7 best C++ Testing Generic libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 13, 2023
Guide Kit
C++ is a major programming language that has been around for decades. It is one of the languages you see in many software development tasks and across a variety of platforms. One big problem with C++ is the lack of testing tools. This is why developers often rely on open-source testing libraries to get the job done. As a C++ developer, you probably know how important quality assurance is. Fortunately, there are many C++ unit testing frameworks that can help you deliver better software. In this kit, we will present you the best C++ testing tools and frameworks in 2022. CMock - Mock/stub generator for C; libawful - A collection of awful archetypes to ease the testing of generic C libraries; UTBotCpp - Tool that generates unit test by C/C++ source code, trying to reach all branches and maximize code c.
modmby modm-io
modm: a C++23 library generator for AVR and ARM Cortex-M devices
modmby modm-io
C++ 611 Version:2023q1 License: Weak Copyleft (MPL-2.0)
SysmonSimulatorby ScarredMonk
Sysmon event simulation utility which can be used to simulate the attacks to generate the Sysmon Event logs for testing the EDR detections and correlation rules by Blue teams.
SysmonSimulatorby ScarredMonk
C 764 Version:0.2 License: Weak Copyleft (LGPL-2.1)
histogramby boostorg
Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
histogramby boostorg
C++ 282 Version:boost-review License: Permissive (BSL-1.0)
libawfulby ldionne
A collection of awful archetypes to ease the testing of generic C++ libraries
libawfulby ldionne
C++ 99 Version:Current License: Permissive (BSL-1.0)
UTBotCppby UnitTestBot
Tool that generates unit test by C/C++ source code, trying to reach all branches and maximize code coverage
UTBotCppby UnitTestBot
C++ 73 Version:2022.12.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)