How to access the headers of a response using Requests

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by gayathrimohan dot icon Updated: Aug 2, 2023

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Response headers are an essential component of the HTTP communication protocol. It helps in transmitting data over the internet. The server responds with an HTTP response if a client requests a server for a specific resource. This process includes both the requested data and response headers. Response headers are key-value pairs. Those pairs are included in the header section of the server's response. They provide more information about the response and how the client should handle it. These headers convey various instructions and metadata related to the response. It will allow the client and server to communicate. It allows them to exchange necessary information.  


Some common use cases for response headers:  

  • Content-Type: This header indicates the media type of the response body. It helps the client understand how to interpret and process the received data.  
  • Content-Length: It specifies the size of the response body in bytes. The client can use this information to ensure complete response retrieval.  
  • Location: A redirection in the header specifies the new URL.  
  • Set-Cookie: It sets a cookie on the client's side. This allows the server to maintain stateful sessions and store user-specific information.  
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: This header is relevant for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). It indicates whether the client can access the requested resource.  
  • Server: This identifies the software used by the server to handle the request. It provides information about the server implementation.  

Response headers play a role in ensuring proper communication between clients and servers. This is done by enabling the transmission of relevant information. It controls various aspects of the response-handling process. They enhance the functionality, security, and performance of web applications. It provides instructions, metadata, and enabling features. Those features are caching content negotiation and session management. Response headers are an essential part of HTTP to verify more information. That information is about the server's response to a client's request. The server sends them along with the response body. It also contains metadata or instructions for the client.  


We can classify the response headers into two main categories:  

Standard Headers:  

The HTTP/1.1 specification defines standard headers. All compliant web servers and clients recognize them.  


Some used standard response headers include:  

  • Content-Type: It indicates the media type of the response body. Such as "text/html" for HTML content or "application/json" for JSON content.  
  • Content-Length: It specifies the size of the response body in bytes.  
  • Cache-Control: Instructs the client and intermediaries on how to cache the response.  
  • Location: Used for redirection, specifying the URL to which the client should redirect.  
  • ETag: Provides an identifier for a specific version of a resource.  
  • Last-Modified: Indicates the date and time when we last modified the requested resource.  
  • Server: Specifies the name or version of the server software.  
  • Date: Represents the date and time when we generated the response.  

Custom Headers:  

The HTTP specification does not define custom headers. They are specific to an application or organization. This provides flexibility for developers to extend the HTTP protocol. This is done with application-specific functionalities and information sharing.  


Examples of custom headers include:  

  • X-Request-ID: A unique identifier generated by the server. It tracks and correlates requests and responses.  
  • X-Custom-Header: An application-specific header used to convey more information.  
  • X-RateLimit-Limit: Specifies the greatest number of requests. It is allowed within a certain time frame for rate-limiting purposes.  
  • X-Powered-By: Indicates the technology used by the server to process the request.  

Response Headers: 

Response headers play a role in web communication. They provide more information and instructions to the client browser. The server sends them along with the response to a client's request.  


Here are some common use cases:  

  • Content-Type: This specifies the type of content being sent in the response. It enables the client browser to interpret and render the content.  
  • Content-Disposition: It can prompt the user to save or display a file in the browser.  
  • Cache-Control: The Cache-Control header controls the caching behavior of the client browser. It specifies directives like max-age, no-cache, or no-store. It determines whether the browser should cache the response, revalidate it, or not cache it at all.  
  • Set-Cookie: The header allows the server to send cookies to the client browser. Cookies stores user-specific information and maintain state across many requests.  
  • X-Frame-Options: This header protects against clickjacking attacks. It specifies whether we can display a web page within an iframe on another site.  


Here are some tips to help you create custom response headers:  

  • Identify the information: This could include information. It includes the content type, caching directives, authentication status, and API version.  
  • Choose the appropriate header field: Use headers for custom response headers. This includes Content-Type, Cache-Control, Authorization, X-API-Version, and X-Custom-Header.  
  • Specify the content type: This helps to understand how to interpret the content.  
  • Use the correct syntax: Headers follow a specific syntax. Each header consists of a field name followed by a colon, a space, and the field value. Ensure you use the correct syntax to avoid any parsing or interpretation issues.  


In conclusion, response headers play a role in web development. This can contribute to improving the user experience. By leveraging the power of response headers, web developers can optimize performance. It enhances security, ensures compatibility, and streamlines communication. It leads to improved user experiences with faster loading times. It reduces data consumption. It enhances security measures and seamless interactions with web applications. Developers need to understand and use response headers. It creates robust web experiences.  

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.


In this solution we are using requests library of Python.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
  2. Open the terminal and install the required libraries with the following commands.
  3. Install requests - pip install requests.
  4. Create a new Python file on your IDE.
  5. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your Python file.
  6. Run the current file to generate the output.

I hope you found this useful.

I found this code snippet by searching for 'Accessing Response Header Location in Through Python' in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. PyCharm Community Edition 2022.3.1
  2. The solution is created in Python 3.11.1 Version
  3. requests v2.31.0 Version

Using this solution, we can able to access the headers of a response using Requests in Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to access the headers of a response using Requests in Python.

Dependent Library

requestsby psf

Python doticonstar image 49787 doticonVersion:v2.31.0doticon
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)

A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library.


            requestsby psf

            Python doticon star image 49787 doticonVersion:v2.31.0doticon License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)

            A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library.

                      You can search for any dependent library on 'requests'.


                      1. For any support on kandi solution kits, please use the chat
                      2. For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page


                      1. What is the Python Requests library, and how does it work?  

                      The Python Requests library is a popular HTTP library. That simplifies sending HTTP requests and handling responses in Python. It provides a high-level interface for making HTTP requests. It abstracts the complexities of working with the underlying libraries.  


                      Here's a brief overview of how the Requests' library works:  

                      • Installation  
                      • Importing the library  
                      • Making GET requests  
                      • Handling the response  
                      • Sending parameters  
                      • Making other types of requests  
                      • Handling headers and cookies  
                      • Handling errors  


                      2. How do response headers interact with a Python POST request?  

                      In a Python POST request, response headers provide important information. That information is about the response received from the server. These headers contain metadata about the response. It includes content type, length, caching directives, server information, and more. The library provides an API to send a POST request and access the response headers. Here's an example:  


                      Response headers can interact with POST requests using the requests library:  


                      import requests  

                      # URL endpoint to send the POST request  

                      url = ' 

                      # Payload to include in the POST request  

                      payload = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}  

                      # Send the POST request  

                      response =, data=payload)  

                      # Access the response headers  

                      headers = response.headers  

                      # Get a specific header value  

                      content_type = headers.get('content-type)  

                      # Print the content-type header  

                      print (f"Content-Type: {content_type}")  

                      # Print all the headers  

                      print ("Response Headers:")  

                      for key, value in headers.items():  

                      print(f"{key}: {value}")  


                      In this example, we import the requests library. Then specify the URL endpoint to which we want to send the POST request. Finally, define the payload to include in the request (payload).  


                      3. What makes the Requests' simple API an elegant and simple HTTP library?  

                      We praise this library for its elegant and simple API. This makes it a popular choice for performing HTTP requests in Python. Here are some key factors that contribute to the simplicity and elegance of Requests' API:  

                      • Intuitive and Pythonic Design  
                      • Simplified HTTP Methods  
                      • Clear Request and Response Objects  
                      • Concise Parameter Handling  
                      • Flexible and Extensible  


                      4. What common HTTP status codes might one encounter when using a Python POST Request?  

                      You might encounter several HTTP status codes as part of the response while making a request. Here are some common status codes and their meanings:  

                      • 200 OK: The request will be successful, and the server has returned the requested data.  
                      • 201 Created: The request was successful, and we have created a new resource due to the request.  
                      • 204 No Content: The request will be successful, but we will not return any data to the response.  
                      • 400 Bad Request: The server will not understand the request. This is due to invalid syntax or other client-side errors.  
                      • 401 Unauthorized: The request requires user authentication.  
                      • 403 Forbidden: The server will understand the request but refuses to allow it.  
                      • 404 Not Found: The requested resource was unavailable on the server.  
                      • 405 Method Not Allowed: This method is unsupported for the requested resource.  
                      • 500 Internal Server Error: A generic server error occurred. This indicates that something went wrong on the server side.  
                      • 502 Bad Gateway: The server will act as a gateway or proxy that receives an invalid response.  
                      • 503 Service Unavailable: It is currently unavailable due to overload or maintenance.  

                      5. Can you explain the various request types available through the Requests Module?  

                      The Requests module is a powerful library. This library simplifies the process of making HTTP requests. It provides various request types to interact with web servers and retrieve data.  


                      Here are the main request types available in the Requests module:  

                      • GET: This is the most used request type. It retrieves data from a specified resource.  
                      • POST: This request type submits the processed data to a specified resource.  
                      • PUT: The PUT request type updates or replace a resource on the server.  
                      • DELETE: The DELETE request type deletes a specified server resource.  
                      • PATCH: The PATCH request type is like the PUT request, but we use it for partial updates to a resource.  
                      • HEAD: A HEAD is like a GET request but only retrieves the response's headers, not the actual content.  
                      • OPTIONS: This type retrieves the communication options. That is available for a given resource.  

                      See similar Kits and Libraries