BasicScript | BASIC language interpreter in Javascript | Interpreter library
kandi X-RAY | BasicScript Summary
kandi X-RAY | BasicScript Summary
BASIC language interpreter in Javascript. Work in Progress.
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plugins {
id ''
id 'kotlin-android'
id 'kotlin-kapt'
android {
compileSdkVersion 30
buildToolsVersion "29.0.3"
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 30
versionCode 1
versionName "0.0.1"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
buildTypes {
release {
debuggable false
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
resValue "string", "app_name", "Movie App (Prod)"
debug {
debuggable true
minifyEnabled true
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
resValue "string", "app_name", "Movie App (Development)"
qa {
debuggable true
applicationIdSuffix ".qa"
resValue "string", "app_name", "Movie App (Automation)"
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
buildFeatures {
dataBinding true
viewBinding true
flavorDimensions 'API'
productFlavors {
apiMocked {
dimension 'API'
buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '""'
apiProduction {
dimension 'API'
buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '""'
androidComponents {
beforeVariants { variantBuilder ->
// To check for a certain build type, use variantBuilder.buildType == ""
if (variantBuilder.buildType == "qa" && variantBuilder.productFlavors.contains("apiMocked")) {
// Gradle ignores any variants that satisfy the conditions above.
variantBuilder.enabled = false
Answered 2021-May-23 at 00:14What I did:
When running our gradle build (using gradle 6.8.3), we get:
Answered 2021-Mar-30 at 15:30try project.getProperties()
instead of properties
the reason of issue that properties
tries to get/collect properties on current object that could be task or something else.
- clearly takes properties on project
- if object does not contain properties
or getProperties()
groovy tries to scan all internal object properties and hits deprecated property
I am running into issue of building my project. It used to work fine, but when I build it now it fails on shadowJar task, with a class not found exception. No dependency got added. It used to work with Gradle 3.3, but now when I try with gradle 4.10, it keep failing with below error. Also If I remove line "mergeServiceFiles('META-INF/services')", then this exception doesn't occur.
This is my task definition
Answered 2021-Mar-10 at 12:45After trying few different options, I found that I am using gradle shadow jar plugin version 1.2.3. I tried upgrading the plugin version to 2.0.4 and this problem is not occurring with this plugin version. There could be more better ways to solve this problem, but for now I am unstuck. Please post other solutions also.
When I upgrade jaxws-tools to 3.0.0, my Gradle task for wsimport starts crashing on ClassNotFoundException.
I have s simple Gradle project created using Spring initializr. I have in it a wsimport task that I created based on gradle wsimport question but also other sources. The build.gradle looks as follows
Answered 2021-Jan-20 at 13:43Turned out the jaxws-tools required several jakarta libraries in version 3.0.0. I added them to configuration and wsimport now works
A weird problem happened when i build my project which worked well. Error infos as following
Answered 2020-Aug-18 at 08:32Add
I am trying to build the gradle for my app but the build fails
I've looked around some other questions regarding to this issue and I couldn't solve it. Also, I have tried changing the gradle build tool version, adding different lib and some more stuff which didn't mange to solve the problem.
Project level build.gradle
Answered 2019-Jul-28 at 18:49I managed to solve the problem by creating a new project with flutter create
and copying the lib folder over to the new project and also the changes needed for the gradle (also changing the google-services classpath version to 4.2.0) and pubspec.
So let me give some background on this before you start making assumptions. I have been facing a torturous process of debugging Gradle since I began working at my current place of employ. Collectively my coworkers and I have spent close to 20 hours trying different things to get Gradle to play nicely on my machine. It's finally to the point where it's completely halted my ability to work.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am the only one who gets this error, and we are all using the exact same code, so the problem isn't here, but here is my build.gradle (minus redactions) for reference. My stacktrace will be below. Please help.
Gradle version: 5.6.2
IDE: IntelliJ (latest as of 9/30/19)
OS: Win 10 pro
Answered 2019-Oct-01 at 16:16My file was missing with the username, PW, and URL. Replacing it with that information allowed me to import projects again and perform non-bootRun Gradle tasks.
It got deleted at some point before I reinstalled Gradle and I never replaced it due to panic that my Gradle wasn't working any longer.
Well, it's still not properly working, but I can import projects again, so I can at least get by with IntelliJ's compiler.
I'm unable to launch Firefox browser for the following scripts.
Script #1:
Answered 2018-May-23 at 14:46As you can see from the geckodriver releases, the current latest version of the geckodriver is v0.20.1. You should use this one with the current latest version of the Firefox browser.
In addition, you are using an old version of selenium (from here, the current latest one is the 3.12.0).
You need to update your firefox browser and the selenium standalone server.
If you want (are forced) to use the oldest one (45.0.1), you should use the related geckodriver.
I've a simple task which creates a bat file with task name which start with "server" and when executing the bat file gradle jobs starts, Code below :
Answered 2018-Jan-31 at 11:47As it stands, that code will be executed at configuration time, not only when the task is executed. You need to move it into a doLast
block like so:
I am using gradle v3.4 and shadowjar v1.2.4. I added the following task but I get an error copied below when doing this. I added a task of type ShadowJar in order to be able to generate different jar files from the same project.
Shadowjar works fine for me outside the context of this task.
Answered 2017-May-15 at 15:54Specifying the type as com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar instead of ShadowJar resolved the issue for me.
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