Popular New Releases in JavaScript
18.0.0 (March 29, 2022)
Popular Libraries in JavaScript
by freeCodeCamp javascript
freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
by vuejs javascript
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
by facebook javascript
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
by twbs javascript
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
by trekhleb javascript
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
by airbnb javascript
JavaScript Style Guide
by facebook javascript
A framework for building native applications using React
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Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:
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Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Trending New libraries in JavaScript
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24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
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:zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
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A tool for writing better scripts
by Anduin2017 javascript
程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Chinese only).
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Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.
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A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
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A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
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高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:
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Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2021
Top Authors in JavaScript
9391 Libraries
6097 Libraries
4978 Libraries
3812 Libraries
2836 Libraries
2468 Libraries
2189 Libraries
1749 Libraries
1605 Libraries
1582 Libraries
9391 Libraries
6097 Libraries
4978 Libraries
3812 Libraries
2836 Libraries
2468 Libraries
2189 Libraries
1749 Libraries
1605 Libraries
1582 Libraries
Trending Kits in JavaScript
Projection Based AR is an Image/video projection technique that can be extended and reinforce visual data by throwing images on the surface of 3D objects. Graphical and Imaginary representation is straightforward to implement with Projection Based AR techniques that standard lighting techniques cannot express. This kit helps users to experience the shopping experience like wearing Glasses, cap, earring in AR mode. Aframe is a framework for building virtual reality websites. This project will show you how to build an e-commerce site using aframe, AR.js, mind-AR.js, and Sketch-three.js.
Aframe has many components that can be used together or separately in your project. You may already be familiar with React or Three.js - these are two of the most common technologies used in web development today. They're used here as well! Aframe brings together these technologies and provides a simple interface for building virtual reality experiences on the web while maintaining the power of React and Three.js behind the scenes.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy and simple to develop an interactive UI with Visual studio code.
AR Libraries
A-Frame is an open-source web framework used for building Augmented reality (AR) experiences. Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is the most advanced technology that allows users to access AR experiences directly from their smartphones. Three.js is the open-source web framework used to develop augmented reality (AR) projects.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
Location based AR Kit is a tool for creating augmented reality apps. It applies computer vision techniques to place digital objects in real-world scenes. AR Kit can locate horizontal planes like tables and floors, allowing you to place objects on a surface without additional calibration. It can also detect a user's position and direction as they walk around an area, which lets you anchor 3D content to specific locations in the physical world.
We have used many libraries like aframe, three.js, and location-based AR libraries to build this AR kit. An HTML5 web framework of aframe that provides you with all the tools needed to create experiences for desktop and mobile devices using WebGL, WebVR and Web Audio. Three.js is an open-source web framework used to develop augmented reality (AR) projects.
kandi kit provides you with a fully deployable Location Based AR app. Source code included so that you can customize it for your requirement.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy and simple to develop an interactive UI with Visual studio code.
Location Based AR Libraries
Geo AR is an advanced technology that allows developers to add digital content to geographical points of interest. This means that unlike the typical marker-based Augmented Reality features like Image Tracking & Object Tracking, Geo AR projects do not need a physical target to trigger the feeling of AR experience.
A-Frame is an open-source web framework used for building Augmented reality (AR) experiences.
Three.js is an open-source web framework used to develop augmented reality (AR) projects.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
Gulp-typescript is a plugin which allows you to convert your Typescript code into JavaScript. It can serve as an alternative to TypeScript compiler.
This kandi kit for Candy Crush (one of the most popular games), has been rewritten using the Phaser HTML5 game engine along with Typescript language. AngularJs is also used for creating game directives, so they can be easily included in the angular app.
Gulp is a streaming build system which can run tasks in sequence or parallel. Gulp-typescript is a plugin which allows you to convert your Typescript code into JavaScript. It can also serve as an alternative to TypeScript compiler if you don’t want all the features it provides (like support for external modules, rich IDE support). Gulp-concat is used to concatenate files together. Gulp-clean-css is used to remove comments from your CSS code.
The most important part of building a game like Candy Crush is to have a solid workflow. We have used TypeScript, Gulp and Webpack and built a fully-functional Candy Crush game. We'll be using TypeScript, Gulp and Webpack to build a fully-functional Candy Crush game. kandi kit provides you with a fully deployable Candy Crush app. Source code included so that you can customize it for your requirement.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter Windows security alert, click Allow
- While executing 'start http://localhost:3000 && gulp start' command, if you encounter browser-sync issue, go to default-config.js file, which will be under node_modules\browser-sync\dist directory and set property open to false without any quotes.
- While running batch file, if you encounter npm not recognized error, re-run the batch file.
- If you face any issues while running the candy crush app, reduce the node version to 10.24.1
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.
Runtime Environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
JavaScript Libraries
The following libraries provide flexibility to automate slow, and redundant workflows efficiently.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
AR Face Filter has been very popular recently, especially with the rise of social media apps. It can create an AR experience by overlaying virtual objects.
The technology is similar to the one used by Facebook camera effects OR Snapchat selfie lens to add filters to their photos and videos but has its own unique style and capabilities.
kandi kit provides you with a fully deployable Face Filter for Insta & Snapchat. The source code included so that you can customize it for your requirement.
- While running batch file, if you encounter a Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy and simple to develop an interactive UI with Visual studio code.
AR Libraries
Three.js is the open-source web framework used to develop augmented reality (AR) projects.
Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is the most advanced technology that allows users to access AR experiences directly from their smartphones.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
The AR learning app is an educational app that uses Augmented Reality technology. It provides an interactive learning experience for students.
The app allows users to learn about different animals or plants by placing them in a virtual world, where they can interact with them and learn more about their characteristics. The app uses augmented reality technology to overlay 3D virtual objects onto real-world images and videos. Students can use the app to learn about science topics through experiments, including chemical reactions and the effects of gravity on objects and similar many other concepts.
AR is a new technology that is being adopted by many developers and businesses. We have seen many examples of AR applications that have been developed. This AR learning application is built using the A-Frame framework. This app will help you learn how to create an augmented reality app using A-Frame and VSCODE, etc.
Please see below a sample solution kit to jumpstart your solution on the AR Learning Kit. To use this kit to build your own solution, scroll down to the Kit Deployment Instructions sections.
Instruction to run:
Follow below instructions to run the solution:
- Locate and open the respective extracted zip file.
- Open the command prompt and start your local HTTP server with Python by using the command "python -m http.server 8000," or you can deploy this in any other web server also.
- Use the "G" marker, i.e., available in the assets folder. Show the marker to the application, and then see the 3d image in the browser. (can use the print-out-based marker or marker can be downloaded in your mobile and can also show the same).
- The application currently has 15 models. Refer the same under < a-assets > in the "index.html" file. You can replace any of the 3d models with your own model.
- Use left arrow and right arrow available on the screen to experience the models. Zoom in option is also available in the application.
For changing the images for your topics,
Create your own 3d images related to the themes that you would like to explain with AR features.
1. To add your 3d models, follow below procedure:
- The 3d models should be in the format of ".gltf"
- If your 3d model contains a single file, then place the same directly in the assets folder i.e., available under the "AR-Alphabets-master" folder otherwise if your 3d model contains multiple files, then create a folder with the respective name inside assets and place the files in the folder.
- Then go to the "index.html" file and update the src attribute accordingly Example :- src="assets/3d-model-name.gltf" or src="assets/your-folder-name/3d-model-name.gltf"
- To place your 3d model, some more helpful comments are available under < a-assets > in "index.html" file. Note:- To experience your 3d models, you should run the application on your local web server mode only. For information about creating the 3d models, kindly refer to the Creation of 3d Model Repository section.
2. You can change the size of the 3d models by adjusting the scale values in "main.js" (eg:-scale: "0.2 0.2 0.2")
3. You can also change the voice assistant corresponding to the 3d image by changing the description name in "main.js" (eg:-description: "Earth")
4. Once changes are done, make sure to restart the application for the changes to be effective.
5. Now, you will experience your theme with AR in your Environment!
6. For more details or clarification please refer this Link
Creation of 3d Model Repository
1. You can create your own 3d models by using open source IDE like unity3d, Blender, AutoCAD or you can get 3d models from open source websites given below
Note:- Kindly check the license of the 3d models before using them.
2. Make sure that 3d models should be in the form of ".gltf" format, if not so kindly change them to the respective format. You can refer to the below links to convert your 3d models in the ".gltf" format.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert , click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy to modify the code and the configuration with Visual studio code.
AR Libraries
A-Frame is an open-source web framework used for building Augmented reality (AR) experiences. In the spirit of open-source software development, jQuery plays a vital role in community code contribution.
The below library could be used to create jQuery scripts and respective models.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
A simple mahjong game with HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript.
- While running batch file, if you encounter a Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During the kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.
Runtime Environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
Image Generator
React Canvas adds the ability for React components to render rather than DOM.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
The Build Marker Based AR Solution is an application that can detect a marker and create a semblance of an augmented reality experience.
The marker can be detected and identified using the phone's camera and OpenCV library. When the marker is detected, it is then analyzed for color, size, and orientation. This information is used to determine what kind of marker it is (3D or 2D) and whether it can be used to place 3D objects in the scene. If this check passes, the 3D object is drawn at the correct position and orientation in relation to the camera feed from the device.
We used MindAR for marker detection and VSCode for development. We also used aframe and three.js for our applications. Mind AR is a platform that allows developers to build Augmented Reality applications. It is written in Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Mind AR works with the marker-based AR system.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy and simple to develop an interactive UI with Visual studio code.
AR Libraries
A-Frame is an open-source web framework used for building Augmented reality (AR) experiences. Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is the most advanced technology that allows users to access AR experiences directly from their smartphones. Three.js is the open-source web framework used to develop augmented reality (AR) projects.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
Mini Militia is a popular shooter game which can be played online. It is an intensive battle of Mini-militia game developed in Javascript and CSS.
Click on the button below to download the solution and follow the deployment instructions to begin set-up. This 1-click kit has all the required dependencies and resources you may need to build your Mini Militia Game.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.
Runtime Environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
Image Generator
React Canvas adds the ability for React components to render rather than DOM.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
The use of photographic Memory Games is a great way to help the student to develop their memory skills. The game is designed to help students to learn how to remember more and faster. It does this by helping them to develop their short-term memory, as well as their long-term memory.
The main purpose of this game is to train your brain and improve your memory, so you can easily remember things in real life. This kit is suitable for people who want to improve their memory or just have fun with it.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
VSCode and Jupyter Notebook can be used for development and debugging. Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive environment often used for experiments, whereas VSCode is used to get a typical experience of IDE for developers.
Front-end technology
These libraries are used to build graphical user interface to play the game.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
This is a simple and easy-to-play Snakes and Ladders game that you can play alone or with other people. It is completely free to play and open-source.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter Windows security alert, click Allow
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.
Runtime Environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment.
Lodash is a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras. Sass-loader is a loader for Webpack for compiling SCSS/SASS files
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
Google maps is a powerful and complex application. To integrate it into the React app “google-map-react” package is used. Any React component on Google Maps can be rendered by this package, which is a component written atop a tiny portion of the Google Maps API. It is actively maintained and simple enough to use. It is entirely isomorphic. Even without the Google Maps API being loaded, it can render map components in the browser. Every item on the map may be hovered using an internal, adjustable hover algorithm.
Since google-map-react allows the user to render any React component on the map, a specific component can be designed that shows a pin icon and text. One can use Iconify library (a collection of free SVG icons) for the icons.
One should be aware of a few prerequisites for the purpose:
- JavaScript ES6
- Searching for Location in Google Map
- React.js library
To know more about the integration of Google Maps, refer to the code given below.
Fig 1: Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.
In this solution we're using React library.
Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.
- Install the Node.js and React on your IDE(preferable Visual Studio Code).
- Create React Application using npx create-react-app foldername.
- cd foldername.
- Open the folder in IDE.
- Copy the code using "copy" button above and paste it in app.js file(remove the earlier code from app.js).
- Open the terminal from IDE.
- npm start to run the file.
Note: Create your own API KEY and paste it in the place of 'YOUR_API_KEY' in the code snippet.
I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, version information in the following sections.
I found this code snippet by searching for "how to embed an exact place in google map in Reactjs" in kandi. You can try any such use case!
Environment Tested
I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.
- The solution is created in Visual Studio Code 1.73.1.
- The solution is tested on node v18.12.1 and npm v8.19.2.
- React version-18.2.0.
Using this solution, we are able to embed an place in google map with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to embed an exact place in google map in Reactjs.
Dependent Libraries
You can also search for any dependent library on kandi like 'react'.
- For any support on kandi solution kits, please use the chat
- For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page.
A color picker is another application of react that enables the users to pick colors from a palette or a color wheel. In online applications, color pickers are frequently used for tasks like choosing a text color, a background color, or a color for a graphical element. React color picker components are provided by several libraries, including react-color and react-color-picker.
- react-color-picker: This library provides components that enable the users to include a color- choosing interface in their application.
- react-color: A wide range of color picker components, including SketchPicker, ChromePicker, and HuePicker, are included in this library.
react-color is a more comprehensive library that includes a variety of color picker components with different styles unlike react-color-picker, which is a much simpler library, including a single-color picker component, and customization options are provided by props. There are several more props available for modifying the default color, the format of the selected color, and the layout of the color picker, among other aspects of the ColorPicker component's look and performance.
For more information about customizing color picker in React, refer to the code given below
Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.
In this solution we're using React and Styled-components library.
Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.
- Install the Node.js and React on your IDE(preferable Visual Studio Code).
- Create React Application using npx create-react-app foldername.
- cd foldername.
- Install npm i styled-components.
- Open the folder in IDE.
- Copy the code using "copy" button above and paste it in app.js file(remove the earlier code from app.js) and refer demo for styles.css file.
- Open the terminal from IDE.
- npm start to run the file.
You can also refer this url 'DEMO' for getting the above output.
I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, version information in the following sections.
I found this code snippet by searching for 'create color picker in react' in kandi. You can try any such use case!
Environment Tested
I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.
- The solution is created in Visual Studio Code 1.73.1.
- The solution is tested on node v18.12.1 and npm v8.19.2.
- React version-18.2.0.
- Styled-components version-6.0.0.
Using this solution, we are able to customize color picker in React with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to customize color picker in React.
Dependent Library
You can also search for any dependent libraries on kandi like 'react' and 'styled-components'.
- For any support on kandi solution kits, please use the chat
- For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page.
Use the react-player or video-react libraries to integrate a YouTube video into a React project. React Player allows you to embed audio and video players.
It supports various media kinds and sources, including YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and local files, and offers a straightforward, programmable interface for playing media files. Another library for playing audio and video in React applications is called Video-React. It offers comparable user experience for manipulating audio and video players in your React components and is built on top of the well-known video.js package. Like React Player, Video-react offers support for various media formats and sources. With a large user base and vibrant developer communities, React Player and Video-react are well-liked choices for integrating audio and video features into React apps. Consider each library's features and options, the level of customization and control you require, and the compatibility and integration with other tools and libraries you are using when choosing which library to employ in your project.
Here is an example of how you embed a YouTube video into a React project:
Fig 1: Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.
In this solution we're using React and ReactPlayer libraries.
Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.
- Install the Node.js and React on your IDE(preferable Visual Studio Code).
- Create React Application using npx create-react-app foldername.
- cd foldername.
- Install npm install react-player.
- Open the folder in IDE.
- Copy the code using "copy" button above and paste it in app.js file(remove the earlier code from app.js).
- Remove the first line(import statement).
- Import React library by using the command -> import React from 'react';
- Import ReactPlayer library by using the command -> import ReactPlayer from 'react-player';
- Replace ReactVideo as ReactPlayer which is present inside the div tag.
- Open the terminal from IDE.
- npm start to run the file.
I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, version information in the following sections.
I found this code snippet by searching for 'youtube video on react page' in kandi. You can try any such use case!
Environment Tested
I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.
- The solution is created in Visual Studio Code 1.73.1.
- The solution is tested on node v18.12.1 and npm v8.19.2.
- React version-18.2.0.
- ReactPlayer version: current.
Using this solution, we are able to create an youtube video on react page with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to create an youtube video on react page.
Dependent Libraries
You can also search for any dependent libraries on kandi like 'react' and 'react-player'.
- For any support on kandi solution kits, please use the chat
- For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page.
JavaScript libraries are collections of pre-written code that can be used to create web applications. They provide functions, features, and resources.
It makes the development process faster and easier They often create dynamic, interactive experiences on websites and applications. JavaScript libraries are used for various tasks, such as DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, data analysis and visualization, client-side storage, and more. It includes Creating Interactive Tours, Enhancing Customer Experience, Creating Interactive Tutorials, and Improving User Onboarding.
Let us look at some of these famous libraries.
- Offers advanced features such as code-splitting, hot module replacement (HMR), tree-shaking, and dynamic loading.
- Provides plugins and loaders that can be used to customize how code is transformed and bundled.
- Allows to combine multiple modules into a single bundle.
- Provides an asynchronous testing interface.
- Supports a wide variety of testing styles with its flexible syntax.
- Allows developers to create custom test interfaces and reporters.
- Supports auto-scroll and scroll-hijacking.
- Allows developers to create custom tours in any language.
- Provides a modern and lightweight interface, with a minimalistic design.
- Supports versioning and resolution of dependencies.
- Provides command line interface making it easy to instantly search, install, and manage packages in a project.
- Allows to manage both front-end and back-end packages.
- Provides wide range of plugins and third-party integrations.
- Provides built-in support for popular frameworks and libraries.
- Allows developers to easily configure and create tasks for automating common development workflows.
- Provides an easy-to-use two-way data-binding system.
- Provides a powerful templating system that makes it easy to display complex data structures.
- Provides a declarative binding syntax that simplifies linking the data to the HTML elements on the page.
- Allows developers to create step-by-step product tours and walkthroughs intuitively.
- Provides options for targeting specific users, including localization and different themes.
- Supports integration with other libraries and frameworks, such as React and Vue.
- Provides built-in support for powerful animation effects.
- Allows developers to create custom sorting and filtering rules.
- Supports integration with external API's, allowing pulling in data from other sources.
- Is highly accessible, i.e., it is easy for people with disabilities to use.
- Offers comprehensive documentation, making it easy for developers to get up and running quickly.
- Is device-agnostic, meaning it works across different devices and browsers.
- Provides a built-in feature called “Progress Indicator,” which allows the user to see their progress through the tour.
- A built-in analytics system provides valuable insights into how users interact with the tour.
- Allows developers to easily add triggers and custom CSS to enhance the user experience.
3D graphics are becoming increasingly important, enabling developers to build immersive and interactive user experiences.
JavaScript has evolved as a popular language for creating such events. These libraries enable a wide range of applications, including gaming, e-commerce, education, and more, and content from Three.js, widely regarded as the industry standard for browser-based 3D graphics, to Babylon.js, which provides a powerful game engine and physics system, to PlayCanvas, which enables collaborative, browser-based game development.
Here are 8 of the best JavaScript 3D libraries 2023 developers can use for an immersive 3D experience.
- Shows 3D-printed object previews.
- Helps create virtual concerts and events.
- Helpful in product animations for marketing.
- Helps in product design and prototyping.
- Helps do virtual makeup try-on.
- Allows 3D printing model creation and optimization.
- Helpful in real-time traffic monitoring and visualization.
- Helps in weather and environmental monitoring.
- Helps monitor geospatial data and provides its analysis and visualization.
- Helps create interactive virtual art galleries.
- Shows 3D product catalogs and configurators for fashion.
- Helps in virtual reality amusement park rides.
- Helps with physics-based interactive educational videos.
- Helps create interactive roller coaster and amusement park ride simulations.
- Allows collaborative remote prototyping for mechanical engineering.
- Creates interactive kinetic art installations.
- Helps create physics-based educational games for kids.
- Helps create interactive science museum exhibits.
- Helps in collaborative remote design and prototyping.
- Helps do 3D product customization and personalization.
- Has immersive language learning simulations.
- Helps in interactive educational simulations for mathematics and statistics.
- Creates virtual reality art galleries.
- Allows immersive virtual reality movie theaters.
Most JavaScript libraries support marker-based AR, where users scan a physical marker with their device’s camera to trigger an AR experience.
Some libraries support markerless AR, which uses object recognition to trigger AR experiences without requiring a physical marker. Here are the top JavaScript Augmented Reality libraries used to create web AR experiences. AR libraries support the display of 3D models in AR, which will allow developers to create immersive experiences which blend digital content with the real world. It supports the display of image and video overlays in AR which can be used for displaying information or creating interactive experiences.
It uses advanced tracking algorithms for tracking the orientation and position of the device in real-time, which will allow the AR content to be accurately placed and aligned with the real world. These libraries are optimized for best performance with the help of techniques like feature and image recognition for reducing the amount of processing required for tracking the device’s orientation and position.
Here is the list of top 19 JavaScript Augmented Reality libraries that are handpicked to help developers:
- Is a JavaScript library that makes creating and displaying 3D graphics in a web browser easier.
- Is one of the most popular 3D graphics libraries for the web and is widely used by web designers and developers for creating immersive and interactive experiences.
- Uses WebGL, a web standard to render 3D graphics, for creating high-performance graphics which can be displayed in a web browser.
- Is a JavaScript library to create AR experiences on the web which uses computer vision to enable marker-based AR experiences without additional plugins or software.
- Is a lightweight library for Augmented Reality on the web with features like Location-based AR, Marker Tracking, and Image Tracking.
- Supports marker-based AR that will allow users to scan physical markers with their device’s camera to trigger AR experiences.
- Is a JavaScript library that extends Three.js and AR.js to provide a framework for creating AR experiences in a web browser.
- Is designed to simplify the process of creating an AR experience by offering utilities and tools which integrate seamlessly with AR.js and Three.js.
- Is optimized for use on mobile devices and supports both Android and iOS.
- The WebXR device API to access VR and AR devices, like head-mounted displays and sensors on the Web.
- Is designed for creating immersive augmented reality and virtual experiences in web browsers.
- Is designed to be easy to set up and use with a simple API, allowing developers to get started quickly.
- Is lightweight and does not include a 3D engine or third-party library.
- Is a JavaScript library that detects and tracks the face in real time from the camera video feed captured with WebRTC.
- Offers various demonstrations using the main WebGL 3D engines, which can overlay 3D content for AR applications.
- Is a platform for developers to build Augmented and Virtual Reality experiences rapidly.
- Is a cross-platform AR/VR development platform that allows developers to create immersive experiences for web, virtual reality, and mobile device headsets.
- Provides a suite of features and tools for making creating high-quality AR and VR experiences easier.
- Is an open source JavaScript engine to create and run immersive experiences in virtual reality headsets, web browsers, and other platforms.
- Offers various features and tools, allowing developers to create and deploy immersive experiences and applications.
- Supports virtual experiences by allowing developers to create immersive experiences which can run on virtual reality headsets.
- Is a JavaScript library for marker-based augmented reality.
- Is an implementation of the ARToolKit library, allowing developers to create marker-based AR experiences in web browsers.
- Includes algorithms for detecting markers in real-time video streams, allowing developers to create experiences that respond to the physical world.
- Is based on the WebXR API and Three.js library, making creating high-quality AR experiences in the browser easier.
- Includes various components and tools for creating animations, 3D models, and other assets, making it easier to create high-quality AR content.
- Supports image tracking, allowing developers to create experiences triggered by specific patterns or images.
- Is a JavaScript library that can enable developers to create AR experiences that track and draw on the user’s face in real-time.
- Is based on the WebRTC and TensorFlow.js libraries, making it possible to create a high-quality AR experience in web browsers without additional software or plugins.
- Is easy to set up and use with a simple API, allowing developers to get started quickly.
- Is a JavaScript Object Detection lightweight library for AR that uses convolutional neural networks running on the GPU with WebGL.
- Is designed to work on various platforms, like mobile devices and desktops, and is compatible with various browsers.
- Includes algorithms to detect markers in real-time video streams, allowing developers to create experiences that respond to the physical world.
- Is a threex extension for three.js, which offers an easy-to-use extension for experimenting with augmented reality and three.js.
- Is built on top of the Three.js library, making it possible to create high-quality AR experiences with 3D graphics and animation.
- Has an active community of contributors and developers, making it easy to get support and help when required.
- Is a browser extension that helps your WebXR content creation and enables you to run WebXR applications on your browser without any XR devices.
- Includes multiple XR devices emulation, graphical device emulator control with Three.js, and cross browsers support with WebExtensions API.
- Allows developers to customize the environment they are testing their WebEX projects in, like adjusting the room lighting, scale, and other parameters.
- Is a JavaScript implementation of the WebXR Device API and the WebXR Gamepad Module.
- Allows developers to write against the latest specifications, offering support if run on browsers that implement the WebVR 1.1 spec or on mobile devices.
- Offers a fallback mechanism for legacy browsers and provides additional functionality unavailable in native WebXR API.
- Is a JavaScript library that enables developers to create interactive 3D audio experiences in web browsers.
- Is built on top of the Web Audio API and Three.js, making it easy to create high-quality audio experiences with 3D spatialization.
- Various customization options allow developers to adjust the audio spatialization, sound effects, and other parameters to suit their requirements.
- Is a JavaScript library that uses WebAssembly to offer an efficient Sudoku-solving algorithm in web browsers.
- Is designed for solving sudoku puzzles quickly and accurately, making it a valuable tool for developers creating Sudoku puzzle applications or games.
- Various customization options allow developers to adjust the solving algorithm and other parameters to suit their requirements.
- Is a JavaScript library that offers support for the WebXR API on browsers that do not natively support it.
- Is designed to enable responsive and immersive AR and VR experiences on the web, like support for hand tracking, head-mounted displays, and other features.
- Includes optimizations for performance, including asynchronous loading of resources, reducing latency, and minimizing the impact on CPU and memory usage.
- Is a JavaScript library that offers an effortless way to create AR experiences on the web.
- Includes a range of customization options, allowing developers to adjust the appearance and behavior of their AR experiences
- Offers an accessible and user-friendly way for developers to create compelling AR experiences on the web.
- Is a JavaScript library created by Google AR which offers a straightforward way to embed AR content into web pages.
- Includes various customization options, allowing developers to adjust the behavior and appearance of their AR experiences.
- Can be easily integrated with other JavaScript libraries, making it possible to create more complex AR experiences.
1. What advantages does the AR-Display AR library offer for making Augmented Reality?
Here are the advantages of using AR – Display AR library for developing AR experiences:
- Simplified Development: Developers can create AR experiences more easily without starting from scratch. It can significantly reduce development time and effort.
- Hardware Abstraction: It simplifies using various AR devices and sensors by removing complications. No matter what hardware they use, developers can always interact with it consistently.
- Optimized Performance: Optimized Performance helps improve how AR experiences work. It makes rendering more efficient, handles camera inputs, and manages 3D objects.
- Feature Set: It often comes with various built-in features and tools. It can be marker detection, gesture recognition, 3D rendering capabilities, and object tracking.
- Scalability: It helps your AR experiences work well in different situations and places.
- Rapid Prototyping: It helps with quick prototyping and testing of AR concepts. It is essential for iterating on ideas and refining the user experience.
2. How can webcam filters be used to build JavaScript Augmented Reality experiences?
Creating JavaScript-based Augmented Reality experiences using webcam filters involves using computer vision methods. It processes the live video feed from a user’s webcam and overlays virtual elements. We can achieve it by combining JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Here is a basic outline of how you can build such experiences:
- Access Webcam Feed: You can use the ‘getUserMedia’ API to access the user’s webcam feed in the browser. It allows you to request permission to access the webcam and receive a live video stream.
- Canvas Rendering: You can make a canvas on your webpage to show the webcam and AR elements. You can use JavaScript to capture frames from the webcam and render them onto the canvas.
- Computer Vision Libraries: It can help track objects, detect features, and process images. It assists in finding markers, applying filters to video frames, and tracking movements.
- Marker Detection: The camera can display virtual markers by recognizing patterns or images.
- Applying Filters: You can improve videos by adding CSS and HTML filters and effects. You can use this for image overlays, animations, and color adjustments.
- Interaction and Animation: JavaScript can make interactive elements respond to user actions. It can also respond to movements detected by the webcam. Implement animations and transformations based on user interactions.
- Testing and Debugging: To ensure your AR experience works on all devices, test and debug it. Debug any issues related to webcam access, rendering, or the application of filters.
- Deployment: To share your AR experience online, deploy it on a web server or hosting platform.
3. Can you create immersive and interactive experiences using a JavaScript AR library?
Creating immersive and interactive AR experiences using a JavaScript AR library. The difficulty of the task depends on the library you select. It can be easy or hard. Here is a breakdown of the factors to consider:
- Familiar technology
- Web-based
- Quick Prototyping
- Community Support
- Web Standards
- Complexity
- Performance
- Learning Curve
- Compatibility
- Hardware Limitations
- Advanced Interactions
4. What AR experiences can you have with a JavaScript AR library?
JavaScript AR libraries can make interactive and engaging experiences using marker-based AR. The camera finds special markers, like pictures or patterns, to trigger these experiences. Here are many types of marker-based AR experiences:
- Image Overlay
- 3D Model Augmentation
- Informational Displays
- Virtual Try-on
- Interactive Games
- Educational Tools
- Navigation and Wayfinding
- Art and Creativity
- Social Sharing
- Animation Stories
- Training and Simulations
- AR Marketing Campaigns
5. Are there any limitations with JavaScript augmented reality library?
Yes, JavaScript AR libraries come with limitations. The limitations can affect the complexity of experiences you can create. They can also impact how well your applications work and how users experience them. Here are some common limitations associated with JavaScript AR libraries:
- Performance
- Device Compatibility
- Tracking Accuracy
- Limited Features
- Latency
- Battery Drain
- Network Dependency
- Marker Design Constraints
- Web Browser Limitations
- Learning Curve
- Limited Offline Functionality
- Privacy Concerns
- Lack of Native Integration
6. Which libraries are popular for tracking AR types like markers, locations, and images?
Here are some popular libraries for various types of AR experiences:
- Marker-based AR
- AR.js
- Vuforia
- Wikitude
- Location-based AR
- GeoAR
- Google ARCore and Apple ARKit
- Image Recognition-Based AR
- EasyAR
- Vuforia
- Wikitude
7. How can an existing JavaScipt AR library be integrated into a project or website?
Follow these steps to add a JavaScript AR library to your project or website. Here is how you can integrate:
- Choose the library
- Include the library files
- Set Up HTML structure
- Access Camera Feed
- Initialize the Library
- Configure and Customize
- Implement AR interactions
- Style and UI
- Testing and Debugging
- Deployment
- Ongoing Maintenance
8. Can developers find tutorials or guides for creating augmented reality with these libraries?
You can use JavaScript AR libraries to create AR experiences. Find online tutorials and guides. Here are some places to find tutorials and guides:
- Official documentation
- YouTube
- Online Learning Platforms
- Blogs and Websites
- Forums and Communities
- GitHub Repositories
- AR library Websites
- Social Media
- Webinars and Conferences
- Community Workshops
Node.js is a flexible and lightweight platform that allows developers to build fast and scalable applications that work brilliantly in real-time. Its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model makes it highly efficient for data-intensive applications that need to run across multiple devices. Ecommerce applications often run on Node payment processing software components. These components work towards ensuring the integration of payment gateways, thereby enabling multiple payment options and risk-free authentication. Some of these payment processing platforms may include PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, UnionPay, and similar applications. JavaScript’s dynamic and flexible environment ensures that every payment system runs smoothly and efficiently in real-time. Here are our picks of the 15 best JavaScript Node.js payment processing libraries that are open source in 2022. expressCart - fully functioning Node.js shopping cart; stripe-node - Node.js library for the Stripe API; stripe-billing-typographic - Typographic is a complete, full-stack example of a Stripe Billing integration.
NFT's or Non Fungible Token's are a new technology phenomenon allowing clear ownership and easy transferability of digital art. This property means each token is unique and cannot be swapped identically for another token ever. NFT can be most anything digital, such as art, images, videos, music, memes, and tweets. The process of creating NFTs is “minting”, similar in concept to metal coins that are minted (stamped) to confirm their legitimacy. Minting an NFT produces a one-of-a-kind token on the blockchain and an electronic certificate of authenticity. NFT Marketplace for Images is used to generate the cryptoboy using the NFT, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency. The generated cryptoboy can be sold and they can see who is the token owner and also token metadata.
Training and Certification - NFT Marketplace for Images
Watch this self-guided tutorial on NFT Marketplace for Images. This includes an understanding of Metamask; a chrome extension used as a crypto wallet, Ganache-Truffle Suite a personal Ethereum Blockchain for distributed application development to build your own NFT Marketplace for CryptoBoy Images Completed the training? Apply for your Participation Certificate and Achievement Certificate now! Tag us on social media with a screenshot or video of your working application for a chance to be featured as an Open Source Champion and get a verified badge.
Installation Guide
⬇️Download, extract and double-click kit installer file to install the kit. Note: Do ensure to extract the zip file before running it.
Development Environment
VSCode is used for development and debugging. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser, whereas VSCode is used to get a typical experience of IDE for developers.
To make a Crypto boy you need to install truffle, Ganache CLI, npm, Metamask. Truffle framework is used as a testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Ganache-CLI is the latest version of TestRPC and a fast and customizable blockchain emulator. npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
If you need help to use this kit, you can email us at kandi.support@openweaver.com or direct message us on Twitter Message Message @OpenWeaverInc.
Blockchain games are using various levels of decentralization as part of their mechanics. Blockchain technology also enables cross-game interoperability, player-driven economy, and play-to-earn gaming models. Through the tokenization of gameplay and smart contracts, memory puzzle will increase the number of tokens for each matches.
Metamask Extension
- After adding Metamask extension to your browser, click get started there you will see 'IMPORT WALLET' and ' CREATE WALLET' there click the create wallet.
- There you select I agree and it asks you to create the password. After creating the password it shows you the recovery phrase.
- If you forget the password you can use the recovery phrase.
- Then one Account will be created, and the default network will be there 'ETHEREUM MAINNET'.
- At the top there is a Network tab there click show/hide network there find and select the "show test networks".
- Then delete 'Localhost:8545'.
- lick 'Add Network' and fill the Network name : 'Ganache' ,RPC URL: 'HTTP://', Chain Id :'1337' then save. Now you can see 'Ganache Network' in metamask.
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway.
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert, click Allow.
- Ensure Ganache is open before running the 1-Click Installer.
- Make sure you have chosen the Ganache Network in the Metamask Extension.
- Sometimes you may face the "out of gas error" to resolve this error, edit the "Gas Limit".
- Sometimes after npm start it throw's an error as create the .env file. For that create the .env file inside the project SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true.
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
VSCode is used for development and debugging. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser, whereas VSCode is used to get a typical experience of IDE for developers. npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js.
Ethereum Development Tools
Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum. Web3.js is the Ethereum JavaScript API which connects to the Generic JSON-RPC spec. Solidity is a component to build custom contracts and more complex decentralized systems.Ganache-CLI is the latest version of TestRPC and a fast and customizable blockchain emulator.
Crypto Wallet
MetaMask-extension library is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community
The RPG dungeon game is NFT based game wherein the player has to encounter and fight monsters who are guarding chests. And also gain loot in ERC-20 DGN (in-game) token (Dungeon Token). The player has to finally unlock the locked gates by seeking the keys to the token gate that is locked inside a wall in the dungeon.
Following are the steps to be followed for building The StoryMode Rollathon Game:
- Development Environment
- Runtime Environment
- Support Extension
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Development Environment
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.
Runtime Environment
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
Ethereum Wallet
Metamask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to access their Ethereum wallet through a browser extension or mobile app, which can then be used to interact with decentralized applications.
If you need help using this kit, you may reach us at the OpenWeaver Community.
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Instead change the require of index.js, to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules
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Javascript dynamically inserted later on: how to make it run?
Asked 2022-Apr-17 at 14:12I have scripts In my React app that are inserted dynamically later on. The scripts don't load.
In my database there is a field called content
, which contains data that includes html and javascript. There are many records and each record can include multiple scripts in the content
field. So it's not really an option to statically specify each of the script-urls in my React app. The field for a record could for example look like:
1<p>Some text and html</p>
2<div id="xxx_hype_container">
3 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="https://example.com/uploads/hype_generated_script.js?499892"></script>
5<div style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">
6<div>Some text.</div>
I call on this field in my React app using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
1<p>Some text and html</p>
2<div id="xxx_hype_container">
3 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="https://example.com/uploads/hype_generated_script.js?499892"></script>
5<div style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">
6<div>Some text.</div>
8render() {
9 return (
10 <div data-page="clarifies">
11 <div className="container">
12 <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content }} />
13 ... some other data
14 </div>
15 </div>
16 );
It correctly loads the data from the database and displays the html from that data. However, the Javascript does not get executed. I think the script doesn't work because it is dynamically inserted later on. How can I make these scripts work/run?
This post suggest a solution for dynamically inserted scripts, but I don't think I can apply this solution because in my case the script/code is inserted from a database (so how to then use nodeScriptReplace
on the code...?). Any suggestions how I might make my scripts work?
Update in response to @lissettdm their answer:
1<p>Some text and html</p>
2<div id="xxx_hype_container">
3 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="https://example.com/uploads/hype_generated_script.js?499892"></script>
5<div style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">
6<div>Some text.</div>
8render() {
9 return (
10 <div data-page="clarifies">
11 <div className="container">
12 <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content }} />
13 ... some other data
14 </div>
15 </div>
16 );
18constructor(props) {
19 this.ref = React.createRef();
22componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
23 if (prevProps.postData !== this.props.postData) {
24 this.setState({
25 loading: false,
26 post: this.props.postData.data,
27 //etc
28 });
29 setTimeout(() => parseElements());
31 console.log(this.props.postData.data.content);
32 // returns html string like: `<div id="hype_container" style="margin: auto; etc.`
33 const node = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(this.props.postData.data.content);
34 console.log(JSON.stringify(this.ref));
35 // returns {"current":null}
36 console.log(node);
37 // returns [object DocumentFragment]
38 this.ref.current.appendChild(node);
39 // produces error "Cannot read properties of null"
40 }
43render() {
44 const { history } = this.props;
45 /etc.
46 return (
47 {loading ? (
48 some code
49 ) : (
50 <div data-page="clarifies">
51 <div className="container">
52 <div ref={this.ref}></div>
53 ... some other data
54 </div>
55 </div>
56 );
57 );
The this.ref.current.appendChild(node);
line produces the error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'appendChild')
Answered 2022-Apr-14 at 19:05Rendering raw HTML without React recommended method is not a good practice. React recommends method dangerouslySetInnerHTML to render raw HTML.
Instead change the require of index.js, to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules
Asked 2022-Apr-05 at 06:25Trying to work with node/javascript/nfts, I am a noob and followed along a tutorial, but I get this error:
1error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module [...] is not supported. Instead change the require of index.js [ in my file...] to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules
My understanding is that they've updated the node file, so i need a different code than that in the tutorial, but i don't know which one I'm supposed to change, where and to what. Please be as specific as you can
1error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module [...] is not supported. Instead change the require of index.js [ in my file...] to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules
2const FormData = require('form-data');
3const fetch = require('node-fetch');
4const path = require("path")
5const basePath = process.cwd();
6const fs = require("fs");
8fs.readdirSync(`${basePath}/build/images`).foreach(file).forEach(file => {
9 const formData = new FormData();
10 const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(`${basePath}/build/images/${file}`);
11 formData.append('file',fileStream);
13 let url = 'https://api.nftport.xyz/v0/files';
15 let options = {
16 method: 'POST',
17 headers: {
18 Authorization: '[...]',
19 },
20 body: formData
21 };
23 fetch(url, options)
24 .then(res => res.json())
25 .then(json => {
26 const fileName = path.parse(json.file_name).name;
27 let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(`${basePath}/build/json/${fileName}.json`);
28 let metaData = JSON.parse(rawdata);
30 metaData.file_url = json.ipfs_url;
32 fs.writeFileSync(`${basePath}/build/json${fileName}.json`, JSON.stringify(metaData, null, 2));
34 console.log(`${json.file_name} uploaded & ${fileName}.json updated!`);
35 })
36 .catch(err => console.error('error:' + err));
Answered 2021-Dec-31 at 10:07It is because of the node-fetch
package. As recent versions of this package only support ESM, you have to downgrade it to an older version node-fetch@2.6.1
or lower.
npm i node-fetch@2.6.1
This should solve the issue.
What is jsconfig.json
Asked 2022-Mar-29 at 17:49If i search the same question on the internet, then i'll get only links to vscode website ans some blogs which implements it.
I want to know that is jsconfig.json
is specific to vscode
or javascript/webpack
What will happen if we deploy the application on AWS / Heroku, etc. Do we have to make change?
Answered 2021-Aug-06 at 04:10This is definitely specific to VSCode.
The presence of jsconfig.json file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a JavaScript Project. The jsconfig.json file specifies the root files and the options for the features provided by the JavaScript language service.
Check more details here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/jsconfig
You don't need this file when deploy it on AWS/Heroku, basically, you can exclude this from your commit if you are using git repo, i.e., add jsconfig.json
in your .gitignore
, this will make your project IDE independent.
Selenium-chromedriver: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key
Asked 2022-Mar-25 at 12:17I updated my Chrome and Chromedriver to the latest version yesterday, and since then I get the following error messages when running my Cucumber features:
2unknown error: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key
3 (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.80) (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
4 #0 0x55e9ce6a4093 <unknown>
5 #1 0x55e9ce16a648 <unknown>
6 #2 0x55e9ce1a9866 <unknown>
7 #3 0x55e9ce1cbd29 <unknown>
8 .....
I try to fill a text field with Capybara's fill_in
method. While debugging I noticed that Capybara has problems especially with the symbols @
and \
. Every other character can be written into the text field without any problems.
The code that triggers the error looks like this
2unknown error: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key
3 (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.80) (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
4 #0 0x55e9ce6a4093 <unknown>
5 #1 0x55e9ce16a648 <unknown>
6 #2 0x55e9ce1a9866 <unknown>
7 #3 0x55e9ce1cbd29 <unknown>
8 .....
9def sign_in(user)
10 visit new_sign_in_path
11 fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
12 fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
13 click_button 'Sign in'
contains a string like "example1@mail.com"
I work with Rails, Cucumber 5.3.0, Chromedriver 98.0.4758.48, capybara 3.35.3
The error only occurs on features that are tagged with @javascript
Do you have any ideas what causes this error or how to fix it?
Answered 2022-Feb-03 at 08:25It seems something has changed in the new version of ChromeDriver and it is no longer possible to send some special chars directly using send_keys method.
In this link you will see how it is solved (in C#) --> Selenium - SendKeys("@") write an "à"
And regarding python implementation, check this out --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/special-keys-in-selenium-python/
Specifically, my implementation was (using MAC):
2unknown error: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key
3 (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.80) (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
4 #0 0x55e9ce6a4093 <unknown>
5 #1 0x55e9ce16a648 <unknown>
6 #2 0x55e9ce1a9866 <unknown>
7 #3 0x55e9ce1cbd29 <unknown>
8 .....
9def sign_in(user)
10 visit new_sign_in_path
11 fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
12 fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
13 click_button 'Sign in'
15driver.find_element('.email-input', 'user@mail.com')
Now I had to change it by:
2unknown error: Cannot construct KeyEvent from non-typeable key
3 (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.80) (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
4 #0 0x55e9ce6a4093 <unknown>
5 #1 0x55e9ce16a648 <unknown>
6 #2 0x55e9ce1a9866 <unknown>
7 #3 0x55e9ce1cbd29 <unknown>
8 .....
9def sign_in(user)
10 visit new_sign_in_path
11 fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
12 fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
13 click_button 'Sign in'
15driver.find_element('.email-input', 'user@mail.com')
16from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
17from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
19emailParts = 'user@mail.com'.split('@')
20emailElement = driver.find_element('.email-input')
23action = ActionChains(driver)
Flutter iOS Error Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x203913130)
Asked 2022-Mar-01 at 05:29Hi am facing an issue while running flutter project in MacBook Air M1 chip Lap. Tried all possibilities couldn't find where is the exact problem.
All basic solutions like flutter clean, flutter pub get, pod deintegrate & install, flutter build ios, flutter run
but still same issue. only on iOS simulator not deploying.
Any solution for this. Thanks in advance.
1Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 13 in debug mode...
2Running pod install... 5.3s
3Running Xcode build...
4Xcode build done. 104.1s
5Failed to build iOS app
6Error output from Xcode build:
8 objc[25282]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x203913130) and
9 /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x103bc02c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
10 objc[25282]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x203913180) and
11 /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x103bc0318). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
flutter doctor -v
1Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 13 in debug mode...
2Running pod install... 5.3s
3Running Xcode build...
4Xcode build done. 104.1s
5Failed to build iOS app
6Error output from Xcode build:
8 objc[25282]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x203913130) and
9 /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x103bc02c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
10 objc[25282]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x203913180) and
11 /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x103bc0318). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
13[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.8.1, on macOS 12.0.1 21A559 darwin-arm, locale
14 en-IN)
15 • Flutter version 2.8.1 at
16 /Users/macsystem/Documents/developer/flutter
17 • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
18 • Framework revision 77d935af4d (7 weeks ago), 2021-12-16 08:37:33 -0800
19 • Engine revision 890a5fca2e
20 • Dart version 2.15.1
22[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0)
23 • Android SDK at /Users/macsystem/Library/Android/sdk
24 • Platform android-32, build-tools 32.0.0
25 • Java binary at: /Applications/Android
26 Studio.app/Contents/jre/Contents/Home/bin/java
27 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
28 • All Android licenses accepted.
30[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.2.1)
31 • Xcode at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
32 • CocoaPods version 1.11.2
34[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
35 • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome
37[✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
38 • Android Studio at /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents
39 • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
40 🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9212-flutter
41 • Dart plugin can be installed from:
42 🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6351-dart
43 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
45[✓] Connected device (2 available)
46 • iPhone 13 (mobile) • 05EC9698-3C26-44B9-8DB0-B53C7B6576F3 • ios
47 • com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-15-2 (simulator)
48 • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript
49 • Google Chrome 97.0.4692.99
Answered 2022-Feb-02 at 04:43I have been facing this same issue for some time now. the same setup is working nicely in a mac with intel chip. But i have even done a resetup of my system, m1 mac still throws the same error.
Why does JavaScript's parseInt(0.0000005) print "5"?
Asked 2022-Feb-21 at 15:36I've read an article about JavaScript parseInt
, which had this question:
1parseInt(0.5); // => 0
2parseInt(0.05); // => 0
3parseInt(0.005); // => 0
4parseInt(0.0005); // => 0
5parseInt(0.00005); // => 0
6parseInt(0.000005); // => 0
8parseInt(0.0000005); // => 5
Why is this happening?
Answered 2022-Feb-21 at 15:36I've searched about it on ecmascript standard, and saw this:
The first step is converting the input to `string` if it is not
19.2.5 parseInt ( string, radix )
The parseInt function is the %parseInt% intrinsic object. When the parseInt function is called, the following steps are taken:
Let inputString be ? ToString(string).
- Let S be ! TrimString(inputString, start).
So, I've checked the values on string-based using String
function to see what is the output for each of them:
1parseInt(0.5); // => 0
2parseInt(0.05); // => 0
3parseInt(0.005); // => 0
4parseInt(0.0005); // => 0
5parseInt(0.00005); // => 0
6parseInt(0.000005); // => 0
8parseInt(0.0000005); // => 5
9String(0.5); // => '0.5'
10String(0.05); // => '0.05'
11String(0.005); // => '0.005'
12String(0.0005); // => '0.0005'
13String(0.00005); // => '0.00005'
14String(0.000005); // => '0.000005'
16String(0.0000005); // => '5e-7'
So, it means when we use parseInt(0.0000005)
, it is equal to parseInt('5e-7')
and based on the definition:
may interpretonly a leading portion of string as an integer value
; it ignores any code units that cannot be interpreted as part of the notation of an integer, and no indication is given that any such code units were ignored.
So the answer will return 5
only because it is the only character which is a number till a noncharacter e
, so the rest of it e-7
will be discarded.
Is there an identity index value in JavaScript?
Asked 2022-Feb-13 at 18:48In JavaScript, values of objects and arrays can be indexed like the following: objOrArray[index]
. Is there an identity "index" value?
In other words:
Is there a value of x
that makes the following always true?
1let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
2/* Is this true? */ a[x] == a
4let b = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
5/* Is this true? */ b[x] == b
Definition of an identity in this context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_function
Answered 2021-Oct-05 at 01:31The indexing operation doesn't have an identity element. The domain and range of indexing is not necessarily the same -- the domain is arrays and objects, but the range is any type of object, since array elements and object properties can hold any type. If you have an array of integers, the domain is Array
, while the range is Integer
, so it's not possible for there to be an identity. a[x]
will always be an integer, which can never be equal to the array itself.
And even if you have an array of arrays, there's no reason to expect any of the elements to be a reference to the array itself. It's possible to create self-referential arrays like this, but most are not. And even if it is, the self-reference could be in any index, so there's no unique identity value.
Rails 7 - link_to with method :delete still performs GET request
Asked 2022-Feb-10 at 18:02I am trying to get this link to work, performing a DELETE
1<%= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete %>
However when I click on it, my browser still performs a GET
request (which fails for obvious reasons):
I have read on multiple other forum posts, that this might have something to do with jquery not being included. They mentioned you would need to un-comment a line in app/javascript/application.js
, however mine is pretty empty:
1<%= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete %>
2// Configure your import map in config/importmap.rb. Read more: https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails
3import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
4import "controllers"
These forum posts were also quite old, so I suspect something has changed in the meantime.
Answered 2021-Dec-25 at 22:28As suggested here, the following will suffice:
1<%= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete %>
2// Configure your import map in config/importmap.rb. Read more: https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails
3import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
4import "controllers"
5<%= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, data: { "turbo-method": :delete } %>
I have tested this in my project and it seems to work fine. Thanks also to @alexts, you basically figured this out too, however the comment on GitHub even eliminated the double-request.
C# WASM without Blazor
Asked 2022-Jan-30 at 14:27I want to be able to call C# code from JavaScript. The mono project used to have a WASM SDK that you could download from their old Jenkins server, but that is no longer public. Existing docs tend to point toward those builds. The Azure Devops builds do not include this SDK. A few messages I've seen on their Github account indicate that they are now focusing on the .NET 6 for WASM. I do not wish to use the Blazor components. Is there a way in .NET 6 to build a minimally sized WASM binary without the Blazor UI?
Answered 2021-Aug-26 at 01:25Yes it's absolutely possible. Blazor does not have a monopoly on C#/WASM and it's far from clear that it's going to wind up being the best long term option (and a lot of evidence it's not).
I recommend starting with the Uno WASM Bootstrap. https://github.com/unoplatform/Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap
Flutter Web: Cannot scroll with mouse down (drag) (Flutter 2.5+)
Asked 2022-Jan-19 at 09:57I can confirm this issue happened in flutter above 2.5. Using 2.2.3 is fine. The question becomes why this feature been removed in 2.5 ? And how to enable it in flutter 2.5?
[Origin Question]I'm using SingleChildScrollView on flutter web with desktop browser. Scrolling only works on mouse wheel but not on mouse click (drag). How can I map mouse click to touch and scroll like mobile?
1import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
3void main() {
4 runApp(const MyApp());
7class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
8 const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
9 @override
10 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
11 return MaterialApp(
12 title: 'Flutter Demo',
13 theme: ThemeData(
14 primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
15 ),
16 home: SingleChildScrollView(
17 child: Column(
18 children: List<Widget>.generate(50, (i) => Text(i.toString())).toList(),
19 ),
20 ),
21 );
22 }
1import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
3void main() {
4 runApp(const MyApp());
7class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
8 const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
9 @override
10 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
11 return MaterialApp(
12 title: 'Flutter Demo',
13 theme: ThemeData(
14 primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
15 ),
16 home: SingleChildScrollView(
17 child: Column(
18 children: List<Widget>.generate(50, (i) => Text(i.toString())).toList(),
19 ),
20 ),
21 );
22 }
24flutter doctor -v
25[✓] Flutter (Channel master, 2.6.0-6.0.pre.6, on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 5.11.0-34-generic, locale en_US.UTF-8)
26 • Flutter version 2.6.0-6.0.pre.6 at /home/XXX
27 • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
28 • Framework revision 0c5431d99c (12 days ago), 2021-09-05 22:31:02 -0400
29 • Engine revision b9c633900e
30 • Dart version 2.15.0 (build 2.15.0-82.0.dev)
32[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
33 • Chrome at google-chrome
35[✓] Connected device (2 available)
36 • Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 5.11.0-34-generic
37 • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 93.0.4577.82
Answered 2021-Sep-18 at 12:19Flutter change mouse scroll behavior after 2.5. See this for detail.
1import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
3void main() {
4 runApp(const MyApp());
7class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
8 const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
9 @override
10 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
11 return MaterialApp(
12 title: 'Flutter Demo',
13 theme: ThemeData(
14 primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
15 ),
16 home: SingleChildScrollView(
17 child: Column(
18 children: List<Widget>.generate(50, (i) => Text(i.toString())).toList(),
19 ),
20 ),
21 );
22 }
24flutter doctor -v
25[✓] Flutter (Channel master, 2.6.0-6.0.pre.6, on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 5.11.0-34-generic, locale en_US.UTF-8)
26 • Flutter version 2.6.0-6.0.pre.6 at /home/XXX
27 • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
28 • Framework revision 0c5431d99c (12 days ago), 2021-09-05 22:31:02 -0400
29 • Engine revision b9c633900e
30 • Dart version 2.15.0 (build 2.15.0-82.0.dev)
32[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
33 • Chrome at google-chrome
35[✓] Connected device (2 available)
36 • Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 5.11.0-34-generic
37 • Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 93.0.4577.82
38class MyCustomScrollBehavior extends MaterialScrollBehavior {
39 // Override behavior methods and getters like dragDevices
40 @override
41 Set<PointerDeviceKind> get dragDevices => {
42 PointerDeviceKind.touch,
43 PointerDeviceKind.mouse,
44 // etc.
45 };
48// ScrollBehavior can be set for a specific widget.
49final ScrollController controller = ScrollController();
51 behavior: MyCustomScrollBehavior(),
52 child: ListView.builder(
53 controller: controller,
54 itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
55 return Text('Item $index');
56 }
57 ),
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