whistle | HTTP , HTTP2 , HTTPS , Websocket debugging proxy | Runtime Evironment library

 by   avwo JavaScript Version: 2.9.73 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | whistle Summary

kandi X-RAY | whistle Summary

whistle is a JavaScript library typically used in Server, Runtime Evironment, Nodejs applications. whistle has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has medium support. You can install using 'npm i whistle2' or download it from GitHub, npm.

whistle is a cross-platform web debugging tool based on Node.js.

            kandi-support Support

              whistle has a medium active ecosystem.
              It has 12569 star(s) with 1020 fork(s). There are 202 watchers for this library.
              There were 9 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              There are 18 open issues and 778 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 22 days. There are 16 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of whistle is 2.9.73

            kandi-Quality Quality

              whistle has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              whistle has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              whistle code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              whistle is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              whistle releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in npm.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.
              whistle saves you 957 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 2180 lines of code, 0 functions and 402 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of whistle
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            whistle Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for whistle.

            whistle Examples and Code Snippets

            JavaScriptdot img1Lines of Code : 9dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            // config/config.default.js
            exports.whistle = {
              // route: '/__whistle__', // whistle url
              // ignore: undefined, // Array | RegExp, eg. /\/test\/.*/ or [ /\/test\/.*/ ]
              // storage: path.resolve(appInfo.root, 'logs/whistle'),
              // timeout: 3600,
            JQuery - hide a button if no other button has the class that warrants it's appearance
            JavaScriptdot img2Lines of Code : 582dot img2License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            $('.circle .semi-circle-1').on('click', function(){
                $('.circle .semi-circle-2').removeClass('active');
            Count certain element in JSON
            JavaScriptdot img3Lines of Code : 48dot img3License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            const input = [{
                "cover_title": "Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP",
                "cover_studio": "Production I.G",
                "cover_img": "https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/media/anime/cover/large/bx106625-UR22wB2NuNVi.png",
                "format": "TV",
            Render Template according the option selected from a drop down
            JavaScriptdot img4Lines of Code : 63dot img4License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
              if (elem.value === 'multiple') {
                document.getElementById('p2').innerHTML = $ {
              } else {
                document.getElementById('p2').innerHTML = $ {
            Add html tags around highligted text in contenteditable div
            JavaScriptdot img5Lines of Code : 85dot img5License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            /* highlight words */
            function findStringLimit(searchChar, searchCharIndex, searchedString) {
                return searchedString.substring(0, searchedString.lastIndexOf(searchChar, searchCharIndex));
            function highlightWords(wordsy, text) {

            Community Discussions


            How can I add quotes to the beginning/end of every URL in a python list?
            Asked 2021-Jun-04 at 12:25

            Simple inquiry here that I can't seem to figure out. I've written a line of code to add commas to the end of a list of several hundred URLs as so:



            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 12:25

            Instead of directly passing "lines" as parameter for the ".join()" method, you can turn it into a list comprehension where you just need to format each line like this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67837093


            Use python to rewrite if-else statements like javascript object literals
            Asked 2021-Apr-25 at 23:35

            Here is an example of if-else statement in javascript.



            Answered 2021-Apr-25 at 23:35


            geom_dumbell spacing, legends in different places, and multiple aesthetics (timelines)
            Asked 2021-Apr-03 at 21:26

            I saw this interesting way of creating a publication timeline using geom_dumbell, so I created my own by first loading the libraries:



            Answered 2021-Apr-03 at 21:26

            Ok, I finally found some time to figure this out with help from this terrific post. To start, let's load the revised list of packages:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65875675


            Implement a "Find all" algorithm that displays matched lines in a table, and jumps to line when table cell clicked
            Asked 2021-Mar-13 at 15:14

            I would like to implement functionality for being able to search a QPlainTextEdit for a query string, and display all matched lines in a table. Selecting a row in the table should move the cursor to the correct line in the document.

            Below is a working example that finds all matches and displays them in a table. How can I get to the selected line number in the string that the plaintextedit holds? I could instead use the match.capturedEnd() and match.capturedStart() to show the matches, but line numbers are a more intuitive thing to think of, rather than the character index matches.

            MWE (rather long sample text for fun) ...


            Answered 2021-Mar-13 at 15:14

            In order to move the cursor to a specified position, it's necessary to use the underlying QTextDocument using document().
            Through findBlockByLineNumber you can construct a QTextCursor and use setTextCursor() to "apply" that cursor (including the actual caret position) to the plain text.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66614639


            Vertically aligned str to reversed horizontal sequence
            Asked 2021-Jan-26 at 13:46

            Once I get all the strings that I need, the next step would be to locate all the vertically aligned string integers and put them next to each other in the same line instead of each str to be in separate and later reverse them

            text file:



            Answered 2021-Jan-26 at 13:39

            You can loop through each line of the file and if the line without newline is a digit, and only one digit then add it to our numbers string. If we reach a new line check if the numbers string has any data, reverse it and store it in our list of found numbers, then reset numbers string to be empty.

            also this solution is not hardcodeing the amount of numbers to find and which lines to look on. It should scale regardless of how many numbers were in the file.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65902076


            How to convert query string to multi level object
            Asked 2021-Jan-07 at 08:24

            I'm currently trying to convert a URL query string to a JavaScript Object, which isn't going so well. I've looked around Stack Overflow for possible solutions but haven't have quite found what I was looking for. This is the query string:


            I'm looking for something like this:



            Answered 2021-Jan-07 at 08:24


            Generate HTML Table that has Rows and Columns as Models in django with normal time complexity
            Asked 2020-Dec-01 at 03:47

            I would like to populate a table in a template, but I noticed that its extremely slow and i think that I am doing something terribly wrong (to be specific ... it take 3 seconds to handle one request from my localhost). I think that the whole reason of it being so slow is because of I am generating it over and over again ... which in my opinion is very bad thing to do ... sadly, I would like it to be pulled from DB in case of any problems (like server restart etc.) so thats why i do not want to initialise it as a global var and work with it that way.




            Answered 2020-Dec-01 at 03:47

            Thx for the downvotes that were acctually unspecified... anyways ... for ppl that are wondering, I managed to male it go faster with putting the query calls outside of the forloop (by swaping database filter for lambda filters. If anyone has still even better approach, I will gladly welcome them ^^ Also, I am thinking about putting all the data to frontend and let the JS handle it, but i feel like thats just an overkilling :/ so we will see

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64950028


            Use a.any() or a.all() error in the code to solve Coupled ODE
            Asked 2020-Nov-17 at 10:28

            Context: I am not sure if this is the right site to post this question, please let me know if it isn't. My aim is to solve the coupled differential equations given in the code for the Alpha Centauri star system.




            Answered 2020-Nov-17 at 10:28

            You need to read and understand the documentation. mpmath.odefun is fundamentally different from scipy.integrate.odeint. mpmath.odefun provides a dynamical solution object more similar to the scipy.integrate.ode stepper class in that at its call it does not compute (much), it simply initializes an object. The actual solution data in form of a "dense output" is computed and stored in subsequent calls to the returned object. The time range of that data is extended as necessary.

            How that is done can be seen in the documentation examples. In your case this could be done as

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64871780


            Unmarshal json array into struct array
            Asked 2020-Oct-20 at 08:04

            I'm using Mysql 8. I'm also utilizing 99designs/gqlgen to autogenerate the structs based on the GraphQL schema. I was to re-use the same structs when scanning MySql responses. And on top of that, while prototyping, I want to have some JSONs in my table. So the struct is:



            Answered 2020-Oct-10 at 18:05

            If you can change the type of the Skus field, the common approach would be to declare a slice type that implements the sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces and use that instead of the unnamed []*CustomizedComponent type.

            For example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64295547


            Power Apps - how to clone? how to change source from SharePoint to CDS?
            Asked 2020-Oct-06 at 01:38

            I have agile user story which reads as follows-

            • clone the power App,
            • point it to CDS,
            • ensure no functionality is lost.

            I am given access to the app in the published apps section, how could I get to the source code?

            when I opened and look at the app, it is made using tablet mode and has all bells and whistles of Canvas App, it appears.

            what is the best way to accomplish this?



            Answered 2020-Oct-02 at 14:53

            You can clone any app by doing this, open the canvas app and go to menu: File -> “Save as” option. This will be exact same replica.

            Then you can create a new data source to CDS and point the cloned app to the new data source. Before that you have to make sure to prepare the identical schema - table and columns as initial datasource. That will make sure nothing is broken and experience is seamless. Read more


            Ask someone who is Environment admin to clone it and share with you by including edit privileges. Also even if you have solution extracted and checked into Azure Devops, this maker experience is the only way to develop this. Two developers cannot work in parallel, just FYI.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64143792

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install whistle

            The latest LTS version of Node.js is recommended. If none or low version of Node.js is installed, you need install the latest version of Node.js according to the following instructions:. You can execute node -v in shell to check if the expected version of Node.js is installed successfully:. After the Node.js is installed successfully, you can execute the following npm command to install whistle(In Mac or Linux, prefix sudo is needed if you are not root user, i.e. sudo npm install -g whistle). In China, you can install whistle using npm mirror of taobao to speed up installing progress and avoid failure:.
            For Windows: please visit https://nodejs.org/ to download the latest LTS version of Node.js and then, install it using the default options.
            For Mac: the same as Windows.
            For Linux: using source code to install is recommended, because in this way, you don't need to configure the path.  If you fail to install with source code, you can also use the binary version of Node.js directly. with source package: visit Official website of Node to download the latest version of Source Code*(or using wget in shell), unzip(tar -xzvf node-xxx.tar.gz), switch to the root directory(cd node-xxx), execute ./configure, ./make and ./make install in order。 using binary version:visit Official website of Node to download the latest Linux Binaries(or using command wget to download), unzip(tar -xzvf node-xxx.tar.gz), add the absolute path of bin directory to system PATH after extracting。
            Open Rules tab in whistle, and create a group named test by context menu or Create button in menu bar. Then follow the next steps to write rules and save. Replace the response with content in local file system, which is frequently used during web developing. http://www.ifeng.com/ will try to load /User/username/test first. If the former dosen't exist, the file /User/username/test/index.html will be loaded. For neither exists, it returns 404. To replace jsonp request, you can refer to tpl. For more details, please vsit Pattern Matching.
            cofigure hosts Specify the ip of www.ifeng.com: www.ifeng.com # or www.ifeng.com Specify the ip and port of www.ifeng.com to forward http request to local port 8080. In this way, we can visit the local website just as online when the developing port is not 80: # www.ifeng.com www.ifeng.com # or www.ifeng.com We can also replace the real IP (or domain) and port with any domain without port: www.ifeng.com host://www.qq.com:8080 # or host://www.qq.com:8080 www.ifeng.com For more details, please visit Pattern Matching
            local files replacing
            Request Forward To forward all the requests from domain www.ifeng.com to domain www.aliexpress.com www.ifeng.com www.aliexpress.com For more details, Pattern Matching
            Inject html、js、css whistle will decide whether injecting corresponding text and how to inject, like whether wrapping the text with HTML label, automatically according to response type. # Mac、Linux www.ifeng.com html:///User/xxx/test/test.html www.ifeng.com js:///User/xxx/test/test.js www.ifeng.com css:///User/xxx/test/test.css # Both '\' and '/' can be used as path separator for Widows www.ifeng.com html://E:\xx\test\test.html www.ifeng.com js://E:\xx\test\test.js www.ifeng.com css://E:\xx\test\test.css For all the requests for domain www.ifeng.com, whistle will inject the processed text to response body according to response type. If the type is HTML, the js content will be wrapped within script, and the css content be wrapped within style to be injected to response body。 For more details, Pattern Matching
            Debug for remote page With the protocol weinre and protocol log provided by whistle, you can modify the DOM structure, capture the javascript errors and view the console print easily. Moreover, you can inject specified script to debug the remote page. Before using whistle to debug remote page, you need to set the proxy for OS or browser to whistle. Please refers Install and start to know how to set the proxy. For weinre: www.ifeng.com weinre://test Add the following rule in group named test and save, open the www.ifeng.com with a new tab in browser. Then you can see a list when you hover over the button weinre, click the item test to open a weinre debug page. For example, you can see the DOM structure when swich to Elements tab after selected a target. For log: www.ifeng.com log://{test.js} Add the following rule in group named test and save. Then you can see a list when you hover over the button Values, whistle will create a group named test.js in Values when you click it. Input the text console.log(1, 2, 3, {a: 123}) in the group editor, open the Network -> Log -> Console, open the www.ifeng.com, you can see the output '1, 2, 3, {a: 123}' in Console panel. For more details, Pattern Matching and Rules


            Install and startCLI operationHow to updateQuickly startConfiguration modePattern MatchingOperation valueFrequent functionsHow to develop pluginsAttentionsCommon questionsWeb UIRulesFeedback
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