is-working | Checks if your JavaScript interpreter | Interpreter library

 by   AyrA JavaScript Version: 1.0.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | is-working Summary

kandi X-RAY | is-working Summary

is-working is a JavaScript library typically used in Utilities, Interpreter applications. is-working has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'npm i is-working' or download it from GitHub, npm.

Checks if your JavaScript interpreter is currently working

            kandi-support Support

              is-working has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 11 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 1 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 3 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of is-working is 1.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              is-working has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              is-working has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              is-working code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              is-working is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              is-working releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in npm.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            Community Discussions


            Determine if a running Windows Service is functioning
            Asked 2022-Mar-21 at 23:14

            Most of us have experienced a Windows service that has a status of "running" but is not doing what it is supposed to and we often restart the service. I would like to know if there is a way to determine if a Windows service is "functioning"? I don't mean it is "stopped", I mean how can I tell it is doing what it is supposed to in the "Running" state?

            I found these previous questions below but these are oriented to developed Windows Service's and not a third party Windows Service installed with a software application or a core Windows Role\Feature service. I know the logs may say "service has entered the stopped state" but if it is not "stopped" but also not functioning is there a way I can tell?

            How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

            How do i know if my windows service is working?



            Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 23:14

            Sending SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE with ControlService to the service should force the services control handler to process the event. If the service control handler thread is blocked this will fail.

            Beyond that I don't know if there is a generic way to determine if a service is functioning correctly.

            If you are looking at a specific known service, you might be able to try any TCP ports it is listening on or named pipes it creates. A web server should respond to a HEAD request for / for example.



            How a React component is able to access props not passed to that component?
            Asked 2021-Aug-30 at 09:45

            I've following three components and passing Hello to Parent.js component but Child.js is also able to access it. So could anyone please explain me the reason behind that ?




            Answered 2021-Aug-30 at 09:42

            probably because the parent component is export child > you are just aliasing



            Unable to run on iOS Simulator from Visual Studio on Windows
            Asked 2021-Jul-15 at 03:02
            The Issue

            Developing on Windows with Visual Studio, and trying to run my app in iOS Simulator.

            I'm not fussy whether the Simulator runs locally on my Windows machine, or on the Mac itself.

            The Mac is "connected" from within Visual Studio, and Visual Studio successfully installed any missing libraries it required remotely on the Mac.

            My app runs wonderfully on Android in both the Android simulator and physical devices.

            But I'm unable to get the iOS Simulator to run when launched from Visual Studio.


            Windows machine:

            • Windows 10
            • Visual Studio 2019 Preview 16.11.0 Preview 3
            • Xamarin Mobile Blazor Bindings (doesn't to seem to be relevant, as I've tried creating other brand new iOS-related projects from within VS, with the same result).


            • MacBook Air, running Big Sur.
            • Xamarin.iOS14.20.0.24
            • Xcode 12.5.1
            • Simulator 12.5.1
            Different Scenarios Tried Scenario 1 - Enabled Remote Simulator to Windows
            1. Visual Studio → Options → Xamarin → iOS Settings → Simulator - Checked "Remote Simulator to Windows".
            2. Selected "iPhoneSimulator".
            3. Selected iOS project from solution "BlazorHybridApp.iOS".
            4. Selected from the list of available devices "iPod touch (7th generation) iOS 14.5)".
            5. Clicked "Run".

            Scenario 1 - Result within Visual Studio on Windows

            Scenario 2 - Disabled Remote Simulator to Windows
            1. Visual Studio → Options → Xamarin → iOS Settings → Simulator - UNCHECKED "Remote Simulator to Windows".
            2. Selected "iPhoneSimulator".
            3. Selected iOS project from solution "BlazorHybridApp.iOS".
            4. Selected from the list of available devices "iPod touch (7th generation) iOS 14.5)".
            5. Clicked "Run".
            Scenario 2 - Result within Visual Studio on Windows

            Error message:

            error MT0069: The app directory '/Users/macbook/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/BlazorHybridApp.iOS/373192a984aab952b21bd389276fc38f881a1f70c8927669096f762b8fab1f51/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/' does not exist.

            I checked on the MacBook, and indeed the folder does not exist (I'd expect it to be auto-created as part of the build?).

            So, I manually created the folder on the Mac, and reran from Visual Studio with the same settings selected.

            Scenario 2 - 2nd Result within Visual Studio on Windows

            Error message:

            error MT1008: Failed to launch the simulator: Could not find required file '/Users/macbook/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/BlazorHybridApp.iOS/373192a984aab952b21bd389276fc38f881a1f70c8927669096f762b8fab1f51/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/'.

            I checked on the MacBook, and the specified file does not exist. In fact the folder I manually created is empty. I'm assuming this is where Xcode should be generating the binaries, etc.?

            Despite the error message, on the MacBook, the Simulator DID launch, but did not launch my app.

            Other Info Big Sur/Xcode newly installed

            This is a virgin MacBook, so no configuration changes have been made to the OS or Xcode.

            Confirmed Simulator is working on MacBook

            I have checked that the Simulator is working ok on the MacBook, by creating a new App project on the MacBook from within Xcode and running it on the Simulator.

            Even tried Visual Studio 2022

            Out of desperation, I have also tried downloading Visual Studio 2022 Preview which also has the required mobile dev support, but got the same issues.

            Any ideas?

            Can anyone offer any advice? Would be very gratefully received.



            Answered 2021-Jul-15 at 03:02

            For Scenario 1, it is a known issue and it has been reported here .

            According to the latest reply , there will be a release for this issue soon .

            For Scenario 2 , I would suggest you

            1. Update everything to the latest stable version (vs for windows , vs for mac , Xcode).

            2. Delete bin and obj folders in Forms and iOS project , rebuild and try again .

            3. If problem persists try to create a new project and test .



            React axios triggers bunch get requests
            Asked 2021-Apr-17 at 05:25

            I have a server and a route('/is-working') in which I render simply Yes or No, in React I do a get request with Axios every second with the use of intervals to see if its working.
            Here is the code:



            Answered 2021-Apr-17 at 05:25

            That must be because you didn't defined a timeout for axios client. So, it still trying to request your endpoint, once it comes back it does all request at once Take a look here:



            A long accumulated list of warnings from a React's project. Keep them or clear them up?
            Asked 2021-Feb-11 at 21:11

            I have a large project at hand in which accumulated a meaningful number of React's warnings of all sorts - mostly useEffect related ones.

            The app is running without critical errors, though.

            But it is annoying to see all these warnings in every launching/reloading.

            I know there's a simple solution of inserting // eslint-disable-next-line or even to disable a whole file, but doing this manually for a +300 warnings and many files is hard and time consuming.

            Furthermore I had a bad experience trying to fix all these warnings manually just to have to revert back to the prior commit because it worsened performance of the app somehow and I could not find the root of the issues - which was multiples - among many modified files, even comparing the diffs in the Github did not shed a light on them.

            So, do you have a better approach to clear them up or better keep them and follow the "if-it-is-working-do-not-fix-it" principle?

            Note: this project runs the latest React version 17 with create-react-app, and it is not injected.



            Answered 2021-Feb-11 at 21:11

            You can leave them if you want but, at the end, you will have more trouble than benefits in a long-term period. Also it is important, if you decide to act and fix them, to work on a dedicated branch.

            Well, I had similar issues in legacy projects and projects that were not configured with a linter from the beginning.

            A strategy that i followed can be described in this way:

            1. before to start fixing linter-related problems, be sure that the rules defined are as near as possible to the rules you want to check in your codebase

            This is an important phase since, if you are planning to fix hundreds of linter-related issues, you don't want to find yourself doing the same job again.

            1. check with your team if there are additional rules that need to be added, try to follow a standard across all project

            It is important to be aligned with your teammates to prevent that, if a teammate opens a file whit a linter enabled in the code editor that is not configured in the same way of your, your work will be lost. Note that it is a best-practice to include the linter configuration file in the repository of your code. It is to avoid, instead, to put in the repository the configuration files of your editor since they may differ from an environment to another.

            1. configure all the commend needed to perform a lint check and a lint fix using the commend-line

            For example, in a package.json file, you can add something like this, in the scripts section:



            Git pull creates merge by the 'recursive' strategy
            Asked 2020-Aug-09 at 19:33

            Foreword after finding solution: "side-effect" of default git pull behavior have been observed, because I have a two sources of changes on master branch - me and GitLab. Similar situation could arise if two persons would work on the same branch.

            I have an issue with git and GitLab. My workflow is:

            1. GitLab: Create Merge Request with branch issue-branch to the issue.
            2. git pull on local repository.
            3. git checkout issue-branch
            4. Changes on the branch.
            5. git push after all.
            6. GitLab: accept MR with delete branch.
            7. git status - no changes.
            8. git checkout master then git pull.

            Expected result: source code pulled and ready to next work.

            Actual result: git creates new, local merge. I see output like this:



            Answered 2020-Aug-09 at 18:20

            git pull --ff solves issue, but I don't know why git doesn't detect that ff should be used.

            For now I will end with configuration git config --global pull.ff only to avoid such issue.



            How do I overcome issues with MetaboAnalyst in R when trying to run pathway analysis?
            Asked 2020-Jun-01 at 23:03

            I am using this code in order to undertake a pathway analysis using MetaboAnalystR.

            When I get to this stage



            Answered 2020-Jun-01 at 23:03

            After spending at least 30 minutes installing dependencies from CRAN and Bioconductor, I was able to get the code to work.

            If I had to guess your issue, you probably haven't installed all the dependency packages.

            Follow the instructions here:



            why is this asynchronous api call in react not working?
            Asked 2020-May-27 at 03:02

            This is a followup question to this question

            I am playing around with reactjs and here is what I am doing: Am working on retrieving data from an API and displaying the data Using axios to make a call to the API. I know that axios calls are asynchronous and promise based.

            Here is the code which throws an error:



            Answered 2020-May-27 at 02:29

            First, make sure the value is returned from the Axios call:



            Cassandra light weight transaction confusion
            Asked 2020-Apr-10 at 08:41

            I am a bit confused here in terms of terminology for light weight transactions. I am not sure why in most of the cassandra literature it says that it works only for a single partition.

            Like when I use IF NOT EXISTS, IF EXISTS, it should apply to the whole primary key not just partition key as it says in this post as well How the LWT- Light Weight Transaction is working when we use IF NOT EXIST?

            However, in the book Cassandra, the Definition Guide, I see this example



            Answered 2020-Apr-10 at 08:41

            It's a error in the book, although diagram shows complex primary key, the table reservation.reservations_by_confirmation has very simple primary key - confirm_number, so in this case queries work as described in the text, and it doesn't allow to insert duplicate primary key.

            When you see mentioning of the partition key in context of the LWT, this usually means that coordination happens between nodes that have replica of given partition...


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            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can install using 'npm i is-working' or download it from GitHub, npm.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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