fass | Fast SASS implementation in Haskell | Style Language library

 by   darthdeus CSS Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | fass Summary

kandi X-RAY | fass Summary

fass is a CSS library typically used in User Interface, Style Language applications. fass has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Fass is a SASS implementation for Haskell. The goal of the project is to have complete compatibility with the Ruby compiler. ~~This project is still under heavy development and not ready for public use~~.

            kandi-support Support

              fass has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 5 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 7 open issues and 5 have been closed. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of fass is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              fass has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              fass has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              fass code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              fass is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              fass releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 1637 lines of code, 0 functions and 126 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

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            fass Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for fass.

            fass Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            How to order a discrete variable in a scatterplot by a third grouping variable with ggplot?
            Asked 2019-Jul-12 at 14:52

            Minimal Reproducible Example:

            I have the following simple data table (generated with dput()):



            Answered 2019-Jul-12 at 14:41

            Try forcats::fct_reorder().

            For example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57009110


            How to implement a tile source to mapbox-gl
            Asked 2018-Feb-02 at 11:05

            I am switching over from react-leaflet to mapbox-gl and have a question about a propriety tile service I am using for spatial data. The api has little documentation. They offer 4 different ways of requesting the tiles.

            DRAW MAP TILE - PNG map tiles with a transparent background are created according to image size in pixels, a lat lon bounding box in decimal degrees, selected layer(s) and default styling. See the individual feature for a full list of style names.

            DRAW STATIC MAP TILE - PNG map tiles with a transparent background are created according to image size in pixels, lat lon coordinates in decimal degrees, zoom level, selected layer(s) and default styling. See the individual feature for a full list of style names.

            BING NON CACHE - PNG map tiles with a transparent background are created according to the Bing Maps API Quadkey, selected layer(s) and default styling. See the individual feature for a full list of style names.

            GOOGLE NON CACHE - PNG map tiles with a transparent background are created according to the Google Maps API X, Y, and Zoom values, selected layer(s) and default styling. See the individual feature for a full list of style names.

            For leaflet I used the google endpoint with the plugin "react-leaflet-google"



            Answered 2017-Apr-24 at 01:05

            You probably want a raster tile source. Mapbox only supports raster tiles given by x/y/z tile coordinates (not lat-longs or Bing quadkeys), so that rules out the first three options, leaving the Google NON CACHE PNG API endpoint only.

            Your code will look something like:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43577919


            Return Value From Data Frame in shiny
            Asked 2017-Nov-29 at 17:27

            i have a data frame for the correlation values between several items and i want to make a shiny app for my case to give it the first item and the second item and its return the value of the correlation between them and represent this result in color i.e If the value of the correlation Is larger than 50 then the color of this number will be green and if this value is less than 50 then this number will be red one . this's a sample from my DF



            Answered 2017-Nov-29 at 17:08

            There are quite some issues in your code

            • The input id Item appears twice in ui.R
            • The table-output is called Itemcorr in server.R and DF$corr in ui.R.
            • I am pretty sure input and output IDs should not contain special characters like $.
            • You use input$item in server.R but don't define item anywhere in ui.R. Did you mean to use Item?
            • You have two sidebarPanels in ui.R
            • mainPanel is wrapped inside sidebarPanel
            • The use of DF$corr in server.R does not make sense to me. Did you mean to use DF$col?
            • The expression in renderTable does not return a dataframe.

            Please spend more time reading the basic shiny documentation before posting questions on SO. Since I already took a look, here is a working vesion of your app. Hoepuffy it does what you intended.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47557396


            How to Calculate Multiple Correlation Between Several Products using Boolean values With R
            Asked 2017-Nov-21 at 10:30

            I want to compute the multiple correlation between several products depending on the frequency of getting them together (i.e as EX: product A has a large correlation coefficient with product B because the most orders of A were with product B at the same order) OR (If there's no order has A & B at the same time then the correlation between them = 0) and i want to do that to create a recommendation model for every new order (recommend the products depending on the degree of the correlation between the selected product and others). and this's a sample from my data :



            Answered 2017-Nov-20 at 12:55

            First and foremost, on the theoretical side, the case you describe (A & B never in the panel at the same time) won't give you a null correlation but a negative correlation. Indeed, whenever A = 1, B = 0 and whenever B = 1, A = 0, so an anti-correlation appears. The correlation won't necessarily equal -1 though, because you will obviously encounter cases where A = B = 0 (unless customers always buy A and B which is unrealistic).

            On the other hand, you may encounter nearly null correlation in the case A and B are seldom bought (which means numerous occurrences of A = B = 0).

            As for how to code it, you can use model.matrix to transform your data into dummy variables and aggregate to gather panel contents by WOrderId. Here is an example using your structure.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47303712


            I can't display embedded, nested form in symfony 3
            Asked 2017-Oct-27 at 14:13

            I have a big issue because I can't find any solutions for my problem on Internet. I work on a Post Entity from wich I want to add Images Entities. The idea is when I log in my app, I can write a post and upload one or n images. After that, the user will allow to see the images from his posts for example.

            I am at the step one, It seems I can't display my CollectionClass::Class of my ImageType::Class in my PostType.php. I haven't errors, it's simply not displayed in the view. Thanks in advance !




            Answered 2017-Oct-27 at 13:42

            It would be useful to see your view but just a reminder: to be able to add new images your form needs some javascript, please look here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/form/form_collections.html#allowing-new-tags-with-the-prototype

            Without javascript, by default it would only render already added collection objects. If you have none in your entity, it will display nothing by default.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46974284


            Symfony vichuploader in form collection
            Asked 2017-Sep-11 at 15:09

            Hi I have an entity Product who containt (OneToMany) Documentation. In Documentation i have a file, i use vichuploader to download it but i have a problem, when save my form i have an error who say me the filename is null (doctrine error). Is it possible to embed a vichuploader field on form collection ? If somebody have an idea :) i have post my files Thank you




            Answered 2017-Sep-11 at 15:09

            I have found the solution I have lost * @Vich\Uploadable in my documentation entity description

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46079389


            Symfony - rendering form (with prototype)
            Asked 2017-Aug-31 at 11:10

            I have a graphical problem with a prototype symfony form. My "CompetenceGroupe" entity can have many "CompetenceItem" entity objects. Everything work fine, but the rendering is not perfect.

            When I create a new CompetenceGroupe, in my form, I can add and delete CompetenceItems sub-forms. A competenceItem form have a text input, a select input and a "delete" button (in red, generated by javascript).

            I try to align those three elements, but the delete button always goes under the two others elements.

            What I wish to render in the view :

            And what I have now :

            In my Developper Tool from Google Chrome, I can see that the delete button (with class "btn-danger") is not in the same div than the two others elements of my prototype (with class "competence_groupe_competence_items_0") :

            I give you the code of my prototype view (competence_item_prototype.html.twig)



            Answered 2017-Aug-31 at 11:10

            Can you not just append it to the .row?

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45979863


            MySQL Subtotals of Rows with Grandtotal
            Asked 2017-Aug-10 at 12:54

            I need to create a MariaDB SQL that will allow me to sum two columns (Debit & Credit Columns) to get the difference, as well as return the subtotal of every different account type. The table is as follows:



            Answered 2017-Aug-10 at 12:54

            You could try it with UNION, like:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45582932


            Symfony : render collection with custom protoype
            Asked 2017-Jul-09 at 10:31

            Situation : I have an entity CompetenceGroupe (with attributes "titre" and "competence_items") and an entity "CompetenceItem" (with attributes "libelle" and "niveau"). A CompetenceGroupe can have multiple CompetenceItem, so it's a collection.

            For that, I have created my own prototype to customize the render of the collections. It's working fine, but I have a problem when I want to edit an existing CompetenceGroupe, because the childrens CompetenceItem are not rendered in the form.

            I show you my code.




            Answered 2017-Jul-09 at 10:31

            The way you do it look really wrong so I don't think anybody will spend hours to find a tricky way to fix your issue. You should use a form theme instead of creating the prototype by yourself.

            1) In CompetenceGroupeType.php, add the following method:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44994948


            How to display a Interstitial Ad in a LibGDX project?
            Asked 2017-Jun-20 at 14:54

            I found a Flappy Bird GitHub project and changed it a little bit. I successfully implemented the AdMob Banner.

            But now I also want a Interstitial Ad which pops up when the Game is over (not every time of course) so here is my GitHub project: https://github.com/DaFaack/FlappyBibi

            Please explain me how to do it because I can't find a good explanation on the internet.

            I want to display the ad in the run() method. You can find it in the core package -> GameplayScreen.java File -> renderPlaying() method and then the run() method.

            This is the method i am talking about:



            Answered 2017-Jun-20 at 14:54

            You already integrated banner Ad so no need to injected dependent artifact in your project.

            Follow these steps for Interstitial Ad integration.

            1. AndroidManifest.xml

              Make an entry of AdActivity for Interstitial Ad

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44650048

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


            Right now the main goal is to get up to speed with the reference SASS compiler. If you'd like to help out, the best thing you can do is pick a specific feature from the list of failing specs and implement it. The test suite under sass-spec comes from the sass-spec project. Thanks for providing such a great test suite.
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