langd | A Language Server Protocol implementation in Go for Go

 by   object88 Go Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | langd Summary

kandi X-RAY | langd Summary

langd is a Go library typically used in Web Services applications. langd has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

A Language Server Protocol implementation in Go for Go

            kandi-support Support

              langd has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 9 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 15 open issues and 17 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 25 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of langd is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              langd has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              langd has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              langd is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              langd releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed langd and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into langd implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • NewLoader returns a new Loader .
            • InitializeService initializes the server
            • CalculateOffsetForPosition calculates the offset for a given line and character .
            • createStartCommand returns the kubeadm init command
            • NewLoaderEngine returns a new LoaderEngine .
            • getBasicType returns the name of the type
            • flattenAscendants recursively flattens the given nodes into a map .
            • NewHandler returns a new handler .
            • getIniterFuncs returns a map of the initers .
            • StartLoadMonitoring starts a load monitor .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            langd Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for langd.

            langd Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for langd.

            Community Discussions


            biblatex: splitting bibliography entry which are connected by name as "package"
            Asked 2021-Jun-05 at 19:18

            I'm currently struggeling with my BibLaTeX file. I wanna separate the bibtex entries which are connected by the last name of the author (as you can see with the first and second entry). Also i wanna turn the (Hrsg.) Tag like the rest of the author information in bold.

            below you can find a mre where the magic happens.

            regards and stay healthy!



            Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 19:18

            You already know how to make the author names bold from biblatex: customizing bibliography entry - the same technique can be used for the editorstrg:



            Program.Mattor(): not all code paths return a value. How do I solve this?
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 20:57
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    /// Tapet:
                    // Följande ska användaren kunna mata in:
                    // 1. Väggens mått: Längd och bredd.
                    // 2. Jämförelse av upp till 8 st tapeter.
                    // Programmet ska även kunna skriva ut en lista av alla tapet där man tydligt ser namn, antal rullar och pris. 
                    // Användaren ska kunna mata in golvets bredd och längd.
                    // Användaren ska sedan kunna mata in olika areor på mattor tills det täcker golvets yta.  
                    // Vi ska bestämma när antalet mattor har täckt golvet, samt hur många mattor det tog.
                    // Variabeln menyKörs sätts till true så vi kan skapa en While-loop som hela tiden körs om. Detta avbryter vi genom att sätta den till
                    // false ifall användaren väljer att avsluta programmet. 
                    bool menyKörs = true;
                    while (menyKörs)
                        //Ett programm som hjälper anändaren att tappetsera en vägg eller lägga mattor på användarens golv
                        Console.WriteLine("Hej! Välkommen till programmet som hjälper dig med att tappetsera och lägga golvmattor ");
                        // Menyval för användaren att välja väg i programmet. Beroende på val skickas användaren till olika metoder som utreder specifika uppgifter. 
                        Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Välj V för att tappetsera en vägg, M för att lägga mattor eller A för att avsluta programmet! ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Tappetsera vägg (V)");
                        Console.WriteLine("Lägga mattor (M)");
                        Console.WriteLine("Avsluta programm (A)");
                        string val = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                        //Anänver mig av en "switch" för att gå olika vägar beroende på användarens val i menyn. 
                        switch (val)
                            //Tar in värdena bredd och längd och skickar in detta i metoden "tapeter".
                            case "V":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Vad är måtten på väggen du ska tappetsera? (Skriv i meter) ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Bredden: ");
                                    double måttBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Längden: ");
                                    double måttLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Din area på väggen blir: {måttBredd * måttLängd}m^2 ");
                                    Tapeter(måttBredd, måttLängd);
                            //Skickas direkt till metoden "mattor" som sedan returnar hur många mattor det krävdens
                            case "M":
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Det krävdes {Mattor()} antal mattor för att täcka golvets yta! ");
                            case "A":
                                    menyKörs = false;
                            //Avbryter koden genom att skickas till metoden "Felmeddelande"
                /// En metod som berättar för användaren att ett felaktigt värde blivit angivet. Detta görs i en metod då vi minskar upprepning. 
                private static void Felmeddelande()
                    Console.WriteLine("Du skrev in ett felaktigt värde, testa igen! ");
                /// Räknar ut antal tapeter för en vägg och skriver ut dem
                /// Den bredd väggen har
                /// Den längd som väggen har
                private static void Tapeter(double måttBredd, double måttLängd)
                    //Olika lister där inmatning utav olika värden från användaren sparas för senare utskrivning
                    List listaTapet = new List();
                    List listaNamn = new List();
                    List listaPris = new List();
                    List listaPrisTotal = new List();
                    int a = 0;
                    bool tapetVäg = true;
                    while (a <= 9 && tapetVäg)
                        //Menyval där användaren kan välja att lägga till en tapet för jämförelse, skriva ut tapeterna eller avsluta programmet. 
                        Console.WriteLine("Vad vill du göra? Klicka 1, 2, respektive 3 för att välja: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Tänk på att du enbart kan jämföra !MAX! 8 st olika tapeter. ");
                        Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till en tapet");
                        Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut listorna av tapeterna");
                        Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
                        int valdVäg = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        switch (valdVäg)
                            case 1:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Vad heter din tapet? ");
                                    string namnTapet = Console.ReadLine();
                                    /*Räknar ut det antal rullar som användaren behöver. Detta görs utan hänsyn till mönster eller att tapeten ska sitta rätt.
                                    Uträkningen görs genom att först dividera väggens bredd, (måttBredd), med tapetens bredd (tapetBredd), 
                                    vilket ger oss antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka väggens bredd med tapeter (antalRullar bredd). 
                                    Detta värde avrundas uppåt då vi inte kan köpa halva tapetrullar. 
                                    Sedan multipliceras det antal tapeter som behövs för att täcka väggens bredd, (antalRullar bredd), med väggens längd, (måttLängd). Slutligen divideras detta med
                                    tapetens längd, (tapetLängd), vilket ger oss totala antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka hela väggen, (antalRullarVägg). 
                                    Även detta värde, (antalRullarVägg), avrundas uppåt av samma anledning som innan. 
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hur bred är tapeten? (meter) ");
                                    double tapetBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hur lång är tapeten? (meter) ");
                                    double tapetLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    double antalRullarBredd = (måttBredd / tapetBredd);
                                    int kolumnRullar = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling(antalRullarBredd)));
                                    int antalRullarVägg = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling((antalRullarBredd * måttLängd) / tapetLängd)));
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Totala antal rullar du behöver blir {antalRullarVägg} st");
                                    //Det totala priset blir antalet rullar tapet multiplicerat med vad en rulle tapet kostar. 
                                    Console.WriteLine("vad kostar tapeten? (kr/rulle) ");
                                    double tapetPris = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    double prisTotal = antalRullarVägg * tapetPris;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Det totala priset för din tapet blir därmet: {prisTotal} kr ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Tryck Enter för att fortsätta: ");
                            case 2:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
                                    //Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaNamn".
                                    //Då listan "listaNamn" och alla andra listor är lika stora så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna. 
                                    for (int i = 0; i < listaNamn.Count; i++)
                                        Console.Write("Namn: ");
                                        Console.Write("Antal tapetrullar: ");
                                        Console.Write("Kr/Rulle: ");
                                        Console.Write("Totalt pris för tapet: ");
                            case 3:
                                    tapetVäg = false;
                /// Metod som körs för att täcka golvet med mattor
                static int Mattor()
                    //Skapar två lister för mattornas längd och bredd. Detta för att jag sedan ska kunna skriva ut mattorna som användaren har använt. 
                    List listaMattaBredd = new List();
                    List listaMattaLängd = new List();
                    int b = 0;
                    bool mattaVäg = true;
                    while (mattaVäg)
                        Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till mattor");
                        Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut mattorna");
                        Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
                        int mattaVal = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        switch (mattaVal)
                            case 1:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Du ska täcka ditt golv med golvmattor. Jag behöver följande: ");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Golvets bredd: ");
                                    double golvBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Golvets längd: ");
                                    double golvLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Din area blir: {golvBredd * golvLängd} m^2 ");
                                    double golvArea = golvLängd * golvBredd;
                                    // "täcktGolv" sätts till noll och adderas varje gång anvädnaren valt att lägga till en matta på golvet. 
                                    double täcktGolv = 0;
                                    //Använder do-while för att se om mattorna tänker golvarean. Använder även en variabel som räknas efter varje gång loopen utförs för att bestämma antal mattor man behöver. 
                                        Console.WriteLine("Ta en matta och mata in mattans mått: ");
                                        Console.WriteLine("Matta bredd: ");
                                        int mattaBredd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                        Console.WriteLine("Matta längd: ");
                                        int mattaLängd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                        täcktGolv = täcktGolv + (mattaBredd * mattaLängd);
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Täckt golv blir: {täcktGolv} m^2");
                                    } while (täcktGolv < golvArea);
                                    return b;
                            case 2:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
                                    //Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaMattaBredd". 
                                    //Då listan "listaMattaBredd" är lika stor som listan "listaMattaLängd" så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna. 
                                    for (int i = 0; i < listaMattaBredd.Count; i++)
                                        Console.Write("Matta Bredd: ");
                                        Console.Write("Matta Längd: ");
                                    return b;
                            case 3:
                                    mattaVäg = false;
                                    return b;
                                    return b;


            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 20:57

            Because all of your returns are in the while loop. From msdn: msdn

            • The while statement: conditionally executes its body zero or more times.

            Meaning that is not guaranteed that the code inside the while loop will be executed at all. It might just skip the whole, but no returns after it, that's why you are getting an error: "Not all code paths return a value", although multiple paths returns a value, NOT all path.

            You specified that the mattaVag variable is true at the beginning but the compiler doesn't know it. If this loop will be executed at least one time anyway, change it to do...while. Or place the return b; outside your loop



            biblatex: customizing bibliography entry
            Asked 2021-May-18 at 12:57

            I'm currently struggeling with my BibLaTeX file. I wanna turn these two infos into bold.

            I'm using the template below and cannot find the right place to insert a textbf or a mkbibbold property and even don't know if this is the right property in this use case. Every attempt is failing and / or crashing my whole project.

            Here is a mre (Thanks to The %%%%% area is where the magic happens..

            regards and stay healthy!



            Answered 2021-May-18 at 12:57

            As a quick hack, you could redefine:



            Merged 2 List into Dictionary without losing any Element in Python
            Asked 2021-Mar-17 at 07:16

            I have 2 list with the length value of 35 in total both listA and listB. However when I merged the 2 list one of the element is gone and the length become lesser becomes 33. is there any way to make 2 list into a dict without losing any element? I tried the zip and normal for loop but still I lost something.



            Answered 2021-Mar-17 at 07:16

            listA contains two duplicated items ('Material' and 'Typ'). Dictionaries cannot have duplicated keys which explains why you are seeing less entries in your dict.

            If you have duplicated keys, the best approach would be to make the value of the dictionary a list instead of a single item created as follows:

            The dictionary then has 33 keys but 35 values as the entries for 'Typ' and 'Material' contain 2 items in the list.



            jQuery / Ajax: How to access values from result array
            Asked 2020-Jun-23 at 10:28

            I use the following Ajax call to fetch translations from a db.
            The call itself works and returns the below result.

            Can someone tell me how I can access the values from the array in the Ajax result so that I can assign them to my variables ? I either get an error or empty variables and couldn't find a way to make this work (I am new to arrays).

            Note: The id in this case is a unique identifier so the Ajax call always returns only one row.

            Ajax call:



            Answered 2020-Jun-23 at 10:28

            What I'd do if I where you:

            First encode the array as json in PHP:



            Can I get an explaination of this short code that generates a random string in unicode?
            Asked 2020-Jun-05 at 18:14

            I'm currently in a c# class and wanted a full explaination of every line in this short code. I can see what happens in the form but I don't fully know how to explain it since some parts copied from the internet (new char[] for example) and how all of them work together. Thanks in advance would be a great help!



            Answered 2020-Jun-05 at 18:14

            For what it's worth, some comments on the code:



            How to filter JSON objects of array from multiple attributes in javascript
            Asked 2020-Apr-28 at 17:38

            I'm currently struggling with a small VueJS application for filtering among a API response, from multiple values based of drop-downs.

            I could manage two filters, if one was declared outside the if (filtered) and the second condition declared inside.

            However I'm wondering how's the case for e.g more than just two options. Code attached below.



            Answered 2020-Apr-28 at 17:38

            You already have the filters in data.filter.options. Use them. You might need to add minLength, maxLength, and some more.

            You also have to make sure that the name of these variables in this.filter.options match the variables in your boats, e.g. brand instead of brands.

            And I would make the year a range value (min-max) instead of an array. Up to you.



            Problem with cipher crypting uppercase letter c#
            Asked 2020-Apr-23 at 07:16

            having problem with crypting the uppercase letters with basic Cipher cryption code in c#, they just translate to symbols Thanks in advance, I wrote the code below (Ps, labels and textboxes are in swedish but hope i can get help anyway)

            The code:



            Answered 2020-Apr-23 at 07:14

            Lowercase letters are numbered from 'a' == 97 to 'z' == 122. Uppercase are 'A' == 65 to 'Z' == 90.

            Thus, your bokstav < 'a' will process your uppercase letters and do so incorrectly.

            Either put specific coding for uppercase, or use ToLower() to convert your plaintext to lowercase.



            Trying to change purchase-button text if has term category + is variable WooCommerce
            Asked 2020-Feb-02 at 21:05

            Everything works good if I remove the && $product->is_type( 'variable' )

            However, when I add that line, the first if, doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?

            Expecting: If product is in category "farsk-ved" and is a variable product, the text should be "Välj längd". So all the single products, should go to the "else" section ("Köp").

            What is happening: All products, except the "elseif" part, is getting "köp".



            Answered 2020-Feb-02 at 15:56

            If you use $product = new WC_Product( get_the_ID() ); and $product->is_type( 'variable' ) it will return bool(false)

            If you use $product = new WC_Product( get_the_ID() ); and $product->get_type() it will return simple for all products including variable type.

            So you just need to use like this,



            Running XOR encryption in a loop with str.replace doesn't change some characters
            Asked 2019-Apr-05 at 09:28

            I'm trying to encrypt a text and then decrypt it using XOR. It changes most of the letters, but it skips some. When I change the "key" it skips the same letters. If I try another text it also skips some letters but at different places.

            I tried to change a letter in the text:
            "there is something wrong with my code"
            "îòere ós sõmeîòóng wrõng wóîò mã ùõþe"

            So it won't encrypt the letter "e" but when I change one "e" to "X" it works and encrypts the letter "e".



            Answered 2019-Apr-05 at 09:28

            Notice that the characters that are not changing when you run the loop are the characters that occur an even number of times in your string. The same XOR operation is used to both encrypt and decrypt the characters because XORing a number with another number twice gives the same number. What you are missing is the fact that Python's str.replace() replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string. When you encounter the first 'e', all 'e's in the string are replaced with key ^ ord('e') not only the one you have just encountered. Other characters like 't' are also getting XORed more than once, but you don't notice them because XORing with a number 3 times is the same as XORing 1 time.

            To iterate and operate on characters more easily, you should use a mutable sequence type like bytearray:


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