sequelize | Ejemplos de ORM JavaScript Sequelize | Runtime Evironment library

 by   antonrodin JavaScript Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | sequelize Summary

kandi X-RAY | sequelize Summary

sequelize is a JavaScript library typically used in Server, Runtime Evironment, Nodejs applications. sequelize has no bugs and it has low support. However sequelize has 9 vulnerabilities. You can download it from GitHub.

Ejemplos de ORM JavaScript Sequelize. Aplicaciones basicas como integración con Express, creación de una API y CRUD basico, ejemplo de validaciones, ejemplo de asociaciones (BelongsTo, HasOne, OneToMany, BelongsToMany...) junto con Eager Loading, ejemplo de como trabajar con legacy tables (tablas antiguas)...

            kandi-support Support

              sequelize has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 19 star(s) with 30 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              sequelize has no issues reported. There are 36 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of sequelize is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              sequelize has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              sequelize has 9 vulnerability issues reported (6 critical, 3 high, 0 medium, 0 low).

            kandi-License License

              sequelize does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              sequelize releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of sequelize
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            sequelize Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for sequelize.

            sequelize Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for sequelize.

            Community Discussions


            How to run Sequelize migrations inside Docker
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 15:38

            I'm trying to docerize my NodeJS API together with a MySQL image. Before the initial run, I want to run Sequelize migrations and seeds to have the tables up and ready to be served.

            Here's my docker-compose.yaml:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:38

            I solved my issue by using Docker Compose Wait. Essentially, it adds a wait loop that samples the DB container, and only when it's up, runs migrations and seeds the DB.

            My next problem was: those seeds ran every time the container was run - I solved that by instead running a script that runs the seeds, and touchs a semaphore file. If the file exists already, it skips the seeds.



            Property 'User' does not exist on type 'typeof db' sequelize in express typescript
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 03:51

            I am using sequelize with express typescript.

            I was use sequelize-cli to generate User model. When I tried to get User from model.

            I get an error: Property 'User' does not exist on type 'typeof db'

            How can I access to User model inside my database model.

            Thank you for your help.

            This is my code.




            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 03:51

            You can use any to fix this error:



            Sequelize: How to upsert with specified column duplicates
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 20:19

            I wanted to create new record if the the record with specified column name does not match or exist else update it.

            I have a Model named AssignedDownloadRoute and defined it like this



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 20:19

            It appears that only one field in your model would qualify as unique (assigned_download_route_id) since it is defined as the primary key. Since that value is not included in your payload, there is nothing unique about each payload. If you would like route_code to be a unique value, you must define it accordingly in your model with the unique: true option.



            Javascript heap out of memory while running a js script to fetch data from an api every minute- javascript/node.js
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 22:13

            My program grabs ~70 pages of 1000 items from an API and bulk-inserts it into a SQLite database using Sequelize. After looping through a few times, the memory usage of node goes up to around 1.2GB and and then eventually crashes the program with this error: FATAL ERROR: MarkCompactCollector: young object promotion failed Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory. I've tried using delete for all of the big variables that I use for the response of the API call and stuff with variable = undefined and then global.gc(), however I still get huge amounts of memory usage and eventually it crashes. Would increasing the memory cap of Node.js help? Or would the memory usage of it just keep increasing until it hits the next cap?

            Here's the full output of the error:



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 10:01

            From the data you've provided, it's impossible to tell why you're running out of memory.

            Maybe the working set (i.e. the amount of stuff that you need to keep around at the same time) just happens to be larger than your current heap limit; in that case increasing the limit would help. It's easy to find out by trying it, e.g. with --max-old-space-size=8000 (megabytes).

            Maybe there's a memory leak somewhere, either in your own code, or in one of your third-party modules. In other words, maybe you're accidentally keeping objects reachable that you don't really need any more.

            If you provide a repro case, then people can investigate and tell you more.

            Side notes:

            • according to your output, heap memory consumption is growing to ~4 GB; not sure why you think it tops out at 1.2 GB.
            • it is never necessary to invoke global.gc() manually; the garbage collector will kick in automatically when memory pressure is high. That said, if something is keeping old objects reachable, then the garbage collector can't do anything.



            Auto increment in postgres/sequelize
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 17:32

            I have a Postgres database using Sequelize (node/express) as ORM. I have a table called students, in it there are columns: id and name.

            In this students table, I have several registered students, but a detail: the last registered ID is 34550 and the first is 30000, they come from an import from a previous database, I need to continue counting from 34550, or that is, from the last registered student. However, when I register a student via API, the generated ID is below 30000. I know that in mysql the ID field being AUTO INCREMENT would solve it, however, as I understand it, postgres works in a different way.

            How could I solve this problem?

            The migration used to create the table is as follows:



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 17:32

            Based on Frank comment, I was able to adjust using:



            Setup Docker MySql Database and connect it to BE
            Asked 2021-Jun-10 at 15:10

            Installed Docker, downloaded the mysql image, using VS Code. This is my docker.compose.yml file:



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 15:10

            This error line Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000 and the localhost:3000 response, suggest that the server.js is up and running at PORT:3000.

            npm start is the same as running node server.js ( i don't see it at package.json at scripts but i guess it's there).

            So... try one or the other. It's like trying to access the same port with 2 different scripts.

            I hope i get it right.

            Actually, why you declare in 2 places new Sequelize(...) instance. Also why your config has sqlite and not mysql2? Maybe i misunderstand



            Sequelize - "Multiple primary key defined" when defining N:M relationship
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 08:42

            I am using Sequelize and MySQL for database.

            There are 2 tables session and question_answer which are N-to-M relationship, so I created a junction table session_question_answer to connect them.

            error occurs:



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 08:42

            I use the following for a user / roles association for user management. You can change the model names and properties to suit your needs. For details about model associations, check out this section of the sequelize documentation




            How to remove auto created column id in sequelize v6?
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 20:55

            I'm trying to set up a model that connects to a VIEW in my postgres database so I can read from it but everytime I try to get data from the view I get an error that says column 'id' does not exist. Sequelize automatically creates an id integer column as the primary key when a model is created but since my views dont have an id column it throws an error. I've seen how to remove the id column using sequelize.define(). However I'm using a class based model and I dont know how to remove the attribute that way. Any ideas are greatly appreciated! Thanks!. Using sequelize version 6

            I tried using removeAttr at the bottom but that didnt work.



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 20:49


            Sequelize - Can i associate a model based on another model relation?
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 13:08

            Good morning, i have been trying to solve a problem but i do not have enough experience with sequelize to know if there is a solution or not so here is my problem:

            I have one model named Order, another model named Service and 8 other models named "orderAttributeA", "orderAttributeB", "orderAttributeC" ....

            my order model work as below:



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 13:08

            This is not something (dynamic reference field) supported by forestadmin out of the box.

            A hacky solution for this kind of issue would be with a smart collection + smart field

            For example, you could defined a smart collection OrderAttributes defined like so



            Redis connection to my-redis:6379 failed - getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND when running seeds
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 08:56

            I am using Docker for the container service.

            I have created a seed file and run it by npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all, then error occur:



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 08:56

            Are you running the migration within the Docker Compose container for your app, or on the Docker host machine?

            From the host machine's point of view, there is no such hostname as my-redis (it's only a thing within a Docker overlay network with that container in it).

            Since you've exposed the Redis port 6379 to your host (and in fact the whole wide world), you'd use localhost:6379 on the host machine.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            Sequelize all versions prior to 3.35.1, 4.44.3, and 5.8.11 are vulnerable to SQL Injection due to JSON path keys not being properly escaped for the MySQL/MariaDB dialects.
            sequelize before version 3.35.1 allows attackers to perform a SQL Injection due to the JSON path keys not being properly sanitized in the Postgres dialect.
            Sequelize, all versions prior to version 4.44.3 and 5.15.1, is vulnerable to SQL Injection due to sequelize.json() helper function not escaping values properly when formatting sub paths for JSON queries for MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite.
            sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS In Postgres, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server there is an issue where arrays are treated as strings and improperly escaped. This causes potential SQL injection in sequelize 3.19.3 and earlier, where a malicious user could put `["test", "'); DELETE TestTable WHERE Id = 1 --')"]` inside of ``` database.query('SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE Name IN (:names)', { replacements: { names: directCopyOfUserInput } }); ``` and cause the SQL statement to become `SELECT Id FROM Table WHERE Name IN ('test', '\'); DELETE TestTable WHERE Id = 1 --')`. In Postgres, MSSQL, and SQLite, the backslash has no special meaning. This causes the the statement to delete whichever Id has a value of 1 in the TestTable table.
            sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS. Before version 1.7.0-alpha3, sequelize defaulted SQLite to use MySQL backslash escaping, even though SQLite uses Postgres escaping.
            sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS. A fix was pushed out that fixed potential SQL injection in sequelize 2.1.3 and earlier.
            sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS If user input goes into the `limit` or `order` parameters, a malicious user can put in their own SQL statements. This affects sequelize 3.16.0 and earlier.
            SQL injection vulnerability in Sequelize before 2.0.0-rc7 for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the order parameter.

            Install sequelize

            You can download it from GitHub.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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