cui | Console User Interface | Command Line Interface library

 by   T5ive C# Version: Current License: GPL-3.0

kandi X-RAY | cui Summary

kandi X-RAY | cui Summary

cui is a C# library typically used in Utilities, Command Line Interface applications. cui has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Console User Interface

            kandi-support Support

              cui has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 1 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              cui has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of cui is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              cui has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              cui has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              cui code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              cui is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              cui releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of cui
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            cui Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for cui.

            cui Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for cui.

            Community Discussions


            jdbcTemplate query with 5 parameters for insert
            Asked 2022-Apr-12 at 09:10

            I am building a Spring application and in my Repository I have to insert an sql query that has 5 parameters and I tried jdbcTemplate.query or queryForList or Map but it gives me error.

            Here is the code:



            Answered 2022-Apr-12 at 08:55

            Try using prepared statement method present for JDBC connection and set values via preparedStatement.setString(index, value) feature.



            How create method for get the child (QWebEngineView) of th curent view tab (QTabWidget)?
            Asked 2022-Feb-08 at 13:06

            I'm trying to make some project with QTabWidget (a litle browser and a text editor with multiple tab like notepad++) but I'm stuck in 2 project when I try to edit a value of widget (QWebEngine or QTextEdit) inside of QTabWidget. This is the code for the litle browser project:

            fp.h :



            Answered 2022-Feb-06 at 03:45


            Exercise on modifying a list in C language, modifying only the next field
            Asked 2022-Feb-04 at 11:21

            The exercise is: The function takes as input a list of integers, i, and modifies it so that all even values are before the odd ones. The order in which the values appear is not important as long as all even values are before the odd ones. The function then returns the resulting list. The function must have computational complexity O (n) and a memory cost of O (1).

            Basically, the function must modify the next field of the existing Items, without allocating new memory. Solutions that produce a new list to obtain the required result will not be considered valid. It is not allowed to change the values of the Items.

            This is the "list.h" file



            Answered 2022-Feb-04 at 11:21

            The task at hand is about pointer juggling; that's it. The list is filled with nodes of even and odd values interspersed. The task is to wire them into a list of all even, then all odd, values, with NO reallocations, and NO node overwrites (e.g. pure pointer juggling).

            There are multiple ways you can do this. A fairly easy one to understand is this:


            • Setup two lists (initially empty), one "even", one "odd".
            • As you walk the original list pruning nodes, put them on the "even" list or the "odd" list as warranted.
            • When finished, link the odd list to the tail of the even list;
            • The final result is not pointed to by the "even" list and you're done.


            In (admittedly dreadful) asci art, it looks something like this. Given an original list of



            Preselection of an item on LazyHGrid
            Asked 2022-Jan-30 at 19:57

            Hi everyone I'm working with a LazyHGrid The grid shows 19 cells divided on 2 lines and their contents are times that the user can select.

            I have a problem with the preselection, i.e. I would like that when the horizontal grid is shown, a preselection based on the current time is visible for example

            I'll give you an example of the grid

            | 9:30 | - | 10:00 | - | 10:30 | - | 11:00 |

            If at this time it is 10:20 am I would like the cell containing the text 10:30 to be automatically selected when the user sees the grid for the first time

            | 9:30 | - | 10:00 | - | 10:30 | - | 11:00 |
            Preselection at 10:30 if current time is 10:20

            In a nutshell I would need the selection of the cell that contains a time half an hour ahead of the current time

            This is what I have done so far

            Can you help me?



            Answered 2022-Jan-30 at 19:57

            The type of reservationTimeItems is not specified in the provided code, so assuming that reservationTimeItems is of type [ReservationTime], where ReservationTime is defined as follow:



            Helix Toolkit recently added tube objects in WPF application, are not firing events or reacts on mouse interaction?
            Asked 2022-Jan-27 at 15:22

            I am using WPF application with Helix Toolkit, where I dynamically add multiple 3D objects into the Viewport. The Visuals of the objects are added successfully, but some of the recently added objects (in this case tube objects) are not firing events, neither show their appropriate tooltip message. After some interaction with the GUI of the app and adding new additional 3D objects to the Viewport, the old already added objects are firing events and show their tooltip message... Also I have noticed that if I add some other new 3D objects and if I rotate the camera with right button pressed of the mouse, they are coming responsive!

            So what Is causing this problem? Is it there some rendering or camera problem or something else?

            I am using this code about the Viewport with SortingVisual3D where all of the objects are added behind the transparent surface:



            Answered 2022-Jan-27 at 15:22

            The immediate response problem of the recently inserted objects is solved with this code:



            Bootstrap, text doesn't align well when on mobile
            Asked 2022-Jan-17 at 05:36

            I'm doing a page that is supposed to be a portfolio site for my design work in university, I have text that is aligned in the center, patriculary in the "my work" section, but when I reduce the window width it seems to misalign compared to everything else like the buttons, what am I missing?



            html code:



            Answered 2022-Jan-17 at 05:36

            remove height: 100vh; from



            awaitMessages doesn't works in Discord.js v13
            Asked 2021-Dec-20 at 20:41

            I recently updated my bot to v13, but all commands that use awaitMessages doesn't work anymore. Here is my code:



            Answered 2021-Dec-20 at 19:35

            awaitMessages doesn't take multiple parameters.

            Exerpt from the API docs




            NLM UMLS MRREL is broken / incomplete
            Asked 2021-Dec-19 at 05:31

            I have been working with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) for decades. But I have been aware for some years now (since 2017) that the MRREL table is woefully defective. And I wonder how can that possibly be?

            I have tons of examples, but I am just making it very simple. The ATC code is a simple tree. Among many others, there is a top-level category 'G' (CUI: C3653431) and another 'C' (CUI: C3540036).

            To be absolutely sure that I am not losing anything due to my importing process into a relational database, I am checking the raw files from the UMLS distribution:



            Answered 2021-Aug-16 at 06:43

            I have sent a problem report to NLM and they replied that the file in the, the ones that end in .nlm, that also contain the UMLS data tables, are somehow incomplete and one needs their MetamorphoSys program to assemble the right files.

            It seems like they do some data compression (for whatever reason) in rows by which they can reduce the size of the MRREL file by about 20%.

            • MRREL.RRF from the metathesaurus distribution 5,137,657,601 bytes

            • MRREL.RRF from the UMLS-Full .nlm file 3,662,797,614 bytes

              $ head MRREL.RRF.met C0000005|A13433185|SCUI|RB|C0036775|A7466261|SCUI||R86000559||MSHFRE|MSHFRE|||N|| C0000005|A26634265|SCUI|RB|C0036775|A0115649|SCUI||R31979041||MSH|MSH|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A11754881|AUI|translation_of|R101808683||MSHSWE|MSHSWE|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A12080359|AUI|sort_version_of|R64565540||MSH|MSH|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A12091182|AUI|entry_version_of|R64592881||MSH|MSH|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A13042554|AUI|translation_of|R193408122||MSHCZE|MSHCZE|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A13096036|AUI|translation_of|R73331672||MSHPOR|MSHPOR|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A1317708|AUI|permuted_term_of|R28482432||MSH|MSH|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A18972171|AUI|translation_of|R124061564||MSHPOL|MSHPOL|||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A28315139|AUI||R173174221||RXNORM|RXNORM|||N||

              $ head MRREL.RRF.nlm C0000005|A13433185|SCUI|RB|C0036775|A7466261|SCUI||R86000559||MSHFRE||||N|| C0000005|A26634265|SCUI|RB|C0036775|A0115649|SCUI||R31979041||MSH||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A11754881|AUI|translation_of|R101808683||MSHSWE||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A12080359|AUI|sort_version_of|R64565540||MSH||||N|| |||SY|C0000039|A12091182||entry_version_of|R64592881||||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A13042554|AUI|translation_of|R193408122||MSHCZE||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A13096036|AUI|translation_of|R73331672||MSHPOR||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A1317708|AUI|permuted_term_of|R28482432||MSH||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A18972171|AUI|translation_of|R124061564||MSHPOL||||N|| C0000039|A0016515|AUI|SY|C0000039|A28315139|AUI||R173174221||RXNORM||||N||

            You can see how the 5th row is produced from the 4th row by copying over the previous columns into empty columns.

            That seems to be the issue.



            Using Join and Union to combine results from 2 tables
            Asked 2021-Dec-17 at 07:38

            I already have a result set using join from multiple master tables with TABLE A as the primary table. Now I'm trying to perform union on table B with joins from masters retained.

            This is the query I tried:



            Answered 2021-Dec-17 at 07:38

            At first look your have several error

            some column name ci.status, ab.descin wrong place,

            two from clase

            a reference at table a that should be (probably) a reference to t1

            a possible valid query could be



            Errors loading loosely linked user assemblies
            Asked 2021-Dec-14 at 11:15

            Good morning.

            I am developing a Web API using Net 6.

            The preliminary structure of the API is shown in the figure.

            ContractGpdApi - this is the direct assembly of the API. It has a reference to the ContractGpdApi.ServiceInterfaces assembly. ContractGpdApi.ServiceInterfaces - this assembly containing the DTO classes (business models) and service interfaces. ContractGpdApi.ServiceImplementations - this assembly contains classes that implement the ContractGpdApi.ServiceInterfaces assembly interfaces. The assembly adapts the methods and classes of the ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces assembly into the methods and classes of the ContractGpdApi.ServiceInterfaces assembly. ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces - this assembly contains classes and database access layer interfaces. ContractGpdApi.DbServiceImplementations - this assembly contains classes that implement the ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces assembly interfaces. The assembly contains a reference to the ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces assembly, as well as references to the microsoft.entityframeworkcore, microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver assemblies

            I ended up implementing the Ladder pattern and dividing the CUI into loosely coupled layers.

            The DB layer is represented by two assemblies: ContractGpdApi.DbServiceImplementations and ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces.

            The business work layer is represented by two assemblies: ContractGpdApi.ServiceImplementations and ContractGpdApi.ServiceInterfaces.

            Accordingly, assembly ContractGpdApi will be a kind of root where you load and embed dependencies, loosely linked assemblies.

            The following errors occur when loading assemblies:

            1. Could not load file or assembly 'ContractGpdApi.DbServiceInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The specified file cannot be found.
            2. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The specified file cannot be found.

            All other assemblies are loaded normally. Contents of the ContractGpdApi.csproj file:



            Answered 2021-Dec-14 at 11:15

            Made a change to the method code:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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