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kandi X-RAY | qa Summary

qa is a HTML library. qa has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

In-group knowledge questions, code competitions, etc.

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              It has 108 star(s) with 94 fork(s). There are 178 watchers for this library.
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              There are 0 open issues and 1 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 226 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of qa is current.

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            Community Discussions


            In Ansible, how do I run a shell script inside a git-bash shell?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 17:48

            Ansible 2.11.0

            I have a shell script that accepts 2 parameters that I want to run on a Windows host, but want to run it inside git-bash.exe. I've tried this,



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 17:47

            be aware I don't have a Windows machine against which to try this, so it's just "best effort"

            As best I can tell, your problem is because you are trying to recreate the behavior of win_shell by "manually" invoking that improperly quoted cmd.exe /c business, ending up with cmd.exe /c "cmd.exe /c whatever"; dialing up the ansible verbosity -vv could confirm or deny that pattern

            Also, the win_shell docs say to use win_command: unless you have a shell redirect need, which as written your task does not.



            How do you control your publicPath property in vue.config.js
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 14:09

            I understand how to control what the publicPath would be based on process.env.NODE_ENV variable. My vue.config.js is working as expected, but only for production and non-production environments. How would I control the publicPath variable when I have qa, dev, and stage environments?

            Note: I have added my,, and .env.stage.




            Answered 2021-Feb-19 at 21:29

            I would compute publicPath in vue.config.js like this:



            how to add dll properly to a .net c# blazor project
            Asked 2021-Jun-14 at 15:07

            I am trying to publish a .NETCORE blazor server side project on a QA server Everything work good in my local machine but when i publish my project, when i click the buton i need, it give me : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. exeption.

            when i debug and log step by step i see that it come from a ligne where i use a dll that i found thereExcelToObjectConvertor, i downloaded it and put it in my root/Ressources folder. Here is how i use it and it work good again in my local machine when i start in visual studio i get my dataToUpdatesList -> OK



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 13:53

            If the workSheetList object is null, I don't think it's a DLL problem - that would throw an Exception for a missing assembly. Is your "produitsTEST.xls" file on your QA server, and at the FilePath you specify? I would check that first.

            I would also throw in some error handling in the event that workSheetList does come back as NULL.



            how to extract .NET object from excel worksheet
            Asked 2021-Jun-14 at 14:49

            i find this article with dll to map excel file to object or list of object


            All work good in my local machine with visual studio but i published it to my QA server the ligne below dont work, and return me nothing ...



            Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 14:49

            i find a solution more popular on the nugetPackage Manager called ExcelMapper simple to use ExcelMapperGithub Hope it will help ;-)



            Can the latest openlayers render the animated marker using gif/apng/webp?
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 18:29

            According to this QA, by using "gifler" library, we can use animated gif to render on canvas-based openlayers. can openlayers 3 render the animated marker using gif

            But it cannot accept apng/webp, and also, "gifler" library is bit old, it is tough to use with the latest EcmaScript or TypeScript.

            Are there any other way to enable this?



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 18:29

            Eventually, I couldn't find a way to make it work, so I started developing it myself. Animated GIF, APNG, and Animated webp can be frame-split and even animated on a canvas context in the following.




            How can I find and click data-qa button with a Selenium?
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 11:12

            trying to find a button that contains data-qa attribute. Try to handle it with following scheme:



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 11:12

            IndexError: list index out of range probably means that x is an empty array. You can conditionally try clicking the button only if the button is present with something like this



            Comparing cell to other and returning the difference
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 20:26

            I had an issue before returning the number of differences between 2 sections of cells as mentioned here: Comparing cell to various other cells and returning the number of found and not found

            Now my issue is that I want a formula to search the columns from QA in Agent and return the differences and ignore the matches

            So here in the first row, there are 2 differences in the QA column comparing to the agent, i want to return those 2 differences from that.

            Link of the sheet:

            Your help is highly appreciated <3



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 20:26

            Not sure if I understood your request correctly, but see if this helps ?



            Arrayformula with index from a query
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 14:35

            My current formula is:



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 14:35

            You can do this by looking up the value of the customer name to a sorted array of customer name and QA date.

            If your data looks like this: then use the formula =ArrayFormula(IF(LEN(A2:A)=0, "", (VLOOKUP(A2:A, QUERY(A2:B, "select A, B order by A, B desc"), 2, 0)))) in C2.

            You will have to adjust the formula based on the column names in your sheet though.



            Removing all data-test attributes from Vue templates during production build in Vue 3
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 10:52

            I work with Vue3 in TS (last vue-cli).

            I want to get all nodes (vnodes) elements when vue-loader compile .vue file. I need to read nodes attributes and remove all "data-test".

            I have try in vue.config.js to use :



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 10:28

            The main problem here is that you are working with vue-template-compiler documentation, but that package is the compiler for Vue 2!

            In Vue 3, compiler is split into multiple packages and is missing proper documentation as of now (or I was just unable to find it)

            Also there were significant changes in the API - instead of modules, you pass nodeTransforms (source) and transforms are not objects, just functions.

            Luckily for you, there is a interesting video on YT presented by Vue core member Rahul Kadyan which shows the exact use case you need (removing data-test attributes) - code

            So I guess the code should look like this:



            How do I calculate the maximum scroll value RichTextBox?
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 02:51

            There is a RichTextBox with scrollbars disabled. Tried to find out the maximum scroll value, using:

            • GetScrollPos - returns 0;
            • GetScrollPosInfo - returns 0;
            • GetScrollRange - returns 100;
            • - allows you to know only the pitch (px), if you scroll to the end will show the maximum, if you want to know it in the beginning - nothing (requires scrolling to the end);
            • float heightLine = targetCtrl.Font.GetHeight() / 3; Maximum = (int)Math.Ceiling(targetCtrl.GetPreferredSize(targetCtrl.Size).Height - targetCtrl.Height + heightLine); - at the beginning the maximum is correct, but as you add or change the size of the elements you get a value that is smaller than the real maximum.


            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 02:51

            The purpose of all the calculations presented below is: to determine the maximum scroll value of the RichTextBox for working with the custom scrollbar.

            Useful materials / tips:

            1. To find out the value that the standard scrollbar receives while scrolling, use the Microsoft Spy++ program;
            2. Absolute Difference Calculator:

            Determine the maximum vertical scroll value:

            NOTE: (code works correctly if you don't scale the RichTextBox contents).


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