Popular New Releases in Object-Relational Mapping
升级版本为 4.9.1
Popular Libraries in Object-Relational Mapping
by django python
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
by typeorm typescript
ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
by go-gorm go
The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
by xkcoding java
该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作Mybatis)、BeetlSQL(强大的ORM框架)、upload(本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传)、redis(缓存)、ehcache(缓存)、email(发送各种类型邮件)、task(基础定时任务)、quartz(动态管理定时任务)、xxl-job(分布式定时任务)、swagger(API接口管理测试)、security(基于RBAC的动态权限认证)、SpringSession(Session共享)、Zookeeper(结合AOP实现分布式锁)、RabbitMQ(消息队列)、Kafka(消息队列)、websocket(服务端推送监控服务器运行信息)、socket.io(聊天室)、ureport2(中国式报表)、打包成war文件、集成 ElasticSearch(基本操作和高级查询)、Async(异步任务)、集成Dubbo(采用官方的starter)、MongoDB(文档数据库)、neo4j(图数据库)、docker(容器化)、JPA多数据源、Mybatis多数据源、代码生成器、GrayLog(日志收集)、JustAuth(第三方登录)、LDAP(增删改查)、动态添加/切换数据源、单机限流(AOP + Guava RateLimiter)、分布式限流(AOP + Redis + Lua)、ElasticSearch 7.x(使用官方 Rest High Level Client)、HTTPS、Flyway(数据库初始化)、UReport2(中国式复杂报表)。
by mybatis java
MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java
by Tencent java
🚀 零代码、热更新、全自动 ORM 库,后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🚀 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library for automatically providing APIs and Docs.
by baomidou java
An powerful enhanced toolkit of MyBatis for simplify development
by dotnet csharp
EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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An entity framework for Go
Trending New libraries in Object-Relational Mapping
by erupts java
🚀 纯 Java 注解,单个类文件,快速开发 Admin 管理后台。不生成任何代码、零前端代码、零 CURD、自动建表、注解式API、自定义服务逻辑,支持所有主流数据库,支持自定义页面,支持多数据源,提供二十几类业务组件,十几种展示形式,支持逻辑删除,动态定时任务,前端后端分离等。核心技术:Spring Boot、JPA、Reflect、TypeScript、NG-ZORRO等。 开源不易,记得右上角点个star鼓励作者~
by GoogleLLP java
by Joolun java
JooLun微信商城,Java + SpringBoot + Maven + Swagger + Mybatis Plus + Redis + Vue + elementUI,微信公众号开发、小程序商城、微信支付、订单管理;商业版还有微服务、多租户Sass、Uniapp商城、小程序直播、多规格SKU、拼团、砍价、商户管理、 秒杀、优惠券、积分、多店铺、商城拖拽装修、服务商收款等功能
by braisdom java
ObjectiveSQL is an ORM framework in Java based on ActiveRecord pattern, which encourages rapid development and clean, codes with the least and convention over configuration.
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python async orm with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation
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Gen: Friendly & Safer GORM powered by Code Generation
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Zero-abstraction Postgres for TypeScript: a non-ORM database library
by long2ice python
FastAPI Admin Dashboard based on FastAPI and Tortoise ORM.
Top Authors in Object-Relational Mapping
19 Libraries
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10 Libraries
10 Libraries
10 Libraries
19 Libraries
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12 Libraries
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10 Libraries
Trending Kits in Object-Relational Mapping
Object Relational Mappers enable developers to interact with a relational database. ORMs provide an abstraction layer between the database engine and the database model. It helps interact with the database instead of SQL commands. ORMs offer convenience and flexibility when performing database operations. It can make development easier by reducing the code to interact with the database.
NodeJS ORM library allows developers to interact with databases in an organized way. It simplifies creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from a MySQL database. It provides an object-oriented interface for interacting with the data. The library provides features like validation, association, and model definition. It allows developers to design their applications. Using a NodeJS MySQL orm library reduces the time and complexity of dealing with a MySQL database.
In NodeJS ORM Libraries, these tools are all for managing a NodeJS database. Prisma Migrate allows developers to apply changes to databases in a repeatable manner. Prisma Studio provides an intuitive UI to view and manage data. The Prisma Toolkit provides a unified interface for managing databases. The Prisma Schema helps define data models and write queries. The Prisma Client provides a convenient API for querying and mutating data. And the Prisma Documentation provides tutorials and API references. With these tools, developers can manage their NodeJS MySQL databases.
Data Mapper, Active Record, and NodeJS ORM libraries are essential components. Data Mapper maps the data between the application and the database. The layer of the ORM mediates between the application and the database. Active Record is an object-relational mapping pattern implementation. An architectural pattern maps an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. NodeJS MySQL ORM libraries provide a way to interact with MySQL databases. These libraries provide an easy way to perform database operations. The operations include creating and updating records, running queries, and managing transactions. They also offer a convenient way to interact with MySQL data in a Node.js environment. Developers can use these libraries to create applications interacting with databases with minimal overhead.
Different types of nodes that we can use in NodeJS MySQL orm libraries are:
Server Nodes:
- Database Server: This node runs the database server. It provides access to the database. We can host on a remote server.
- Database Client: This node connects to the database server and sends queries. The database client can be a web application, a command line interface (CLI), or an API.
- ORM Server: This node handles running the ORM library. It provides access to the database through the ORM library.
Client Nodes:
- Database Client: This node connects to the database server and sends queries. The database client can be a web application, a command line interface (CLI), or an API.
- ORM Client: This node connects to the ORM server and sends queries. The ORM client can be a web application, a command line interface (CLI), or an API.
Different modules that we can include in a NodeJS MySQL orm library are:
- Connection Module: Allows you to establish connections to a MySQL database.
- Query Module: Allows you to perform queries on the database.
- Model Module: Provides an object-oriented interface for representing database tables and records.
- Schema Module: Allows you to define and apply structure to the database.
- Migration Module: Allows you to automate creating and modifying database tables.
- Validation Module: It validates data before we write it to the database.
- Transaction Module: Allows you to manage transactions across many database operations.
- Debug Module: This provides debugging tools for tracking down errors in your code.
Different connection types that we can make between a NodeJS MySQL orm library and a database can be:
- Single Connection:
A single connection is the most basic type of connection. We can connect between a NodeJS MySQL orm library and a database. This type of connection will provide a single persistent connection to the database. It allows the application to execute queries without re-establishing the connection each time.
- Pooled Connection:
A pooled connection is a connection to the database created. This allows using the same connection pool, improving performance and scalability. We can maintain it with the NodeJS MySQL ORM library.
- Connection Pooling:
Connection pooling establishes many connections to the database. It maintains them for use by many applications. This type of connection is beneficial for applications. It allows the application to use many connections to the database. It needs a high level of scalability and performance.
To troubleshoot issues with a library, one should remember some key points:
- Ensure that the version of NodeJS and the appropriate MySQL ORM library we install.
- Check the connection string for any typos or incorrect information.
- Ensure the database is running and accessible.
- Check that the username and password used in the connection string are correct.
- If we host the database, ensure the server is reachable and the appropriate ports are open.
- Ensure that we install all the required packages.
- Check the log files for any errors related to the connection.
- Try restarting the database server.
- Try restarting the NodeJS server.
- Try resetting the connection string and then re-establishing the connection.
NodeJS MySQL ORM library is a powerful tool to interact with databases. It provides an intuitive API for working with complex data models. It helps with performing CRUD operations. The library supports database concepts like schemas, tables, and relational databases. It also supports basic operations such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting records. NodeJS MySQL ORM library helps to interact with a database. It reduces the code necessary for database operations.
Some of the best NodeJS ORM Libraries are:
- It supports Active Record and Data Mapper patterns. It helps you select the one that best fits your application.
- Written in TypeScript and supports TypeScript for type-safe database interactions.
- It supports data validation with built-in validators. It supports custom validators.
- Powerful query and data manipulation APIs.
- Built-in connection pooling.
- Easy-to-use CLI to automate database migrations.
- It allows you to observe the exact SQL queries. We can generate it by the queries constructed with the query builder API.
- It supports both callbacks and promises for API calls. It allows easy integration into existing applications.
- Allows you to construct SQL queries of varying complexity.
- It manages relationships between related models.
- It supports both promise-based and traditional callback-based async APIs.
- Integrates with Knex.js, which allows you to use a wide range of database dialects.
- Built-in support for models and associations to create and manage relationships between data.
- Built-in migration support to keep track of changes to database structure over time.
- Built-in support for advanced aggregation functions to perform complex data analysis.
- Support for many databases and versions of MySQL.
- A streaming API for high-performance data retrieval.
- A rich set of features and plugins, including query building, debugging, and more.
- It provides an ORM that makes mapping models to tables and objects to rows easy.
- It provides a powerful query builder. It allows you to construct complex queries without writing raw SQL.
- Provides transaction support, allowing you to group operations into a single transaction.
- Highly extensible and customizable, allowing developers to extend its functionality with custom plugins.
- It has a simple, intuitive interface to get up and running.
- It supports both callbacks and promises. It allows developers to choose the style that best suits their development needs.
What is Knex SQL, and how does it compare to other nodejs, MySQL, or libraries?
Knex.js is an SQL query builder for Node.js. It is a "batteries included" SQL query builder. It provides a powerful and versatile tool for creating and running database queries. We can write it in JavaScript and use it in Node.js applications. We can use it for relational databases (e.g., MySQL, Postgres, SQLite) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB).
Knex SQL is to other popular Node.js ORMs like Sequelize and Objection.js, but it has a few advantages:
- It supports a wide range of databases. It gives the flexibility to work with the database of their choice.
- It provides a straightforward API for writing SQL queries to get up and running.
- Knex SQL offers an interface for writing advanced questions like joins and subqueries.
What are the pros and drawbacks of the Sequelize ORM library for NodeJS MySQL development?
- Sequelize is a well-documented ORM library, making it easy to learn and use.
- It supports databases to switch from one database to another with minimal effort.
- It simplifies queries to focus on the application's business logic instead of the database.
- It supports various features, such as validations, associations, and migrations.
- It is open-source and well-maintained, with a large community of active users.
- Debugging complex queries can be difficult because of the abstraction layer.
- It needs a configuration and setup before the application we can use.
- There may be better choices that require low latency or complex queries.
- It is less well-suited for real-time applications than other Node.js ORMs.
What are Object Relational Mappers? Why do they matter for database concepts in NodeJS MySQL?
Object Relational Mappers help developers to interact with a database using objects. An ORM can simplify the querying and manipulating of the database to build applications. ORMs offer a layer of abstraction between the database and the application. It helps understand the underlying database structure. It helps write code in a common language instead of having to write SQL queries. This helps create applications, as they need to learn a new language.
How is using a Node ORM different than using SQL?
A Node ORM provides an abstraction layer over SQL. It allows interaction with database objects and functions instead of SQL queries. This can make the code easier to maintain, and it can also help to prevent common SQL injection attacks. Additionally, ORMs provide features to automate tasks like creating tables and querying data.
Can you explain what a Data Mapper is and how it works in an ORM library?
A Data Mapper is an object-oriented programming pattern. It separates the domain/business layer from the data layer. It is a software layer. It maps data between objects and a database while keeping them independent. Object-relational mappers map objects to database tables and perform CRUD operations. The ORM uses the Data Mapper pattern to move data between the object and relational worlds. ORMs provide a high-level abstraction of the data layer. It allows developers to interact with the data layer without writing SQL queries.
Can we consider new ORM libraries over more established ones?
There are several reasons to consider new ORM libraries over more established ones. We build Newer ORM libraries with the technologies, making them faster and more efficient. They also often have better support for newer databases, such as NoSQL databases. Additionally, they may have more flexible or intuitive APIs, making them easier to use. Finally, unique libraries may have better documentation and more active development communities. It helps have bug fixes and feature updates.
Are there particular database clients that work better with libraries than others?
Yes, different ORM libraries are compatible with varying clients of databases. For example, Sequelize is a popular ORM library for Node.js that works best with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Mongoose is a popular ORM library that works best with MongoDB databases.
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