How to do string formatting in Python

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by vsasikalabe dot icon Updated: Aug 10, 2023

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We are adding a prefix to the string with the letter "f" to create an f-string in Python. You can format the string using str.format(). F-strings provide a flexible way to link Python expressions inside string literals. We can also insert arbitrary Python expressions. We can even perform arithmetic operations in it. We embed Python expressions inside string constants. By default, the new-style simple formatter calls an object's format() method. The Modulo or Interpolation Operator is the name of this % Operator. It helps to do simple positional formatting in strings.    


People use this simple way to perform string substitutions without using string concatenation. We can put a number before the decimal point in the format code. Users use it to specify the width of a certain number of characters. Template strings are not allowing the format specifiers; instead, the placeholder. $ forms the names as valid Python identifiers. It has a different syntax that makes any Python string has a potential template. This new formatting syntax is very powerful and simple.    


If the input string is too long, they don't shorten it but return it unchanged. This will mess up your column layout. The string value of the corresponding argument replaces each replacement field. It returns a copy of the string. Users use the Template class to create a template string with placeholders. You can substitute it with actual values. Instead of combining many words, string formatting lets you put variable values in a word. Alignment is a peculiar type of padding character.   


The easiest way to use the format() function is to insert empty placeholders in the string. Next, pass the needed variables as arguments. It calls the str. format. Numbers are taking more effort since the method only returns strings. We pass a function that takes a string and returns its numeric value, 123. Here, the smallest number of digits is present in the string. If the number is too short, add spaces to make it the right length. It's possible to convert numbers to hexadecimal notation. You can add extra spaces to make tables and reports look neat. You use the format specifier to convert a value to a string and get it as a hexadecimal number.   


The center() method is a built-in method. The function centers a new string within a string with a specified width. We can use a space character to denote negative numbers. Positive ones use a prefixed minus symbol and a leading space. We can import and use the special characters inside our f-string. This is for getting proper date formatting. The string type methods perform useful operations for padding strings. The runtime evaluates the expressions in the braces. Then you combine the string part and return the final string. We divide type modifiers into integer types and decimal types.    


The Conversion field converts the object by a specific converter. An exclamation mark precedes it. The use of new style formatting controls the position of the sign symbol relative to the padding. We could link the thousands of separators with the binary format. At runtime, the Python interpreter executes f-string expressions. We can embed expressions inside f-string using a very simple and easy syntax. String formatting is the process of including a custom string in the predefined text.    

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
  2. Create a new Python file on your IDE.
  3. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your Python file.
  4. Run the current file to generate the output.

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I found this code snippet by searching for ' How to format strings using Python'in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in PyCharm 2021.3.
  2. The solution is tested on Python 3.9.7.

Using this solution, we are able to do string formatting in Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to do string formatting in Python.


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1. What are arbitrary Python expressions, and how do they relate to string formatting?   

Python String format() helps replace the string with placeholders. This is using valid values in the last string. It is a built-in function of the string class. It returns the formatted string as an output. Curly brackets describe the placeholders inside the string.    


2. How can I use formatter calls in Python for simple string formatting operations?   

You can call the format() method on a String object to achieve this "new style" string formatting. We can put one or more replacement fields and placeholders. A pair of curly braces { } declares it into a string and calls it the str.format() method.    


3. What is the difference between string literals and format strings in Python?   

String Literals:   

String Literal is a String denoted using double quotes. String Object is a String created by the new() operator. The string is a set of characters.    

Format Strings:    

Formatted string literals are also called f-strings short. To include Python expressions in a string, use the f or F prefix and write {expression} inside the string.    


4. How can we use Python Sets to create powerful custom formats using format strings in our code?   

Formatters are putting in one or more replacement fields and placeholders. To declare a string and fill in placeholders, use curly braces {} and the str.format() method. These values concatenate with the string passed as parameters into the format function.    


5. Are there any keyword arguments related to string formatting with Python?   

Syntax : {0} {1}.format(positional_argument, keyword_argument)   

Parameters : (positional_argument, keyword_argument)   

Positional_argument can be integers, floating point numeric, strings, and even variables.

The function takes the parameter and saves it in the keyword_argument variable.