Here are the best open-source jQuery toast notification libraries for your applications. You can use these libraries to enable Toast notifications, which are small, discreet messages that appear on the screen to provide user feedback and alerts.
Using a jQuery toast notification library, developers can quickly provide feedback and alerts to users without disrupting their workflow. These notifications are handy for real-time updates and feedback, such as form validation or the completion of background tasks. These jQuery toast notification libraries provide diverse functionality to enable different types of notifications, such as alerts, confirmations, and input prompts, and can be easily customized to fit into any web application. They also provide options to customize the position, duration, and animation of the notification, making it easy to tailor them to the application's specific needs.
Each library offers unique features and advantages, such as lightweight and customizable options, support for various notifications, and elegant designs. We have handpicked top and trending open-source jQuery toast notification libraries for your next project.
- Used in Messaging, Notification applications, etc.
- It’s a lightweight and customizable jQuery notification library.
- Provides different notifications like success, warning, and error messages.
- Also supports custom animations and styling.
toastify-jsby apvarun
Pure JavaScript library for better notification messages
toastify-jsby apvarun
JavaScript 1400 Version:1.12.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Used to enable non-blocking notifications.
- You can customize the notification's position, animation, and duration.
- The library can be customized and extended.
- Used in Messaging, Notification, Angular applications, etc.
- It’s a powerful and flexible jQuery notification library.
- Provides various notifications such as alerts, confirmations, and progress bars.
pnotifyby sciactive
Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.
pnotifyby sciactive
HTML 3635 Version:5.2.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Used in Messaging, Notification, jQuery applications, etc., to enable unobtrusive notifications.
- It’s a simple and lightweight jQuery notification library.
- Supports different types of notifications.
- Provides options to customize the notification's position, duration, and animation.
notifyjsby jpillora
Notify.js - A simple, versatile notification library
notifyjsby jpillora
JavaScript 1809 Version:Current License: No License
- Used to enable notifications like alert, success, warning, and error messages.
- Supports custom animations.
- Can be easily customized to fit into any web application.
notyby needim
⛔️ DEPRECATED - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
notyby needim
JavaScript 6753 Version:v3.2.0-beta License: Permissive (MIT)
- Used to enable notifications such as alerts, confirmations, and input prompts.
- It’s a beautiful and customizable jQuery notification library.
- Supports different themes and animations.
sweetalertby t4t5
A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
sweetalertby t4t5
TypeScript 22259 Version:v2.1.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Used to enable notifications such as alerts, confirmations, and prompts.
- Supports custom animations and action buttons.
- Provides custom content window with ajax support.
- Offers messages boxes in different colors and icons.
- Used as an elegant, responsive, flexible, and lightweight notification plugin.
- Supports different types of customizable notifications.
- Provides options to customize the notification's position, animation, and duration.
iziToastby marcelodolza
Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies.
iziToastby marcelodolza
CSS 2481 Version:v1.4.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Used in Plugin, jQuery applications, etc., to enable modal plugins.
- It’s a lightweight and customizable jQuery notification library.
- Supports different types of notifications.
- You can customize the notification's position, animation, and duration.
tingleby robinparisi
⚡ 2kB vanilla modal plugin, no dependencies and easy-to-use
tingleby robinparisi
JavaScript 1493 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Used in User Interface, Style Language applications, etc.
It’s a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite.
Offers easily customizable options like color change, etc.
Features include font size auto-adjusts based on screen size.
notieby jaredreich
🔔 a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies
notieby jaredreich
JavaScript 6286 Version:v4.3.0 License: Permissive (MIT)