fabric-composer | Put fabric and composer | Build Tool library

 by   lissdy JavaScript Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | fabric-composer Summary

kandi X-RAY | fabric-composer Summary

fabric-composer is a JavaScript library typically used in Utilities, Build Tool, Composer applications. fabric-composer has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Put fabric and composer together

            kandi-support Support

              fabric-composer has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 4 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 0 have been closed. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of fabric-composer is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              fabric-composer has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              fabric-composer has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              fabric-composer does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              fabric-composer releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

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            fabric-composer Key Features

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            fabric-composer Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Is there a hyperledger fabric Ctx.stub.putStateList() method or putState for multiple states
            Asked 2020-Aug-14 at 14:15

            I am new to the latest Hyperledger fabric 2. Before deprecating fabric-composer (a very well thought and intuitive framework) if you wanted to add multiple assests you could call AssetRegistry.addAll() method to add not just one asset but an array of assets. Is there an equivalent in the new hlf version 2? If I have an array of assets/states that I want added in the world-state database and I call putState() multiple times for each state/asset is it not less efficient than calling a putStateList() method that would take as param an array of states? (BTW the old naming of asset from the times of hyperledger composer is much more intuitive than the new name of state ... composer vs de-composer :)))



            Answered 2020-Jun-13 at 12:51

            There is no putStateList in Hyperledger Fabric.

            As you mentioned, the only way is to call PutState the number of times you want.

            In terms of performance, the data to be sent by the chaincode to the peer is the same length, but I understand that if Peer node could accept a list of states, it could be more efficient on the server-side.

            If we look at the internals of Node.JS library, we can see that handlePutState connects to the peer and waits:

            And then, it will send the message to the peer, writing the msg to the stream:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62302645


            How to integrate Hyperledger Fabric Network and Hyperledger Composer
            Asked 2019-Mar-28 at 19:37

            I am learning Hyperledger Fabric for Enterprise Blockchain. I have setup a network of an organization with orderer, ca, peer and cli running as docker containers(I will be setting up other organizations on other computers instead of dockerzing the whole process).

            1.I want to know how I can use hyperledger composer in the scene. I would like to code and deploy chaincode on the channel I have setup, but I am clueless how to do so using composer.

            2.The documentation of Composer has steps which involve setting up and run their blockchain docker files.

            My efforts :

            Went through composer documentation but to no avail. I have traversed createPeerAdminCard.sh and modified it to generate card using peer channel-artifacts of my blockchain network. But on importing it to composer via cli or composer-playground, I see None under the Business Network section of the card on browser interface of fabric-composer.

            Please help as I am stuck on this problem for quite long. image of composer-playground output



            Answered 2019-Mar-28 at 06:21

            According to the image, it seems you have not deployed any BNA yet.

            Follow this link to setup hyperledger fabric. Once everything is up and running then you can deploy sample BNA in playgound(already loaded in composer UI).

            You can use composer playgound itself to create your own BNA. Sample composer setup is available here

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55377082


            Fabric-Composer on Windows 10 linux sub system?
            Asked 2018-Dec-03 at 13:14

            Has anyone succeeded in running fabric-composer on windows 10 linux sub-system running ubuntu 16.04 ?



            Answered 2018-Dec-03 at 11:40

            You can run composer on windows 10 WSL (windows Subsystem for linux) but you will not be able to run docker containers in it. Linux Docker containers require a linux kernel and WSL doesn't have a linux kernel. It is a clever piece of technology that converts user space Linux API calls dynamically to windows API calls.

            Therefore you will have to run hyperledger fabric either by using docker for windows (which runs it for you in hyper-v) or you run your own hypervisor.

            It is possible to have the docker commands run in WSL but it will need to configure it to interact with the docker daemon running inside a hypervisor.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53592472


            Hyperledger Composer deployment to Multiple Orgs Identity Error
            Asked 2018-Jun-06 at 11:47

            I am studying and trying out to deploy a Hyperledger Composer Business Network to Fabric Multiple Org as per the tutorial https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/tutorials/deploy-to-fabric-multi-org

            I have done all the steps exactly as required .

            I am getting an error during the composer ping step



            Answered 2018-Jun-06 at 11:47

            Yes i figured it out . i just started the network from the skript tutorial and used the tutorial from the Composer docs for deploying to multiple orgs . The problem did not come this time . Maybe the skcript tutorial had old composer based code .


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50704749


            Fabric composer on Windows?
            Asked 2018-May-21 at 05:42

            Is fabric-composer supported on Windows? https://fabric-composer.github.io/tasks/prerequisites.html

            How can I get an invitation to the Slack channel? https://fabric-composer.github.io/support/index.html



            Answered 2018-May-21 at 05:42

            Thanks for taking a look at fabric-composer.

            All the technology that is being used is cross-platform (Node.js, npm, git and Hyperledger, Docker etc.) so have availability on Windows. The overall development experience wasn't as smooth for some of the tools as on say Ubuntu. For purely pragmatic reasons, therefore, it wasn't included at this time.

            There is a git issue opened for including Windows. (https://github.com/fabric-composer/fabric-composer/issues/65)

            Slack is a tool that is being looked at for building a community of contributors for fabric-composer. Please contact info@fabric-composer.org if there is an interest in being a contributor.

            UPDATE on Windows Support Please review the latest updates in the git issue mentioned above, I have been able to make good progress on this. Whilst support is not officially possible yet, I've been able to run the basic 'Hello World' application.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42009850


            Hyperledger communication between multiple machine
            Asked 2018-Apr-18 at 22:33

            I have created a network composed by two nodes using this tutorial: Multiple Machine.

            In the node with orderer and ca installed, I can use the composer-playground to interact with the blockchain. Instead, analysing the logs of the docker on the second node, I am able to see the communication between the nodes but I am not able to access the data.

            How can I access data on the second machine?

            It is a simple node connect to the first node (where is installed the orderer and the ca).




            Answered 2018-Apr-16 at 09:17

            The Playground will connect to the Fabric based on the connection profile (connection.json) for the Business Network Cards you have. If you want to specifically connect to second node you could modify a card.

            But remember that Playground is a development and test tool not a production tool so you shouldn't worry too much about hitting different containers with it - particularly as the data will be the same replicated across Peers.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49829229


            What data type does a fabric-composer transaction return?
            Asked 2017-Dec-16 at 07:31

            I am confused as to what data type my fabric ledger transactions need to return.

            The sample-network makes believe a Promise needs to be returned, but it isn't clear to me if the a Promise is the expected return value and/or if the returned Promise needs to return any particular type (e.g. String or a boolean).



            Answered 2017-May-02 at 08:37

            In order for the transaction to be executed, you must return a Promise, but the type returned by the Promise does not matter.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43719783


            How can the chaincode , nodejs components be generated from fabric-composer definintions?
            Asked 2017-Aug-02 at 21:22

            Using the definitions created using fabric-composer, can one generate the chaincode and individual nodejs components i.e REST API and UI ? So that it can be later run without using fabric-composer?



            Answered 2017-Aug-02 at 21:22

            If I understand the question correctly, then you can't. Hyperledger composer provides a runtime that resides inside of a Hyperledger fabric chaincode container that manages and executes the various artifacts that make up a business network definition. A business network definition is not generated into standalone chaincode. The Rest Server that provides the rest API for a business network also relies on Hyperledger Composer APIs to interact with the runtime to be able to dynamically introspect the business network and provide access to that business network. The Rest Server provides the flexibility to create any type of UI you wish and doesn't have to be generated from the Yo generator provided by Hyperledger Composer.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45451270


            Fabric Composer Quickstart error
            Asked 2017-Jul-11 at 11:12

            I'm having problems with 'npm install' step in the the Fabric Composer Quickstart guide -- https://fabric-composer.github.io/installing/quickstart.html

            My system levels are:

            Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Docker version 1.12.6, build 78d1802 docker-compose version 1.12.0-rc2, build 08dc2a4 node v6.9.4 git 2.7.4

            I installed the command line tools: npm install -g composer-cli

            Cloned the sample apps repository: git clone https://github.com/fabric-composer/sample-applications.git

            cd'ed to the sample apps dir: cd sample-applications/packages/getting-started

            ran 'npm install' where I got the following error in the Deploying business network from archive digitalPropertyNetwork.bna step:

            ... Found: Description:Digital Property Network Name:digitalproperty-network Identifier:digitalproperty-network@0.0.6

            Written Business Network Definition Archive file to digitalPropertyNetwork.bna Command completed successfully. Deploying business network from archive digitalPropertyNetwork.bna Business network definition: Identifier: digitalproperty-network@0.0.6 Description: Digital Property Network events.js:160 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

            Error at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/home/bill/blockchain-fabric-composer/sample-applications/packages/getting-started/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19) at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/home/bill/blockchain-fabric-composer/sample-applications/packages/getting-started/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8) at readCallback (/home/bill/blockchain-fabric-composer/sample-applications/packages/getting-started/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)

            npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! getting-started@1.0.0 deployNetwork: composer archive create --sourceName digitalproperty-network --sourceType module --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna && composer network deploy --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna --enrollId WebAppAdmin --enrollSecret DJY27pEnl16d && composer network list -n digitalproperty-network --enrollId WebAppAdmin --enrollSecret DJY27pEnl16d npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the getting-started@1.0.0 deployNetwork script 'composer archive create --sourceName digitalproperty-network --sourceType module --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna && composer network deploy --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna --enrollId WebAppAdmin --enrollSecret DJY27pEnl16d && composer network list -n digitalproperty-network --enrollId WebAppAdmin --enrollSecret DJY27pEnl16d'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the getting-started package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. ...

            Any ideas?

            none of the ports which appear to be used by the fabric containers (7050-7054) are in use prior to running nps install according to netstat -a.

            I'm attaching the full output from 'npm install' along with the 'docker ps' command result after it runs:



            Answered 2017-Apr-11 at 12:39

            Seems to be something network related: transport: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43264985


            Difference between core composer runtime and composer platform runtime?
            Asked 2017-Jun-30 at 07:45

            I am bit confused to understand role and responsibilities of core composer runtime and composer platform runtime.

            Different component of fabric-composer architecture:

            Kindly explain in details of core runtime, runtime container and composer platform runtime, also cover following question:

            will there be different instance of composer platform runtime for each deployed business network?



            Answered 2017-Jun-30 at 07:45

            Hyperledger Composer has a modular architecture and is designed to support multiple runtimes (typically blockchain platforms).

            There are currently 4 runtime implementations

            • HLF (the Hyperledger Fabric v0.6 runtime)
            • HLFv1 (the Hyperledger Fabric v1 runtime, currently supports v1-beta1)
            • Embedded (simulates a blockchain in memory in a Node.js process, good for unit testing)
            • Web (simulates a blockchain in a web browser, storing state in local storage, used for Playground when using a web connection profile).

            This modularity is achieved via the core composer-runtime module, which is the core JS code that is common across all runtimes. There is then a composer-runtime-xxxx module for each supported runtime, as well as a composer-connector-xxxx module that exposes the runtime out of process to the Playground.

            In the future we would love to see Composer support for other blockchains.

            The runtime architecture was covered in a recorded community call on June 29th 2017. The recordings are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_NJV6eJXAA1SDdTTjNmRktRdUk

            Slides are on Slideshare: https://www.slideshare.net/SimonStone8/hyperledger-composer-architecture

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44774067

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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