CacheManage | 🔥android缓存管理器,分为内存缓存和文件缓存两种 先取内存数据,没有再从文件缓存中取 | Caching library

 by   ronghao Java Version: 1.0.3 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | CacheManage Summary

kandi X-RAY | CacheManage Summary

CacheManage is a Java library typically used in Server, Caching applications. CacheManage has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

🔥android缓存管理器,分为内存缓存和文件缓存两种 先取内存数据,没有再从文件缓存中取

            kandi-support Support

              CacheManage has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 85 star(s) with 17 fork(s). There are 6 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 7 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 83 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of CacheManage is 1.0.3

            kandi-Quality Quality

              CacheManage has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              CacheManage has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              CacheManage code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              CacheManage is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              CacheManage releases are available to install and integrate.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 1602 lines of code, 138 functions and 14 files.
              It has high code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed CacheManage and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into CacheManage implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Create the secret key store
            • Creates the key pair generator
            • Creates the key generator
            • Check if keystore is a signing key
            • Initializes the activity
            • Get file as string
            • Initialize event listener
            • Get cache as string
            • Called when an options item is selected
            • Initialize cache config2
            • Get disk cache dir
            • Get a new cache
            • Returns the signing key signature for the given alias
            • Retrieves a private key entry by its alias
            • Get object as json array
            • Convert key to json array
            • Creates the secret key
            • Gets the number of characters
            • Checks if the string contains the same chars
            • Pick up an array of bytes
            • Get the value as Object
            • Get as json object
            • Remove a previously registered observer
            • Gets a base64 encoder for the base64 encoding
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            CacheManage Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for CacheManage.

            CacheManage Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for CacheManage.

            Community Discussions


            Spring boot Reactive caching
            Asked 2022-Mar-19 at 23:46

            In my application I am using spring webflux and I am using webclient to retrieve details from some 3rd party API. Now, I want to store the first time webClient response in some in memory cache so that for 2nd time I can have those response directly from the cache. I am trying to use Spring boot in memory caching mechanism and also "caffine". But none is working as expected. application.yml:



            Answered 2022-Mar-19 at 23:46

            There are several options to cache reactive publishers.

            1. Use reactive cache API to cache Mono for the defined duration



            Hazelcast error Reason of failure for node join: Joining node's version 3.12.7 is not compatible with cluster version 3.9
            Asked 2022-Mar-17 at 09:25

            I have this issue in a Spring Boot microservices JHipster project, the issue started without changing any code. the microservers are deployed in a Kubernetes Microsoft Azure enviroment. The issue is related to a Hazelcast problem.

            Stack trace:



            Answered 2021-Aug-06 at 16:25

            Two processes with the (default) cluster name dev have found each other and attempted to cluster together. Versions are incompatible so this fails.

            You could turn off discovery on both processes, but if you don't control the other this may not be viable.

            Instead you could use config.getGroupConfig().setName('...') to change the name of your cluster to prevent the join attempt.



            Spring Cache Abstraction with Hazelcast doesn't preserve the order of elements
            Asked 2022-Mar-15 at 06:40

            We upgraded Hazelcast from 3.12.12 to 5.0.2 and now Spring cache doesn't preserve the order of the elements in the Map we store in the cache. It used to work before the upgrade. The java.util.TreeMap we store in the cache is ordered using a custom java.util.Comparator.

            Below is the code. The getSortedCountriesFromCountryCodes() method, when invoked, returns a Map whose elements are sorted correctly according to the custom comparator, but when the same map is retrieved from the cache, the order is lost and map items are ordered alphabetically using the corresponding keys. Spring version is 5.3.14. Has anyone ever seen such behaviour and maybe knows how to fix it?



            Answered 2022-Feb-21 at 18:53

            The issue is your MessageSourceComparator, after deserialization it sorts differently.

            There was a change how TreeMap is handled between 3.x and 4.x.

            In 3.x the TreeMap is serialized using plain Java serialization. Apparently, it deserializes the data in the order it was stored in the map.

            In 4.x+ a special serializer for TreeMap was added, what this serializer does on deserialization is that it creates new TreeSet with deserialized comparator and adds all elements to it. Now because your deserialized comparator is different the elements end up in the wrong order.

            I don't think it is reasonable to expect to keep the order when the comparator changes on ser/de. What you can do is to cache LinkedHashMap instead:



            Caching (Caffeine) & Spring - two caches based on method parameter value
            Asked 2022-Mar-02 at 13:39

            I have a question about caching in spring using Caffeine.

            I have a cache configuration:



            Answered 2022-Mar-02 at 13:39

            You can add multiple conditional @Cacheable annotations to the @Caching annotation.



            JCache Hazelcast embedded does not scale
            Asked 2022-Feb-22 at 23:53

            Hello, Stackoverflow Community.

            I have a Spring Boot application that uses Jcache with Hazelcast implementation as a cache Framework.

            Each Hazelcast node has 5 caches with the size of 50000 elements each. There are 4 Hazelcast Instances that form a cluster.

            The problem that I face is the following:

            I have a very heavy call that reads data from all four caches. On the initial start, when all caches are yet empty, this call takes up to 600 seconds.

            When there is one Hazelcast instance running and all 5 caches are filled with data, then this call happens relatively fast, it takes on average only 4 seconds.

            When I start 2 Hazelcast instances and they form a cluster, then the response time gets worse, and the same call takes already 25 seconds on average.

            And the more Hazelcast instances I add in a cluster, the longer the response time gets. Of course, I was expecting to see some worse delivery time when data is partitioned among Hazelcast nodes in a cluster. But I did not expect that just by adding one more hazelcast instance, the response time would get 6 - 7 times slower...

            Please note, that for simplicity reasons and for testing purposes, I just start four Spring Boot Instances with each Hazelcast embedded node embedded in it on one machine. Therefore, such poor performance cannot be justified by network delays. I assume that this API call is so slow even with Hazelcast because much data needs to be serialized/deserialized when sent among Hazelcast cluster nodes. Please correct me if I am wrong.

            The cache data is partitioned evenly among all nodes. I was thinking about adding near cache in order to reduce latency, however, according to the Hazelcast Documentation, the near cache is not available for Jcache Members. In my case, because of some project requirements, I am not able to switch to Jcache Clients to make use of Near Cache. Is there maybe some advice on how to reduce latency in such a scenario?

            Thank you in advance.


            1. Hazelcast Config: stays default, nothing is changed
            2. Caches:


            Answered 2022-Feb-22 at 23:53

            If you do the math:

            4s / 250 000 lookups is 0.016 ms per local lookup. This seems rather high, but let's take that.

            When you add a single node then the data gets partitioned and half of the requests will be served from the other node. If you add 2 more nodes (4 total) then 25 % of the requests will be served locally and 75 % will be served over network. This should explain why the response time grows when you add more nodes.

            Even simple ping on localhost takes twice or more time. On a real network the read latency we see in benchmarks is 0.3-0.4 ms per read call. This makes:

            0.25 * 250k *0.016 + 0.75 * 250k * 0.3 = ~57 s

            You simply won't be able to make so many calls serially over the network (even local one), you need to either

            • parallelize the calls - use javax.cache.Cache#getAll to reduce the number of calls
            • you can try enabling reading local backups via com.hazelcast.config.MapConfig#setReadBackupData so there is less requests over the network.

            The read backup data feature is only available for IMap, so you would need to use Spring caching with hazelcast-spring module and its com.hazelcast.spring.cache.HazelcastCacheManager:



            java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCache
            Asked 2022-Feb-18 at 10:03

            Context -

            I have a spring boot app and I updated the spring-boot-starter-parent version from 1.5.12.RELEASE to 2.4.0

            I had this dependency in my pom -



            Answered 2022-Feb-17 at 15:28

            With some more research over the web, I was able to fix the same exception which was occurring in my project by adding spring-context-support to the project. I did it by adding following dependency to my build.gradle:



            Passing ManagedObject collection from fetch result to closure up to ViewController
            Asked 2022-Feb-13 at 03:16

            I want to perform a background fetch and pass the result to closure. Currently I'm using performBackgroundTask method from NSPersistentContainer which is giving a NSManagedObjectContext as a closure. Then using that context I'm executing fetch request. When fetch is done I'm, passing the result to the completion handler.



            Answered 2022-Feb-13 at 03:16

            No, it is not

            Do not pass NSManagedObject instances between queues. Doing so can result in corruption of the data and termination of the app. When it is necessary to hand off a managed object reference from one queue to another, use NSManagedObjectID instances.

            You would want something like:



            What is the formal difference between a Cache and Map in version 5.0 of Hazelcast?
            Asked 2022-Jan-10 at 09:37

            While implementing Hazelcast for the first time in set of web APIs, the usage of Map and Cache is inconsistent.

            For example, creating a cache using SpringCacheManager results in the creation of a map



            Answered 2022-Jan-10 at 09:37

            There are Cache, Spring Cache and Map to consider here.

            For Cache, Hazelcast is an implementation provider for the Java caching standard, JSR107. These show as "Cache" on the Management Center, and if you run hazelcastInstance.getDistributedObjects() they'll be of type ICache. It's in the Hazelcast documentation here.

            For Map, Hazelcast provides a data structure IMap which is mostly a superset of java.util.Map. These show as "Map" on the Management Center.

            Spring also provides caching, and you can set CacheType for JSR107 or directly with Hazelcast, or allow Spring to pick. When Spring uses Hazelcast directly, it will use IMap not ICache for storage.

            If you pick JCache or configure Spring to use JCache, then you get standards compliant behaviour. You have caching, and can easily swap caching provider from Hazelcast to something else should you want to.

            Map gives you operations such as executeOnKey to update one or more entries in situ. If the entry is a compound object but on a small part is changing, this can be a more efficient way to update it than sending the whole value.



            NestJS dependency injection during unit test
            Asked 2022-Jan-09 at 18:53

            I am stuck with the dependency injection problem of NestJS during the unit test with jest. Here is my codebase. app.controller.spec.ts



            Answered 2022-Jan-09 at 18:53

            You need to add the CACHE_MANAGER as a provider to your TestingModule:



            How to set which service is used?
            Asked 2021-Dec-29 at 14:00

            I added two service in Startup.cs as below,



            Answered 2021-Dec-29 at 13:49

            you have to follow one of the SOLID principles

            The interface segregation principle: "Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface."



            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install CacheManage

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use CacheManage like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the CacheManage component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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