logrus-formatter | logrus formatter , 主要是为了格式化需要放到ElasticSearch等组件中的日志 | Code Quality library

 by   0x00b Go Version: v1.0.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | logrus-formatter Summary

kandi X-RAY | logrus-formatter Summary

logrus-formatter is a Go library typically used in Code Quality applications. logrus-formatter has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

logrus formatter , 主要是为了格式化需要放到ElasticSearch等组件中的日志

            kandi-support Support

              logrus-formatter has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 3 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 3 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              logrus-formatter has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of logrus-formatter is v1.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              logrus-formatter has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              logrus-formatter has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              logrus-formatter is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              logrus-formatter releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            logrus-formatter Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for logrus-formatter.

            logrus-formatter Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Run the command in Linux machine, just the same way batch is used in Windows machine
            Asked 2022-Mar-22 at 09:57

            I am new to linux System, there was scenario where through my Jenkinsfile I have to run the command bat 'mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=testproject -Dsonar.host.url=https://localhostxy.com -Dsonar.login=xyzloginid'on linux machine, but getting an error as I was using batch.

            The same batch command is working on window based machine.

            Please suggest me an alternate way to run it on Linux based machine.

            Jenkinsfile stage as below, its working on Windows, please suggest the changes to make it work on linux based machine.



            Answered 2022-Mar-22 at 09:57


            Use of Deprecated PMD rules
            Asked 2022-Feb-17 at 12:52

            We've recently picked up PMD on our Salesforce project to help with our Apex code quality analysis. We've implemented a couple of rules, but have seen that most of the really valuable-looking rules (around performance, complexity, etc) are marked as deprecated.

            Do people generally use continue to use deprecated rules (as they still work, even if they are no longer actively supported)? Or does deprecated in this sense mean that these may be broken/unreliable.

            Does the prevalence of deprecated PMD rules mean that we should be looking for an alternative tool?

            I'd really welcome your thoughts



            Answered 2022-Feb-17 at 12:52

            There are very few deprecated rules in the Apex module: https://pmd.github.io/latest/pmd_rules_apex.html

            PMD rules are usually not deprecated without a replacement. For instance AvoidDmlStatementsInLoops is replaced by OperationWithLimitsInLoops, as documented. Sometimes several rules are consolidated into a single one, which is the case for those 3 performance rules. You might get the impression that many rules are deprecated, but no functionality is lost, and the newer rules are generally more easily extensible.

            If you are seeing many deprecation warnings, it may be because you are referencing those rules through deprecated rulesets. For instance, if you write

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71125281


            How do I specify a specific prettier version in a VSCode .devcontainer?
            Asked 2022-Feb-02 at 17:28

            In a repo, we have a pre-commit configuration that requires version 2.2.1 of prettier:



            Answered 2022-Feb-02 at 17:28

            You can set the version in the .devcontainer like this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69449987


            Circular Dependency Error when using Enumerations
            Asked 2022-Feb-02 at 04:27

            I want to assign certain time weightage values to the variables of a data set. So I am trying to use Enumerations/Constants so to improve my code quality and make it easy to maintain. But on compiling my project, it throws in a Circular Dependencies Between Modules error.

            What I have understood is, one is allowed to use only constants [Eg: 2,3.14,56....], in the truest sense of the word. Bottom line, if I can't use Either Enumerations or Constants. Then how can I achieve my objective of keeping my weightages code-block, in a way that any changes in them is reflected everywhere in my project than me having to do a find and update manually every instance.

            What I am getting at, is to have a global variable that can be accessed throughout the project and is dynamic.



            Answered 2022-Feb-02 at 04:27
            • The error message is incorrect: your code does not have any circular references.
              • This is more of a bug in the VBA interpreter: your code is still incorrect and invalid, but VBA is showing the wrong error message.
              • Given that VBA remains effectively frozen-in-time since 2002 (excepting 64-bit support in 2007), so don't expect any fixes, let alone any enhancements, ever (Though MS Office's COM automation tooling is slowly shifting to JavaScript (maybe Python? please?).
            • The actual problem with your code is threefold:
              • You cannot use a Function to initialize a Const value in VBA.
              • You cannot use a Function to define values for a VBA Enum either.
              • You cannot have Enum members typed as Double: VBA only supports Integer and Long values for Enum members.
                • Curiously, VBA does allow Const values to be typed as Double - but most other languages don't because Double is an IEEE-754 floating point type that does not have a machine-portable representation, but as VBA is only for Win32 on x86/x64 I guess that means Microsoft made it work given the very narrow gamut of hardware that VBA programs will run on.

            Anyway, if you want "named values" typed as Double that you can use anywhere, then try this:

            1. Create a new Module (not a Class Module).

            2. Rename the Module from Module1 to Weightage.

            3. Put this code in Weightage:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70937728


            Text based JavaScript Ajax quiz
            Asked 2022-Jan-21 at 17:00

            I'm trying to create a text based quiz that moves on to the next slide when the correct answer is guessed. I have the code running(which is not showing questions in my pc but it is showing the questions perfectly here) but the input space is not displaying on my output screen. Can someone please help me identify the error?

            Base code is from https://codepen.io/SitePoint/pen/GmPjjL



            Answered 2022-Jan-21 at 17:00

            In your output.push I've added a input box, you need to pass your input box in this particular place. Input box I've added is just to show you the place you can add Input tag.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70804423


            Exposed ORM: DSL vs DAO in Many-to many relationships best practices
            Asked 2022-Jan-17 at 01:50

            I am setting up some many-to-many relationships and have so far been using the Exposed DSL pattern (as opposed to DAO). However, creating many-to-many relationships seem to only be possible using the DAO approach.

            I know it is probably fine to use the two patterns interchangeably, but as I set up my project and move forward, I'm wondering what the best approach is from the perspective of code quality. Use them both or switch to DAO? Or the third option is that this question represents a misguided understanding of Kotlin and/or Exposed (new to both), in which case, where am I going wrong? Thanks in advance



            Answered 2022-Jan-17 at 01:50

            It is possible to use DSL to create many-to-many relationships for tables. However whether or not you should use DSL or DAO or both together would really be up to you and whether or not it makes the code easier or harder to read and maintain.

            Here is a basic example of a many to many relationship with DSL.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70734941


            How do I output only a capture group with sed
            Asked 2022-Jan-14 at 15:48

            I have an input file



            Answered 2022-Jan-14 at 10:30


            CodeClimate Not reading configuration
            Asked 2021-Dec-29 at 22:54

            In my react project the code quality checker CodeClimate, using advanced configuration just stop some silly code quality factors/thresholds like 50 line of code, :



            Answered 2021-Dec-29 at 22:54

            The problem is simple, the server make file called .codeclimate.json because I edit the configurations via the website, but in my repo I made I file called .codeclimate.yml, when I convert the configuration from .yml to .json I override the one on the server that works perfectly.

            Example for may configuration .codeclimate.json:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70508645


            Rust compiler not optimising lzcnt? (and similar functions)
            Asked 2021-Dec-26 at 01:56
            What was done:

            This follows as a result of experimenting on Compiler Explorer as to ascertain the compiler's (rustc's) behaviour when it comes to the log2()/leading_zeros() and similar functions. I came across this result with seems exceedingly both bizarre and concerning:

            Compiler Explorer link




            Answered 2021-Dec-26 at 01:56

            Old x86-64 CPUs don't support lzcnt, so rustc/llvm won't emit it by default. (They would execute it as bsr but the behavior is not identical.)

            Use -C target-feature=+lzcnt to enable it. Try.

            More generally, you may wish to use -C target-cpu=XXX to enable all the features of a specific CPU model. Use rustc --print target-cpus for a list.

            In particular, -C target-cpu=native will generate code for the CPU that rustc itself is running on, e.g. if you will run the code on the same machine where you are compiling it.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70481312


            Gitlab-CI: Nodejs application fails to build
            Asked 2021-Dec-20 at 11:58

            I am using gitlab-ci to build a react application but the build stage always fails, on my local machine it works fine same thing on my deployment server but when using gitlab-ci it fails with



            Answered 2021-Nov-23 at 12:46

            Those are linter errors. Check the npm scripts that are being executed (probabaly on npm run build) as this is probably running your linter and producing the errors.

            I would suggest you run the same thing locally and fix those :)

            This doesn't look related to GitLab at all

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70081139

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            To install formatter, use go get:.


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