Zeus | custom scripting language designed to be | Script Programming library
kandi X-RAY | Zeus Summary
kandi X-RAY | Zeus Summary
A custom scripting language designed to be used inside of Java.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Invokes the method invocation
- Process the method invocation
- Get a variable value from a token
- Returns the next closed bracket
- Invokes the template
- Updates a variable
- Runs the task
- Gets all tokens of the current line
- Invokes the task
- Run a generic event
- Invokes the conditional IF condition
- Handle a variable value
- Checks if the task should be executed
- Invokes the end of the task
- The main method
- Registers a method
Zeus Key Features
Zeus Examples and Code Snippets
package de.arraying.zeus;
import de.arraying.zeus.backend.ZeusException;
import de.arraying.zeus.backend.annotations.ZeusMethod;
import de.arraying.zeus.runtime.ZeusRuntime;
import de.arraying.zeus.runtime.ZeusRuntimeBuilder;
import de.arraying.zeus
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://jitpack.io'
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Arraying:Zeus:{version}'
function zu(){ql.startNonterminal("FTThesaurusOption",Ll);switch(Al){case 246:vl(246),wl(142);switch(Al){case 81:yl(),Xu();break;case 109:vl(109);break;default:vl(34),wl(112);switch(Al){case 81:yl(),Xu();break;default:vl(109)}for(;;){wl(101);if(Al!=4
Community Discussions
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I'm trying to render the label color base on another field value using test predicate or field predicate but I can not get it right.
All I want is that the label color on axis y (section) can change from black to red when its resilience value equal to 0.
I've made my code on online editor and I really appreciate if you can give me some help.
in the case above, the fifth one <4. Hygiene & Cleaning> should be red instead of black.
Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 12:13I have added another layer with text, in which your text
of section
field is displayed. In that the color config with condition will work properly. Below is the code and editor:
I'm pretty new working on python and this is my first "big" project. This is what I have worked on for the day. I am trying to work on this project that randomly generates a name when you click on a category and press the generate button. It randomly generates one name but when I press the generate button again it doesn't display another name. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Also if anyone doesn't mind, how can I check a box and generate a name on that category.
Thank you very much
Answered 2021-May-11 at 12:44Your name choices are more naturally organized as Radiobutton
I have one list of array of objects. Which is created dynamically by pushing objects in array i:e listA. So this array can have different length's as per the selection of objects. For e.g here I selected 3 objects
Answered 2021-May-04 at 18:41Something like this should work:
I wanted to achieve a sorted result set where the terms starting the searched term in the autosuggest appear at the top followed by the ones that 'contain' it somewhetre in text: For Eg: search term: advocate results :
advocate x
advocate Yx
some advocate
My result set howvere is giving more score for results that contain that term then the ones tha 'begin with' it.How do I mend this:
Answered 2021-Apr-12 at 15:10To apply prefix first logic, you can use prefix query along with the boost
parameter. Try out the below query
I am running Linux kernel 4.14.149 built by Yocto Zeus, and I am running 2019.07 U-boot. At the recommendation of our security team, I am trying to get rid of the Linux console. I am not worried about debugging (once I get this to work anyways); we have other ways of getting the system logs out of the machine, and this will not be done on software development boards. That mechanism is already in place and is tested working. We have an i.MX6 as our core (this is an embedded system), and we have dedicated UART5 to our console on dev boards.
I have tried a few different methods to do this. The first was to disable the framebuffer console kernel config (CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE
). The primary issue with this approach is that it disabled the splash screen. We have a splash screen that is put up in U-boot (and it is displayed again by Linux), but Linux appears to reset the framebuffer or something when it is booting, resulting in the display flickering and being blank for a bit before our applications start, which was unacceptable (and is the reason we put the splash screen up in both U-boot and Linux).
I also tried just setting "console=" on our command line. This is close to what we want to achieve in that the console doesn't come out the UART anymore, but we see it start to appear on the display on top of the splash screen. I haven't found any way to fix that (I can upload a screenshot if desired).
Just eliminating the console parameter entirely didn't appear to work, it still came out the UART. This is to be expected based on the serial console documentation which says it just uses the first available device.
I have tried commenting out the console initialization in main.c in the Linux source, which exploded rather quickly.
I tried setting to be a netconsole (see Where do you send the kernel console on an embedded system?) but the splash screen still got overwritten, same as the setting it nothing case.
The last thing I have tried was just setting it to a bogus device ("console=ttymxc9" on the Linux command line). While this appears to work (there is no data on the display or the UART) it appears to stall (crash?) partway through bootup and without being able to get the logs (it stalls before our application service runs). I say stall because we have Linux configured for a heartbeat and we do still get proper LED heartbeat behavior. None of the systemd services I added to our build however appear to run (I added one to save the journalctl log file after boot to a file on an external SD card for debugging purposes until I get this working)
At this point, I have run out of ideas on how to get rid of the console while keeping the splash screen intact. What is the proper way to disable the Linux console?
Answered 2021-Apr-06 at 09:04For kernel versions 5.11 and newer:
In the submenu "Character devices" under "Device Drivers" from make menuconfig
, there is an option called "Null TTY driver" (CONFIG_NULL_TTY
) that you can enable and add console=ttynull
to the kernel boot cmdline so that all console output will be simply discarded.
You can also disable CONFIG_VT
, since you don't need to interact with your program via console at all.
For older kernels (like my 4.14): You can add this support with the diffs at: https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20190403131213.GA4246@kroah.com/T/ and then follow the instructions above.
Can someone help me in setting up the recipe to build mDNS in Yocto and/or
correct any other mistakes I may have made?
I previously successfully built mDNS and got it running in Linaro embedded
This is a pretty detailed post, to try to err on the side of giving enough
information. As one responder wrote in a forum message that I saw recently:
"Welcome to Yocto. Here's your bottle of whiskey and Advil..."
Building in Linaro Linux: I had obtained this .tar of mDNS from Apple:
Following this got it going: https://github.com/balaji-reddy/mDNSResponder .
I made a base folder /mDNS/ for my mDNS stuff and extracted the .tar there,
creating an mDNSResponder-878.200.35/ folder. I did cd into that.
It build readily for me in Linaro using the command: make os="linux" -C "mDNSPosix"
I got 8 files in /mDNS/mDNSR-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/ :
40,592 libdns_sd.so
55,960 libnss_mdns-0.2.so
370,288 mDNSClientPosix
448,608 mdnsd
374,616 mDNSIdentify
387,904 mDNSNetMonitor
373,960 mDNSProxyResponderPosix
379,768 mDNSResponderPosix
Then, still in mDNSResponder-878.200.35/, I did:
make install os="linux" -C "mDNSPosix"
Among other things, this install starts a demon running. It also copies
libdns_sd.so, and libnss_mdns-0.2.so to /lib/, which should be in the path.
These lines are included in the install output:
Starting Apple Darwin Multicast DNS / DNS Service Discovery daemon: mdnsd.
/usr/sbin/mdnsd installed
For Yocto, I figured I would add the copy of libdns_sd.so to the /lib/ folder in
the destination to my recipe so I could link another module to it before I ran
the make install, which has to be done running on the target. But if I build
that other module in Yocto, I think I should add copying it to /lib/ under my
tmp/work/ dir, not D, the destination. My do_install line:
install -m 0755 ${S}/mDNSResponder-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/libdns_sd.so ${D}${base_libdir}
is for copying it to /lib/ in D. How would I correctly write that line to copy
it to /lib/ under ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/?
The Yocto low-level folder isn't very important; I just felt that I wanted a
Yocto folder under my home dir to hold my Yocto stuff. I created imx-yocto-bsp
following the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf.
First, I had followed the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf, "IMXLXYOCTOUG"
from the imx-yocto-L5.4.47_2.2.0 download, to get my basic system, which
worked. I got that from: www.nxp.com/imx8mnanoevk ->
And downloaded and unpacked this .zip described in the next three lines:
L5.4.47_2.2.0_LINUX_DOCS (REV L5.4.47_2.2.0 ) UPDATED
i.MX L5.4.47_2.2.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide.
ZIP 11.6 MB 03 Nov 2020 L5.4.47_2.2.0_LINUX_DOCS [ English ]
I'm doing this for the i.MX 8M nano eval board.
The build-wayland folder in my path above is my build folder.
I had done the following line to get that.
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mnddr4evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-wayland
One result of that was to end up with the directory changed to the build-wayland
folder. It turned out it was the right thing to do to stay in that folder for
subsequent steps in the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf, such as my
"bitbake imx-image-multimedia" command that I did; I don't believe the .pdf made
that clear.
So I previously got this working on a Linux host PC running Ubuntu 18.04.4
"Bionic Beaver" and flashed the resulting images onto my i.MX 8M nano board.
One line of many I see in my UART output is:
Welcome to NXP i.MX Release Distro 5.4-zeus (zeus)!
I followed the following very good tutorial and also added a helloworld layer as
it shows and had helloworld working on my target board after flashing the built
.wic image from the host:
It is a good tutorial, for one thing, because it clearly describes the directory
structure and can be followed. Be careful about a typo that the author
put in, however. He starts out spelling helloworld.c as hello-world.c in his
Steps 5 and 6 then switches to helloworld.c in his Step 7. You have to catch
that and fix the spelling in your work when you notice the switch.
I used the structure that he, George Calin, showed, to make my mdns layer.
In my build folder, build-wayland, I created meta-mdns-so alongside the
meta-helloworld-app folder that I had created following the tutorial. I used
similar steps as given in the tutorial, including
bitbake-layers create-layer meta-mdns-so
bitbake-layers add-layer meta-mdns-so
This got me through Step 4 in the tutorial in a similar manner.
This created the following tree in meta-mdns-so (one dash indented per level):
Note that items followed by items that are more indented are directories.
Putting mDNSResponder-878.200.35.tar.gz under files I found out from
However the information here is about seven years old and background info links
have rotted.
There's more information in the Yocto Mega Manual at
https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/3.0/mega-manual/mega-manual.html .
See " Makefile-Based Package"
Here's the recipe in mDNSResponder_878.200.35.bb that I came up with for my
first try:
DESCRIPTION = "The mDNS component"
PRIORITY = "optional"
SECTION = "protocols"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
SRC_URI = "file://mDNSResponder-878.200.35.tar.gz"
# S = "${WORKDIR}"
# -Shouldn't set S because BitBake expects the source to be in a dir called
# mDNSResponder-878.200.35 in the work dir.
# Don't need a do_compile step since by default BitBake starts the make command
# to compile the application.
# But need additional make options
EXTRA_OEMAKE = "'os="linux"' '-C "mDNSPosix"'"
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${base_libdir}
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/mDNSResponder-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/libdns_sd.so ${D}${base_libdir}
I did bitbake mdns in ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland$ .
When coming back to this work in a fresh terminal window I always do
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp$ source setup-environment build-wayland
It puts me in my build-wayland folder: ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland$
The bitbake seemed to do the compile fine, and I got content under:
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/work# find -iname mdns
Found lots, including this folder:
As in the helloworld tutorial:
Step 10. Add package to conf/local.conf in variable IMAGE_INSTALL and set the
details for next image
I added:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append=" mdns" after the line, 'CONF_VERSION' = "1"'.
I did the bitbake from my build dir: bitbake imx-image-multimedia
Under my deploy folder, in ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/deploy/images/imx8mnddr4evk/, I got imx-image-multimedia-imx8mnddr4evk-20210211215119.rootfs.wic.bz2 With the up-to-date timestamp of 2021/02/11 (Thurs) 21:51:19 (0000 UTC).
Flashing it onto my i.MX 8M nano board, it
-didn't have libdns_sd.so in the /lib/ folder
-didn't have a /mDNSR-878.200.35 folder in root.
-find -iname mdns doesn't find mDNSR-878.200.35; finds a screenful of files.
-the /mDNSR-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/ folder with its 8 build artifacts
wasn't there.
However, on the bitbake host, the 8 build artifacts were found:
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/mdns/878.200.35-r0/mDNSResponder-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod# ls -l
total 9452
-rwxr-xr-x 1 159200 Feb 11 16:07 libdns_sd.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 239856 Feb 11 16:07 libnss_mdns-0.2.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1504904 Feb 11 16:07 mDNSClientPosix
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1750944 Feb 11 16:07 mdnsd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1481136 Feb 11 16:07 mDNSIdentify
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1525392 Feb 11 16:07 mDNSNetMonitor
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1493112 Feb 11 16:07 mDNSProxyResponderPosix
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1511048 Feb 11 16:07 mDNSResponderPosix
I concluded that the compile part was fine but my do_install command was wrong.
Can someone correct my recipe for me?
For my second try I changed only the do_install() in the recipe to this:
do_install() {
install -t ${S} ${D}
install -d ${D}${base_libdir}
install -m 0755 ${S}/mDNSResponder-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/libdns_sd.so ${D}${base_libdir}
That's two changes, first copying from S to D to try to get the
mDNSResponder-878.200.35/ dir copied over to the destination, and then trying
the "install - m" command from S rather than WORKDIR.
Retrying the bitbake: bitbake imx-image-multimedia, it indicated at the end that all 6968 tasks didn't need to be rerun.
I tried: ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland$ bitbake -c clean mdns -- and got:
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and
all succeeded.
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland$ bitbake imx-image-multimedia -- got:
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6968 tasks of which 6967 didn't need to be rerun
and all succeeded.
It typically flashes and erases a bunch of activity, which it did this time. It
might be nice to have that remaining displayed to be able to study it.
It didn't update anything in:
No longer had mDNSResponder-878.200.35/ in
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/mdns/878.200.35-r0/ .
I tried: bitbake -c cleansstate mdns -- got:
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and
all succeeded.
Did: ~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland$ bitbake imx-image-multimedia
-Got the typical bitbake output, then:
Sstate summary: Wanted 6 Found 0 Missed 6 Current 2580 (0% match, 99% complete)
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6968 tasks of which 6954 didn't need to be rerun
and all succeeded.
This time I saw do_compile of mdns and 878.200.25 etc.
Again had mDNSResponder-878.200.35 in
Have the build artifacts in mDNSPosix in the host at:
Still don't have an updated image since Thurs Feb 11 in
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/deploy/images/imx8mnddr4evk/ .
Can someone correct my recipe and any other mistakes I may have made? Is it my do_install()?
In my do_install(), I have:
install -m 0755 ${S}/mDNSResponder-878.200.35/mDNSPosix/build/prod/libdns_sd.so ${D}${base_libdir}
which is for copying it to /lib/ in D. How would I correctly write that line to
copy it to /lib/ under
~/Yocto/imx-yocto-bsp/build-wayland/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/ for use to link
to the next module I have to build on the host?
In the meantime, I'll try deleting my
imx-image-multimedia-imx8mnddr4evk-20210211215119.rootfs.wic.bz2 and redoing the
imx-image-multimedia-imx8mnddr4evk-20210211215119.rootfs .tar.bz2 and .wic.bz2
didn't help; they didn't get recreated even after I redid the above cleans and bitbake.
Best regards,
Later: Followup question: Where can I obtain the mdns.service file needed for building mDNS in Yocto?
Answered 2021-Feb-19 at 17:59There is already a recipe for mDNS version 878.200.35: https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/tree/meta-networking/recipes-protocols/mdns/mdns_878.200.35.bb?h=zeus
I am trying to have a form on my react site that someone can fill out and it would add a new item in my list. I am trying to do this using "react-hook-form" which seems easy to setup and work with. It does capture the information when I console.log and check. I am trying to now add that to my array.
App.js (In this file I have the array withe objects along with my component I have passed in the props.
Answered 2021-Feb-20 at 21:34In Line 4 of AddHero.js, you are doing:
As part of a concurrency blog series, I was building the simplest HTTP server in different languages (Java, Kotlin, Rust, Go, JS, TS) and everything works fine for everything except Java/Kotlin, aka on the JVM. All the code can be found here. The below is the server code in Java, I tried a traditional Thread based one and an AsynchronousServerSocketChannel
based one, but regardless when I run a benchmark with ApacheBench it fails with Broken pipe
and apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
this is weird as similar setup in other languages works fine. The problem here happens only with ApacheBench, coz when I access the URL in a browser it just works fine. SO I'm banging my head to figure out what is going on. I tried to play with keep-alive etc but doesn't seem to help. I looked at a bunch of examples of something similar and I don't see anything special being done anywhere. I'm hoping someone can figure out what is going wrong here as it definitely seems to be something to do with JVM + APacheBench. I have tried this with Java 11 and 15 but it's the same result.
Java Thread Sample (hello.html
can be any HTML file)
Answered 2021-Jan-22 at 18:08Wanted to ask if tried with setting instead of localhost
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(""); ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket(1234, 50, addr);
We have a server deployed on amazon aws, the problem we are facing is that when ever there's a special character in the URL, it redirects to a 403 Forbidden error. It works fine on my local environment but not on live. See below
Does not work:
Does not work:
.htaccess for debugging
Given below is the htaccess code, but the thing is that this code works on my local.
Answered 2021-Jan-01 at 10:14Try removing the query string 403 lines.
It could work locally if you don't have mod alias enabled as those lines will be skipped.
I'm pretty new to yocto as well as linux and i'm trying to build an image for my IMX8 SOM including a full featured git version.
So far i've managed to build the image and run it on target but git is not full featured as submodules are not supported.
In order to ad git to the image i simply added "git" to the IMAGE_INSTALL_append variable of my local.conf. Hence i don't even know were the sources of git are fetched from and even worse i don't have a clue on how to find out.
The basic yocto project i use is available at https://github.com/tq-systems/ci-meta-tq/tree/zeus-tqma8 and maintained by the SOM supplier.
Due to yocto excessively using git i'm having a hard time to find anything regarding this issue. Any help on how to add a full featured git version to my image is appreciated.
Further information:
Answered 2020-Dec-09 at 01:32There is not such thing as lightweight version of git and your git version
looks fine.
Git is compiled by the recipe git_2.23.0.bb in your sources/poky folder. If you look in the recipe you can find that it includes git.inc. This is where the source url is defined
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Install Zeus
You can use Zeus like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the Zeus component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer maven.apache.org. For Gradle installation, please refer gradle.org .
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