9 Popper.js Libraries for Creating Interactive Popovers
by gayathrimohan Updated: Feb 22, 2024
Guide Kit
Popper.js is a JavaScript library. It is used for creating interactive popovers, tooltips, and dropdown menus. It offers precise positioning of these elements relative to their trigger elements.
It ensures that they appear exactly where desired on the screen. Popper.js provides flexibility in customization. It allows developers to control various aspects. Those aspects are placement, boundaries, offsets, and modifiers.
It provides a flexible positioning engine. It is used to ensure that your popovers are always aligned with their target elements. With Popper.js, you can customize the appearance and behavior of your popovers. It makes them an essential tool for enhancing user experience and usability on web apps.
- Tippy.js is a lightweight, customizable tooltip and popover library.
- It offers a wide range of configuration options, including animations and themes.
- Tippy.js simplifies the process of creating and managing popovers.
tippyjsby atomiks
Tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu library
tippyjsby atomiks
JavaScript 10990 Version:v6.3.7 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Reactstrap provides a Popover component built on top of Popper.js for React apps.
- Reactstrap provides pre-built React components that are designed to work with Bootstrap.
- It allows Popper.js-based popovers to adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
reactstrapby reactstrap
Simple React Bootstrap 5 components
reactstrapby reactstrap
JavaScript 10504 Version:v9.1.10 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Balloon.css is a CSS library for creating tooltips and popovers.
- It focuses on simplicity and minimalism.
- It uses Popper.js for positioning.
balloon.cssby kazzkiq
Simple tooltips made of pure CSS
balloon.cssby kazzkiq
CSS 4985 Version:v1.0.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a lightweight tooltip library for React applications that relies on Popper.js.
- It provides customizable styles and supports various trigger events for interactivity.
- React-tooltip ensures accessibility standards are met, making interactive elements usable for all users.
react-tooltipby ReactTooltip
React Tooltip Component
react-tooltipby ReactTooltip
JavaScript 3180 Version:v5.14.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a Vue.js implementation of Popper.js.
- It allows for precise positioning of popovers relative to their target elements.
- Floating-vue benefits from a vibrant and supportive community of developers.
floating-vueby Akryum
💬 Easy tooltips, popovers, dropdown, menus... for Vue
floating-vueby Akryum
TypeScript 2920 Version:v2.0.0-beta.2 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a jQuery plugin for creating tooltips that use Popper.js for positioning.
- It offers extensive customization options including animations, themes, and interactive features.
- It guides users through various elements on a webpage, improving usability.
tooltipsterby calebjacob
A jQuery tooltip plugin
tooltipsterby calebjacob
JavaScript 2751 Version:4.2.8 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is an Angular component that leverages Popper.js for tooltip positioning.
- It offers full customization capabilities and supports dynamic content rendering.
- Angular tooltips in Popper.js libraries are often built with responsiveness in mind.
angular-tooltipsby 720kb
Angularjs tooltips module, add tooltips to your elements - https://720kb.github.io/angular-tooltips
angular-tooltipsby 720kb
HTML 358 Version:1.2.2 License: No License
- It is a React component that uses Popper.js for positioning tooltips.
- It provides customizable styles and supports various features like animations and arrow placement.
- It ensures that the popovers are usable and navigable for all users.
react-popper-tooltipby mohsinulhaq
A React hook to effortlessly build smart tooltips.
react-popper-tooltipby mohsinulhaq
TypeScript 216 Version:v4.3.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- ngx-popper leverages Popper.js to create interactive popovers, tooltips, and dropdowns.
- It allows developers to tailor the appearance, behavior, and positioning of popovers.
- It enhances the user experience by providing intuitive and appealing UI components.
ngx-popperby MrFrankel
An angular wrapper for popper.js, great for tooltips and positioning popping elements
ngx-popperby MrFrankel
TypeScript 184 Version:6.2.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is Popper.js?
Popper.js is a JavaScript library. It is used for positioning tooltips and popovers in web applications. It calculates the position of an element relative to another element or the viewport.
2. What are some popular Popper.js libraries?
- Tippy.js
- Tooltip.js
- Popper Tooltip
- React-Popper
- Vue-Popper
3. How do I install a Popper.js library?
Installation methods vary depending on the library. But it involves using a package manager like npm or yarn. For example, to install Tippy.js, you can use npm install tippy.js or yarn add tippy.js.
4. How do I create a popover using Popper.js?
Each library has its syntax. But generally, you'll need to initialize the library. It is done by specifying the target element and providing content for the popover. Here's a basic example using Tippy.js:
tippy('#myElement', {
content: 'Hello, World!',
5. Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the popovers?
Yes, most Popper.js libraries provide options for customization. Those are changing the placement, adding custom animations, and specifying triggers. It also provides styling for the popovers with CSS.