The React-Calendar libraries provide the functionality to help manipulate and manage dates & times. It allows end-users to pick a day, month, or year.
For easily internationalized and mobile-friendly, consider using the library React-dates. Consider using libraries like React-modern-calendar-date picker and react date picker. We can also consider libraries like React-calendar-timeline for a beautiful and customizable.
React date picker is a comprehensive date picker of React components. To handle large amounts of data without performance degradation, consider using React-Gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar. To perform a basic calendar implementation, first, we must install the React Calendar library. Then import Calendar into our React application as import react-calendar. To create a simple calendar, first, create React App and write a function:
createCalendar(elem, year, month).
The interactive Calendar allows us to jot events into their happening date. It will ensure that we remember everything. With this basic structure ready, our initial Calendar will look similar. A promise resolves to the Calendar object, the user's default calendar. For example, the React Calendar library can use for booking apps for reserving.
We can synchronize events between our React Event Calendar and Google or Outlook Calendar. We can do it via the Google Calendar API or Microsoft Outlook's object library. We must pass the selectRange prop to our <Calendar /> component to enable a date range feature. A promise resolves to the Calendar object, the user's default calendar. Calendar value that we can select initially. Class names will apply to a given calendar item. The items can be a day-on-month view or a month-on-year view. The syntax for calendar onChange is Calendar onChange = { onChange } value = {value}.
We can render the attribute of a label on the calendar navigation bar. The calendar view helps everything from single to many-week views to month grids. It can be with different ways to render events. We will make changes to the appearance using the configuration object and CSS. Customize the week's first day, which defaults to Sunday. We can do it as per the default locale and the setting, which will make weekends appear from Friday to Saturday. However, we can render days from the previous or next month. We can do this if the month doesn't start on the week's first day or doesn't end on the last day, respectively. Clicking on the text indicator in a month. It is because the timeline views will open an event container listing. It will have all the hidden event and appointment details of the day. The Fast Navigation Bar of the KendoReact Calendar offers a shortcut. It helps to navigate through years and months quickly. It will do it without the context of the main calendar interface of selecting a particular day.
React Calendar uses modern web technologies. But this comes at the cost of supporting only modern browsers. Lastly, you can also customize the React Calendar using different props:
- defaultValue (Specify a default chosen value),
- defaultView (allows you to customize the Calendar's date view),
- maxDate & minDate (prevent the user from choosing a date after a specific day.
We have identified the best libraries based on popularity, flexibility, and coverage. Let's look at each library in detail.
- It is a datepicker library.
- It is a lightweight library with many features. We can import the custom component and set up two props.
- It is an easily internationalized, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web.
- It is an advanced daterangepicker component with highly customizable options.
react-datesby react-dates
An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web
react-datesby react-dates
JavaScript 12108 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a modern and responsive React timeline component.
- It displays the timeline scheduler views for many resources.
- Timeline views support an intuitive drag-and-drop feature and a resize action.
- Horizontally scrollable view with many resources. It supports day, week, and month with built-in templating.
react-calendar-timelineby namespace-ee
A modern and responsive react timeline component.
react-calendar-timelineby namespace-ee
JavaScript 1755 Version:0.28.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It allows us to load amounts of data without performance degradation.
- It can change almost everything from DOM tree to logic.
- Fast event with a large dataset.
- We can easily add third-party libraries.
react-gantt-schedule-timeline-calendarby neuronetio
React Gantt Schedule Timeline Calendar component wrapper for gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar [ react gantt, gantt, react gantt chart, react schedule, react timeline, react calendar, gantt, schedule, scheduler, timeline, calendar, react gantt chart ]
react-gantt-schedule-timeline-calendarby neuronetio
JavaScript 46 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- A reusable Datepicker component for React.
- It is a helpful and abundant component. It displays dates using the calendar dialog format.
- It will support virtually any language.
- Can pick days, months, years, or even decades.
react-date-pickerby swenyang
An iOS like, comprehensive date picker component for React
react-date-pickerby swenyang
JavaScript 17 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is flexible: minimum, maximum date, disabled dates, disabled days, etc.
- Easily customizable, and it will theme to our heart's content.
- Year selection for rapid jumping from year to year.
- Mobile-friendly, silky-smooth scrolling on mobile.
react-infinite-calendarby clauderic
✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, range selection, themes, keyboard support, and more.
react-infinite-calendarby clauderic
JavaScript 3902 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
- A modern and customizable date picker for React.
- Easily switch between dropdown and calendar view or single and range selection.
- It enhances the Calendar with marked days or labels.
- Capabilities like built-in validation, minimum and maximum values, and disabled dates. We can support it with the scroller and Calendar.
react-modern-calendar-datepickerby Kiarash-Z
A modern, beautiful, customizable date picker for React
react-modern-calendar-datepickerby Kiarash-Z
JavaScript 897 Version:3.1.6 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Light and fast - surely, we could use moment.js and call it a day, but the modern web allows us to do much more with much less.
- Customizable - there are tons of options to choose from to make React Calendar truly ours.
- Supports any language - their languages support us no matter where we are from.
- Open - the only way to make progress is to share. We have always relied on dozens of libraries created by other developers.
react-calendarby hanse
React.js Calendar Component (npm install react-calendar-component) 📅
react-calendarby hanse
JavaScript 139 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is the default React-Calendar styling?
The default React-calendar styling is by overriding Calendar.css. We can copy the default calendar CSS in a local file from node modules/react-calendar. Then we can import the same file into App.js, our React application, instead of the default calendar CSS.
2. How do I create a React Calendar component for my website?
- Create a simple calendar component.
- Create a table that uses a calendar.
- Change the month and year.
- Get the date value from React calendar onclick.
3. What are the advantages of React date picker library instead of coding it from scratch?
- Provides various options and features.
- It allows a smoother input experience.
- It allows us to set or select the date with only a mouse and dismisses the necessity of writing down the date.
4. Can I use Create React App to build a calendar implementation from scratch?
- Get the Google API key.
- Restrict the API key.
- Make our calendar public.
- Get the calendar ID, and open google calendar settings.
- Choose the Calendar we want to integrate and copy it from the integrate calendar section.
- Finally, set up the scheduler.
5. How can I allow users to select their default date range when they open the calendar page?
On the calendar page, the Date picker provides an option to choose a date value within a specified range. We can do it using the min and max properties, and always the min value has to be less than the max value.