) {
throw new Illeg
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I am trying to display a custom tooltip on a react highcharts network chart that includes the node id as well as the 'title' and 'other' field in the json data I am feeding it, however I am not able to get this to work using the formatted function specified in the API
My simplified code is below:
Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 10:37You can get the required propeerties through: this.point.options
Unity2D How to make game object to face opposite from the position of another game object? I have a fish that is going always forward and randomly rotating to make semi random movement, and i want that in range of player(shark) the fish change direction opposite to shark and start moving faster(trying to escape). I have speed increase already but i doknt know how to make the opposite direction.
Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 14:55Notice: at the part when I am saying to add/subtract 90 (you’ll know when you get there), try adding 90, if that doesn’t work, try subtracting 90 to get the right result.
To make it move fully the opposite direction, you should do a few things. First, I will tell you about Mathf.Atan2(float y, float x)
. Atan2 is arctangent. Arctangent takes a position, and finds the amount of rotations to rotate at that object, in radians. Then, you would want to multiply by Mathf.Rad2Deg
, or radians to degrees. It converts radians to degrees, which unity uses. Then, you would add some degrees to face the opposite direction.
Here is a way to make an object look away from the the mouse:
im trying to reset my car position by pressing Q to avoid the vehicle to be stuck rollover, but when i press Q, there is no cooldown and if i keep pressing the car will go up flying. I dont want that, hopefully someone can help me :> I also wanted to change only the X and Z rotation with the same keycode but im having problems to make it work.
This is the code that i have currently
Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 11:07Common solution is to use Time.time difference.
I have script that works with euler angles and it behaves differently on Windows PC and Android device.
I have the same Matrix4x4 as input but euler angles are not the same.
Test code:
Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 03:13Your matrix is not a rotation matrix (in fact, it is a reflection about the YZ plane), so the very notion of Euler angles is not defined for it. The documentation for Matrix4x4.rotation
does not specify any behaviour when the matrix is not a rotation matrix, so you should assume that it can return anything, even different values on different platforms.
I'm writing some code to generate digits of the mathematical constant e (Eulers number), to any amount of precision.
Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 17:28Your problem is in order of computation. Look at your summation loop:
I am trying to solve Euler 18 in Dyalog APL, and I am not able to understand why my solution does not work.
The problem is as follow:
...By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum total from top to bottom is 23.
Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 15:07/
works in the reverse way to what you expected - it evaluates through the array right-to-left.
F/a b c d
is ⊂a F b F c F d
, or, with parentheses, ⊂(a F (b F (c F d)))
After removing the ⌽
and swapping ⍺
and ⍵
, you get {⍺+(2⌈/⍵),0}/d
, which gives the result you want.
I am trying to build an employee org chart using Highcharts network graph but I'm running into errors. The idea is simple. I want to render an initial chart with the president and a few of their direct reports. After that, if the user clicks on a node in the chart, I want to pull data for that individual's direct reports and update the graph with the children nodes for that individual's subordinates. The back end API for the data pull is working fine
Here is my code:
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 08:53You need to update state which is directly related with a chart component options props:
I'm trying to make a basic FPS game in Unity and I'm having an issue where the projectiles I shoot won't instantiate in the right place. From what I can tell, the projectile instantiates in roughly the same position relative to the player regardless of where I look (that position being a little to the left of the starting angle of the player).
Here's a 20 second video demonstration of what I'm talking about.
Even when I'm facing the exact opposite direction of where the projectile usually instantiates it still spawns in the same place, which means the projectile ends up spawning behind the player and hitting the player.
I tried using Debug.DrawRay() to see if maybe the firepoint itself is wrong (which would be shown by the ray starting somewhere other than the gun barrel). However it seems like the starting point of the ray is correct every time.
I'm not sure if this is related to the issue above, but I have noticed that the ray direction is wrong if I'm looking a little below the horizon. It seems like the projectile's direction is correct regardless though.
Ray directions when looking slightly above the horizon vs. lower
Here's my code for intantiating/shooting the projectile. I think the most relevant parts are probably shootProjectile() and instantiateProjectile(). This script is attached to the player character.
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 15:05To solve one first confusion: The method Debug.DrawRay
takes as paramters
- a start position
- a ray direction(!)
You are passing in another position which is not what you want.
This might only work "accidentally" as long as you stand on 0,0,0
so maybe it wasn't that notable but the debt ray definitely points into a wrong direction.
Rather do e.g.
I am working on a project where I need to edit images, I was trying to draw image into canvas but one thing I noticed is when I upload even the same image and check for width and height I sometimes get correct width and height but sometimes 0. Here is what I am doing:
Here I have an input type file and I store it in a state once the FileReader is loaded and then passing to my ImageEditor component
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 01:35I found this to be a race condition. Try changing your code so that you respond to the imgElement onload event. This works on the sandbox. Better yet, use the useState hook to detect when the Image is actually loaded into the dom. A bandaid is:
I have the following APL Functions which I want to save in a .dyalog file:
Answered 2021-May-29 at 05:41The Dyalog editor is designed to edit a single item (function, operator, namespace script) at a time - it cannot be used to define two functions at once unless you embed them in a namespace. Your choices are:
Enter those two lines into the APL session, and then create two .dyalog files using:
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