React Native Drag and Drop Libraries

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by dot icon Updated: Jun 21, 2023

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React drag-and-drop libraries provide pre-built components and functionalities. It enables the implementation of drag-and-drop interactions in their React Native applications. These libraries simplify the process of creating draggable elements and defining drop targets. It makes it easier to build interactive and user-friendly interfaces.  


These libraries offer components that can be integrated into your application's component hierarchy. They provide powerful APIs and event handlers. It manages the draggable elements and droppable components. It helps with callbacks for customizing the behavior and appearance of draggable items. These functionalities allow interaction with elements clicking and dragging them across the screen. It's used for reordering, arranging tiles, creating draggable cards, and building complex layouts.  


These libraries often have a variety of configuration options. It allows you to adapt your behavior and appearance to fit your needs. It helps in managing the state and logic related to drag-and-drop operations. When choosing these libraries, consider factors and the requirements of the new react project.  


We have identified the libraries based on popularity, quality, support, and reuse factor. Let's look at each library in detail. The links below allow you to access package commands, installation notes, and code snippets.  


  • It is a popular React Native component. It combines the functionality of a flat list with draggable items.  
  • This library is often used when you want to implement reordering functionality within a list, such as a to-do list where users can rearrange their tasks or a gallery app where images can be rearranged by dragging and dropping.  
  • The component supports scrolling when the list is long. It allows users to navigate through the list while dragging an item.  
  • During the drag and drop operation, the library provides smoothly animated values. It helps indicate the movement of the dragged item.  
TypeScript doticonstar image 1578 doticonVersion:v4.0.1doticon
License: Permissive (MIT)

A drag-and-drop-enabled FlatList for React Native


            react-native-draggable-flatlistby computerjazz

            TypeScript doticon star image 1578 doticonVersion:v4.0.1doticon License: Permissive (MIT)

            A drag-and-drop-enabled FlatList for React Native


                      • It is a powerful tool for creating sortable lists in React Native applications.  
                      • It offers accessibility support. It ensures users with disabilities can interact with and navigate the sorting lists.  
                      • This is useful when users prioritize tasks by dragging them to different positions.  
                      • The library provides animations to depict the item's movement during the sorting process.  
                      JavaScript doticonstar image 795 doticonVersion:v0.0.23doticon
                      License: Permissive (MIT)

                      React Native Sortable List component


                                react-native-sortable-listby gitim

                                JavaScript doticon star image 795 doticonVersion:v0.0.23doticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                React Native Sortable List component


                                          • It is a versatile tool for creating sortable grids in React Native applications.  
                                          • The library allows users to drag and drop grid items. It enables them to change the position and order of the items within the react grid layout.  
                                          • To use the library, you would import the Sortable Grid component. It provides it with different props. It includes the data for the grid items and the required event handlers to manage the sorting lists.  
                                          • The library supports grid layouts, allowing you to create multi-row and multi-column grids.  
                                          JavaScript doticonstar image 428 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                          License: Permissive (MIT)

                                          Drag-drop-sortable grid view for react native


                                                    react-native-sortable-gridby ollija

                                                    JavaScript doticon star image 428 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                    Drag-drop-sortable grid view for react native


                                                              • It is a versatile tool for creating draggable elements in React Native applications.  
                                                              • It lets users drag components across the screen with a touch gesture handler. This functionality is particularly useful for creating draggable elements such as cards and images.  
                                                              • You can customize the dragging behavior of components. It includes the drag handle, constraints on movement, and ability. It helps restrict dragging within specific boundaries.  
                                                              • This library offers various event handlers and callbacks. It helps manage the state and behavior of draggable components.  
                                                              JavaScript doticonstar image 290 doticonVersion:3.1.0doticon
                                                              License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                              Draggable Item


                                                                        react-native-draggableby tongyy

                                                                        JavaScript doticon star image 290 doticonVersion:3.1.0doticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                        Draggable Item


                                                                                  • It is likely designed to provide a draggable view component. It can be used in React Native applications.  
                                                                                  • It may offer functionality to create draggable elements. It includes elements like images, buttons, or custom views within react application.  
                                                                                  • It might provide options to define boundaries or constraints for the draggable view. It allows you to limit its movement within a specific area or to snap it to certain positions.  
                                                                                  • It offers event callbacks to notify when the view is dragged, released, or dropped.  
                                                                                  JavaScript doticonstar image 111 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                  License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                  DraggableView is a component for react-native, it allows you have a vertical draggable drawer view that you can drag up or drag down. So, if you drag and release that component, then it keeps moving until reach either initial position or container border.


                                                                                            react-native-draggable-viewby yaraht17

                                                                                            JavaScript doticon star image 111 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                            DraggableView is a component for react-native, it allows you have a vertical draggable drawer view that you can drag up or drag down. So, if you drag and release that component, then it keeps moving until reach either initial position or container border.


                                                                                                      • It provides a draggable drawer component for React Native applications.  
                                                                                                      • It allows you to create a drawer that can be dragged, opened, or closed with a touch gesture handler.  
                                                                                                      • The drawer content is provided through the content prop. But the main content of the app is wrapped inside the Drawer component.  
                                                                                                      • It offers swipe gestures, smooth animations, and various customization options.  
                                                                                                      JavaScript doticonstar image 54 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                                      License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                      DraggableDrawer is a component for react-native, it allows you have a vertical draggable drawer view that you can drag up or drag down. So, if you drag and release that component, then it keeps moving until reach either initial position or container border.


                                                                                                                react-native-draggable-drawerby llanox

                                                                                                                JavaScript doticon star image 54 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                                DraggableDrawer is a component for react-native, it allows you have a vertical draggable drawer view that you can drag up or drag down. So, if you drag and release that component, then it keeps moving until reach either initial position or container border.


                                                                                                                          • A typical drag-and-drop grid library for React Native would offer functionality. It helps in creating draggable and droppable grid layouts in your application.  
                                                                                                                          • It provides the capability to define drop targets within the grid layout. Users would be able to drop dragged elements onto these targets.  
                                                                                                                          • Event handlers and callbacks help handle aspects of the drag-and-drop interaction. It includes detecting when an element is being dragged. It is dropped onto a target or when the drag operation is canceled.  
                                                                                                                          • It offers options for customizing the appearance and styling of grid elements. It includes defining their size, spacing, and visual feedback during dragging and dropping.  

                                                                                                                          react-native-drag-dropby deanmcpherson

                                                                                                                          JavaScript doticonstar image 48 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                                                                                                                          License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                                          An example implementation of Drag and drop in React Native


                                                                                                                                    react-native-drag-dropby deanmcpherson

                                                                                                                                    JavaScript doticon star image 48 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Permissive (MIT)

                                                                                                                                    An example implementation of Drag and drop in React Native


                                                                                                                                              1. What is React Grid Layout, and how can it be used with a new React project?   

                                                                                                                                              React Grid Layout is a powerful library. It allows you to create responsive, draggable, and resizable grid layouts. It provides a flexible and easy-to-use grid system. It allows you to organize components or elements in a grid-based layout. To use React Grid Layout with a new React project, you can follow these steps:  

                                                                                                                                              • Set up a new React project using your preferred method or boilerplate. You can use tools like CRA or set up your project using Webpack or Babel.  
                                                                                                                                              • Install this library by running the command in your project directory:  

                                                                                                                                              npm install react-grid-layout  

                                                                                                                                              • Import the necessary components from the library in your React component file.  
                                                                                                                                              • Wrap your grid layout component with the WidthProvider higher-order component. It helps make it responsive.  
                                                                                                                                              • Define your grid layout configuration and specify the initial layout of your components.  
                                                                                                                                              • Create your grid layout component. It provides the layout configuration and rendering of your components within the grid.  
                                                                                                                                              • Customize the behavior of your grid layout by adding CSS styles or using various props. You can control properties such as component resizing, dragging, and breakpoints.  
                                                                                                                                              • Finally, render your MyGridLayout component in your main application component.  

                                                                                                                                              2. How does the DragDropContext component work in drag-and-drop libraries?  

                                                                                                                                              The DragDropContext component is a crucial component in drag-and-drop libraries. It provides the underlying infrastructure and functionality. It enables drag-and-drop interactions within a React application. It acts as a wrapper around the components that need to support drag-and-drop functionality. Here's how the DragDropContext component works in drag-and-drop libraries:  

                                                                                                                                              • Wrap Components  
                                                                                                                                              • Drag Sources  
                                                                                                                                              • Drop Targets  
                                                                                                                                              • Drag and Drop Events  

                                                                                                                                              3. What Draggable component properties are necessary for a successful drag operation?   

                                                                                                                                              When working with a draggable component, there are several attributes. They are necessary for a successful drag operation. These properties provide essential callbacks. It helps control the behavior of the draggable component during dragging. While the specific implementations may vary depending on the libraries being used. Here are some common properties you may encounter:  

                                                                                                                                              • Draggable  
                                                                                                                                              • OnDragStart  
                                                                                                                                              • OnDrag  
                                                                                                                                              • OnDragEnd  
                                                                                                                                              • DragData  
                                                                                                                                              • DragHandleProps  

                                                                                                                                              4. Is it possible to have many droppable areas within one library or application?   

                                                                                                                                              Yes, it is possible to have many droppable areas within a drag-and-drop library or application. Supporting many droppable areas is a common need in many drag-and-drop scenarios. Most drag-and-drop libraries provide mechanisms to define and handle droppable areas. Here's how it can be achieved:  

                                                                                                                                              • Identifying Droppable Areas  
                                                                                                                                              • Droppable Component or Wrapper  
                                                                                                                                              • Droppable Props  
                                                                                                                                              • Event Handling and Callbacks  
                                                                                                                                              • Managing Multiple Droppable Areas  


                                                                                                                                              5. What techniques should we use when sorting lists in React Native drag-and-drop libraries?   

                                                                                                                                              When sorting lists in these libraries, techniques can ensure efficient sorting. Here are some common techniques to consider:  

                                                                                                                                              • Drag Handle  
                                                                                                                                              • Placeholder or Ghost Item  
                                                                                                                                              • Auto-Scrolling  
                                                                                                                                              • Drop Zones and Feedback  
                                                                                                                                              • Dragged Item Positioning  
                                                                                                                                              • Sorting Logic  
                                                                                                                                              • Animation and Transition 

                                                                                                                                              See similar Kits and Libraries