The React Tree View is a graphical user interface component. It represents hierarchical data in a tree structure. We must adapt the UI of your React tree component. It is important to note that the consuming app is doing the tree shaking and not the component library. They also recommend using other React third-party libraries for components. It will fall outside the Ant Design specification, such as the React Hooks Library or React JSON View. React components can use a model layer from other frameworks and libraries.
By using this new composable table component, we enable our users to get visual feedback. The visual feedback will get the expandable/collapsible branches of the tree table. The tree data can be local or remote and fetched using different adaptors. The application layout makes this a good element for application teaching data structures.
React Complex Tree is the best way to use an uncontrolled tree environment. It helps maintain the tree state, i.e., which items are selected and expanded. It helps create a cool HTML5, and JavaScript treeview can be wise. It helps overcome the limitation of code from 3rd package. The parent node will go indeterminate when the child nodes are checked.
It has a Transitions API, a fully featured Notifications system, and a Rich Text Editor. It provides great performance with load-on-demand, many selections, and checkbox support. It supports tree navigation, drag and drop, tree node editing, and template support.
- Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data.
- Expanded shows children of the node if true or hides them if false.
- Maximum depth nodes can be inserted as it defaults to infinite.
- Style applied to the inner, scrollable container.
react-sortable-treeby frontend-collective
Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies
react-sortable-treeby frontend-collective
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a deciduous tree.
- React component to create interactive D3 tree graphs.
- It represents hierarchical data. It is represented as an interactive tree graph with minimal setup.
- Every node has at least a name. This is rendered as the node's primary label.
react-d3-treeby bkrem
:deciduous_tree: React component to create interactive D3 tree graphs
react-d3-treeby bkrem
License: Permissive (MIT)
- content, Name of the node (string or React-component).
- Type, an optional description, good for displaying icons (string or React component).
- Open, optional: default open state.
- canHide, optional: when set to true, displays an eye icon.
react-animated-treeby drcmda
🌲Simple to use, configurable tree view with full support for drop-in animations
react-animated-treeby drcmda
License: Permissive (MIT)
- React tree component with drag & drop.
- It maintains an internal tree structure within the component through js-tree.
- This project was developed for a webpage builder.
- It has low code complexity.
react-ui-treeby swiftcarrot
React tree component with drag & drop
react-ui-treeby swiftcarrot
License: Permissive (MIT)
- A simple checkbox tree for React.
- The CheckboxTree is a controlled component. You must update it's checked and expanded properties whenever a change occurs.
- All node objects must have a unique value.
- This component serializes the values into the checked and expanded array. It helps in performance optimizations.
react-checkbox-treeby jakezatecky
A simple and elegant checkbox tree for React.
react-checkbox-treeby jakezatecky
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Full Keyboard Controls: The tree is controllable via keyboard.
- Zero Dependencies: Adding a package. Also, ending up with peer dependencies will be annoying.
- Multi-Tree Environments: You can use many trees on your web app that share a mutual state. They should be able to interact with one another.
- Powerful Drag and Drop: The tree offers the expected capabilities. It will power users expect from advanced tooling.
react-complex-treeby lukasbach
Unopinionated Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select and Drag-And-Drop
react-complex-treeby lukasbach
License: Permissive (MIT)
- A virtualized tree view component making use of react.
- Its main goal is to display tree-like data beautifully and quickly.
- Being a reactive library, it uses the child's functions to achieve maximum extensibility.
- The core idea behind it is that anyone using it is enabled. It helps create a tree as they are intended. They can do so by rendering their components or components exported by the tree.
react-virtualized-treeby diogofcunha
A virtualized tree view component making use of react
react-virtualized-treeby diogofcunha
License: Permissive (MIT)
- A react library for generating a graphical tree from data using d3.
- A simple react component that renders data as a tree using svg.
- JavaScript and CSS should be included in the dist folder with script tags.
- The duration is in milliseconds of animations.
react-tree-graphby jpb12
A react library for generating a graphical tree from data using d3
react-tree-graphby jpb12
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What are React Tree View libraries, and how do they work?
The React TreeView displays hierarchical data in a traditional tree structure. It supports user interaction through mouse and touch events. It allows for reordering nodes by using the built-in drag-and-drop functionality.
2. How does a React application benefit from using a tree library?
- Efficient searching: Trees are particularly efficient for searching and retrieving data. The time complexity of searching in a tree is O(log n), which is very fast, even for large data sets.
- Flexible size: Trees can grow or shrink depending on the number of added or removed nodes. This makes them useful for applications where the data size may change over time.
- Easy to traverse: Traversing a tree is a simple operation. It can be done in different ways depending on the application's requirements. This makes it easy to retrieve and process data from a tree structure.
3. Can I use a tree table for my React application?
Yes, you can use a tree table for your React application. Users can expand and collapse rows in a React Tree View. First, import the useTree hook. Then, initialize it with the table's data and pass it as a plugin prop to the Table component.
4. What is the best JavaScript library for creating trees in React applications?
- Sortable Virtual Customizable Tree Component For React.
- rc-tree.
- React D3 Tree Component.
- Elegant Checkbox Tree For React.
- Virtualized Tree View Component For React.
- react-complex-tree.
- React DnD TreeView.
5. Do any of these libraries support keyboard navigation through trees?
In the TreeView, the keyboard navigation is always available.
Up Arrow: Without opening or closing a node, it moves the focus to the previous focusable node.
Down Arrow: Without opening or closing a node, it moves the focus to the next focusable node.
Left Arrow: It always moves the focus from an end. Otherwise, close the child node to the parent node.
Right Arrow: It moves the focus from an open. It also focused node to its child node.
Home: Without opening or closing a node, it moves the focus to the earliest node in the tree.
End: Without opening or closing a node, it moves the focus to the final focusable node in the tree.
Space: It checks the focused node.
Enter: It also selects the focused node. All other selected items get deselected When using many selections.
Ctrl/Cmd(Mac) + Enter selects the focused node when using many options. Also, for the item is already selected, it gets deselected.