joda-time | widely used replacement for the Java date | Date Time Utils library

 by   JodaOrg Java Version: 2.12.7 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | joda-time Summary

kandi X-RAY | joda-time Summary

joda-time is a Java library typically used in Utilities, Date Time Utils applications. joda-time has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has medium support. You can download it from GitHub, Maven.

Joda-Time is the widely used replacement for the Java date and time classes prior to Java SE 8.

            kandi-support Support

              joda-time has a medium active ecosystem.
              It has 4910 star(s) with 957 fork(s). There are 219 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 26 open issues and 400 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 112 days. There are 18 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of joda-time is 2.12.7

            kandi-Quality Quality

              joda-time has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              joda-time has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              joda-time code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              joda-time is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              joda-time releases are available to install and integrate.
              Deployable package is available in Maven.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 94807 lines of code, 9831 functions and 399 files.
              It has high code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed joda-time and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into joda-time implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Starts the joda time info compiler
            • Parses the data file
            • Test to see if an id is in the given time zone
            • Compile ids from source files
            • Sets the value of the mutable interval from the given string
            • Extracts the duration values from a ReadWritableDuration
            • Parse the duration fields
            • Convert a date - time field
            • Extracts fields from fields
            • Returns a lenient form of the given field
            • Parses a date - time string into a MutableDate - time object
            • Returns a string representation of this object
            • Gets the difference as long
            • Assembly the fields
            • Validates the given partial instant
            • Check JISOT to string
            • Try to convert to formatted string
            • Compare two dates
            • Assembles the fields
            • Parses the given string as an Interval
            • Check JodaSet year
            • Check the JISOSOSOT format
            • Display zones
            • Returns the duration of a string
            • Adds a value to the partial instant
            • Returns a copy of this partial with the specified field
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            joda-time Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for joda-time.

            joda-time Examples and Code Snippets

            mavendot img1Lines of Code : 20dot img1no licencesLicense : No License
            copy iconCopy
            public boolean isAfterPayDay(DateTime datetime) {
              if (datetime.getMonthOfYear() == 2) {   // February is month 2!!
                return datetime.getDayOfMonth() > 26;
              return datetime.getDayOfMonth() > 28;
            public Days daysToNewYear(LocalDate fr  
            joda DateTimeFormat local timezone formatting question
            Lines of Code : 48dot img2License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            DateTimeZone defaultZone = DateTimeZone.getDefault();
            // Using Joda-Time 2.10.2:
            import org.joda.time.DateTime;
            import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
            import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
            What should I do to write an alghorytm that edits my XML files automaticaly
            Javadot img3Lines of Code : 69dot img3License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
            TextView textView;
            DateTime currentDate;
            DateTime oldDate;
            String currentDateString;
            String storedDateString;
            protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            copy iconCopy
            How do I convert ISO8601 to utc using joda time in JAVA?
            Javadot img5Lines of Code : 18dot img5License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            import java.text.ParseException;
            import org.joda.time.DateTime;
            import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
            public class mydate {
                public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            Community Discussions


            java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.wicket.settings.def.JavaScriptLibrarySettings
            Asked 2022-Apr-14 at 18:20

            I have wicket application and it sometimes fails on :

            java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/wicket/settings/def/JavaScriptLibrarySettings java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( java.base/

            I have this mvn configuration :



            Answered 2022-Apr-14 at 18:20

            Almost all Wicket dependencies are 8.14.0 but few are 8.13.0 (not really a problem but better keep them in sync):

            • org.apache.wicket:wicket-bean-validation:jar:8.13.0:compile
            • com.googlecode.wicket-jquery-ui:wicket-jquery-ui:jar:8.13.0:compile
            • com.googlecode.wicket-jquery-ui:wicket-jquery-ui-core:jar:8.13.0:compile

            The real problem is:



            Firebase crashlytics not able to read crash reports
            Asked 2022-Apr-11 at 14:08

            I have configured crashlytics as per Firebase Documentation But crash reports not generated and uploaded to server.

            Kindly refer my build details.

            Here is our project-level build.gradle



            Answered 2022-Apr-11 at 14:08

            There was another utility logger library initialized in the application class that prevented crashlytics from collecting log.

            Also the initialization & manifest part is not necessary unless you want to explicitly enable/disable crashlytics working.



            How can I use directJoin with spark (scala)?
            Asked 2022-Mar-31 at 23:15

            I'm trying to use directJoin with the partition keys. But when I run the engine, it doesn't use directJoin. I would like to understand if I am doing something wrong. Here is the code I used:

            Configuring the settings:



            Answered 2022-Mar-31 at 14:35

            I've seen this behavior in some versions of Spark - unfortunately, the changes in the internals of Spark often break this functionality because it relies on the internal details. So please provide more information on what version of Spark & Spark connector is used.

            Regarding the second error, I suspect that direct join may not use Spark SQL properties, can you try to use, spark.cassandra.auth.password, and other configuration parameters?

            P.S. I have a long blog post on using DirectJoin, but it was tested on Spark 2.4.x (and maybe on 3.0, don't remember



            org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/web/ServerPropertiesAutoConfiguration.class cannot be opened because it does not exist
            Asked 2022-Mar-13 at 15:12

            I have this gradle configuration with the following dependencies:



            Answered 2022-Mar-13 at 15:12

            I think you question has been already answered; please, consider review this SO question.

            You need to include the following dependency:



            Getting warning SLF4J :Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings
            Asked 2022-Mar-08 at 22:49

            I getting this warning while running application.

            I tried solution [here][1] but it is not working ,I am not sure what am I missing, could anyone help here? Thanks in advance.



            Answered 2022-Mar-08 at 22:49

            You have to use the information SLF4J provide you and back trace the dependency using dependency:tree and its includes option.

            This message:



            Spring aspects woven by AspectJ compiler working in Maven, but not in IntelliJ IDEA
            Asked 2021-Dec-27 at 01:03

            I'm using Spring boot 2.5.5 with AspectJ 1.9.7 (CTW). I've spotted that sometimes transactions don't roll back and to fix that I need only recompile code and run it again. For example:

            I have method addB() persisting entity B, method addC() throwing exception and method A() combining them. When I call A(), exception is thrown, but entity B stays in database (as expected). When I annotate method A() with @Transactional result is the same. But if I build everything again (without any changes) then transaction is being rollbacked and there is no new record in database.

            Here is my full POM:



            Answered 2021-Dec-27 at 01:01

            I cannot reproduce the problem because IDEA does not find the Lombok setters. Even when delegating build actions before run to Maven, I get NoSuchMethodError: '...TestEntity.setCode(java.lang.String)'. Next, I am going to try without Lombok. Please note that Lombok and AspectJ do not play nice with each other, see my answer here. Alternatively, you could also make sure that Maven does either of these:

            1. First build with Javac + Lombok, then apply AspectJ binary weaving in a second step, all in one module.
            2. Similar to above, but do the first build step in module A and the second one in a separate module B. Then you have an unwoven and a woven artifact, which you can both use according to your preferences. For example, you could also use the unwoven one and apply transaction aspects via load-time weaving (LTW) while starting the application. See my other answer here for both approaches #1 and #2.
            3. Delombok the source code build the generated sources with the AspectJ compiler in a second build step.

            I generated constructors, getters and setters in the IDE instead of using Lombok. Now the project compiles in both IDE and Maven. It behaves exactly as it should. With @Transactional, 0 entities are created, without it 2.

            I am not sure if Lombok vs. AspectJ really is the problem due to non-compileability when using Lombok annotations, but it should be easy enough to try without Lombok for you. If it works in your context, too, we found the culprit and can think about implementing one of the 3 approaches mentioned above. Then you can tell me if you have any difficulty in doing so.

            Update: I created the two-module version - Javac + Lombok, then Aspect weaving - for you in my fork and also issued pull request #1. I also improved testability a bit. See if that works for you.

            Caveat: You cannot simply run DemoApplication from the application-lombok module, because that module is still unwoven and will not show transactional behaviour. But you can simply change the classpath for the run config to the application-aspectj module:

            Update: As we found out in the comment section of the other answer, in addition to the problematic Lombok vs. AspectJ compiler configuration, the OP also simply had a problem with his IDE: Using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, he was first unaware of, then unable to install the AspectJ plugin, which means that IDEA does not know antyhing about the AspectJ compiler and simply overwrites anything which might have been compiled by AspectJ Maven before with plain Java classes. Therefore, transactional aspects do not work either, unless

            • either pre-run compilation is disabled and mvn compile started as an additional pre-build step for the corresponding run configuration,
            • or all build actions for the project are being delegated to Maven via configuration,
            • the OP buys a licence of IDEA Ultimate and installs the AspectJ plugin.



            Why is AOP Logging not working in my project
            Asked 2021-Nov-21 at 14:18

            I'm wasting a lot of time right now with AOP logging setup. I don't know why AOP isn't working in my project. I think I've done all the settings I can. Please let me know if you guys have a solutions. Thank you.



            Answered 2021-Nov-18 at 18:42

            The following should work:



            How to add classpath to maven
            Asked 2021-Nov-04 at 09:13

            I want to create an executable jar with dependencies that are going to be outside the archive in folder lib. I found out that i can ask maven to copy dependencies into the folder and modify manifest file in my executable to know where to look for needed classes. The problem is that it does not add any classpaths to my manifest. Pom:



            Answered 2021-Oct-28 at 07:49

            Used older version of maven and it all worked fine.



   Android resource compilation failed
            Asked 2021-Oct-31 at 22:14

            I have a old android project, Now I decided to run it, After migration to androidX and add some upgrade in libraries I got these errors when I am trying to run it:



            Answered 2021-Oct-31 at 22:14

            ID resources are not supposed to have text in the XML node, the way that yours do.

            My best guess is that the build tools were more forgiving about this back when you worked on this project originally. Now, they are enforcing the rules more.

            So, if you remove the text from those failing elements, you should be in better shape.



            Check what type of Temporal a given format string can be used to parse
            Asked 2021-Oct-28 at 19:08

            I'm given some datetime format string that user entered, and need to check into what java.time temporals I can parse data in that format (within reason, I indend to support only the simpler cases for now).

            Something along the lines of this table:

            Input Format Expected Answer yyyy-MM java.time.YearMonth MM/dd/yyyy java.time.LocalDate yyyy:DD java.time.LocalDate (because of day-of-year data) HH:mm:ss java.time.LocalTime dd MM yyyy hh:mm:ssV java.time.ZonedDateTime

            Keeping in mind, that both the date format and the date are entered by the user, so these input formats are just examples, and they obviously can contain literals (but not optional parts, that's a relief).

            So far I've only been able to come up with this tornado of ifs as a solution:



            Answered 2021-Oct-28 at 19:08

            I am taking your word for it:

            Keeping in mind, that both the date format and the date are entered by the user, …

            So I am assuming that I may use both the format pattern and the date string entered for seeing what I can make of it. DateTimeFormatter::parseBest() is the method we need for that.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install joda-time

            You can download it from GitHub, Maven.
            You can use joda-time like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the joda-time component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


            Various documentation is available:.
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