project2 | website developed to allow users | Social Channel Utils library
kandi X-RAY | project2 Summary
kandi X-RAY | project2 Summary
Developing websites involves working in groups where its members have different ideas, tasks delegated, and versions of have to be controlled and reconciled when using the GitHub. The purpose of the project is to make and develop a website in a group. Our group is comprised of:.
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TL;DR: Why do I name go projects with a website in the path, and where do I initialize git within that path? ELI5, please.
I'm having a hard time understanding the fundamental purpose and use of the file/folder/repo structure and convention of projects/apps in the go language. I've seen a few posts, but they don't answer my overarching question of use/function and I just don't get it. Need ELI5 I guess.
Why are so many project's paths written as:
Answered 2021-Jun-16 at 02:46Why do I name projects with a website in the path?
If your package has the exact same import path as someone else's package, then someone will have a hard time trying to use both packages in the same project because the import paths are not unique. So long as everyone uses a string equal to a URL that they effectively "own", such as your GitHub account (or actually own, such as your own domain), then these name collisions will not occur (excepting the fact that ownership of URLs may change over time).
It also makes it easier to go get
your project, since the host location is part of the import string. Every source file that uses the package also tells you where to get it from. That is a nice property to have.
Where do I initialize git?
Your project should have some root folder that contains everything in the project, and nothing outside of the project. Initialize git in this directory. It's also common to initialize your Go module here, if it's a Go project.
You may be restricted on where to put the git root by where you're trying to host the code. For example, if hosting on GitHub, all of the code you push has to go inside a repository. This means that you can put your git root in a higher directory that contains all your repositories, but there's no way (that I know of) to actually push this to the remote. Remember that your local file system is not the same as the remote host's. You may have a local folder called
, but that doesn't mean that the remote end supports writing files to such a location.
I am using subrepositories to share code between multiple projects. I keep the "master" version of these shared repositories in a central location. That way I can easily push changes I made to them in one project and pull them in another. That works, but ideally I want to just push the project repository and all subrepositories should be pushed to their origin. But Mercurial always pushes all subrepositories into the origin of the main repository.
This is my setup:
Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 14:17I ended up using hooks. First, the libraries inside the projects in the central location need to point to the corresponding central library repository:
We've got multiple projects in Gitlab, i.e.:
- project1/backend
- project2/frontend-main
- project2/frontend-components
Each of the projects has its own .gitlab-ci.yml
and releases enabled.
I'm now trying to find a way how to combine all these individual releases into a master release, e.g.
- project1/backend (v1.10)
- project2/frontend-main (v2.20)
- project2/frontend-components (v.10.10)
The above should be combined and the final result would be a master release with its own versioning (e.g. v1.1.0).
How could I achieve that?
Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 09:18The documentation does mention retrieving artifacts from other projects, using a private token, as illustrated here.
That means you could have:
- a dedicated "master" project
- with its own pipeline
- and, for said pipeline, directives to retrive the latest from the other projects, and then publish then as the "master" project artifacts.
The command below worked flawlessly before updating to VS 2019 16.10.0:
Answered 2021-May-28 at 01:53Until Microsoft releases an update we found that you can add :Rebuild to the end of your projects and that fixed it for us.
I have 5 shuttle filters: Project, Section, Phase, Group, Old_New. I'll show one as an example:
Project Filter Buttons Selected Project(s) Project1 <--- Project2 ---> Project2 Project3As I currently have it, data will not display until until I have populated my filters, but I would like it to be the other way around. I'm think my where clause is what's wrong, but I don't know how to connect the filters to the query otherwise.
Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 13:19My wager is that you really want something like
I have a project that consumes another package on the drive using a relative path:
project1 (setup as a full flutter project with flutter create project1)
project2 (setup with flutter create --template=package
project1's packages.yaml does this: dependancies: project1: path: ../project2
project2's packages.yaml does this:
flutter: assets: - lang/en.json
Which works and everything sees everything else and there is no complaint about that path for the asset and I've verified that it has exactly 2 spaces before assets: and exactly 4 actual spaces beofre - lang/en.json
The problem occurs when project2 tries to load lang/en.json like this in code form project2:
final jsonString = await rootBundle.loadString('lang/en.json');
I get an "asset could not be loaded ${key}" on the loadString function.
if however I take exactly the same code and put it on project1 and copy the folder exactly and copy the exact same asset tag in packages.yaml, project1 has no problem loading the file. If I even leave the asset links on the project1 then project2 can load them just fine too.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong with the package template version?
Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 07:58I have same issue. and I found the solution: In project2, do some steps as below:
- create assets folder
- create lang folder(or any other folder name)
- create json file in lang folder. Ex: en.json, vi.json...
- in pubspec.yaml of project, you need to declare assets:
I am trying to delete data from mysql using php
Answered 2021-May-26 at 19:48Here is how your code should look like. First in your form, provide the ID of the user you want to delete. Make sure to enable mysqli error reporting and select the right database when connecting.
i'm having issues when trying to create the third dimension in a data structure with TArrays. How can length in the TSensorGroupSeries be set? --> SetLength(fSensorValues, fNbrSensors) in the example below;
I'm trying to create a time series, having sensors, where each sensor provides different measurements (8 values, for example: temp, hum, ...), where the type of measurements are identical at each sensor. The number of sensors changes per location: Minimum 2 sensors, max 16 sensors per location. Measurements are taken every 15 minutes.
Answered 2021-May-22 at 15:53You are initializing ASensorGroup, but not using it. In effect, none of the elements of SensorGroupSeries are initialized and so will all be of zero length.
Here is the corrected constructor:
We have a business rule that one account can only have 3 projects at any given time.
In order to keep it efficient, we track the number of projects in an "userData" field instead of doing a COUNT query
Consider the following example objects already in DynamoDB:
Answered 2021-May-20 at 13:50You can use a transaction for this.
Just include the PutItem
request and UpdateItem
request with the condition in a transaction and either both will complete or none of them.
Transactions are the way to provide this all or nothing behavior.
With the transaction write API, you can group multiple
, andConditionCheck
actions. You can then submit the actions as a singleTransactWriteItems
operation that either succeeds or fails as a unit. The same is true for multiple Get actions, which you can group and submit as a singleTransactGetItems
operation.— docs
I have created a static library for the following class, libtgbotengine.a
and extern
ed the class to be used in a different project.
Answered 2021-May-20 at 07:42IMHO: What you want to do is not possible.
The header file of your library is like a blue print for your class.
Lets extend the example of TgBotEngine:
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