6 best C# Document Database libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Feb 12, 2023
Guide Kit
C# Document Database libraries are a great way to add data storage to your application. They make it easy to store information in a document-oriented format that can be easily queried, and they come with an ORM layer that lets you interact with the database using familiar LINQ syntax. Document databases are a popular choice for storing semi-structured data like JSON documents, XML files and key/value pairs. Because they lack the rigid structure of relational databases, document databases are often easier to scale and manage than their relational counterparts. Ravendb is an excellent choice for developers who want to try out document databases without having to worry about licensing issues or paying for expensive commercial software. Marten is a fast, lightweight NoSQL document database built on top of LevelDB. Marten is written in Scala and runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It supports both client-side querying using JavaScript and server-side querying using Scala code or the REST API provided by Marten itself. Yessql is another fast, lightweight NoSQL document database built on top of LevelDB. Popular open source C# Document Database libraries include
martenby JasperFx
.NET Transactional Document DB and Event Store on PostgreSQL
martenby JasperFx
License: Permissive (MIT)
Verifyby VerifyTests
Verify is a snapshot tool that simplifies the assertion of complex data models and documents.
Verifyby VerifyTests
License: Permissive (MIT)
MasterMemoryby Cysharp
Embedded Typed Readonly In-Memory Document Database for .NET and Unity.
MasterMemoryby Cysharp
License: Permissive (MIT)
CosmicCloneby microsoft
Cosmic Clone is a utility that can backup\clone\restore a azure Cosmos database Collection. It can also anonymize cosmos documents and helps hide personally identifiable data.
CosmicCloneby microsoft
License: Permissive (MIT)