tyme | Convert any time unit to any time unit | Runtime Evironment library

 by   guyisra JavaScript Version: 2.0.2 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | tyme Summary

kandi X-RAY | tyme Summary

tyme is a JavaScript library typically used in Server, Runtime Evironment, Nodejs applications. tyme has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'npm i tyme' or download it from GitHub, npm.

Converting any time unit to any time unit. Sometimes you want to convert hours to seconds. Something you want to know how many weeks are in a decade. And sometimes, you want to know how many blinks of an eye are in a day...

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              tyme has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              tyme has no issues reported. There are 5 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of tyme is 2.0.2

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            kandi-License License

              tyme is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              tyme releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in npm.
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            Community Discussions


            Running 1000 functions gracefully using python multi-processing
            Asked 2021-Feb-01 at 15:16

            I'm trying to receive stock data for about 1000 stocks, to speed up the process I'm using multiprocessing, unfortunately due to the large amount of stock data I'm trying to receive python as a whole just crashes.

            Is there a way to use multiprocessing without python crashing, I understand it would still take some time to do all of the 1000 stocks, but all I need is to do this process as fast as possible.



            Answered 2021-Jan-31 at 19:18

            Ok, here is one way to obtain what you want in about 2min. Some tickers are bad, that's why it crashes.

            Here's the code. I use joblib for threading or multiprocess since it doesn't work in my env. But, that's the spirit.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65980910


            Meaning of "ETC" in FORMATETC and "TYMED"?
            Asked 2020-Oct-04 at 18:38

            I feel uncomfortable when I need to use names in the code that I don't fully understand. Currently I want to implement clipboard functionality with OLE and I've encountered a bit confusing FORMATETC and TYMED. Sadly, I can't find explanation on Microsoft Docs. What is "ETC"? Is that "et cetera"? If so, it seems to be a bad name. And TYMED? "MED" most likely means "medium", but what is "TY"?



            Answered 2020-Oct-04 at 18:35

            It would appear, indeed, that the "etc" part of FORMATETC stands for et cetera (Latin for "and so on," or "and the rest"), as the FORMATETC structure contains a member specifying the format type along with members specifying 'other' information:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64198338


            System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException when trying to drag and drop between two WPF applications
            Asked 2020-Aug-28 at 14:33

            I have made a WPF application that allows drag and drop of instances of a class I made (FakeNodeViewModel). It works fine when I work with only one instance of my application. But when I use 2 and I try to drag objects from one and drop on the other, I get an exception when dropping:



            Answered 2020-Aug-28 at 13:46

            You should decorate the FakeNodeViewModel class with the System.SerializableAttribute for it be COM serializable:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63629420


            Followup page results after scraping links not showing results (scrapy)
            Asked 2020-Jul-26 at 06:44

            After I scraped for the links, I got to the next page but scrapy is not showing the results expected. I think it might be a Xpath problem but when I use scrapy shell it seems to work just fine.

            Here is the code:



            Answered 2020-Jul-26 at 06:44

            As a general rule I always do a test run of the websites I want to scrape in scrapy. That means I use requests to make a simple HTTP get request. If i'm getting a status code error then it's easy to see, if I get the status code I want, I see if I can get the HTML I need.

            Information on Website
            1. First url https://seekingalpha.com/market-news/on-the-move requires headers to access the data, status code 403 when you do a simple HTTP request.

            2. Second url https://seekingalpha.com/news/3594751-amd-swir-among-premarket-gainers requires javascript. So if I get a status code from the requests package, the next step does it have the HTML I need? In this case it didn't. I then will proceed to disable javascript, and you can see in this case, despite how simple the page is, it is entirely javascript.

            So those are the two challenges with the website. The first is easy to get around, you can grab the headers by navigating to the network tools of chrome or any other browser. Look for the document request and grab the headers.

            The second challenge I was unable to find a useful HTTP request, so indeed using splash was needed.

            Code Example settings.py

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63096053


            Angular + Azure DevOps(TFS): replace tokens in environment.ts file, environment agnostic angular build
            Asked 2020-Apr-27 at 07:20

            Let's say we have a tokenised environment.ts file like:



            Answered 2018-Oct-31 at 17:06

            This is what I have come up so far:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53087728


            am4charts doesn't worked for time variables but its worked fine for autoid variables
            Asked 2020-Jan-18 at 09:03

            I was shown my data in am4charts.Intially i was create x axis with id field but now i want time fields. but it doesn't worked when i was use time field,it worked fine when i was using id field.here is my java script coding to show charts.



            Answered 2020-Jan-18 at 09:03

            explode time variable which comes from database first.assume my variable and value is

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59798306


            What are Windows clipboard CF_ formats like -16230, -15835, -15834, etc?
            Asked 2019-Sep-10 at 02:03

            All formats I could find were these in the MS documentation. When trying to implement file drag and drop (from my application to Windows' File Explorer), I get lots of GetData requests for cfFormat values like -16230, -15835, -15834, but I do not know what they are.

            [Full Log when I tried to drag a file name from my app to File Explorer using the DoDragDrop function.]



            Answered 2019-Sep-10 at 02:03

            First off, you're right to state that you have a type mismatch. The Clipboard Formats are unsigned. Let's take one value:


            Treated as a signed WORD, this is


            This isn't too surprising. The documentation for RegisterClipboardFormat says this:

            Registered clipboard formats are identified by values in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF.

            The other possible values are mentioned in the documentation for the clipboard formats:

            An application can identify a private clipboard format by defining a value in the range CF_PRIVATEFIRST through CF_PRIVATELAST

            CF_PRIVATEFIRST through CF_PRIVATELAST map to 0x0200 to 0x02FF.

            Clearly you're seeing one of the registered clipboard formats. To see what type it really is, you need to call GetClipboardFormatName when you encounter the value. It could change from time to time, since these are values that are handed out as different components register their clipboard formats.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57863065


            The Win32 API procedure of drag-and-dropping a file from my app to another app
            Asked 2019-Sep-05 at 08:16

            In short, trying to do what the following two lines of C# code do without using System.Windows.Forms, because it is .NET Core and not a WinForms project.



            Answered 2019-Sep-05 at 08:16

            When DoDragDrop is not called on the mouse down event, mouse is captured and mouse up event is received. But when DoDragDrop is called, QueryContinueDrag is endlessly called and I don't get the mouse up event, even after I released the mouse.

            You don't get a mouse up event because DoDragDrop() blocks your UI message loop until the drag operation is completed. So you need to use the input flags given to your QueryContinueDrag() implementation to decide whether to continue dragging, perform the drop, or abort the operation.

            If you start the drag on a left mouse down, return S_OK if the grfKeyState parameter includes the MK_LBUTTON flag, and return DRAGDROP_S_DROP if the MK_LBUTTON flag is cleared. Return DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL if the fEscapePressed parameter is true. This is documented on MSDN:

            IDropSource::QueryContinueDrag method



            Indicates whether the Esc key has been pressed since the previous call to QueryContinueDrag or to DoDragDrop if this is the first call to QueryContinueDrag. A TRUE value indicates the end user has pressed the escape key; a FALSE value indicates it has not been pressed.


            The current state of the keyboard modifier keys on the keyboard. Possible values can be a combination of any of the flags MK_CONTROL, MK_SHIFT, MK_ALT, MK_BUTTON, MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, and MK_RBUTTON.

            Return Value

            This method can return the following values.

            The drag operation should continue. This result occurs if no errors are detected, the mouse button starting the drag-and-drop operation has not been released, and the Esc key has not been detected.

            The drop operation should occur completing the drag operation. This result occurs if grfKeyState indicates that the key that started the drag-and-drop operation has been released.

            The drag operation should be canceled with no drop operation occurring. This result occurs if fEscapePressed is TRUE, indicating the Esc key has been pressed.


            The DoDragDrop function calls QueryContinueDrag whenever it detects a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. QueryContinueDrag must determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be continued, canceled, or completed based on the contents of the parameters grfKeyState and fEscapePressed.

            I get callbacks like QueryGetData(TYMED_HGLOBAL) or QueryGetData(TYMED_HGLOBAL, TYMED_ISTREAM, TYMED_GDI, TYMED_MFPICT, TYMED_ENHMF), but not for TYMED_FILE. Why isn't Notepad requesting that?

            You can't use TYMED_FILE for CF_HDROP, you must use TYMED_HGLOBAL. And the content of the allocated HGLOBAL must be a DROPFILES struct followed by a double-null-terminated list of file paths. This is documented on MSDN:

            Shell Clipboard Formats


            This clipboard format is used when transferring the locations of a group of existing files. Unlike the other Shell formats, it is predefined, so there is no need to call RegisterClipboardFormat. The data consists of an STGMEDIUM structure that contains a global memory object. The structure's hGlobal member points to a DROPFILES structure as its hGlobal member.

            The pFiles member of the DROPFILES structure contains an offset to a double null-terminated character array that contains the file names. If you are extracting a CF_HDROP format from a data object, you can use DragQueryFile to extract individual file names from the global memory object. If you are creating a CF_HDROP format to place in a data object, you will need to construct the file name array.

            The file name array consists of a series of strings, each containing one file's fully qualified path, including the terminating NULL character. An additional null character is appended to the final string to terminate the array. For example, if the files c:\temp1.txt and c:\temp2.txt are being transferred, the character array looks like this:


            In this example, '\0' is used to represent the null character, not the literal characters that should be included.

            If the object was copied to the clipboard as part of a drag-and-drop operation, the pt member of the DROPFILES structure contains the coordinates of the point where the object was dropped. You can use DragQueryPoint to extract the cursor coordinates.

            If this format is present in a data object, an OLE drag loop simulates WM_DROPFILES functionality with non-OLE drop targets. This is important if your application is the source of a drag-and-drop operation on a Windows 3.1 system.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57798659


            Using ifelse on two data frames
            Asked 2017-Sep-13 at 18:45

            I'm trying to create a new column in my data frame using an ifelse condition like this:

            Let's assume two data frames A and B, both having date and time columns.

            If date in A matches a date in B and the date in A's time equals matching date in B's time or matching date in B's time is lower than next row's time in A, Then TRUE else FALSE.

            I hope this is clear enough.. So far I have tried something like this



            Answered 2017-Sep-13 at 18:29


            Java Calendar instance increments DAY_OF_MONTH as a side effect of decrementing (only) HOUR or MINUTE
            Asked 2017-Jul-23 at 04:49

            I have an unfinished Android app with a main activity with a TimePicker (@+id/tyme), a DatePicker (@+id/date), and a TextView (@+id/dropTime) for displaying a "DateTime"-like datum that for some reason I need two views to specify.

            Because the Javadocs deprecate all attempts to extract DateTime-field-type values from a Date instance, I thought to use the Calendar class to represent the user-selected combination of year,month,day,hour,minute,second. I find that I often (but not always) can't decrement the hour or minute fields without simultaneously incrementing the day-of-month field. Here's my event handler for the DatePicker:



            Answered 2017-Jul-23 at 04:49

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            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can install using 'npm i tyme' or download it from GitHub, npm.


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