Using a drag-and-drop list in your application has several great benefits. A React Drag and Drop library is a pre-built component. It allows developers to use Drag and Drop functionality in React applications. So that developers can create elements that can be dragged and dropped. The React Grid Layout library modifies the content based on the device's screen width. So, it will place the content on one line and shift the rest on the other based on the screen width of that device.
It would help if you had drag-and-drop, like dashboards. React-Grid-Layout is accessible for complex grid layouts. It has complete customization, resizing, and data visualization products. You can import this library into your React applications easier. The React Beautiful Dnd is a well-known React JavaScript framework. It makes connecting with other React components and apps simple. First, we may create a React app using this command (npx create react app). Using the React Dnd (Drag and drop) library, we may create drag and drop interfaces for our React apps. React DnD. This set of React utilities helps build advanced drag-and-drop interfaces. React developers help make implementing drag-and-drop in React applications easier. It includes a collection of components for creating draggable and droppable items.
The Drag and Drop API brings draggable elements to HTML that can be dragged from one place to another. The property defines the data during the drag operation. The components are again used for a nested drag and drop. Here, mouse events are allowed to pass the elements. React Drag Drop library gives more functionality for mouse and touch devices. The Droppable component displays the drop zones where users can drop Draggable items. We can also have many droppable areas.
React-sortable-hoc is a React animated library. It helps a sortable list that plays with react-virtualized. It has a powerful API that is easy to work with and fits well with any modern browser. The DragDropContext component listens for the drag event. It updates its internal state when a user starts dragging a Draggable item. The Draggable and Droppable components must be placed inside a DndContext component. It acts as a parent component. It has flexible item sizes and heights (vertical lists) or widths (horizontal lists. It always provides support for a powerful keyboard and screen reader.
- It has a drag handle, auto-scrolling, a locked axis, and events.
- It has good touch support.
- It has Horizontal lists, vertical lists, or a grid.
- It has Higher Order Components – Integrates with your existing components.
react-sortable-hocby clauderic
A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌️
react-sortable-hocby clauderic
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It can access many independent lists on one page.
- We can add and remove items during a drag.
- Server-side rendering (SSR) compatible - see resetServerContext().
- It has auto-scrolling - it scrolls containers and the window as required during a drag.
react-beautiful-dndby atlassian
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
react-beautiful-dndby atlassian
License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- Our lab contains over five times fewer codes.
- We wanted out-of-the-box responsiveness. The entire grid system was built fluid relative to any parent container.
- Lanes - Number of fixed rows or columns, depending on the direction.
- grids work vertically, while our solution works both vertically and horizontally.
gridby hootsuite
Drag and drop library for two-dimensional, resizable and responsive lists
gridby hootsuite
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- It has no wrapping divs or extra markup.
- It has a vertical drag-and-drop for your lists and tables.
- It is touchable and works on mobile devices.
- It has full control over the dragged item and is a portal React component.
react-movableby tajo
🔀 Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
react-movableby tajo
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It has a reorderable/sortable list of React components.
- It has a horizontal and vertical grid option.
- All modern browsers support it.
react-reorderby JakeSidSmith
Drag & drop, touch enabled, reorderable / sortable list, React component
react-reorderby JakeSidSmith
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a very simple drag-and-drop library.
- It has primitive mobile support.
- It has increased render flexibility.
- Several stability improvements.
react-dragtasticby chrisjpatty
A simple drag and drop library for React which uses the more stable mouseDown/mouseUp event pattern instead of the problematic HTML5 drag and drop API
react-dragtasticby chrisjpatty
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Perfect reordering a list of items.
- Varying heights of items supported.
- Plays well with nested interactive elements by default.
- It has a simple single component.
react-nestableby primetwig
Drag & drop hierarchical list made as a react component
react-nestableby primetwig
License: Permissive (ISC)
- It is a Light and simple Reactjs drag and drop files library.
- Very flexible options to change.
- We can put whatever design you want for your drop area.
- Users can drag and drop or select the file anywhere in the window.
react-drag-drop-filesby KarimMokhtar
Light and simple Reactjs drag and drop files library to use with very flexible options to change, so you put whatever the design you want for your drop-area. Users can drag and drop or even select the file anywhere in the window.
react-drag-drop-filesby KarimMokhtar
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is a drag-and-drop list, and how can I use it in React Grid Layout?
Drag and drop is a way of moving or handling elements on a screen using a mouse or touchpad. It's the perfect way to reorder a list of items or move items from one list to another form. You can build drag-and-drop components using built-in features or third-party action.
Import GridLayout from "react-grid-layout". Extend the React component class. After importing it, use the GridLayout in component classes.
2. What examples of draggable and droppable items can be included in the library?
- DragDropContext
- Droppable
- Draggable
- Sortable Drag
3. Does the library work on both mouse and touch devices?
React Drag Drop container offers functionality for mouse and touch devices. It allows you to set up a draggable element and drop a target. It highlights the drop target when dragging over it.
4. Can many droppable areas be created with react drag and drop list library?
React Beautiful Dnd library supports many droppable areas in our application. We can get this by creating Droppable components and ensuring they have values.
5. How does the library handle a dropped item once dragged to its destination?
Drag and Drop is a feature through which an item can be dragged from one position and dropped to the other. Even we can also change between one component.