JavaScript Dictionary API Libraries

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by dot icon Updated: Jun 20, 2023

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JavaScript dictionary API libraries provide developers with the tools and resources. It integrates dictionary functionality into their applications. These libraries offer access to a wide range of language-related data. It includes definitions, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences, pronunciations, and translations. The libraries provide abstractions and utility methods. It helps simplify making API calls, handling responses, and formatting the data.  


Many dictionary API libraries offer multilingual support. It allows developers to access word data in many languages. Some libraries provide extra features like spell-checking, related word suggestions, and language-specific information. To use this library, developers must get an API key from the dictionary service provider. This key is used to authenticate API requests and track usage. These libraries document how to authenticate, make requests, and handle responses.  


These integrations enhance the application's functionality and user experience that need dictionary features. Developers can leverage the extensive word data provided by the APIs. It helps build applications like language-learning tools, writing assistants, and search engines. When selecting a JavaScript dictionary API library, it's important to consider factors. The factors include quality, accuracy, integration, pricing structure, support, and documentation.  


We have identified the libraries based on popularity, quality, support, and reuse factor. Let's look at each library in detail. The links below allow you to access package commands, installation notes, and code snippets.  


  • It allows developers to integrate Urban Dictionary's crowdsourced definitions into their applications.  
  • This API library can make HTTP requests to the Urban Dictionary API endpoints. It helps retrieve definition data and incorporate it into their applications.  
  • It helps fetch definitions for specific words from the Urban Dictionary API.  
  • It provides options to filter the retrieved definitions on popularity or user ratings.  

urbanby mvrilo

JavaScript doticonstar image 129 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
License: Permissive (MIT)

Command line tool and API for the Urban Dictionary


            urbanby mvrilo

            JavaScript doticon star image 129 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

            Command line tool and API for the Urban Dictionary


                      • It is a search engine. It provides instant answers to queries. It offers concise and relevant information in search results.  
                      • It enables developers to make HTTP requests to the Instant Answer API endpoints. It helps retrieve relevant instant answers for specific queries.  
                      • This API supports various instant answer types. It includes general information, conversions, calculations, dates, and more.  
                      • The library abstracts away the authentication process. It helps include the necessary authentication headers or parameters in API requests.  

                      ddg-apiby lukewendling

                      JavaScript doticonstar image 28 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                      no licences License: No License (null)

                      DuckDuckGo instant answer API node module


                                ddg-apiby lukewendling

                                JavaScript doticon star image 28 doticonVersion:Currentdoticonno licences License: No License

                                DuckDuckGo instant answer API node module


                                          • It provides developers with a JavaScript interface. It helps access the WordsAPI, a RESTful dictionary API service.  
                                          • The library simplifies integrating and interacting with the WordsAPI service within JavaScript applications.  
                                          • The API documentation assists developers in understanding available methods. It helps request parameters, response structures, and any extra features provided.  
                                          • It abstracts away the authentication process. It helps include the necessary authentication headers or parameters in API requests. 
                                          JavaScript doticonstar image 20 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                          License: Permissive (MIT)

                                          An api to use the information


                                                    wordreference-apiby fega

                                                    JavaScript doticon star image 20 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                    An api to use the information


                                                              • It provides developers with a JavaScript object interface. It helps access the Wordnik API, a comprehensive dictionary and language resource service.  
                                                              • It is accompanied by comprehensive API documentation and examples. It explains its usage and provides guidance on integrating and interacting with the Wordnik API.  
                                                              • The library abstracts away the authentication process. It includes the necessary authentication headers or parameters in API requests.  
                                                              • It may include caching mechanisms to store retrieved word data. It helps reduce the number of API requests and improve performance.  

                                                              wordnik-bbby dariusk

                                                              JavaScript doticonstar image 17 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                              License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                              A node.js interface to the Wordnik API, which lets you get dictionary definitions, random words, pronunciation, and more!


                                                                        wordnik-bbby dariusk

                                                                        JavaScript doticon star image 17 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                        A node.js interface to the Wordnik API, which lets you get dictionary definitions, random words, pronunciation, and more!


                                                                                  • It provides developers with a JavaScript interface to access the Merriam-Webster Dictionary API.  
                                                                                  • This library includes caching mechanisms to store retrieved word data. It helps reduce the number of Application Programming Interface requests and improves performance.  
                                                                                  • This API documentation assists developers in understanding available methods. It helps reduce request parameters, response structures, and any extra features provided.  
                                                                                  • It helps manage the rate by handling and retrying requests when we reach rate limits.  

                                                                                  mw-dictionaryby charltoons

                                                                                  JavaScript doticonstar image 9 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                  no licences License: No License (null)

                                                                                  Node.js wrapper for the Merriam-Webster Dictionary API


                                                                                            mw-dictionaryby charltoons

                                                                                            JavaScript doticon star image 9 doticonVersion:Currentdoticonno licences License: No License

                                                                                            Node.js wrapper for the Merriam-Webster Dictionary API


                                                                                                      • It provides developers with an object interface to access the Oxford Dictionaries API. It offers comprehensive language resources and dictionary data.  
                                                                                                      • The library abstracts away the authentication process. It includes the necessary authentication headers or parameters in Application Programming Interface requests.  
                                                                                                      • This API documentation assists developers in understanding available methods. It helps request parameters, response structures, and any extra features provided.  
                                                                                                      • To use this library, developers should get an API key from Oxford Dictionaries. It helps authenticate their requests using this key.  

                                                                                                      oxford-dictionary-apiby Harish120896

                                                                                                      JavaScript doticonstar image 6 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                                      no licences License: No License (null)

                                                                                                      A node module for easy access of oxford-dictionary api


                                                                                                                oxford-dictionary-apiby Harish120896

                                                                                                                JavaScript doticon star image 6 doticonVersion:Currentdoticonno licences License: No License

                                                                                                                A node module for easy access of oxford-dictionary api


                                                                                                                          • It has detailed information on available endpoints, request parameters, and response formats. 
                                                                                                                          • The responses are in JSON format. You can extract data from the response body to display or use it within your application.  
                                                                                                                          • The API key is necessary to authenticate your requests and access the API.  
                                                                                                                          • Use this library to send HTTP requests to the Collins Dictionary API endpoints. 

                                                                                                                          collinsby ivitivan

                                                                                                                          JavaScript doticonstar image 5 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                                                          License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                                          Collins English Dictionary asynchronous API for iojs


                                                                                                                                    collinsby ivitivan

                                                                                                                                    JavaScript doticon star image 5 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                                                    Collins English Dictionary asynchronous API for iojs


                                                                                                                                              1. How can I access the API documentation for a JavaScript dictionary library?  

                                                                                                                                              To access the API documentation for a dictionary library, you follow these steps:  

                                                                                                                                              • Visit the library's official website.  
                                                                                                                                              • Explore the documentation section.  
                                                                                                                                              • Read the documentation (Introduction, Getting Started guide, API reference, Examples, FAQs).  
                                                                                                                                              • Refer to extra resources.  

                                                                                                                                              If you need clarification on the location, search for the library's name using keywords. This should help you find the library's relevant documentation page or website.  


                                                                                                                                              2. What is the JSON format, and how does it work with the JavaScript Object Notation?   

                                                                                                                                              JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy to read and write, and machines to parse and generate. It is used for transferring data between a server and a web application. It helps store and exchange data within JavaScript programs.  


                                                                                                                                              The compatibility is because JSON is a subset of JavaScript object literal notation. JavaScript objects and JSON objects have a similar structure. It helps with seamless conversion between the two formats.  


                                                                                                                                              JSON has become an adopted format for data exchange due to its simplicity, readability, and ease of use. It provides a standardized way to represent and transmit data. It makes it an integral part of web development and data-driven applications.  


                                                                                                                                              3. What are some common features of an API that uses a JavaScript dictionary library?   

                                                                                                                                              When using a JavaScript dictionary library, an API provides several common features. It helps developers leverage. Here are some of the common features you find in an API. It utilizes a JavaScript dictionary library:  

                                                                                                                                              • Word Lookup  
                                                                                                                                              • Many Dictionaries  
                                                                                                                                              • Dictionary Search  
                                                                                                                                              • Synonyms and Antonyms  
                                                                                                                                              • Translations  

                                                                                                                                              4. How can DOM elements manipulate data in a JavaScript dictionary library?   

                                                                                                                                              DOM elements can manipulate data in a JavaScript dictionary library. It allows interaction with the user interface, captures input, and updates the displayed data. Here are some ways you can use DOM elements to manipulate data in a dictionary library:  

                                                                                                                                              • Displaying Data  
                                                                                                                                              • User Input  
                                                                                                                                              • Form Submission  
                                                                                                                                              • Event Handling  
                                                                                                                                              • Updating Data Dynamically  

                                                                                                                                              You can create interactive and dynamic user interfaces for your JavaScript dictionary library. DOM elements are a bridge between the user interface and the underlying functionality. It enables you to manipulate and update data in response to user interactions.  


                                                                                                                                              5. Using a JavaScript dictionary library, determine how code points work within characters? 

                                                                                                                                              Code points represent characters within a set when working with a dictionary library. Code points are numerical representations of characters in the Unicode standard. It is a universal character encoding standard. It assigns a unique number to every character from various writing systems. Here's how to code points work within a specific character when using a library:  

                                                                                                                                              • Unicode is a character encoding standard. It aims to represent every character from all writing systems in a consistent manner.  
                                                                                                                                              • In JavaScript, strings are sequences of Unicode characters. Each character within a string corresponds to one or more Unicode code points.  
                                                                                                                                              • When working with this library, you should manipulate strings. It contains words, phrases, or sentences.  
                                                                                                                                              • When comparing characters within a dictionary library, code points help determine their equality.  
                                                                                                                                              • JavaScript has strong support for Unicode, and you can use Unicode characters. It includes characters from different scripts or special symbols in your dictionary library. 

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