oauth.js | Javascript library used to easily request secured OAuth | OAuth library

 by   gomoob JavaScript Version: 0.1.1 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | oauth.js Summary

kandi X-RAY | oauth.js Summary

oauth.js is a JavaScript library typically used in Security, OAuth, Nodejs applications. oauth.js has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

When your application starts initialize the OAuth.JS client using the following peace of code. The OAuth.JS client requires 4 parameters described in the following sub-sections. The OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials client_id parameter to be sent by the OAuth.JS client to get new Access Tokens. The absolute URL to your OAuth 2.0 token endpoint. The loginFn function is used to display a login dialog or page to the user. We could compare this login modal dialog to the Facebook Javascript SDK Login Modal Dialog. But with OAuth.JS you create your own Login Modal Dialog, then the library will automatically call it when its necessary. The loginFn function will be called each time the OAuth.JS client detects it cannot use a valid OAuth 2.0 Access Token .

            kandi-support Support

              oauth.js has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 8 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 6 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 18 open issues and 2 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 1 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of oauth.js is 0.1.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              oauth.js has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              oauth.js has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              oauth.js does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              oauth.js releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            oauth.js Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for oauth.js.

            oauth.js Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Typescript posting coming up as undefined when trying to connect mongoDB
            Asked 2021-Mar-13 at 02:06

            I have the following two files and I'm trying to setup authentication but the incoming request comes up as undefined when I try to pass it through a function.

            The code block


            Actually gives back the expected results, so if I were to send a request of...


            ...it would return

            { user: 'banana', password: 'john' }

            but the following

            await mongoUser.register(user, password);

            I get

            TypeError: Cannot read property 'toBSON' of undefined

            If this happens to be a typescript specific problem, I apologize in advanced. I'm transitioning over from js so it's possible I'm not specifying a type somewhere.




            Answered 2021-Mar-12 at 23:56

            Hm, the first thing I notice is that in the first snippet in the await mongoUser.register(username, password); //error within line you use username as variable, whereas above you only defined user and password..

            Might this be the problem?

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66608521


            Webpack can't resolve relative path import express static
            Asked 2020-Dec-16 at 19:48

            I'm working on an outlook addin I have an express server running. I am setting webpack because I need to transpile js to es5 to make it work in Outlook Desktop. Here is the simplified project structure.



            Answered 2020-Dec-16 at 19:47

            You're using an absolute path

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65295007


            Svelte Cognito RollupJs error: 'Sha256' is not exported by node_modules/@aws-crypto/sha256-js/build/index.js
            Asked 2020-Dec-05 at 12:35

            I'm stuck getting an error when trying to get a Svelte app to use the AWS Cognito hosted UI. Not sure if this is the right way to be going about this, but here's what I have:

            npm run dev error:



            Answered 2020-Dec-05 at 12:35

            Solved by restarting from the new Svelte v3.0.0 template, upgrading other npm dependencies, adding @rollup/plugin/json and setting resolve.preferBuiltins to false.


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65087654


            Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch - Google Spreadsheet API - Python
            Asked 2020-Oct-21 at 22:11

            I have difficulties with OAuth to connect to Google Spreadsheet. I spent few days searching and trying to fix it on my own. Now I can not find anything that I do wrong.

            I tried to play with URI adrresses, I tried to change OAuth json. I searched stack-overflow and it seems obvious but till now any fix did not work for me.

            Here is what I did in python as it was described in https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/python#step_3_set_up_the_sample



            Answered 2020-Oct-21 at 22:11

            At your script, the redirect URI is created like redirect_uri=http://localhost:8000/. In this case, the registered "Authorized redirect URIs" is different from it. By this, such error occurs. So in this case, please modify http://localhost:8000 to http://localhost:8000/ at "Authorized redirect URIs" as follows and test it again.

            • And, in this case, it seems that even when http://localhost:8000 and of "Authorized JavaScript origins" are removed, the authorization works.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64472070


            I can't reach into the verify callback when using passportjs's new OAuthStrategy() for twitter's 3-legged-auth
            Asked 2020-May-06 at 14:33

            I would like to use Oauth1.o to get credentials from a provider but I am halfway stuck. I am using passportjs for the implementation.

            Here is the brief code:

            1. oauth.js


            Answered 2020-May-06 at 14:33

            You need to add the authenticate middleware in the callback route as well. You can check out the docs here:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61635494


            PHP Header Problems
            Asked 2020-Apr-29 at 01:30

            Ok, so I need to use the PHP header to redirect to a website with an appID and a redirect at the end of it. This is what I have so far.

            I emailed the teacher and this is the info he gave me :

            "For the first one, you direct the header over to the OAuth endpoint (http://oauth.jseis.me/auth/token) and have the app_id and redirect URL on the end of the URL"



            Answered 2020-Apr-29 at 01:30

            You have been given absolutely woeful instructions.

            I registered an account with your OAuth provider and as you say, there were no instructions provided on what URL to use but with a little trial and error, I found you need to provide the app_id query string parameter. For example

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61492034


            An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. STS
            Asked 2020-Mar-29 at 03:49

            When i run the STS(SpringBoot) application i get the below error:



            Answered 2020-Mar-29 at 03:49

            getVirtualServerName() was added in Servlet 3.1, but you included servlet-api-2.5.jar is your application.


            • Change your dependencies to include servlet-api-3.1.jar (or later)

            • Remove the servlet-api-2.5.jar dependency, since the correct version is included in the Embedded Tomcat file (tomcat-embed-core-9.0.33.jar).

            Actually, you should never ship servlet-api.jar with your application, since it will be provided by the Servlet Container. Seems you're missing provided in your dependency tag for the servlet-api file.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60909834


            Bad id_token issuer when trying to authenticate with Battle.net OIDC with Cognito
            Asked 2019-Nov-13 at 23:50

            I've spent the last couple days trying to set up Cognito to use Battle.net OIDC. I believe I am most of the way there. I can see using the cognito hosted UI that it authenticates correctly but then fails, presumably trying to retrieve the token.

            The first request to cognito hosted UI:


            Then the next request is to Battle.net OIDC as expected:


            Then the code is passed onto the cognito idpresponse:


            At this point, if my understanding is correct cognito should try to hit the battle.net /oath/token endpoint and then return the id_token and access_token to my redirect_url. It is at the point cognito instead returns an error to my url:


            Judging by the lack of documentation for Battle.net OIDC I may be one of a handful trying to use the battle.net OIDC with Cognito. It very well could be a bug with their implementation but I'm trying not to jump to that conclusion.

            My best guess right now is that I haven't configured Cognito correctly to make the token POST request. It needs to use Basic Authentication with the clientid:password but I can't verify if it's doing that correctly or not since its abstracted away.

            Anyway, when I make the request through my app (using amplify to open the hosted UI) it does return but with the following:



            Answered 2019-Nov-13 at 23:50

            This was caused by Blizzard issuing their tokens from their well-known endpoints but setting the iss field to oauth.battle.net which caused Cognito (or any other token validation) to fail hence the error message


            I brought this up to their API team in Discord and they are releasing a fix on November 25th according to an email send to developers.

            Dear community developer,

            Earlier this year, we introduced a new OAuth discovery endpoint which implements the OpenID Connect discovery specification. We would like to deploy a change to the issuer field iss of the id_token during the OpenID authorization flow from oauth.battle.net to the issuer that is returned by the well-known configuration endpoint JSON response. This would be a potential breaking change to some of the OAuth OIDC clients but it conforms to the OpenID connect specification: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IssuerIdentifier

            Your OAuth client application was identified as one that could be affected by this change.

            We are planning to release this change on November 25, 2019.

            Here are the steps that you can take to ensure your OpenID Connect client will continue working after the change:

            Navigate to one of the well-known configuration endpoints below which corresponds to the region where your client application operates and check the "issuer" field.

            If the issuer field matches the configured issuer for your OAuth OIDC client then your client is compatible and you are already compliant and do not need to make any changes.

            If the issuer field from the well-known configuration endpoint is different than the issuer set in your client configuration, please change the issuer to match the well-known configuration endpoint.

            If your client supports the OpenID discovery endpoint standard, you can configure it to read all necessary settings from the well-known configuration endpoint. Your OAuth client should self-configure.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58126334


            google button not rendering - react.js
            Asked 2019-Nov-05 at 14:38


            I was going through a tutorial and got this code:



            Answered 2019-Nov-05 at 14:38

            As mentioned in the documentation, this library does not include any of the CSS for Font Awesome and expects you to add it to the project yourself.

            If you prefer a CDN, you can add it from here

            Updated Sandbox (Note the external resources has a font-awesome CSS file)

            You can add it to index.html with:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58669138


            I want to use twilio api in my project but when I am importing the twilio in my typescript file it gives an error
            Asked 2019-Oct-20 at 12:46

            I am using Twilio Api in my project and I am unable to import the api in my typescript file, when do so it give errors. If I am using this api in my javascript file then it works fine but in typescript it doesn't work.

            These are the errors -



            Answered 2019-Oct-20 at 12:46

            You cannot use Twilio library inside Angular project.

            This is caused by dependencies importing node modules that are not available in the browser. Add to your package.json the modules that give errors:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56812368

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install oauth.js

            The easiest way to use the library is to pull it with Bower by adding the following dependency inside your bower.json file.


            OAuth.JS has been created to easily request your secured OAuth 2.0 Web Services inside RIA, SPA and mobile applications. In this context we often use the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant to get an OAuth 2.0 Access Token. So for now the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is the only OAuth 2.0 Authorization Grant supported in OAuth.JS.
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