MaterialToolbar | Material Design Toolbar library with smooth transitions | Navigation library

 by   Shyri Java Version: 0.1.1 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | MaterialToolbar Summary

kandi X-RAY | MaterialToolbar Summary

MaterialToolbar is a Java library typically used in User Interface, Navigation applications. MaterialToolbar has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Material Design Toolbar library with smooth transitions

            kandi-support Support

              MaterialToolbar has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 29 star(s) with 11 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 0 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 1774 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of MaterialToolbar is 0.1.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              MaterialToolbar has 0 bugs and 29 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              MaterialToolbar has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              MaterialToolbar code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 4 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              MaterialToolbar does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              MaterialToolbar releases are available to install and integrate.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              MaterialToolbar saves you 534 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 1251 lines of code, 75 functions and 32 files.
              It has medium code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed MaterialToolbar and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into MaterialToolbar implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Create a RecyclerView
            • Initialize the toolbar
            • Update the adapter for the view
            • Get a list of all celestial bodies with the given name and category
            • Creates the solar system
            • Build uranus object
            • Build a saturn
            • Build the sun body
            • Called when the activity is created
            • Attaches an activity to the activity
            • Navigate to a specific Fragment
            • Replaces the contents of a ViewHolder with the specified position
            • This method is called when the View is created
            • Override this to handle the action button selection
            • Writes the contents of this attribute to the Parcel object
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            MaterialToolbar Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for MaterialToolbar.

            MaterialToolbar Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for MaterialToolbar.

            Community Discussions


            Images are not loading from cloud firestore?
            Asked 2022-Mar-20 at 14:35

            I am making a simple application using firebase in which the user can add an image in firebase but the problem is images are not loading properly. Also, I used many image loading libraries like Picasso, Glide, Coil but the problem is not solved.




            Answered 2022-Mar-20 at 14:35

            The imageUri value in the screenshot starts with content://, which means that is points to a specific file on a specific device. If you share that URL with another user, the file won't exist on their device - so it has nothing to show.

            What you'll want to do is upload the file from the source device to a cloud storage location, generate a download URL for that uploaded file, and then store that download URL in the database.



            Round corners in NestedScrollView with Collapsing Toolbar Layout
            Asked 2022-Feb-24 at 21:32

            I'm making a detail view with a CoordinatorLayout with a header image to which I want to apply rounded edges in the view that has the NestedScrollView, something like this:

            I'm making a detail view with a CoordinatorLayout with a header image to which I want to apply rounded edges in the view that has the NestedScrollView, something like this:



            Answered 2022-Feb-24 at 21:32

            You need a couple of things to fix this behavior:

            1. Add enterAlways scroll flag to the CollapsingToolbarLayout: This enables the 'quick return' pattern which in your case allows the rounded background to show up when the CollapsingToolbarLayout starts to expand.

            This is also clearly explained by the documentation here:

            When entering (scrolling on screen) the view will scroll on any downwards scroll event, regardless of whether the scrolling view is also scrolling. This is commonly referred to as the 'quick return' pattern.

            Now the scrolling flags should be: app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|exitUntilCollapsed|enterAlways"

            1. Remove android:fitsSystemWindows="true" from the AppBarLayout: Leaving it will cause an issue of affecting the scrolling behaviour of the NestedScrollView when you try to scroll it up (i.e. to collapse the CollapsingToolbarLayout), the scrolling behaviour of the NestedScrollView won't be propagated to the CollapsingToolbarLayout leaving it in expanded state. So, you need to remove that.

            Preview: I've changed the app:contentScrim color to be different than the NestedScrollView background in order to show up the behaviour:



            Elevation overlay for a standard BottomSheet
            Asked 2022-Jan-17 at 22:01

            I'm following the material3 spec, using the android material components lib, and implementing light and dark themes.

            I have a ConstraintLayout acting as a BottomSheet, and its background color should be affected by the elevation overlay tint. BottomSheets are on the list of material components implementing elevation overlay, but mine is keeping its default color, colorSurface, instead of becoming lighter in dark mode :

            (The color doesn't change when the BottomSheet is expanded.)

            The only thing that defines my ConstraintLayout as a BottomSheet is the layout_behaviour attribute, and I'm wondering how this could actually impact background color. Are BottomSheets only present on the previous list for their modal variant ?

            If so, how would one implement the elevation overlay on a whole ConstraintLayout ? Through an ElevationOverlayProvider, as suggested by the second page linked above ?

            Here is the simplified layout of my main Activity :



            Answered 2022-Jan-17 at 22:01

            Assuming the material-components-android library's BottomSheetBehaviour isn't meant to handle the elevation overlay, here's how to apply it to a Layout.

            Extend the corresponding layout as follows :



            OneUi styled navigation in android java
            Asked 2021-Dec-26 at 13:48

            I'm beginner in android programming and I want to know how to make an OneUi styled navigation like in this picture.

            This is what I made so far. Unfortunately, when I scroll it, it will totally collapse and I cannot get it back.

            I used CoordinatorLayout with AppBarLayout and I follow some code from guidelines but it did'nt work as I expected. I want the app bar to be short when scrolled and tall when it is on the top.

            Here is my XML Layout Code:



            Answered 2021-Dec-26 at 13:48

            For your use case. There are few things you need to change.

            1. Put the content below AppBarLayout in NestedScrollView to have scrolling layout_behavior.

            2. Put some content to mimic scrolling effect. Like textview with huge height for example.

            3. Put the content you want to collapse into one CollapsingToolbarLayout basically things to show when it's tall or not collapsed.

            4. Put your MaterialToolbar as a direct child of AppBarLayout

            Example code:



            Blank space on top of the page over materialToolBar
            Asked 2021-Dec-24 at 09:48


            I am having this issue that there is blank space over the top app bar which is supposed to be at the top. Anchoring it to the top doesn't help, "android:fitsSystemWindows="true"" as well.

            The structure of my file: CoordinatorLayout with MaterialToolBar(problem) - NestedScrollView - CoordinatorLayout with scrollabel content in it

            My code:



            Answered 2021-Dec-24 at 09:48

            I think that white gap is the status bar. you may have accidentally changed it's color to white which eventually hid all the white icons on the bar making it looks like a white gap.

            You have colorPrimaryVariant as white in ThemeOne and ThemeTwo , make sure you are not using these theme as they will make your status bar white.



            FirestoreRecyclerAdapter Recyclerview UI doesn't change after adding a message to the chatroom
            Asked 2021-Dec-18 at 19:39

            I'm able to add a message to firestore when I clicked the send button in the chatroom, but the recyclerview doesn't update in realtime so the new message doesn't appear. The message does appear when I reopen the chatroom which isn't best pratice. Normally FirestoreRecyclerAdapter should automatically updated the query when changes are made and update the recyclerview. I'm working in Android Studio with Java and using fragments instead of activities.




            Answered 2021-Dec-18 at 19:39

            Fixed the problem, it was because I didn't add an index for the query on firestore. I got a error from the android studio console (and firestore) that explained it see link:




            Material Toolbar & Jetpack navigation glitch issues
            Asked 2021-Nov-16 at 15:19

            I have some strange "glitch" and refresh issues with my application, using jetpack navigation library (2.3.5), Material Toolbar and view bindings.

            The demo scenario is the following: a simple navigation between 3 different fragments.



            Answered 2021-Nov-16 at 15:19

            When you pass a toolbar to setupWithNavController, it'll automatically set the title as you navigate around the app, using the label value of the navigation destination. It's designed so you have a static toolbar in your activity, with the destination fragments swapped out underneath it, and the toolbar updates to reflect the current fragment.

            When you have a separate toolbar in every fragment, you get this glitch where the title updates on the current fragment's toolbar before the navigation to the next fragment happens. The easiest fix here is to just clear the label values on each fragment in the navigation graph, and set them manually on each toolbar (e.g. in the layout XML). I've seen Ian Lake (one of the developers) say that the labels are really intended for that automatic-title-change behaviour, and you shouldn't use them if you have separate toolbars

            here we are - in the comments on this question: How to remove glitch when navigating between Fragments with different toolbars?

            Why are you using labels in your navigation graph at all then? Toolbars have APIs to set a static title, which is certainly appropriate if you know that Toolbar is only associated with one fragment.



            How to display already checked checkboxes in recyclerview, on activity start-up(many to many relationship)
            Asked 2021-Nov-11 at 21:43

            Each "Note" is differently "added" to "Folders" or should I say, different checked "Folders" for each "Note".

            When I check the "Folder", go back to previous Notes activity with back button, then open the same "Note" to go to "Add to Folders Activity" and add the "Note" to Folders, it should remember that previously checked "Folder" and recheck it.

            I have already implemented that functionality, inside onBindViewHolder and in FolderHolder(RecyclerView Holder).

            The problem is when multiple "Folders" exist in recyclerview when I uncheck the checkbox, then scroll down, then back up, the unchecked folder rechecks itself as it was.

            I understand that onBindViewHolder gets called every time on scroll and recycling views thus checked "Folder" gets rechecked on scroll.

            I want to check the already before checked folders, on activity start-up, just like now, but without rechecking them on scroll.

            Please can you suggest me a code to this? I would really appreciate this!

            My recyclerview adapter:



            Answered 2021-Nov-11 at 21:43

            I solved it finally! I moved the:



            How to add CastButton to MaterialToolbar (not appcompat Toolbar)
            Asked 2021-Nov-09 at 12:12

            I am trying to implement CastSdk to app in which I use MaterialToolbar.

            So after couple tries to add CastButton to my material toolbar I finally end up with a button on it but greyed out...

            At first I thought it is because wrong receiver app id, maybe a problem in manifest file. But it turned out that the problem is with MaterialToolbar. Migrating to appcompat toolbar fixes this problem, but what if I don't want to migrate to it from materialToolbar?

            Code with greyed out button on materialToolbar:

            In MainActivity:



            Answered 2021-Nov-09 at 11:55

            Ok so the answer here is pretty simple: Except of putting the castButton inside menu.xml file, place it right inside the MaterialToolbar layout:



            Images are not showing up (loading) in recyclerview after implementing Endless scroll (Pagination)
            Asked 2021-Oct-25 at 05:38

            I have implemented an EndlessScroll for RecyclerView (Only Images in it) or we can say Pagination but after implementing it I don't know why the images are not loading up from Firebase

            So I tried to include a placeholder image from my adapter class but the default placeholder image is not showng up too

            BTW before asking this SO Q I asked a Q to how to implement Pagination with StaggeredGridLayoutManager but after implementing the answer to my Orignal question there are no errors but the images are showing up This is the Question link for reference on how I implemented the pagination in my recycler view - How to implement endless scroll (pagination) in recyclerview with StaggeredGridLayoutManager

            Here is the code

   // for those who are referencing my original question which I put a link above,this is a different fragment than my original question in the original question I have included, but because that file is much longer,I have included this because it has less code compared to the orignal



            Answered 2021-Oct-25 at 05:38

            I think you neen something like postsAdapter.setUploads(mUploads) to reset them in the adapter before you call postsAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); because its not clear to me how your adapter is processing mUploads as you are only passing it once in the constructor. I dont think passing mUploads to the adapters constructor will keep a pointer to the original object.

            Ideally you would put mUploads inside the adapter class and only modify its contents through methods like . setUploads(), addUploads() etc.


            so basically I recommend you add the following method to your adapter class:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install MaterialToolbar

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use MaterialToolbar like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the MaterialToolbar component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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