wsl | Whitespace Separated Literals format for plain text

 by   jstimpfle HTML Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | wsl Summary

kandi X-RAY | wsl Summary

wsl is a HTML library. wsl has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Whitespace Separated Literals format for plain text databases

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              It has 5 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
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              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of wsl is current.

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            Community Discussions


            Win 10 WSL won't set default version to 2 with Ubuntu
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 15:47

            I have Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1052. I have followed the guide in and in Win 10 WSL won't set default 2 to get wsl. And I want to upgrade to version 2. I installed the regular Ubuntu from the Microsoft app store. And I did wsl --setdefault Ubuntu followed by wsl --set-default-version 2 and it only gave me For information on key differences with WSL 2 please visit But wsl -l -v was still showing VERSION 1.

            So I went an installed Ubuntu-20.04 LTS and now that version is showing VERSION 2 but not the regular Ubuntu one.

            How can I get them both to version 2?



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:47

            When you do --set-default-version, you're setting the version for future distributions that you install. That doesn't convert or change any current distros you have installed. So for your existing Ubuntu distro that is version 1, you should use the wsl --set-version command to convert it to version 2 or revert back to version 1.




            The Name of Hyperledger Fabric Test Network is not detected by an Application given in the fabric samples
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 11:31

            I just reinstalled Fabric Samples v2.2.0 from Hyperledger Fabric repository according to the documentation.

            But when I try to run asset-transfer-basic application located in fabric-samples/asset-transfer-basic/application-javascript directory by running node app.js the wallet is created and an admin and user is registered. But then it tries to invoke the function as given in app.js and shows this error



            Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 04:04

            In my opinion, the CORE_VM_DOCKER_HOSTCONFIG_NETWORKMODE setting seems to be wrong.
            you can check docker-compose.yaml or core.yaml

            1. docker-compose.yaml
            • I will explain fabric-samples/test-network as targeting according to your current situation.
            • You can check in CORE_VM_DOCKER_HOSTCONFIG_NETWORKMODE in docker-compose.yaml
            • Perhaps in your case(fabric-samples/test-network), the value of ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME} was not set properly, so it was set to _test.
            • Make sure the value is set correctly and change it to your network name.



            How to create conda virtual environment with python==2.7.12
            Asked 2021-Jun-14 at 00:03

            I have tried to put the exact version on the command like: conda create --name tst python==2.7.12 which resulted: PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: So I found this: And I wanted to know how to create conda env with this tarball file.

            Note: I'm running on wsl env : Ubuntu 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2



            Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 00:03

            Replace python==X with python=X (where X is the version) and for the version from 2.7.12 to 2.7

            conda create --name tst python=2.7



            DPDK Compilation fails inside WSL2 Docker Desktop's containers
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 14:09

            I can't compile DPDK inside a docker container, running under WSL2 as VM (and windows 10 as the host machine).


            Trying to compile DPDK locally inside a wsl-container some DPDK lib that used to be built on remote native linux machines.

            The Dockerfile running the compilation had installed kernel headers, GNU toolchain and other various dependencies. The distribution is CentOS7.

            The containers are managed by Docker Desktop

            Versions are useless information here.

            The Problem

            Similar problems across DPDK versions. In DPDK 20.11, using the meason build-system, the file kernel/linux/

            ../kernel/linux/ ERROR: Problem encountered: Cannot compile kernel modules as requested - are kernel headers installed?

            If I compile different DPDK versions of DPDK or building using other build-systems (makefiles), I am getting variants of the same error.



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 19:36

            Inside your /lib/modules has no entry with WSL2 "uname -r" output

            Although WSL2 has /lib/modules/5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 (as a softlink), this soft link does not appear in the container.

            The solution is adding this line to the Dockerfile*:



            Vim showing random trailing colors on wsl
            Asked 2021-Jun-12 at 18:05

            Every time I use a colorscheme for vim(WSL) from Github it shows some trailing colors normally within the first 10 lines and sometimes for the entire code like in the link. At first, I thought that it was just highlighting the trailing spaces, but even after removing them, it reverts to its original form on changing cursor locations. Pretty new to vim, so please help me.

            My .vimrc:



            Answered 2021-Jun-12 at 18:05

            So, apparently the problem lies with windows, or the WSL to be precise. WSL does not seem to support the set termguicolors which is responsible for the weird colors appearing on screen. And because this is essential for several colorschemes (otherwise they look very different). So unless WSL2 provides this feature I don't think it is possible for windows to have any of the fancy colorschemes. The best option is to probably use a virtual machine and run linux or dual-boot your device.



            docker - failed to compute cache key: not found - runs fine in visual studio
            Asked 2021-Jun-12 at 00:44

            So I've generated a Dockerfile with VS, it runs in VS just fine and now I'm trying to build it from windows itself(docker buid . , I tried many combinations). Yet I get the following error

            When I change copy to ./client.csproj it does continue and then I get

            What am I doing wrong? I changed Docker linux to windows, changed WSL, restarted everything

            Thanks in advance

            Edit: Dockerfile client



            Answered 2021-Mar-11 at 23:35

            Asking for a directory that does not exist throws this error.

            In my case, I tried



            How to call PowerShell script from WSL?
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 17:43

            In my Windows directory



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 14:16

            There are two ways to go about this:

            1. You can change your working directory to that of your shell script and execute it normally. To do so, follow these steps:
            • Mount the relevant drive cd /mnt/c/.
            • Change directories according to the path of the script.
            1. This approach is more of a hack that I use for the sake of convenience. I have created a folder in my Windows storage wherein I store all Ubuntu WSL related files. Say, D:\Ubuntu. To avoid changing the working directory every time you open WSL, you can modify the shell profile file (bashrc, zshrc etc.) to load the relevant directory at the end.
            • i.e., Add cd /mnt/d/Ubuntu/ at the end of your ~/.zshrc file if you use zsh or the relevant profile file otherwise.



            Encoding issue with Powershell `Get-Clipboard`
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 12:39

            I would like to retrieve HTML from the clipboard via the command line and am struggling to get the encoding right.

            For instance, if you open a command prompt/WSL, copy the following ⇧Shift+⭾TAB and run:



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 12:39

            This is indeed a shortcoming of Get-Clipboard. The HTML format is documented to support only UTF-8, regardless of the source encoding of the page, so the cmdlet should interpret it as such, but it doesn't.

            I'm speculating as to the encoding PowerShell is going to be using when decoding the data, but it's probably whatever the system default ANSI encoding is. In that case



            WSL -- Command Not Found
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 19:41

            I'm running the following command in PowerShell wsl pipenv run python ~/ and receive the following error /bin/bash: pipenv: command not found. If I launch WSL/Ubuntu, I can run pipenv run python ~/ and get a successful output. In PowerShell and Git Bash, I can run pipenv -h and get proper output. Where does WSL look for this command?

            On a related note, I can run python ~/ and python3 ./ when I launch WSL/Ubuntu and get successful output. But from PowerShell, only wsl python3 ~/ works. When I run wsl python ~/ I receive the same command not found error. What am I missing?



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 19:41

            Based on our comments exchange, the problem is that the directory in which the pipenv executable is located - /home//.local/bin/ - isn't present in the PATH environment variable when invoking a command non-interactively.

            This suggests that it is an initialization file that extends PATH, and it seems that it is ~/.bash_profile in your case; to force a non-interactive invocation to source this file, the -l option must be passed.

            You report that the following command ultimately worked for you:



            Streaming Kafka with Python :kafka.errors.NoBrokersAvailable: NoBrokersAvailable
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 23:07

            I have tried this tutorial and have successfully consumed kafka topics that are published on a server at my work place. I am not the producer, just purely a consumer. However, the code in that tutorial is to stream in a terminal. Now I want to try it with Python and record the messages into text file (or something of that sort).

            This is the code I use, after reading a few more threads and tutorials (such as here):



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 23:07

            If you're able to use the WSL terminal with kafka-console-consumer, then running Python code there should work the same.

            If you're connecting to a remote Kafka server, chances are the WSL2 network settings are simply not able to reach that address. (multiple issues elsewhere talk about WSL2 and not having external internet access) . Therefore, you should really consider running Python code on the Windows host itself. Otherwise, sounds like you'll need to adjust your network configurations.

            The for loop will wait for new messages to a topic, not read existing data until you add another parameter to the consumer to tell it to

            FWIW, you can use kafka-console-consumer ... >> file.txt to write out to a file


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