spike | Writing a Linux SPI driver for OMAP3 systems

 by   scottellis C Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | spike Summary

kandi X-RAY | spike Summary

spike is a C library. spike has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

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              spike has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 16 star(s) with 9 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
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              There are 2 open issues and 3 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 0 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of spike is current.

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            Community Discussions


            Change chart marker color if there is continuous value higher than a baseline value
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 07:43

            I am currently creating a VBA macro to change the color of the marker of a chart if the value in the chart consists of 3 continuous spikes that exceeds a baseline value of 0.7.

            For example, in the picture below, I've create a macro to change all the marker colors to red if the value is higher than the baseline value, but not if there are 3 continuous values higher than baseline value.

            My Code

            This is what I've tried - changing the marker color to red if the value exceeds 0.7



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 07:43

            For that you would need to work with a window size to check always 3 dots in a row if they are above basline if the are color them and move 1 further to check the next 3 in a row.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67916195


            Always out of collision
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 14:44

            I have a kind of spikes in my game, where the sphere is "Player" if the player steps on the spikes it should be kicked out of the spikes collider. I'm using for now random range, it works well sometimes, but in some situations, it just comes to the spikes again. What I want is if the ball has collided with spikes it should be bounced away to a random position, but not be able to jump to the position of the spikes again, like a double collision.



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 14:42

            I would use a function to calculate that position, soas to avoid the spikes vertical. You can use polar coordinates in the XZ plane for that, and the return your new pos back in cartesian coords.

            Not debugged code, just for your inspiration:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67905662


            Random lag spikes with pygame parallax background
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 07:38

            I'm trying to make a platformer with a parallax background. I managed the code and also made sure to add .convert. It is running pretty well for the most part, but every now and then there are periodic lag spikes.



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 07:38

            Do not load the images in the application loop. Loading an image is very time consuming because the image file has to be read and interpreted. Load the images once at the begin of the application:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67899564


            GCP Pubsub num of undelivered messages wont change
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 06:38

            I'm using pubsub to trigger a cloud function that I have defined to have maximum of 10 instances.

            When a bulk of around 300 messages or more arrive to the topic and start triggering the function, suddenly the number of unacked messages stops going, it just doesn't change, although I know that my cloud functions that are triggered are automatically acking those messages...

            I'm wondering what I'm missing here...

            Adding the following chart to show what I'm talking about:

            So there are few things to notice here:

            • the chart is in 1 min intervals
            • the scale for the chart is on the right side
            • the toolbox on the left is just so it will be easy to see what colour corresponds to what line
            • ack_message_count (blue) is the number of acks my cloud functions are performing each minute
            • send_message_operation_count (green) is the number of messages published into the topic that is triggering the cloud function
              • notice the spike around 1:01 PM, this is the bulk that is send into the topic, its around 1k new messages
              • aside from the that bulk, there are constantly new messages entering the topic, but much less than the number of acks that is performed
            • push_request_count (orange) is the number of time pubsub tries to trigger the cloud function (be it successful or resulting in 429 which means that it has reached the maximum number of instances running)
            • num_undelivered_messages (pink) is the number of unacked messages that are waiting inside the queue of the subscription

            First I though maybe I just don't perform enough acks with my cloud functions, but that is not the case since there is much more acks than new messages after the peak of the 1k messages.

            What I thought I would see is just a steady decline of the number of unacked messages in the subscription's queue.

            So essentially what I don't understand is why does the num_undelivered_messages doesn't go down as the number of acks continues (1:01 - 1:10), and then, suddenly it just drops (1:10 - 1:15) really fast?



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 06:38

            Based from the graph, your acknowledging of messages cannot keep up with the volume of the messages being published. An example is at 1:05-1:10 where there are still messages being published (green line) but the acknowledgement rate (blue line) did not increase, thus an increase of unacknowledged messages (pink line).

            I suggest to increase your cloud function memory if it is not yet at the maximum which is 8GB.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67879443


            Difference in histograms of a colored image using plt.plot v/s plt.hist [Python]
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 08:34

            I used the code below to generate histograms of a colored image using 2 methods :

            Method 1 :-

            1. Using cv2.calcHist() function to calculate the frequency
            2. Using plt.plot() to generate a line plot of the frequency

            Method 2 :-

            1. Using plt.hist() function to calculate and generate the histogram (I added bin=250 so that the 2 histograms are consistent)

            Observation : Both histograms are roughly similar. The 1st histogram (using plt.plot) looks pretty smooth. However the 2nd histogram (using plt.hist) has additional spikes and drops.

            Question : Since the image only has int values there shouldn't be inconsistent binning. What is the reason for these additional spikes and drops in the histogram-2 ?



            Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 08:34

            bins=250 creates 251 equally spaced bin edges between the lowest and highest values. These don't align well with the discrete values. When the difference between highest and lowest is larger than 250, some bins will be empty. When the difference is smaller than 250, some bins will get the values for two adjacent numbers, creating a spike. Also, when superimposing histograms, it is handy that all histograms use exactly the same bin edges.

            You need the bins to be exactly between the integer values, setting bins=np.arange(-0.5, 256, 1) would achieve such. Alternatively, you can use seaborn's histplot(...., discrete=True).

            Here is some code with smaller numbers to illustrate what's happening.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67855101


            PySerial's readlines() consumes 25x times as much CPU time as read()
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 11:25

            I'm reading a constant flow of data over a serial port, using pyserial:



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 11:25

            My guess is that readlines and readline busily poll the serial line for new characters in order to fulfill your request to get a full line (or lines), whereas .read will only read and return when there indeed is new data. You'll probably have to implement buffering and splitting to lines yourself (code untested since I don't have anything on a serial line right now :-) ):

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67820228


            My sprite instances are not being displayed properly
            Asked 2021-May-27 at 15:34

            I'm trying to implement a design where the brick columns are on the left and right sides of the action screen and a data/score screen is on the top. The brick class draws a rect sprite that has the proper size to fill the brick column space. I've made 2 instances for the two sides, but only the left-sided instance is showing and it's being drawn halfway lower than where I want it to be, and if I print the coordinates of the rect instances they are in the right place. Could anyone help me understand what I'm missing/doing wrong? Thank you in advance for your help!

            settings.py (control panel class for the game)



            Answered 2021-May-27 at 15:34

            The top left coordinates of ActionScreen and Brick are saved in the x and y attributes. However, when you draw something on the image, you must use coordinates relative to the Surface, but not relative to the screen. the top left coordinate of an Surface is always (0, 0):

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67716866


            Add new hash keys and then print in a new file
            Asked 2021-May-22 at 20:24

            Previously, I post a question to search for an answer to using regex to match specifics sequence identification (ID). Now I´m looking for some recommendations to print the data that I looking for. If you want to see the complete file, here's a GitHub link.

            This script takes two files to work. The first file is something like this (this is only a part of the file):



            Answered 2021-May-22 at 20:24

            Main problem seems to be that the line has 8 columns not 7 as assumed in the script. Another small issue is that the extracted substring should have 5 characters not 6 as assumed by the script. Here is a modified version of the loop that works for me:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67652181


            Ideas to complete a script to search in two files and extract a section of data
            Asked 2021-May-22 at 14:41

            I have been doing a script that takes two files to extract a specific part of the data to make a new file. If you want to see the complete file, here's a GitHub link: enter link description here

            File one (report file) is a type of file that reports me when a value is >=0.5 (column N°6 is the value that interests me). This file is something like this (this is only a part):



            Answered 2021-May-21 at 18:59

            Untested (since you did not post a MRE), but this should work:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67640684


            Calling fgets in RISC-V assembly on Spike/PK
            Asked 2021-May-20 at 18:49

            Update: Writing this out allowed me to spot where I was going wrong, but not why. I am obviously calling fgets in the wrong way, because after five calls I get to the address 0x221000 which is where the mmapped memory is - I am writing at higher addresses - but I don't know why that that is happening. Could someone explain?

            This is a bit complex and I'm at a loss to see why this behaviour is seen: I don't know if I have got the basics wrong or if it's a feature of Spike/PK.

            To note: the libc here is provided by newlib and the code is compiled as riscv64-unknown-elf.

            Short version I have input code written in RISC-V assembly that previously ran smoothly, but since I introduced a system call to mmap it crashes the fifth time it is executed. Is the problem because I have got the wrong sequence of calls or possibly an issue with the Spike emulator and PK proxy kernel?

            Long explanation

            I am writing a Forth-like threaded interpreted language. It is currently targeted at the PK proxy kernel on the Spike emulator, but hopefully soon to run on 'real' hardware. The code is at https://github.com/mcmenaminadrian/riscyforth

            The TIL implements an endless loop to pick up input calling, in sequence, a routine to get the filepointer for standard input and then a routine to get the input.

            To get the standard input filepointer (which is stored on the stack):



            Answered 2021-Apr-20 at 07:11

            By repeatedly opening the file my code was eating up more and more memory and eventually overwrote part of the memory range allocated via mmap. I solved this by storing the value of the file pointer in the .bss (inputfileptr) and only opening it once:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67151742

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