gosh | Authenticationless HTTP file upload server | File Upload library

 by   oxzi Go Version: Current License: GPL-3.0

kandi X-RAY | gosh Summary

kandi X-RAY | gosh Summary

gosh is a Go library typically used in User Interface, File Upload applications. gosh has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

gosh is a simple HTTP file server on which users can upload their files without login or authentication. All files have a maximum lifetime and are then deleted.

            kandi-support Support

              gosh has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 7 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              gosh has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of gosh is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              gosh has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              gosh has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              gosh is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              gosh releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed gosh and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into gosh implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • hardening hardens seccomp rules
            • NewItem creates a new Item from the request .
            • init initializes the flag .
            • ParseBytesize parses s as a byte slice .
            • NewStore creates a new store .
            • Main entry point .
            • NewMimeMap returns a new MimeMap struct .
            • NewOwnerTypes returns a map of owner type and IP addresses .
            • weerver starts a web server .
            • ParseDuration parses a string into a time . Duration .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            gosh Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for gosh.

            gosh Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for gosh.

            Community Discussions


            how do i remove the onclick function after clicking once
            Asked 2021-May-28 at 02:13

            I am very very very very new to any kind of coding whatsoever I'm talkin like I just started tonight kind of new but I still wanted to try my hand at doing things so ill try to explain best I can what I would like to do

            this is like, what the first image looks like

            this is my code for it:



            Answered 2021-May-28 at 02:13

            In your gosh function, after the conditional, you can remove the onclick attribute using el.removeAttribute('onclick'), this will render the image non-clickable until the page refreshes again. Then change the title attribute using el.title = 'snarky comment'

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67731915


            Beginner AppleScript Writer having trouble with idle handler
            Asked 2021-Mar-04 at 09:56

            I have been exploring coding recently and I really enjoy grinding a problem down. I am getting comfortable with AppleScript now and I think it is a good option for what I want to do in the future with coding. My gut tells me that Automator would be less efficient RAM wise and I don't like how it is sectioned off; to constraining and confusing. I like the sandbox feature of a scripting language. I built a pretty good script for a web crawler that opens an online stock portfolio and prunes the market price of cryptocurrencies. I plan on utilizing technological decision making labs to create a cryptocurrency forecasting workbook for my hopes and dreams to make money some day, if ever :[ I have day dreams of making a live excel file that builds plots with hourly fluctuations in the trading.

            To make it a full fledged automated system I need some sort of way to loop the script or schedule it to run on a schedule to get lots of data points for the mathematical models I hope to formulate from the data. I have tried really hard to make the idle handler work but it just doesn't operate like the tutorials describe. It seems you can't use "on idle" with certain commands and I get an error every gosh darn time I use the thing. I found a help page that showed how to incorporate a "beep" function to make sure the idle loop is running and when I compile and save as an "always running App" it doesn't play the beep so I guess that's another problem I haven't figured out. I get the beep to work sometimes but with my final draft of my program now I can't get it to work. I have tried inserting it ever so carefully within tell statements because I have found it works with them sometimes. And I guess you can't have the idle handler span the entire script; it needs to be called in one command structures tree to work. But I still haven't had the App run the script from idle with all the work I've put in looking into this solution. Anybody that has the hush hush on the idle handler secrets can do their best to try to explain the inner workings of the script to me but I find that it takes me a long time to learn coding because it is a lot of very technical reading with precious few opportunities to forge your own learning. Coding is a lot of boiler plate rehashes and I assume I will be chipping away at writing code long into my grey hair days with what I've learned so far.

            But if you could use this question to collect some reading material on how to take a moderately well written script to run in 30 minute increments in the background of a laptop that can handle most computing loads fairly well it would be most appreciated. I'm not against Automator; it's just hard in it's own right with all the things you have to know to get it to work. As I said, any info about the idle handler and how to get it to work would be helpful. Also, if it is possible to write code in AppleScript to generate plots in Microsoft Excel, I like making models for shirts and googles.

            I guess I will share what I've worked on for the last chunk of a weeks worth of grinding the tutorials offered currently online for free. Any critiques or suggestions on how to make the script I've got so far better is greatly appreciated and I don't mind if you snatch something you like if I did a good jerb. This is a web crawling cryptocurrency stock analyzer currently. It follows 3 currencies and writes data to an excel file with year, month, day, and seconds to collect a mass of data for a stronger mathematical model. I studied technological forecasting techniques that apply seasonality to data so the forecasts are better than just using the trend line function in excel, though with the variability with cryptocurrency I wouldn't put much salt on a long term prediction of market prices. I just want to be watching for those oh so gut wrenching stock crashes for a chance to limp in to the game with what little money I can scrounge together for sustenance.



            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 09:56

            Here is a different AppleScript approach which allows you to retrieve your Bitcoin Price values without the need for opening Safari, using JavaScript, Automator, or using text item delimiters. This may not be exactly what you’re looking for but at least it offers a different approach using much less code. Hopefully you can adapt some of it to your needs.

            The first 3 properties in the code define the regular expressions which will be used in the do shell script commands, which will extract the dollar values from the HTML source code.

            For example, to quickly explain what property eGrepBitcoinPrice : "priceValue___11gHJ\”>\\$\\d{2},\\d{3}.\\d{2}” means… we will be searching for text inside the HTML which contains “priceValue___11gHJ” followed by a “>” followed by “$” followed by any 2 digits followed by a “,” followed by any 3 digits followed by a “.” and followed by any 2 digits

            Because I do not have Microsoft Excel, I could not include those commands in the code. However, I did create a quick logging function which writes the prices to a plain text file on your Desktop “Price Log.txt”. This functionality can easily be disabled or removed. The log commands are all wrapped up within a script object called script logCommands which can be removed or commented out along with any other lines in the code which contain my logCommands's.

            Here is a snapshot of the log file

            Save this following AppleScript code in Script Editor.app as a “stay open” application. Being that it is a “stay open” application, when the applet is launched outside of Script Editor.app, only what is within the explicit on run handler will run only one time. The rest of the magic happens within the on idle handler… and everything within this handler will run every 300 seconds. If you want the commands to repeat every 30 minutes, just set the return value to 1800.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66464829


            Why does Python not like doing comparisons with member variables?
            Asked 2021-Mar-03 at 11:02

            Here is a simplified version of a class I want to use to run through some kind of algorithm. The problem is my comparison method between two class variables isn't returning what I expect.



            Answered 2021-Mar-03 at 11:02

            It may be because you are comparing a string with an integer. the value coming from sys.argv would be a string until you cast it as an integer.


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66454193


            ICC Color profiles able to match Pantone, RAL, etc
            Asked 2021-Mar-01 at 10:09

            Im trying to calibrate/adjust my screen color configuration more towards a specific paint color like RAL. Im using Encycolorpedia works great tot determine (what color) and even deltas between specific paints. However my screen doesn't come close to the real life situation, I've received a color wheel and oh my gosh... what a huge difference. So ordering paint online is an absolute no-no.

            The big question how to close that gap between Adobe RGB Color and paint-colors like (Sikkens) RAL or Pantone? Something within the ICC profile of the monitor (which is a Samsung)? I know there are color-spiders to calibrate screens, but I really wonder if there's an online database or which corrections or calibrated settings for monitors ?



            Answered 2021-Mar-01 at 10:09

            You cannot do it. And possibly you do not have correct understanding of ICC, colour profiles, and RAL.

            If you want to calibrate your screen, you should have a good screen (I recommend one "hardware calibrated", so you will not lose colours), and a calibration device. So you will have a good calibrated monitor, which display the correct colours. You will use the ICC file to tell the screen (or graphic card) how to handle colours, and to the program, so they know which range of colours they can use.

            A ICC profile just tell a screen how to convert numbers (colours). An AdobeRGB profile will not make your screen to see AdobeRGB colours, it will just transform the colours so that you will have the "numbers" as expected by a 100% precise AdobeRGB screen (which never exist, so it is better to use device specific profiles). If your screen is not 100% AdobeRGB it will display some colours in an unexpected way. Our eyes may adapt colours (so for a single person, this is not a huge problem, but if you are doing a magazine, with 15 graphic editors, the reader want consistency (there is not time to adapt eyes for every image).

            But then you go to Pantone and RAL: there are different kind of colour description (really, forget RGB for such colours: you need spectral distribution). These are for real objects, so they are seen with different lighting conditions (illumination), and an object can be seen in different colours (as RGB), but being of the same colour (as paint/dye).

            And Pantone and RAL have discrete colours (enumerated colours, not homogeneously distributed). And for screens we just use LUT or LUT3D, so simple matrix conversion of received colour numbers to displayed colour numbers). Not a thing a screen can do so quickly (60 time per second, for every pixel).

            Finally: screens are very different technologies as objects. There are some screens which create the same feeling (and also they seems more "opaque"), but this is not a thing we can every reach with standard (or most of good wide-gamut screens). And screens sucks on yellows and yellow greens (now I'm thinking at various RAL used for emergency). Out of reach for most monitors. An interaction with a soft printing is necessary (and you need a [frequently] calibrated printer).

            Note: usually you get drivers for your monitor (look online for your monitor manuals and drivers [and look just at manufacturer website]). They will usually have the "driver", which it is a ICC profile. But this is just a "standard" profile. Monitors will change with time (either cold [at start-up] to hot), but also with long period using it. And different batched may be different (especially if produced in different places, common for very common monitors). If you use their profile, you should get better colours. If you calibrate yourself, you will have much better colours, but as I wrote, it is probably not possible to have good/very good matching colours.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66404560


            Import .txt to Pandas Dataframe With Multiple Delimiters
            Asked 2020-Dec-18 at 05:55

            I would like to import .txt file into a Pandas Dataframe, my .txt file:



            Answered 2020-Dec-18 at 05:55

            You can start with setting names on you existing columns, and then applying regex on data while creating the new columns.

            In order to fix the "single space delimiter" issue in your output, you can define "at least 2 space characters" eg [\s]{2,} as delimiter which would fix the issue for St. Elf in City names

            An example :

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62366541


            Unable to establish connection to a SOAP based servíce in C#
            Asked 2020-Oct-26 at 23:11

            I'm trying to set up a call to a secured HTTPS endpoint and establish SOAP based communication with the code below. I created a web service reference using Visual Studio and the service's WSDL.



            Answered 2020-Oct-26 at 23:11

            It looks like (from a bit of searching this error) you're missing a way of specifying the "realm" which you must do for the requests. You appear to be able to set this in the app-config.xml


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64505239


            conversion toCelsius() Method not working properly
            Asked 2020-Sep-19 at 17:05

            I wrote a method that converts degree units to Celsius, but when I run it in the main method, it gives the wrong input. Ideally, 212 F gives 100 C; however, the output I got was -273.15. Oh gosh. Any ideas? *edit- I missed the break; the first time so I got that. After the insertion, I got a number of 0.0, below are my most current code.



            Answered 2020-Sep-19 at 17:05

            You need to put in break statements after your cases. Otherwise, they just fall thru to the next.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63971079


            How to transform string to class object? C# WinForms
            Asked 2020-Jun-03 at 14:41

            I have a problem, as a field of a class, I wrote down the type of data as a link to the class (public Picture pictureName) and I need to take the data from textbox(or combobox it doesn't matter) and to save it in this field. However, I don't understand how i need to transform this data to be in a string type. It's a course work without db(oh gosh), please, if you know, help me. And the error(can't transform from string to Artist) is on the line with:



            Answered 2020-Jun-03 at 14:35

            Without seeing the implementation of Picture, I think Picture.authorName needs to be of type string.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62174883


            Pass useState state to router component in React
            Asked 2020-May-02 at 00:34

            With class based components I could pass on the state to components that are rendered by props by saying:



            Answered 2020-May-01 at 23:59

            Have you tried this?

            } />

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61552534


            Avoiding circular references for 2-way communication between projects
            Asked 2020-Feb-10 at 01:17

            I'm in the process of building an open-source tiling window manager applications similar to i3wm/bspwm. Would hopefully look something like this, but for Windows. There's a little bar at the top of the screen that shows your "workspaces" and you can click on a workspace to show its windows.

            At the moment, there's 3 projects in my solution: Bar, Window Manager and Common. The Window Manager project holds state of workspaces etc. and has commands that Bar is supposed to trigger. Common just holds infrastructure shared between the 2 projects like a CommandBus for facilitating communication between projects.

            The Bar project consists of something like this:



            Answered 2020-Feb-10 at 01:17

            You need to decouple WindowManager from Bar .

            If Barneeds to access the window manager functionality. Use an event/delegate and let the window manager subscribe so it can action what ever it needs on Bar. or create an interface that is common between them so you can pass down that contract to bar.

            Either way, you will need to refactor this in a way that logical dependent projects only take care of responsibility that makes sense for them at that level.

            Think about it, a builder hires a bricklayer. The bricklayer doesn't and shouldn't have any knowledge of the accounting software the builder uses, he just gives back an invoice when the work is done (an event), he doesn't call enter invoice, or pay contractor on the accounts software. The accounts lady does what she needs, and gives a wage to the bricklayer (or what ever).

            In short the bricklayer has an event, or they share a predetermined common contract (interface), which is to say, if bar has an IWindowManager interface it can call GetWorkspaces().

            Anyway, only you have the ability to logically split this up without circular references, and what makes sense to you

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60142822

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install gosh

            The system needs to have Go installed in version 1.11 or later.


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