
 by   arni30 Java Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | Cashflow Summary

kandi X-RAY | Cashflow Summary

Cashflow is a Java library. Cashflow has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.


            kandi-support Support

              Cashflow has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              Cashflow has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of Cashflow is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              Cashflow has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              Cashflow has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              Cashflow code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              Cashflow is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              Cashflow releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed Cashflow and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into Cashflow implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Update a transaction
            • Check the balance of a tag if it exists
            • Checks if the type changed in the transaction
            • Start the downloader
            • Downloads a file from the given URL
            • Fetch transactions for last 30 days
            • Count total balance of transactions
            • Create a transaction
            • Change wallet balance
            • Handles the authentication
            • Extracts username and password
            • Update a wallet
            • Handles authentication failure
            • Delete a transaction
            • Delete all transactions with a wallet
            • Configures the HttpSecurity
            • Update a currency
            • Handles user sign up
            • Display a confirmation
            • Update a category
            • Update an existing tag
            • Export to CSV
            • Initialize database
            • Handle all currencies
            • Get all the descendants
            • Gets the DTOs associated with all users
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            Cashflow Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for Cashflow.

            Cashflow Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for Cashflow.

            Community Discussions


            VBA Function returning #VALUE! when trying to refer to Optional Parameter
            Asked 2022-Mar-21 at 21:07

            I am trying to calculate a NPV of several cashflows with continuous compounding. However when trying to refer to the optional parameter (which signals that the NPV will be continuous compounding), i get #VALUE! instead of a valid NPV

            My VBA code is as follows:



            Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 21:07

            I believe you want to include both inside the loop and then use an IF to decide which to do:



            Unmarshalling nested JSON objects with dates in Golang
            Asked 2022-Mar-10 at 19:12

            I'm a noob with Golang. I managed to get some things done with lots of effort. I'm dealing with JSON files containing dates in a nested way.

            I came across some workaround to unmarshal dates from JSON data into time.Time but I'm having a hard time dealing with nested ones.

            The following code (obtained here in StackOverflow) is easy to understand since creates a user-defined function to parse the time objects first to a string and then to time.Time with time.Parse.



            Answered 2022-Mar-10 at 19:12

            To solve this using the patterns you've already got, you can write a separate unmarshalling function for the inner struct. You can do that by hoisting the inner struct to its own named struct, and then writing the function.



            To find XIRR for different investments using google sheet
            Asked 2022-Feb-18 at 16:47

            I am currently trying to calculate the XIRR of a huge portfolio containing non-periodic cashflows. The database contains lot of transactions and I want to calculate the XIRR for each one. This image contains the format and the last column contains the TICKER names of firms. I want to calculate the XIRR for these firms. The database on the left contains all the data for the ticker names

            Please find the sample sheet here:



            Answered 2022-Feb-18 at 16:47

            on your sheet you will find a new tab called MK.Help.

            This is how you find XIRR for an investment like what you have:



            Combining three chart types Apex charts on Angular
            Asked 2022-Feb-10 at 10:53

            I would like to combine 3 chart types. How to get Pulse series to show on chart as scatter? When base chart.type is line it will not show. If it's changed to scatter for example, Pulse will show up but it also effectively disables lines. Desired end result is Pulse will show as scatter dots and other types stay as they are.



            Answered 2022-Feb-10 at 10:35

            Scatter chart added with Line chart and Column chart.

            code -

            Output -



            Summing Delayed Cashflows - Google Sheets
            Asked 2021-Nov-16 at 10:35

            A company has a list of clients, i, all of which delay their payments by X_i. The problem is to create a spreadsheet that will show the sum of positive cashflows for a given day, where the delay of incoming cashflows can be manually adjusted.

            The input is:

            Date Amount Due $ Client Expected Delay (Days) 01 100 A 2 02 5 B 0 02 30 C 1 03 50 B 0

            The output needs to be:

            Date Total Inflows $ 01 0 02 5 03 180

            How can I code this in Google Sheets?



            Answered 2021-Nov-16 at 10:35


            SAS - Calculating the present value of future interest and amortization payments of loans
            Asked 2021-Nov-08 at 17:07

            I would like to calculate the present value (PV) of future interest and amortization payments on loans (flat amortization and annuity) in a dataset. The discount rate should be the inflation e.g. 2 per cent. I have seen the finance function in SAS, but it requires each cashflow which are difficult due to the nature of the dataset.

            E.g. if you borrow 100,000 for 100 month (flat amortization) you will repay (amortization) 1,000 each month. But due to inflation (e.g. 2 per cent) the 100 month repayment is not the same as the 1 month in real terms. The same goes for the interest cost.

            In the end I would like to have columns after my dataset that show the PV of all future interest and amortization payments.

            If possible I would like to have the solution in a data step.

            Example of my dataset ...


            Answered 2021-Nov-08 at 17:07
            options cmplib=work.ORBA;
            proc fcmp outlib=work.ORBA.pv; * Present value;
                subroutine pvLoan(  /* input */
                                    /* output */
                outargs amortizationSumAnnuity,     interestSumAnnuity,     invoiceSumAnnuity,
                        amortizationSumFlat,        interestSumFlat,        invoiceSumFlat, 
                        pvAmortizationSumAnnuity,   pvInterestSumAnnuity,   pvInvoiceSumAnnuity,
                        pvAmortizationSumFlat,      pvInterestSumFlat,      pvInvoiceSumFlat;
                    if missing(loanAmount) or missing(maturityMonth) or missing(interestRateAnnual) then 
                            pvAmortizationSumAnnuity    = .;
                            pvInterestSumAnnuity        = .;
                            pvInvoiceSumAnnuity         = .;
                            pvAmortizationSumFlat       = .;
                            pvInterestSumFlat           = .;
                            pvInvoiceSumFlat            = .;
                            inflationMonth  = sum(exp((log(sum(1,inflationAnnual)))/12),-1);
                            do maturityPeriod = 1 to maturityMonth;
            *                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
            *                               ANNUITY;
            *                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
                                fv                      = 0; * Specifies the future value after the last payment is made;
                                paymentDueDate          = 0; * Specifies whether the payments occur at the beginning or end of a period. 0 represents the end-of-period payments;
            *                   NOMINAL VALUE;
            *                   If the interest rate is zero you only amortize. Equal to flat amortization;
                                if interestRateAnnual = 0 then 
                                        amortizationAnnuity         = loanAmount / maturityMonth;
                                        interestPaymentAnnuity      = 0;
                                        invoiceAnnuity              = sum(amortizationAnnuity, interestPaymentAnnuity);
                                            amortizationAnnuity     = abs(finance('ppmt', interestRateAnnual/12, maturityPeriod, maturityMonth, loanAmount, paymentDueDate));
                                            invoiceAnnuity          = abs(finance('pmt', interestRateAnnual/12, maturityMonth, loanAmount, fv, paymentDueDate));
                                            interestPaymentAnnuity  = abs(sum(invoiceAnnuity, - amortizationAnnuity));
            *                   Cumulative nominal flat amortization;
                                amortizationSumAnnuity      = sum(amortizationSumAnnuity, amortizationAnnuity);
                                interestSumAnnuity          = sum(interestSumAnnuity, interestPaymentAnnuity);
                                invoiceSumAnnuity           = sum(amortizationSumAnnuity, interestSumAnnuity);
            *                   PRESENT VALUE;
            *                   Present value of the interest and amortization for a annuity;
                                pvAmortizationAnnuity       = amortizationAnnuity    / ((1+inflationMonth)**maturityPeriod);
                                pvInterestAnnuity           = interestPaymentAnnuity / ((1+inflationMonth)**maturityPeriod);
                                pvInvoiceAnnuity            = sum(pvAmortizationAnnuity, pvInterestAnnuity);
            *                   Cumulative present value annuity;
                                pvAmortizationSumAnnuity    = sum(pvAmortizationSumAnnuity, pvAmortizationAnnuity);
                                pvInterestSumAnnuity        = sum(pvInterestSumAnnuity, pvInterestAnnuity);
                                pvInvoiceSumAnnuity         = sum(pvAmortizationSumAnnuity, pvInterestSumAnnuity);
            *                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
            *                               FLAT AMORTIZATION;
            *                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
            *                   NOMINAL VALUE;
            *                   Payment in period n;
                                amortizationFlat        = loanAmount / maturityMonth;
                                interestPaymentFlat     = (sum(loanAmount, -amortizationFlat*(maturityPeriod-1)) * interestRateAnnual/12);
                                invoiceFlat             = sum(amortizationFlat, interestPaymentFlat);
            *                   Cumulative nominal flat amortization;
                                amortizationSumFlat     = sum(amortizationSumFlat, amortizationFlat);
                                interestSumFlat         = sum(interestSumFlat, interestPaymentFlat);
                                invoiceSumFlat          = sum(amortizationSumFlat, interestSumFlat);
            *                   PRESENT VALUE;
            *                   Present value of the interest and amortization for flat amortization;
                                pvAmortizationFlat      = amortizationFlat    / ((1+inflationMonth)**maturityPeriod);
                                pvInterestFlat          = interestPaymentFlat / ((1+inflationMonth)**maturityPeriod);
                                pvInvoiceFlat           = sum(pvAmortizationFlat, pvInterestFlat);
            *                   Cumulative present value flat amortization;
                                pvAmortizationSumFlat   = sum(pvAmortizationSumFlat, pvAmortizationFlat);
                                pvInterestSumFlat       = sum(pvInterestSumFlat, pvInterestFlat);
                                pvInvoiceSumFlat        = sum(pvAmortizationSumFlat, pvInterestSumFlat);
            data have;
                call streaminit(12345);
                do i = 1 to 5;
                    loanAmount          = abs(floor(rand("normal", 300E3, 200E3)));
                    maturityMonth       = abs(floor(rand("normal", 120, 24)));
                    interestRateAnnual  = abs(rand('normal',0.05,0.05));
                format loanAmount maturityMonth comma10. interestRateAnnual percent10.2;
                drop i;
            data want;
            set have;
            *   Call the subroutine and performe the calculations;
                call pvLoan(    /* input */
                                /* output */
                format _numeric_ comma20. interestRateAnnual percent5.2;



            why isn't my frame stretch completely in tkinter
            Asked 2021-Sep-22 at 21:26

            I tried to stretch the frame using sticky='nsew' but it's not working properly. I have attached the screenshot here.

            the white color window is my frame and i want to stick to all corners. i dont wanna mess up with the buttons that i made. its working if i set row=0 but in that case i lost the buttons.. i wanna keep that button too



            Answered 2021-Sep-22 at 21:26

            Your main issue is Grid.rowconfigure(root,0,weight=1). This is causing the row where the buttons sit to expand at the same rate as the row the frame is in.

            Just get rid of that line and it should fix your problem. That said there are several things I would change with your code.

            1. You use Grid.rowconfigure() and so on and this is not the standard usage. Is there any reason you are doing it this way? Normally I would expect to see frame2.rowconfigure(0, weight=1).

            2. You build your frame as a class but don't actually do anything in it that would require it to be a class. You also do not inherit tk.Frame in your class. I would write it a little different here.

            3. import * is frowned on. It can cause problems when maintaining code over time as it grows and makes it harder to know where the methods are from so trouble shooting can be harder. try import tkinter as tk and use the tk. prefix.

            4. Reasons you might need or want to set a variable name for a widget is if you plan on interacting with it later. Like updating a label or if you want to set a variable name to make it easier to ID what that widget is for. Then you can do that but personally I prefer to avoid setting variables if they will never be modified later.

            Your code can be reduced quite a bit. Here is a non OOP example (I set the frame background to black to make it easier to see if the frame was expanding. You can change this back if you need to):



            How to fill in a form from a Django view?
            Asked 2021-Aug-28 at 06:16

            Good evening Community,

            I am building my first website and I am encountering the following problem. I have a form which has different fields that are to be completed by the user. One of this fields, is the user field which I don't want the user to complete. Hence, I would like to complete from the backend through the views. I tried different things but I am not able to do it, any hints or suggestions?

            Hereunder is my code:




            Answered 2021-Aug-28 at 06:16

            you have different way to do this

            1- for example you can overwrite save method

            change code like this:




            How to display data from a model method
            Asked 2021-Jul-28 at 11:00

            Good evening community

            I am new to programming and I have been working on a Django project to enhance my skills.

            I would like to display data from a method model in my templates.

            Here is the project's model,



            Answered 2021-Jul-28 at 11:00

            In templates file

            • Remove: {{% Company.net_income %}}
            • Try this: {{ Company.net_income }}



            I have a business sales page that shows results from a json file. I want to be able to pass the information for one listing on a results page
            Asked 2021-Jul-14 at 03:26

            My index.php page has a display of listings from a json file which looks good. But I am trying to send a result of a single listing from that page to another page (result.php). How do I display the results of that single listing to the new page?

            Here is the code for my first page that is attached to the json file:



            Answered 2021-Jul-11 at 05:07

            I might make a subtle change to the link to turn the ?id into a key/value pair, like


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install Cashflow

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use Cashflow like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the Cashflow component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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