Top 7 Internationalization and Localization libraries in redux
by gayathrimohan Updated: Feb 17, 2024
Guide Kit
To adapt your Redux-powered JavaScript applications, it's crucial to use this library. When integrating with Redux, these libraries offer middleware or hooks.
These libraries handle language switching and translation storage for different languages and regions. You can use them to add internationalization and localization features. Redux stores can store language or locale settings. Actions can update these settings to affect the user interface. Reducers and selectors manage the state for language preferences and localized content.
- Translation support with placeholders for dynamic content.
- Pluralization and gender-specific translation handling.
- Integration with React components to display localized content.
- Lazy loading translations for improved performance.
- Tools to extract and manage translation keys from the codebase.
Furthermore, these libraries allow customization to meet specific project requirements. Developers can create custom middleware, components, or plugins to extend functionality. Support for community-contributed language packs and extensions enhances the ecosystem.
- Redux JavaScript libraries support internationalization.
- They work with React and Redux.
- This ensures that the application has consistent user experience.
react-i18nextby i18next
Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
react-i18nextby i18next
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is important in Redux JavaScript libraries for handling internationalization (i18n) tasks.
- It helps manage translations, localization, and language switching within Redux applications.
- This ensures a smooth user experience across different languages and locales.
i18nextby i18next
i18next: learn once - translate everywhere
i18nextby i18next
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It provides a simple way to install internationalization (i18n) in React applications.
- It uses Redux. This allows for easy translation of text content.
- It supports dynamic localization. This allows you to add languages at runtime without reloading the application.
react-localize-reduxby ryandrewjohnson
Dead simple localization for your React components
react-localize-reduxby ryandrewjohnson
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Components in a Redux powered React application can have their state.
- The Redux store connects them to manage the global state.
- You can choose to use local state or Redux state for managing component state.
redux-react-localby threepointone
local component state via redux
redux-react-localby threepointone
License: No License
- It provides seamless integration of internationalization (i18n) capabilities into React applications utilizing Redux.
- react-intl-redux integrates with React components.
- It supports dynamic language switching. This allows users to change the application language at runtime.
react-intl-reduxby ratson
Redux binding for React Intl.
react-intl-reduxby ratson
License: Permissive (MIT)
- You can use it to handle internationalization in Redux apps.
- You can use it to add multi-language support to your Redux projects.
- It works with Redux.
redux-i18nby APSL
A simple and powerful package for translate your react applications using react-redux.
redux-i18nby APSL
License: Permissive (MIT)
- You can use it to add internationalization features to React applications.
- Redux powers it. It has tools and utilities for that purpose.
- Users can change languages without having to reload the page.
react-redux-i18nby artis101
binding for redux and react-i18nify
react-redux-i18nby artis101
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is the best Redux library for internationalization and localization?
One popular choice is react-intl. It affords React additives and an API to layout dates, numbers, and strings. It includes pluralization and handling translations.
2. How do I set up internationalization in Redux with react-intl?
- First, install react-intl via npm or yarn.
- Then, wrap your root component with IntlProvider and provide the necessary locale data.
- You can use the FormattedMessage component to wrap strings in your components. This is for translation.
3. Can I use Redux to manage my application's locale state?
Yes, you can manage the locale state in Redux. You can dispatch actions to update the current locale and store it in your Redux store.
4. How can I change the language/locale in my Redux application?
You can dispatch actions to update the locale state in Redux. Then, in your components, you can subscribe to changes in the locale state and re-render.
5. Are there any performance considerations when using internationalization in Redux?
Redux itself doesn't introduce performance issues specific to internationalization. But it's important to structure your application's state and components. This will help avoid unnecessary re-renders when updating the locale state.