windows | package makes a best-effort attempt

 by   mxplusb Go Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | windows Summary

kandi X-RAY | windows Summary

windows is a Go library. windows has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

This package makes a best-effort attempt at an idiomatic Go interface to making syscalls for Windows.

            kandi-support Support

              windows has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 5 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are no watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 2 open issues and 0 have been closed. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of windows is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              windows has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              windows has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              windows is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              windows releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

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            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of windows
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            windows Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for windows.

            windows Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            typescript throws configure not a function error with dotenv and jest
            Asked 2021-Jun-16 at 00:40

            I am trying to use dotenv and jest together, and run into an error immediately.

            A single test file, tests/authenticationt.test.ts with only



            Answered 2021-Jun-16 at 00:40

            try require('dotenv').config()



            Storing the File Path as a variable
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 22:24

            I'm trying to create a Windows form via Powershell and I need to capture the file path and store it in a variable. After the user clicks the 'Select' button and chooses the file, I would like to store the file path in a variable. Can someone please help me with this? The part of the code that shows the file path is the $selectButton.Add_Click() method.



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 21:22

            Following your .ShowDialog() call, you can simply query the value of your $pathTextBox text-box object.



            Django modal bootstrap not displaying
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 21:53

            I have been blocked on this problem for several days. I have bootstrap 3.3.7 in the project root folder. I am rendering some buttons in the django template that should open modal windows when clicked. But the modal functionality is not working. I am following the examples shown on this page:

            Here is the template code:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 21:53
              {% load static %}
              {% load static %}
              // add this.



            How to use select() to set a timer for sockets?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 21:17

            I'm currently using Winsock2 to be able to test a connection to multiple local telnet servers, but if the server connection fails, the default Winsock client takes forever to timeout.

            I've seen from other posts that select() can set a timeout for the connection part, and that setsockopt() with timeval can timeout the receiving portion of the code, but I have no idea how to implement either. Pieces of code that I've copy/pasted from other answers always seem to fail for me.

            How would I use both of these functions in the default client code? Or, if it isn't possible to use those functions in the default client code, can someone give me some pointers on how to use those functions correctly?



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 21:17

            select() can set a timeout for the connection part.

            Yes, but only if you put the socket into non-blocking mode before calling connect(), so that connect() exits immediately and then the code can use select() to wait for the socket to report when the connect operation has finished. But the code shown is not doing that.

            setsockopt() with timeval can timeout the receiving portion of the code

            Yes, though select() can also be used to timeout a read operation, as well. Simply call select() first, and then call recv() only if select() reports that the socket is readable (has pending data to read).

            Try something like this:



            Using std::atomic with futex system call
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 20:48

            In C++20, we got the capability to sleep on atomic variables, waiting for their value to change. We do so by using the std::atomic::wait method.

            Unfortunately, while wait has been standardized, wait_for and wait_until are not. Meaning that we cannot sleep on an atomic variable with a timeout.

            Sleeping on an atomic variable is anyway implemented behind the scenes with WaitOnAddress on Windows and the futex system call on Linux.

            Working around the above problem (no way to sleep on an atomic variable with a timeout), I could pass the memory address of an std::atomic to WaitOnAddress on Windows and it will (kinda) work with no UB, as the function gets void* as a parameter, and it's valid to cast std::atomic to void*

            On Linux, it is unclear whether it's ok to mix std::atomic with futex. futex gets either a uint32_t* or a int32_t* (depending which manual you read), and casting std::atomic to u/int* is UB. On the other hand, the manual says

            The uaddr argument points to the futex word. On all platforms, futexes are four-byte integers that must be aligned on a four- byte boundary. The operation to perform on the futex is specified in the futex_op argument; val is a value whose meaning and purpose depends on futex_op.

            Hinting that alignas(4) std::atomic should work, and it doesn't matter which integer type is it is as long as the type has the size of 4 bytes and the alignment of 4.

            Also, I have seen many places where this trick of combining atomics and futexes is implemented, including boost and TBB.

            So what is the best way to sleep on an atomic variable with a timeout in a non UB way? Do we have to implement our own atomic class with OS primitives to achieve it correctly?

            (Solutions like mixing atomics and condition variables exist, but sub-optimal)



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 20:48

            You shouldn't necessarily have to implement a full custom atomic API, it should actually be safe to simply pull out a pointer to the underlying data from the atomic and pass it to the system.

            Since std::atomic does not offer some equivalent of native_handle like other synchronization primitives offer, you're going to be stuck doing some implementation-specific hacks to try to get it to interface with the native API.

            For the most part, it's reasonably safe to assume that first member of these types in implementations will be the same as the T type -- at least for integral values [1]. This is an assurance that will make it possible to extract out this value.

            ... and casting std::atomic to u/int* is UB

            This isn't actually the case.

            std::atomic is guaranteed by the standard to be Standard-Layout Type. One helpful but often esoteric properties of standard layout types is that it is safe to reinterpret_cast a T to a value or reference of the first sub-object (e.g. the first member of the std::atomic).

            As long as we can guarantee that the std::atomic contains only the u/int as a member (or at least, as its first member), then it's completely safe to extract out the type in this manner:



            Magnification Windows API - How to add Smoothing/Anti Aliasing
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 20:44


            Since Windows 10 version 2004 update, the Magnifier windows application was updated. And as with every update, there are some issues with it.

            Since those issues might take a long time to fix, I've decided to implement my own small project full screen magnifier.

            I've been developing in c#, .Net 4.6 using the Magnification API from windows magnification.dll . All went good and well, and the main functionality is now implemented. One thing is missing though, a smoothing Mode for pixelated content... Windows Magnifier implements an anti aliasing/ smoothing to the Zoomed in content.

            I've checked and the Magnification API, doesn't seem to provide that option.

            how do i add smoothing mode to magnifier on windows magnification API?

            I'm aware of pixel smoothing methods, but not familiar with win32 API to know where to hook the smoothing method to, before the screen refreshes.


            Thanks to @IInspectable answer, after a small search i found this call to the Magnification API in a python project.

            Based on that, I wrote this snippet in my C# application , and it works as intended!



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 17:03

            There is no public interface in the Magnification API that allows clients to apply filtering (other than color transforms). This used to be possible, but the MagSetImageScalingCallback API was deprecated in Windows 7:

            This function works only when Desktop Window Manager (DWM) is off.

            Even if it is still available, it will no longer work as designed. From Desktop Window Manager is always on:

            In Windows 8, Desktop Window Manager (DWM) is always ON and cannot be disabled by end users and apps.

            With that, you're pretty much out of luck trying to replicate the results of the Magnifier application's upscaler using the Magnification API.

            The Magnifier application appears to be using undocumented API calls to accomplish the upscaling effects. Running dumpbin /IMPORTS magnify.exe | findstr "Mag" lists some of the public APIs, as well as the following:

            • MagSetLensUseBitmapSmoothing
            • MagSetFullscreenUseBitmapSmoothing

            Unless you are willing to reverse-engineer those API calls, you're going to have to spend your time on another project, or look into a different solution.

            A note on the upscaling algorithm: If you look closely you'll notice that the upscaled image doesn't exhibit any of the artifacts associated with smoothing algorithms.

            The image isn't blurred in any way. Instead, it shows sharp edges everywhere. I don't know what upscaling algorithm is at work here. Wikipedia's entry on Pixel-art scaling algorithms lists some that have very similar properties. It might well be one of those, or a modified version thereof.



            Save Outlook Mailitem to local folder
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 19:38

            The following code does everything I want: pulls email, saves attachments, extracts files EXCEPT save the original email to the folder fDest. I seem unable to see the solution.

            This seems to be the problematic line as it won't save the email: "mi.SaveAs fDest2, olMSG"



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 19:38

            You must be sure there are no invalid characters in the filename. See What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names? for more information. So, I'd suggest using the Replace method available in VBA before passing anything to the SaveAs method.

            Another point is that you need to specify unique file names to each email. Make sure the generated file name is unique for a folder.



            Web-Safe font not displaying in iOS emails
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 17:57

            Trying to use Impact font in my html email, which is working fine in Outlook 365 windows and web clients, as well as Gmail client in browser, but the iOS native Mail app, Gmail app and Outlook apps all default back to arial. What am I missing?

            Here's the table in question. Class is leftover from a MS port, and I'm leaving it in in the hopes that it improves mso performance, but all it's really doing is setting default font-family, font-size and margin (0).



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 05:24

            Impact may not be 'websafe' then, as it appears to NOT be installed on Androids and iOS (mobile), otherwise it would work. Unless the class "MsoNormal" has a different font-family on it. (I would remove that, it's not necessary or related to performance.)

            If that fails, you'll need you to use @font-face to load it in from a public website. Keep in mind @font-face is not supported on everything:

            As a fallback, you might like to use a similar font, via Google Fonts which is already setup for this:

            But to make it work on absolutely everything, you'll need to save it as an image, and load in as



            In Ansible, how do I run a shell script inside a git-bash shell?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 17:48

            Ansible 2.11.0

            I have a shell script that accepts 2 parameters that I want to run on a Windows host, but want to run it inside git-bash.exe. I've tried this,



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 17:47

            be aware I don't have a Windows machine against which to try this, so it's just "best effort"

            As best I can tell, your problem is because you are trying to recreate the behavior of win_shell by "manually" invoking that improperly quoted cmd.exe /c business, ending up with cmd.exe /c "cmd.exe /c whatever"; dialing up the ansible verbosity -vv could confirm or deny that pattern

            Also, the win_shell docs say to use win_command: unless you have a shell redirect need, which as written your task does not.



            Win 10 WSL won't set default version to 2 with Ubuntu
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 15:47

            I have Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1052. I have followed the guide in and in Win 10 WSL won't set default 2 to get wsl. And I want to upgrade to version 2. I installed the regular Ubuntu from the Microsoft app store. And I did wsl --setdefault Ubuntu followed by wsl --set-default-version 2 and it only gave me For information on key differences with WSL 2 please visit But wsl -l -v was still showing VERSION 1.

            So I went an installed Ubuntu-20.04 LTS and now that version is showing VERSION 2 but not the regular Ubuntu one.

            How can I get them both to version 2?



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:47

            When you do --set-default-version, you're setting the version for future distributions that you install. That doesn't convert or change any current distros you have installed. So for your existing Ubuntu distro that is version 1, you should use the wsl --set-version command to convert it to version 2 or revert back to version 1.



            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install windows

            You can download it from GitHub.


            go build -v mksyscall_windows.gocd <top-level-api-folder> New APIs go under their respective DLL. For example, GetProcessInformation belongs to psapi.dll, so it goes under psapi.Add the unexported syscall in this format: //sys funcName(named type) (namedReturn type) Hint: mksyscall_windows.go contains instructions at the top of the file if you get stuck. File an issue if you really get stuck, I will help you through it. If the syscall has pointer returns to a type, make sure to add the type with appropriate comments. Docs are a must!Run mksyscall_windows.exe -output="z<dest_api>_windows.go" <target_api>_template_windows.go in the API folder to generate the syscall.Write a test for the syscall. If the syscall has pointer returns to a type, make sure to create a method receiver and deep copy it to provide an idiomatic interface. And a test for that method receiver. Write an example if possible! Tests are designed to help you understand what the API feels like, if it feels clunky, then write a wrapper for it.Submit a PR! This package can't grow without your help, let's make it awesome!
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