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 by   seflless JavaScript Version: v0.11.0 License: MIT

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diagrams is a JavaScript library typically used in Analytics, Data Visualization applications. diagrams has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Command line tool for generating a suite of various types of diagrams, each based on intuitive text DSLs. Also see Atom Diagrams Plugin that integrates this into the Atom IDE.

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            Community Discussions


            UML class diagram for domain with movies
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 11:58

            I am currently creating class diagrams in UML for a movie test domain. I would like to know if I am doing it right. Well, I have two alternatives (the first version in the first picture, the second in the second - I think the first one is better). I'm wondering if I've established the so-called "relationship owner" correctly, that is, from which class to which direction the relationships go. I also don't know if I didn't get multiplicity wrong (one to one, one to many etc.).

            So on my domain I would like to have movies of course, the actors starring in those movies and directors. I wonder if the class name "Character" is good in this case, because I mean all the characters that take part in a movie - it can be director, actor but also for example "Batman". Maybe I should make a distinction here between "Movie Character" and then "Human", "Monster", whatever. But I don't know how to do it elegantly, will I then inherit from the Character class? I'm also wondering if I shouldn't put classes like City or Country together in one class called Address - but I wanted the classes to take attributes like in this case, that one is Master and the other is detail - and the relationship set in the right direction. I use only relations such as Inheritance and Dependency, I do not know if I should change something in this case.

            Version 1

            Version 2

            Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice!



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 11:58
            In short

            Use inheritance very carefully. Prefer association over inheritance whenever your inheritance is not a permanent truth from the birth to the death of an object. ANd keep in mind that dependencies between classes do not make any promises about objects of those classes.

            Some more explanations

            Some clarifications on the UML syntax:

            • I understand that your plain thick lines ended with a small hollow triangle represent a specialization/generalization relationship (aka inheritance). If this is correct, the triangle should be larger to avoid visual confusion. Moreover multiplicity makes no sense with inheritance and should be removed.
            • I understand that with the dotted line you intend to represent an association with multiplicity. If this is correct:
              • the association should be plain lines, because dotted lines are for dependencies, and multiplicity would make no sense.
              • the meaning you give to the arrow head would be unclear. Do you use them to document navigability? In case of doubt, remove them. If you want to document ownership of the association end, use the dot notation instead. (we cannot say if it’s right or wrong, since it’s a decision on how your model sees the associations)

            In view of your comments and the third model linked therein, there are some key UML semantics you need to keep in mind:

            • Inheritance is an ultra-strong relationship which means "is (always) a". In your example, you may say that an Actor is always a Person, and hence, everything you say about a Person is also true for an Actor. By the way, you should avoid repeating inherited properties or methods, since it could create some ambiguity.
            • Inheritance is not a substitute for aggregation, composition or association. You can for example not say that a CrewMember (one person) is always a Crew (a group of persons). A CrewMember belongs to a Crew but there are things that the crew can do together that the individual member can't.
            • Inheritance is not suitable if it's not always true. A Character for example may often be a Person. But not always;: you can have ghost characters, comic characters, robot characters, or animals.
            • Association means that there is some structural relation between some instances of the associated classes. For example, that one ore several persons live in one city, seems a very relevant assocaition.
            • Dependency means that a class is dependent on another, i.e. without the other class it would not work or something would be missing. It's a statement about the classes and not the objects. I.e. If you meant to say that Person is dependent on City you just say that the class Person would not work without knowing about City (for example, because the operation sendPostCardFrom(city: City) needs an argument of that type) but you do not say anything about persons X, Y and Z. If you want that X, Y and Z are related to city a, b, and c, you need an association.

            About the model content, I'll not decide for you and there is no single truth. I therefore prefer to draw your attention at potential issues. I raise them in form of a question, up-to you to adjust the model based on your own answer:

            • Common issues between the both variants:

              • Are Actor and Director really Persons ? In this case, what with the Persons that are Actors and Directors at the same time (g.g. Clint Eastwood) ? Or are Actor and Director just roles that a Persons takes for a given Movie ?
              • Is a Character really related only to 1 Movie? What to do with Indiana Jones, where the same character appears in several movies?
              • In a similar way, I wonder if there's really a single Person who lives in a City or if this should not be a many-to-many association?
            • Issues regarding the differences: `

              • Is a Person in version 1 a Character (inheritance) ? Or is a Character a representation of a Person (association: represents) ?
              • Is a Character in version 2 really an Actor and by transitivity also a Person (inheritance)? Or is the Character only associated with an Actor (association: plays) ?

            It's up to you to decide, but wherever I asked a question about association or inheritance, you should better think twice before using inheritance (i.e. prefer association/composition over inheritance)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67912042


            How to get rid of the Shape Label
            Asked 2021-Jun-14 at 10:47

            I'm trying to automate network diagrams and I'm having trouble getting rid of the label of the cloud shape. When I try to get rid of the -Label parameter, the cloud will not be drawn. I know that I can manually delete the label but is there a way to draw the cloud without using the -Label parameter? I've provided my code down below:



            Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 10:47

            The syntax you want comes from:


            So the syntax for the line of code to drop a shape on a page is:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67913147


            Set the local state using useEffect on Redux prop change
            Asked 2021-Jun-04 at 22:04

            I am new to React Redux and I am trying to setState on a prop change in Redux using a useEffect hook.

            I have the following code:



            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 22:04

            If you have multiple async operations you can use Promise.all:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67838870


            Enterprise Architect composite diagram link not displayed with ArchiMate
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 08:55

            We use elements with composite diagrams in our models. Usually if such a composite diagram exists, then the element shows a link icon to indicate a double click will open/show the diagram.

            But with ArchiMate elements the link icon is not shown unless using the rectangle notation. Is there some workarround or configuration to allways show the icon?

            This screenshot illustrates the problem:



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 08:55

            Out of the box, there is nothing you can do. There is no setting or configuration that will show the composite diagram indicator on the Archimate elements.

            The reason is that the shapescript used for these elements simply doesn't include this indicator.

            There are a few options to get this done anyway

            1 Send a feature request to Sparx

            You can use this link: https://www.sparxsystems.com/support/forms/feature_request.html to send an official feature request to Sparx Systems. They might one day implement this, but there are no guarantees at all.

            2 Override the standard the ArchiMate MDG

            Steps include

            • Create your own stereotypes in a profile, redefining the existing ArchiMate stereotypes. See the manual for more details
            • Include your profile into an MDG
            • Add your MDG to your model or environment
            • Set your MDG to Active to actually make the redefines happen.

            This might be interesting if you want to add additional properties (tagged values) to the standard ArchiMate stereotypes as well. I'm not so sure if it's worth the trouble just to add the composite indicator.

            3 Hack the existing Archimate MDG file

            The Archimate MDG is defined in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\EA\MDGTechnologies\ArchiMate3.xml. This is an XML file that you can open with any text editor. The shapescripts are included in binary form like this

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67774586


            organization chart with Z.Blazor.Diagrams package
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 09:27

            I'm using Z.Blazor.Diagrams package version 2.0.0 in my blazorise .Net core 5 client side project to create and show an organization chart. every thing is working fine and I can create my chart, my problem is how to show my graph in the format of organization chart. I've searched but didn't find any way. this is part of my code to show the chart:



            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 09:27

            I solved it by saving position in database. On every node movement point(x,y) changes so I create the chart in the shape that I want and show it just same as created

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67747907


            How to send my Database in SQL server management Studio 2019
            Asked 2021-May-31 at 15:54

            Hello I am new to Database, How can I share the Database ,its tables along with inserted data that I created using Diagrams. Is there any way I can copy the whole SQL code send it to my project members so they can run it or Is there any other way to send all files/folders of my database



            Answered 2021-May-30 at 14:01
            Right click your database --> Tasks -->Generate scripts --> Select Tables/Stored procedures --> Advanced --> Types of data to script --> Select Schema and Data (option) 

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67761948


            What is an object in state machine diagram?
            Asked 2021-May-29 at 17:32

            I'm trying to draw state machine diagram for my android app. Many web sites and books said that it shows transitions between various objects. Because of lack of UML knowledge, however, I can't understand the exact meaning of an object.

            In https://www.uml-diagrams.org/object.html, Object is an instance of a class.

            So does an object mean instance of the specific class in the code or an entire system? I'm confused about this. Can you give me an example about an obejct?



            Answered 2021-May-21 at 22:34
            Objects in UML

            An object is defined in UML as follows:

            A classifier describes a set of objects. An object is an individual with a state and relationships to other objects. The state of an object identifies the values for that object of properties of the classifier of the object.

            But this is difficult to grasp: the definition of a classifier relies on the concept of object, and the definition of object relies on the concept of classifiers. The shorter "objects are instances of classes" do not help to sort this chicken and egg problem out.

            To make it even harder, this way of seing objects fits well class based programming, but less the prototype-based programming.

            Objects more pragmatically

            I will not try to explain what has already been explained in hundreds of books. Let's take Grady Booch's definition (he is one of the UML founder):

            Object: Something you can do things to. An object has state, behavior, and identity; the structure and behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class. The terms instance and object are interchangeable.

            Even better, GoF's very naive but nonetheless very helpful definition :

            An object packages both data and procedure that operates on that data.


            "State" is an ambiguous term, and may not refer to the same reality when used in "object state", and "state of a state machine".

            For objects, the state often refers to all the data of an object. If you save and restore all the data of an object, you would expect that it its operations will lead to the same results and the same behaviors. This is often true, but not always. A more accurate definition from Booch is:

            The cumulative results of the behavior of an object; one of the possible conditions in which an object may exist (...)

            A state of a state machine has a slightly different meaning. A state correspond not to a single object state but to a set of possible object states (of a single object, or of several objets, or of a whole system). Usually a state-machine state describes in very broad terms the underlying set. A state could for example describe a stage in the lifecycle or operations (created, initialized, in use, archived, discarded) of an object or a component.

            Example for a state machine controlling a room's temperature:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67602470


            plotting parameters (e.g. xlim and ylim) in R markdown document behave differently on different machines
            Asked 2021-May-26 at 14:25

            A friend and I are writing a document in R Markdown, which includes some super basic phylogenetic tree diagrams. We have run into a strange issue, where the same R markdown document produces different looking plots depending on which one of us knits the document. On my friend's machine, the plots look fine. On my machine, the borders of the plot look radically different, creating excess whitespace around the diagram.

            The code we're using is as follows:



            Answered 2021-May-26 at 14:25

            That is because your friend's machine has tools to crop figures: pdfcrop and ghostscript. These tools are probably not installed on your machine. Since you didn't provide your sessionInfo(), I don't know your platform, so it's hard to provide specific instructions on installation. If your LaTeX distribution is TinyTeX, pdfcrop can be installed via tinytex::tlmgr_install('pdfcrop'). Note that if you are on Windows, you will need to install Perl for pdfcrop. If you are on macOS, ghostscript can be installed via Homebrew.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67699982


            Azure Devops Wiki Entity Relationship Diagram
            Asked 2021-May-25 at 23:51

            I'm new to Azure Devops but have found items online that suggest it is possible to create Entity Relationship Diagrams in an Azure wiki page using mermaid. For example in the link below.


            I can create items with mermaid code however when I use the erDiagram text and click to load diagram, I just get an "Unsupported diagram type" error. I'm not sure if this is something wrong in my text or if I need to upgrade mermaid(?). I have no clue about all this really as I'm new to it and a quick google seems to imply this is a common problem that hasn't been solved yet.

            Can somebody please help?



            Answered 2021-May-25 at 23:51

            It seems erDiagram is not presently supported by Azure DevOps Wiki's mermaid implementation. I get the same error with an erDiagram that renders fine in the Mermaid Live Editor. I've had trouble with other diagram types too.

            This page, Markdown Syntax...Mermaid diagrams, indicates only three diagram types are presently supported:

            • Sequence diagrams
            • Gantt Charts
            • Flowcharts

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67671086


            How to include classes from another Plantuml file into a class diagram?
            Asked 2021-May-25 at 14:19

            I have two class diagrams in PlantUML and would like to define a class in one file and reuse it in the other. See the example below.




            Answered 2021-May-25 at 14:19

            The plantuml include statement includes code as if it was typed in that included place (like include files for e.g C / C++ etc. do too). So the code should be like: For Diagram2:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67474414

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