Decisions | A simple decision making app for android

 by   torch2424 Java Version: Current License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | Decisions Summary

kandi X-RAY | Decisions Summary

Decisions is a Java library. Decisions has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. However Decisions build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

I have college, work, and all sort of other things I need to keep up with. :(.

            kandi-support Support

              Decisions has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              Decisions has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of Decisions is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              Decisions has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              Decisions has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              Decisions is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              Decisions releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Decisions has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed Decisions and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into Decisions implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Sets up the IAP app
            • Query owned items
            • Starts the setup process
            • Decodes a byte array using the specified decodabet
            • Restore data from external storage
            • This method reads the contents from a directory and parses them into an array
            • Consumes the item consumption
            • Consume an in - app product
            • Back up to the external storage
            • Saves the decisions to a file
            • Add a new decision
            • Create the list
            • Initializes this instance
            • This method returns an array containing the values from the saved data file
            • Purchase a View
            • Start an in - app purchase
            • Initializes the instance
            • Reset the context
            • Handle the action item selection
            • Initializes the view
            • Sets the file to be saved
            • Called when an item is selected
            • Undo undo decision
            • Method called to decide if the answer button is valid
            • Called when a menu item is selected
            • Restore the purchase on the account
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            Decisions Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for Decisions.

            Decisions Examples and Code Snippets

            Decisions a rotation .
            javascriptdot img1Lines of Code : 6dot img1License : Permissive (MIT License)
            copy iconCopy
            function rot13(str) {
              return str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function (chr) {
                var start = chr <= "Z" ? 65 : 97;
                return String.fromCharCode(start + ((chr.charCodeAt(0) - start + 13) % 26));

            Community Discussions


            using multiple different kafka cluster within one app
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 13:28

            This probably ins't typical setup, but due to higher decisions we endup having multiple kafka clusters within one app, multiple topics per each, and each might have different serializing strategy. Json/avro. And avro might be with confluent schema registry or using single object encoding.

            Well I got it working somehow, by building my own abstractions and registry which analyzes the configuration and creates most of stuff manually, but I feel I needed to repeat stuff like topic names, schema registry url on several places multiple times just to create all needed beans. Ugly as hell.

            I'd like to ask, if there is some better way and support for this I just might have overlooked.

            I need to create N representations of kafka clusters, configuring it once. Configure topics respective to given kafka cluster, configure confluent schema registry for topics where applicable etc, so that I can create instance of Avro schema file, send it to KafkaTemplate and it will work.



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 13:28

            It depends on the complexity and how much different the configurations are, as to whether this will help, but you can override individual Kafka properties (such as bootstrap servers, deserializers, etc on the @KafkaListener and in each KafkaTemplate.




            Regex capture optional groups by delimiters
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 08:53

            I need to parse a string quote by quote text and @ author and # category delimiters. Author and category come in order, but are optional. Like this:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 08:42

            Assuming the @ and # only appear at the end of string in front of the author or category, you can use



            Kedro Data Modelling
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 18:30

            We are struggling to model our data correctly for use in Kedro - we are using the recommended Raw\Int\Prm\Ft\Mst model but are struggling with some of the concepts....e.g.

            • When is a dataset a feature rather than a primary dataset? The distinction seems vague...
            • Is it OK for a primary dataset to consume data from another primary dataset?
            • Is it good practice to build a feature dataset from the INT layer? or should it always pass through Primary?

            I appreciate there are no hard & fast rules with data modelling but these are big modelling decisions & any guidance or best practice on Kedro modelling would be really helpful, I can find just one table defining the layers in the Kedro docs

            If anyone can offer any further advice or blogs\docs talking about Kedro Data Modelling that would be awesome!



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 18:30

            Great question. As you say, there are no hard and fast rules here and opinions do vary, but let me share my perspective as a QB data scientist and kedro maintainer who has used the layering convention you referred to several times.

            For a start, let me emphasise that there's absolutely no reason to stick to the data engineering convention suggested by kedro if it's not suitable for your needs. 99% of users don't change the folder structure in data. This is not because the kedro default is the right structure for them but because they just don't think of changing it. You should absolutely add/remove/rename layers to suit yourself. The most important thing is to choose a set of layers (or even a non-layered structure) that works for your project rather than trying to shoehorn your datasets to fit the kedro default suggestion.

            Now, assuming you are following kedro's suggested structure - onto your questions:

            When is a dataset a feature rather than a primary dataset? The distinction seems vague...

            In the case of simple features, a feature dataset can be very similar to a primary one. The distinction is maybe clearest if you think about more complex features, e.g. formed by aggregating over time windows. A primary dataset would have a column that gives a cleaned version of the original data, but without doing any complex calculations on it, just simple transformations. Say the raw data is the colour of all cars driving past your house over a week. By the time the data is in primary, it will be clean (e.g. correcting "rde" to "red", maybe mapping "crimson" and "red" to the same colour). Between primary and the feature layer, we will have done some less trivial calculations on it, e.g. to find one-hot encoded most common car colour each day.

            Is it OK for a primary dataset to consume data from another primary dataset?

            In my opinion, yes. This might be necessary if you want to join multiple primary tables together. In general if you are building complex pipelines it will become very difficult if you don't allow this. e.g. in the feature layer I might want to form a dataset containing composite_feature = feature_1 * feature_2 from the two inputs feature_1 and feature_2. There's no way of doing this without having multiple sub-layers within the feature layer.

            However, something that is generally worth avoiding is a node that consumes data from many different layers. e.g. a node that takes in one dataset from the feature layer and one from the intermediate layer. This seems a bit strange (why has the latter dataset not passed through the feature layer?).

            Is it good practice to build a feature dataset from the INT layer? or should it always pass through Primary?

            Building features from the intermediate layer isn't unheard of, but it seems a bit weird. The primary layer is typically an important one which forms the basis for all feature engineering. If your data is in a shape that you can build features then that means it's probably primary layer already. In this case, maybe you don't need an intermediate layer.

            The above points might be summarised by the following rules (which should no doubt be broken when required):

            1. The input datasets for a node in layer L should all be in the same layer, which can be either L or L-1
            2. The output datasets for a node in layer L should all be in the same layer L, which can be either L or L+1

            If anyone can offer any further advice or blogs\docs talking about Kedro Data Modelling that would be awesome!

            I'm also interested in seeing what others think here! One possibly useful thing to note is that kedro was inspired by cookiecutter data science, and the kedro layer structure is an extended version of what's suggested there. Maybe other projects have taken this directory structure and adapted it in different ways.



            Kubernetes autoscaling and logs of created / deleted pods
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 17:40

            I am implementing a Kubernetes based solution where I am autoscaling a deployment based on a dynamic metric. I am running this deployment with autoscaling capabilities against a workload for 15 minutes. During this time, pods of this deployment are created and deleted dynamically as a result of the deployment autoscaling decisions.

            I am interested in saving (for later inspection) of the logs of each of the dynamically created (and potentially deleted) pods occuring in the course of the autoscaling experiment.

            If the deployment has a label like app=myapp , can I run the below command to store all the logs of my deployment?



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 17:40

            Yes, by default GKE sends logs for all pods to Stackdriver and you can view/query them there.



            What will be purpose string of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription for Firebase/Crashlytics & Firebase/Analytics?
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 14:09

            As Apple requires developers to receive the user’s permission through the App Tracking Transparency framework to track them or access their device’s advertising identifier (IDFA) With iOS 14.5

            I am using 'Firebase/Crashlytics' & 'Firebase/Analytics' in my app for crash reports. So I added below purpose string into my info.plist



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 14:09

            Make it more detailed. You can say something like This identifier will be used to collect Crash Data and in-app activity in order to improve functionalities and user engagement. Or something alike.

            In your String you only make reference to Crashlytics but you're missing reference toAnalytics.

            It is possible that Apple answers back saying something like they didn't find the Alert in your app after doing the correction of the String. If that happens, you just have to answer them that the alert only shows once per device (if so), and the class where you display the alert (commonly used in the AppDelegate).



            how to rewrite the function more compact
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 18:14

            I have a json of the form:



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 11:44

            Currently your function limited to a certain depth. If you really want to write your own function, you would have to use a recursive function.

            Anyway - there a better solutions. If you decoded the json by yourself, you can tell the decode function to return an array:



            do databases not exist under event stores (like kafka)? Do we not query data from databases anymore?
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 18:04

            Trying to understand event driven microservices; like in this video. It seems like the basic idea is "producers create tasks that change the state of a system. Consumers read all relevant tasks (from whatever topic they care about) and make decisions off that"

            So, if I had a system of jars- say a red, blue, and green jar (topics). And then had producers adding marbles to each jar (deciding color based on random number, let's say). The producers would tell kafka "add a marble to red. Add a marble to blue... etc" Then, the consumers, every time we wanted to count jars would get the entire log and say "ok, a marble was added to red, so redCount++, then a marble was added to blue so blueCount++..." for the dozens/hundreds/thousands of lines that the log file takes up?

            That can't be correct; I know it can't be correct. It seems incredibly inefficient; almost anti-efficient!

            What am I missing in my knowledge of kafka tasks?



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 16:06

            The data in each of those topics will be retained as per a property log.retention.{hours|minutes|ms}. At the Kafka server level, this is set to 7 days by default for all topics. You could change this at a topic level as well.

            In such a setting, a consumer will not be able to read the entire history if it needed to, so in this instance typically a consumer would:

            1. consume the message i.e. "a marble no. 5 was added to red jar" at offset number 5
            2. carry out the increment step i.e. redCount++ and store the latest information (redCount = 5) in a local state store
            3. Then commit the offset back to Kafka telling that it has read the message at offset number 5
            4. Then, just wait for the next message...

            If however, your consumer doesn't have a local state store - In this case, you would need to increase the retention period i.e. to store the data forever. You could configure the configure the consumers to store that information locally in memory but in the event of failures there would be no choice but for the consumers to read from the beginning. This I agree is inefficient.



            How do I pass values between scopes inside the same View in Swift?
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 22:30

            I want to make decisions based on what user selects but I learned that I cannot put logic related codes inside View. Now, how do I use the variable of one scope in another?

            In the given code, user gets to select the tip amount he wants to provide to the server. I want to display a message based on the tip the waiter receives. How do I use the variable self.tipPercentages[0] from section-1 in section-2 of the code?

            Thank you



            Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 22:30

            The selection parameter of Picker will do the work of storing the tip amount for you -- there's no need for the tipSelected = line of imperative code.

            Then, unless you're planning on mutating them somewhere, the if_10 and if_20 don't really need to be @State variables.

            Here's one possible solution:



            Where the best place to manage pages?
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 08:34

            Page navigating documented in Flutter Docs case is very simple:



            Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 08:34

            The pattern I follow is rather to have a bloc that handles the logic, in your example that would be the Auth check. In the bloc I'd emit a new state, say a state called Authed, when if (isAuthed) pass.

            In the view you could have a BlocListener that trigger on the state change to Authed and do your routing there or display a Snackbar or similar.

            This way you don't have to mix view actions with logic that really doesn't require view information.



            Strategy for AMD64 cache optimization - stacks, symbols, variables and strings tables
            Asked 2021-Jun-05 at 00:12

            I am going to write my own FORTH "engine" in GNU assembler (GAS) for Linux x86-64 (specifically for AMD Ryzen 9 3900X that is siting on my table).

            (If it will be success, I may use similar idea for make firmware for retro 6502 and similar home-brewed computer)

            I want to add some interesting debugging features, as saving comments with the compiled code in for of "NOP words" with attached strings, which would do nothing in runtime, but when disassembling/printing out already defined words it would print those comment too, so it would not loose all the headers ( a b -- c) and comments like ( here goes this particular little trick ) and I would be able try to define new words with documentation, and later print all definitions in some nice way and make new library from those, which I consider good. (And have switch to just ignore comments for "production release")

            I had read too much of optimalization here and I am not able to understand all of that in few weeks, so I will put out microoptimalisation until it will suffer performance problems and then I will start with profiling.

            But I want to start with at least decent architectural decisions.

            What I understood yet:

            • it would be nice, if the programs was run mainly from CPU cache, not from memory
            • the cache is filled somehow "automagically", but having related data/code compact and as near as possible may help a lot
            • I identified some areas, that would be good candidates for caching and some, that are not so good - I sorted it in order of importance:
              • assembler code - the engine and basic words like "+" - used all the time (fixed size, .text section)
              • both stacks - also used all the time (dynamic, I will probably use rsp for data stack and implement return stack independly - not sure yet, which will be "native" and which "emulated")
              • forth bytecode - the defined and compiled words - used at runtime, when the speed matters (still growing size)
              • variables, constants, strings, other memory allocations (used in runtime)
              • names of words ("DUP", "DROP" - used only when defining new words in compilation phase)
              • comments (used one daily or so)

            As there is lot of "heaps" that grows up (well, there is not "free" used, so it may be also stack, or stack growing up) (and two stacks that grows down) I am unsure how to implement it, so the CPU cache will cover it somehow decently.

            My idea is to use one "big heap" (and increse it with brk() when needed), and then allocate big chunks of alligned memory on it, implementing "smaller heaps" in each chunk and extend them to another big chunk when the old one is filled up.

            I hope, that the cache would automagically get the most used blocks first keep it most of the time and the less used blocks would be mostly ignored by the cache (respective it would occupy only small parts and get read and kicked out all the time), but maybe I did not it correctly.

            But maybe is there some better strategy for that?



            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 23:53

            Your first stops for further reading should probably be:

            so I will put out microoptimalisation until it will suffer performance problems and then I will start with profiling.

            Yes, probably good to start trying stuff so you have something to profile with HW performance counters, so you can correlate what you're reading about performance stuff with what actually happens. And so you get some ideas of possible details you hadn't thought of yet before you go too far into optimizing your overall design idea. You can learn a lot about asm micro-optimization by starting with something very small scale, like a single loop somewhere without any complicated branching.

            Since modern CPUs use split L1i and L1d caches and first-level TLBs, it's not a good idea to place code and data next to each other. (Especially not read-write data; self-modifying code is handled by flushing the whole pipeline on any store too near any code that's in-flight anywhere in the pipeline.)

            Related: Why do Compilers put data inside .text(code) section of the PE and ELF files and how does the CPU distinguish between data and code? - they don't, only obfuscated x86 programs do that. (ARM code does sometimes mix code/data because PC-relative loads have limited range on ARM.)

            Yes, making sure all your data allocations are nearby should be good for TLB locality. Hardware normally uses a pseudo-LRU allocation/eviction algorithm which generally does a good job at keeping hot data in cache, and it's generally not worth trying to manually clflushopt anything to help it. Software prefetch is also rarely useful, especially in linear traversal of arrays. It can sometimes be worth it if you know where you'll want to access quite a few instructions later, but the CPU couldn't predict that easily.

            AMD's L3 cache may use adaptive replacement like Intel does, to try to keep more lines that get reused, not letting them get evicted as easily by lines that tend not to get reused. But Zen2's 512kiB L2 is relatively big by Forth standards; you probably won't have a significant amount of L2 cache misses. (And out-of-order exec can do a lot to hide L1 miss / L2 hit. And even hide some of the latency of an L3 hit.) Contemporary Intel CPUs typically use 256k L2 caches; if you're cache-blocking for generic modern x86, 128kiB is a good choice of block size to assume you can write and then loop over again while getting L2 hits.

            The L1i and L1d caches (32k each), and even uop cache (up to 4096 uops, about 1 or 2 per instruction), on a modern x86 like Zen2 ( or Skylake, are pretty large compared to a Forth implementation; probably everything will hit in L1 cache most of the time, and certainly L2. Yes, code locality is generally good, but with more L2 cache than the whole memory of a typical 6502, you really don't have much to worry about :P

            Of more concern for an interpreter is branch prediction, but fortunately Zen2 (and Intel since Haswell) have TAGE predictors that do well at learning patterns of indirect branches even with one "grand central dispatch" branch: Branch Prediction and the Performance of Interpreters - Don’t Trust Folklore


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can use Decisions like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the Decisions component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


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