Vue-kinesis is one of the powerful animation libraries. It creates components allowing us to add interactive animation to our Vue application. It applies smooth animations and effects to an exciting user experience. High screen density-independent effects make any device looks good. The simple API enables complete control over our animation to app and modularity. Animations are customizable based on your project needs.
Once the installation is completed, we should load Vue 3 in our Project. And after the installation is finished, we can import it into our Vue entry file. Vue application monitoring provides actionable insights to resolve performance bottlenecks and errors. ThemeSelection offers high-quality and easy-to-use. Vue & Vue+Laravel admin templates are used to create your apps faster. Storyblok is a headless CMS offering powerful APIs and visual editing. JSCharting data visualization library includes advanced chart types you can use. Once imported as a Vue plugin, we should animate an element on a scroll. As mentioned, we can add the property to the element, along with our animation names.
Also, animation library source files are divided into definite classes. For example, all variants of the fade animation are in a single source file. We can add the attribute with different animations and utilities to the child element. It will reset all animation properties that it has inherited from its parent. We will need to define a CSS animation name before the animation will be triggered. These custom animations can bring a unique visual ability to your applications.
Using the classes, we can define the transition classes for a fade-in and fade-out effect. Framer Motion is a React motion library with motion components and declarative syntax. You can provide animations with the native CSS keyframe property. Then you can call them from your CSS code. Adding a class will animate the item out of the page if you want to animate an HTML element. These libraries add animations to web pages by adding class names to appropriate elements.
- Interactive docs & demos.
- Flexible: Configurable event filters and targets.
- Optional Add-ons: Router, Firebase, RxJS, etc.
- Seamless migration: Works for both Vue 3 and 2.
vueuseby vueuse
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
vueuseby vueuse
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It creates complex interactive animations with Vue.js.
- It also enables a panoply of customization properties.
- It is used to move an object from one place to another interactively.
- We can even animate based on audio waves.
vue-kinesisby Aminerman
Easily create complex interactive animations with Vue.js
vue-kinesisby Aminerman
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Flexible After Effects features.
- Manipulate your animation any way you like.
- Small file sizes.
- It supports solids, shape layers, masks, alpha mattes, trim paths, and dash patterns.
vue-lottieby chenqingspring
Render After Effects animations on Vue based on Bodymovin
vue-lottieby chenqingspring
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It adds transition effects between pages for Vue applications.
- A lightweight Vue.js plugin.
- It extends your application with a collection of awesome routing transitions.
- We can add the zoom property by default.
Vueg----page-transition-pluginby jaweii
Add transition effects between pages for Vue applications (Page level transition plugin for vue-router)
Vueg----page-transition-pluginby jaweii
License: No License
- Transitioning height: auto and width: auto.
- Smoothly repositioning elements.
- The way child transitions are handled is completely different.
- The hideOverflow option now defaults to true.
vue-smooth-reflowby guanzo
Transition an elements reflow when the data changes.
vue-smooth-reflowby guanzo
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Type pausing.
- Smart backspacing.
- It creates typing animations.
- It enters any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set.
vue-typed-jsby Orlandster
Typed.js integration for vue.js. Create a typing animation.
vue-typed-jsby Orlandster
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Super easy way to animate numbers.
- formatValue() is used to format the animatedValue.
- update() is called on each frame while the instance is playing.
- run() is called every frame after the delay is finished.
animated-number-vueby Leocardoso94
Super easy way to animate numbers.
animated-number-vueby Leocardoso94
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a small and exquisite vue component.
- Switching animation library, supporting more than 20 kinds of animation switching methods.
- It is used to animate component transitions.
- It supports fading, rotating, zooming, and more.
transxby tnfe
A small and exquisite vue component switching animation library, supporting more than 20 kinds of animation switching methods
transxby tnfe
License: No License
- A Vue plugin for adding Anime bindings to Vue components.
- Simple Vue bindings for Anime.js
- Adds a simple directive named v-anime that passes all arguments directly to anime.js.
- Anime is a powerful and lightweight library.
vue-animeby BenAHammond
A Vue plugin for adding Anime bindings to Vue components
vue-animeby BenAHammond
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. How does the animation library in Vue 3 differ from its previous versions?
Vue 3 offers more performant and maintainable code than Vue 2 while being lightweight. The changes brought in by Vue 3 provide significant improvements over Vue 2. It is especially helping remove several of the drawbacks of Vue 2.
2. What are some common animation names used in a Vue application?
- Transition.
- Fade out.
- Opacity.
- Rotate.
- shiftx-enter-active.
- @keyframes shift-in.
- transform:rotateX(0deg).
3. Can SVG animations be created using the Vue animation library?
It is possible to create SVG animations using the Vue animation library. The SVG has to be formatted to look like a Vue.js component.
Step 1: Go to and export your animated SVG with JavaScript. It is because the animation type and player option as external.
Step 2: Next, create a component for the SVG and put the following content inside.
Step 3: Once the template for the component is ready, you can add the SVG and the JavaScript inside.
Step 4: Paste the JavaScript right between the brackets in the mounted hook.
Step 5: Optional - API Usage.
4. Can a wrapper component simplify my code when working with the Vue Animation Library?
Yes, you can use a wrapper component. It helps simplify your code when working with Vue Animation Library. Wrapper components are useful for organizing your code and extending native/external elements. It creates a natural inheritance. It's a great technique for incorporating third-party plugins into your Vue project. It allows you to have more predictable control over the actions of certain elements.
5. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to using an open-source library? When comparing Vue's Animation Library to proprietary solutions?
- Compatible – Make any array editable with the v-model standard.
- Mixin Components – Integrates with your existing components.
- Standalone Components – Easy-to-use components for slick lists.
- Drag handle, auto-scrolling, locked axis, events, and more!
- Super smooth animations – Chasing the 60FPS dream.
- Horizontal lists, vertical lists, or a grid.