Top 12 Mongoose ORM and MongoDB Utilities Libraries
by Updated: Feb 18, 2024
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Mongoose is an object modeling tool for MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It is designed to work in an asynchronous environment. It provides a straightforward schema-based solution to model your application data.
Key features of Mongoose include:
- Schema Definition: Mongoose allows you to define schemas for your data models. Schemas define the structure of documents within a collection. It enforces data types, validations, and default values.
- Modeling: It defines a schema Mongoose provides a straightforward way to create models. Models allow you to interact with MongoDB collections, providing methods for querying.
- Validation: Mongoose supports data validation, allowing you to define validation rules for a schema. This helps ensure that data entering the database meets the specified criteria.
- Middleware: Mongoose allows you to define middleware functions that execute before or after. It is such as saving or removing documents. Middleware can be used to perform more tasks such as data transformation or logging.
- Query Building: Mongoose provides a fluent API for building MongoDB queries. You can use methods like find, findOne, update, and delete to interact with your database.
- Population: Mongoose supports population, it allows you to reference documents in other collections. This is particularly useful for handling relationships between documents.
Mongoose is a powerful JavaScript library for MongoDB object modeling in Node.js. It provides a schema-based solution for defining data models. It can confirm data and interact with MongoDB databases. Mongoose is the core library for working with MongoDB in Node.js. There are several JavaScript libraries and tools that complement its functionality and enhance it.
- Mongoose allows you to define schemas for your data models.
- Mongoose is a JavaScript library for MongoDB designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
- Mongoose enables you to define validation rules for your schema fields.
mongooseby Automattic
MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
mongooseby Automattic
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Mongoose-Delete is a plugin for Mongoose.
- The plugin provides a convenient way to install soft deletion functionality in MongoDB.
- Mongoose-Delete simplifies the implementation of soft deletion functionality in MongoDB databases.
mongoose-deleteby dsanel
Mongoose Soft Delete Plugin
mongoose-deleteby dsanel
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Mongoose-Timestamp is a plugin for Mongoose, the MongoDB modeling tool for Node.js.
- Mongoose-Timestamp simplifies the process of managing timestamp fields in your Mongoose schemas.
- It can be installed using 'npm i mongoose-timestamp-thrst' or downloaded from GitHub, npm.
mongoose-timestampby drudge
Adds createdAt and updatedAt date attributes that get auto-assigned to the most recent create/update timestamp
mongoose-timestampby drudge
License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- Mongoose Validator is a library that provides validation for Mongoose in Node.js.
- It enables you to define validation rules for your Mongoose schema fields.
- Mongoose Validator is a useful library for adding validation to Mongoose schemas.
mongoose-validatorby leepowelldev
Validators for mongoose models utilising validator.js
mongoose-validatorby leepowelldev
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It generates auto-incrementing fields for MongoDB documents.
- It ensures unique incrementing values for each document.
- This simplifies the implementation of sequential identifiers.
mongoose-sequenceby ramiel
Sequence and autoincrement handling for mongoose
mongoose-sequenceby ramiel
License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-2.0)
- It is a plugin for Mongoose, which is a popular MongoDB library for Node.js.
- It simplifies the integration of authentication features into MongoDB.
- It provides functionalities for user registration, login, and management within MongoDB.
mongoose-authby bnoguchi
User authentication plugin for mongoose nodejs orm
mongoose-authby bnoguchi
License: No License
- By marking fields as unique, it helps maintain data integrity.
- It provides built-in validation for unique fields.
- Designers of mongoose schemas ensure compatibility with existing codebases, making them work.
mongoose-unique-validatorby mongoose-unique-validator
mongoose-unique-validator is a plugin which adds pre-save validation for unique fields within a Mongoose schema.
mongoose-unique-validatorby mongoose-unique-validator
License: No License
- It allows you to populate nested documents and arrays of documents within a Mongoose.
- It makes your code greater readable and maintainable.
- It enables you to model complex data relationships within Mongoose.
mongoose-deep-populateby buunguyen
Mongoose plugin to enable deep population of nested models ⛺
mongoose-deep-populateby buunguyen
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It allows you to generate and increment unique identifiers for your MongoDB documents.
- It simplifies the process of generating sequential IDs in Mongoose schemas.
- It is compatible with various versions of Mongoose and MongoDB.
mongoose-auto-incrementby chevtek
mongoose-auto-incrementby chevtek
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It enables pagination for Mongoose queries.
- It simplifies the handling of large datasets by splitting results into pages.
- The plugin also supports customizable pagination options such as page size and sorting.
mongoose-paginate-v2by aravindnc
A custom pagination library for Mongoose with customizable labels.
mongoose-paginate-v2by aravindnc
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It integrates Mongoose into Egg.js applications.
- It provides convenient methods for interacting with MongoDB.
- With egg-mongoose, you can develop Egg.js applications with MongoDB integration.
egg-mongooseby eggjs
egg-mongooseby eggjs
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It populates referenced documents in Mongoose queries.
- It reduces the need for a manual population of referenced fields.
- This helps to avoid callback hell by streamlining data fetching.
mongoose-autopopulateby mongodb-js
Always populate() certain fields in your mongoose schemas
mongoose-autopopulateby mongodb-js
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
1. What is Mongoose?
Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js. It provides a schema-based solution for modeling application data and interacting with MongoDB.
2. What is Mongoose used for?
Mongoose is used to define schemas, models, and middleware for MongoDB documents. It simplifies data validation, querying, and manipulation tasks. This makes it easier to work with MongoDB databases.
3. How is Mongoose used with Express.js?
Mongoose is often used alongside Express.js to create web applications. The RESTful APIs that interact with MongoDB databases. Express.js handles HTTP requests and routes. Mongoose handles data modeling, validation, and database operations.
4. How is Mongoose used with Joi?
Mongoose can be used with Joi to define and confirm the structure of data before saving it to MongoDB. Joi schemas can be defined to specify validation rules for Mongoose schema fields.
5. How is Mongoose used with Passport.js?
Mongoose can be integrated with Passport.js to handle user authentication and authorization. Mongoose models are used to store user data in MongoDB. Passport.js provides middleware for authenticating users using different strategies.