FileCmp | quick and easy file comparison for windows

 by   mansandersson C# Version: Current License: No License

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kandi X-RAY | FileCmp Summary

FileCmp is a C# library. FileCmp has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

quick and easy file comparison for windows

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              The latest version of FileCmp is current.

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            Community Discussions


            Compare compressed files with gzip and filecmp modules returns False on python 3.10
            Asked 2022-Feb-23 at 15:09

            When I run the following code on python3, the result of the filecmp() is False. Why is it so? I thought compressing twice the same file would output two files with the same exact content.



            Answered 2022-Feb-23 at 15:09

            The gziped file is a structured file rather than just a file with some bytes. It has header information, compressed content, and a footer. When you create a gzip file, the header and footer is also added to the compressed file content.

            In your case, you are compressing the same file twice with the same compression code and level, so the compressed content will be same. But the gzip header is going to be different. As per the documentation python allows you to configure the header values of filename and modification_time. If these are not specified, a default value like current time is used.

            In your case, every time you compress the same file, everything remains the same but the header is different. So there is a change in the file content and filecmp returns False. If you want to make the output files the same, then you can use:

            gzip.GzipFile(filename=None, mode=None, compresslevel=9, fileobj=None, mtime=None)

            to compress the contents, with identical header information.



            Python C API Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
            Asked 2022-Jan-01 at 16:23

            I'm trying to compile a file that makes use of Python's C API. I'm working in a conda enviroment, running on macOS Monterey. I'm compiling using GCC as following:



            Answered 2022-Jan-01 at 06:20

            This command: gcc file.o -o a.out does not link to a python library.

            You need to add (append) -lpython3 and possibly -L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.9 to it.



            Python tkinter print result can't complete
            Asked 2021-Oct-07 at 07:01
            import filecmp
            import os
            import tkinter as tk
            import tkinter.font as tkFont
            from tkinter import *
            def gg():
                disk = (number_entry.get())
                if disk == "2" :
                    DIRS = [r'C:\Newtest\1', r'C:\Newtest\2', r'C:\Newtest\3',r'C:\Newtest\4',r'C:\Newtest\5',r'C:\Newtest\6',r'C:\Newtest\7',r'C:\Newtest\8',r'C:\Newtest\9',r'C:\Newtest\10']
                    FILES = [('copy1.txt', 'copy2.txt'), ('fcmp1.txt', 'fcmp2.txt'), ('filecp1.txt', 'filecp2.txt')]
                    for e, dir in enumerate(DIRS, 1):
                        cmp = True
                        for file in FILES:
                                if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(dir, file[0]), os.path.join(dir, file[1])):
                                    cmp = False
                            except Exception as ex:
                                    print(f'Error -> {ex}', file=sys.stderr)
                        x = (f'E_{e} compare {"pass" if cmp else "fail"}')
                    DIRS = [r'C:\Newtest\1', r'C:\Newtest\2', r'C:\Newtest\3',r'C:\Newtest\4',r'C:\Newtest\5',r'C:\Newtest\6',r'C:\Newtest\7',r'C:\Newtest\8',r'C:\Newtest\9',r'C:\Newtest\10']
                    FILES = [('copy1.txt', 'copy2.txt'), ('fcmp1.txt', 'fcmp2.txt'), ('filecp1.txt', 'filecp2.txt')]
                    for e, dir in enumerate(DIRS, 1):
                        cmp = True
            window = tk.Tk()
            fontExample = tkFont.Font(family="Segoe UI", size=20)
            fontExample2 = tkFont.Font(family="Segoe UI", size=10)
            fontExample3 = tkFont.Font(family="Segoe UI", size=15)
            header_label = tk.Label(window, text='XXXX',font=fontExample)
            number_frame = tk.Frame(window)
            number_label = tk.Label(number_frame, text='Number of disks',font=fontExample2)
            number_entry = tk.Entry(number_frame)
            result_label = tk.Label(window)
            calculate_btn = tk.Button(window, text='First calculate', command=gg,font=fontExample3)


            Answered 2021-Oct-07 at 07:01

            If you want to add to the text that is already on the label, you can do this:



            How to compare SQL files and Packages in Python and return True or False?
            Asked 2021-Oct-01 at 06:17

            So, I've tried using Differ from difflib and also filecmp. Here's what I've done so far:



            Answered 2021-Oct-01 at 06:17

            Remove all spaces and newlines, convert to lower case, and compare.



            Ignore all files other than specific type of file, for directory comparison in Python
            Asked 2021-Sep-30 at 11:07

            I want to compare two directories for all ".bin" files in them. There can be some other extension type files such as ".txt", ".tar.bz2" in those directories. I want to get the common files as well as files which are not common. I tried using filecmp.dircmp(), but I am not able to use the ignore parameter with some wild card to ignore those files. Is there any solution which I can use to serve my purpose.



            Answered 2021-Sep-30 at 11:07

            Select the common subset of *.bin files in the two folders and remove the first part of the path (the folder name), then pass them to cmpfiles():



            Find similar image if resolution was changed
            Asked 2021-Sep-26 at 21:11

            Im using python to check in hundred of websites if a web banner in GIF format exist. I have a folder with gif files as examples and Im compairing the gif files from each web sites with my own examples files. I use filecmp but I found that many webs compress the gif files so even the files are visually identical the filecmp wont detect as same.
            Is there any python library to detect if two gif files or vídeos are similar even if the resolución has changed?



            Answered 2021-Sep-26 at 21:11

            Comparing two images for similarity is a general image processing problem so the solution you develop can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. In your specific case, you'll need a method for making two images the same size and a method for comparing the images.

            First, you'll probably want to convert the images to RGB or grayscale arrays for comparison.

            I would suggest reducing the size of the larger image to the size of the smaller image. That is less likely to introduce artifacts than increasing the size of the smaller image. Resizing can be accomplished with the Python Pillow library.



            smtlib mail does not send and no error code
            Asked 2021-Sep-22 at 21:32

            I want to send a mail from within a script if the comparison of two files fails.

            (The script monitors a website and stores a sample of that page as log file and compares each day to the last day version and sends a mail in case something changes)

            I have the following code snippet and it works fine and sends the mail.

            (Of course I have replaced my actual credentials with samples here, but the code works with my credentials entered)

            The sample code (working):



            Answered 2021-Sep-22 at 21:32

            The answer described by Serge Ballesta solves the issue.

            The indentation in the message string creates spaces which lead to a faulty message which cannot be processed further after received by the smtp server.

            This is the right format:



            Comparing 2 folders with filecmp is not working
            Asked 2021-Jul-25 at 21:49

            i try to compare 2 folders if the are equal inside -

            I tried it with this code



            Answered 2021-Jul-25 at 20:35

            I think you are trying to use dircmp rather then filecmp.
            filecmp :

            Compare the files named f1 and f2, returning True if they seem equal, False otherwise.

            dircmp :

            Construct a new directory comparison object, to compare the directories a and b.



            Comparing file with a list of files using filecmp.cmp(file1, file2)
            Asked 2021-May-30 at 09:34

            I have a function with three args

            • list_to_copy : list of files that I want to copy.
            • list_to_avoid : list that I don't want to copy, that might exists in list_to_copy
            • the destination is the path where the file is going to be.


            Answered 2021-May-30 at 09:34
            from filecmp import cmp
            from shutil import copy
            from os import scandir
            def copy_files(list_to_copy,destination):
            # Copy a file from list to destination making sure file is not duplicated regarding the content.
                for copied_file in list_to_copy:
                    for avoid_file in scandir(destination):
                        if cmp(copied_file,avoid_file):
                        copy(copied_file, destination)



            Manually/locally installed python packages dont show up in visual studio
            Asked 2021-Apr-16 at 07:38

            So I manually installed a locally downloaded python package by going into the folder directory and using the cmd command:

            python install

            After that it just installed itself normally. Using the python function help("modules") in cmd also confirmed that it was installed correctly as I can see the name being given out. The two modules are called binance_d and binance_f



            Answered 2021-Apr-16 at 07:38

            I followed this document and I can get what I want. The most importance thing is that the command does not copy the generated files into the pyhton 3.9.4 folder automatically. You have to copy them manually.

            1) first download the project under this link and then unpack the file.

            Run these under cmd:


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