xreq | Extended require for nodejs | Runtime Evironment library

 by   victorherraiz JavaScript Version: 2.0.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | xreq Summary

kandi X-RAY | xreq Summary

xreq is a JavaScript library typically used in Server, Runtime Evironment, Nodejs applications. xreq has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'npm i xreq' or download it from GitHub, npm.

It requires files from the base path of your app and let you configure alias to other paths for faster refactoring. No more ../..!!.

            kandi-support Support

              xreq has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 9 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 4 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 5 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of xreq is 2.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              xreq has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              xreq has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              xreq is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              xreq releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in npm.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            Community Discussions


            Direct communication between Javascript in Jupyter and server via IPython kernel
            Asked 2020-Sep-01 at 21:13

            I'm trying to display an interactive mesh visualizer based on Three.js inside a Jupyter cell. The workflow is the following:

            1. The user launches a Jupyter notebook, and open the viewer in a cell
            2. Using Python commands, the user can manually add meshes and animate them interactively

            In practice, the main thread is sending requests to a server via ZMQ sockets (every request needs a single reply), then the server sends back the desired data to the main thread using other socket pairs (many "request", very few replies expected), which finally uses communication through ipython kernel to send the data to the Javascript frontend. So far so good, and it works properly because the messages are all flowing in the same direction:



            Answered 2020-Sep-01 at 21:13

            OK so I found a solution for now but it is not great. Indeed of just waiting for a reply and keep busy the main loop, I added a timeout and interleave it with do_one_iteration of the kernel to force to handle to messages:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63651823


            Accessing XML response in Chrome Extension
            Asked 2020-Aug-17 at 18:39

            I am working on a very simple Chrome extension and am getting stuck while trying to make an XML request in order to access the data on current tab.

            As is, I can get the extension to access the tab data, including the URL, when the extension icon is clicked. When it does so, it runs the background.js script. But I can only get as far as sending the request, never accessing the response. I have tried about as much as I can think of, but checking the .readyState attribute tells me the request is not getting done. Any thoughts?

            For now I'm just trying to output to the console to show that I'm getting the data in a form in which I can use it, I'll flesh out what I'm going to do with it later.

            Extension files below:




            Answered 2020-Aug-17 at 18:39

            You have to wait for the response, because it can take a while:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63456451


            Send Data to the server when press the button
            Asked 2019-Oct-31 at 18:41

            I have a code below which makes a connection with the server and sends the commands to the server when it is called:



            Answered 2019-Oct-31 at 13:33

            The function you pass to socket.on is called when the connection is ready.

            You aren't using a function declaration. You aren't creating a variable called setUsername that you can access later.

            Remove the onclick attribute. They are generally more trouble then they are worth and are rather unhelpful here.

            Change the function you pass to socket.on to one which finds the button in the DOM (e.g. with document.querySelector) and then using addEventListener to attach a (click) event handler to it.

            Do the work you are currently doing in setUsername inside that event handler instead (i.e. when the button is clicked).

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58644366


            Reading from text url in javascript
            Asked 2019-Feb-27 at 05:43

            I'm trying to make a program in JavaScript, that I already had in Java. I've tried a few different ways reading a url.txt file, and I can't say that I understand any of it. So I would like to avoid Jquery and other non standard options, because I'm trying to learn this language. Here's the html:



            Answered 2019-Feb-27 at 05:34

            Because security reasons you cannot make javascript request to external domain. This is possible only if external allow to do that by adding this header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

            For your issue the best will be just use ajax to read static file from local.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54898559


            How to Pause Form Submission Until xhmhttprequest Completes
            Asked 2019-Feb-14 at 21:41

            I have a Flask Web App using Boostrap and plain Javascipt. When a form is submitted I make an xmlhttprequest to upload a file to s3. The issue is that the page reloads before the xhr returns and cancels my request.

            This question is asked a lot and I've tried every solution I've seen (10 hrs on this one issue!). The only solution that reliably works is to wait 3 secs in my Flask App. This allows the xhr request to process before page reload. My current code gets the request and then hangs. I can't get it to continue.



            Answered 2019-Feb-14 at 21:41


            ZeroMQ brokerless network with queues (Java)
            Asked 2018-Apr-10 at 18:26

            Is it possible to implement a brokerless network with queues using ZeroMQ (with JeroMQ Java porting)?

            In my network all peers are both publishers and receivers (SUB/PUB pattern), so that when a peer sends a message all other peers get the message.

            The problem is messages are not reliable and can get lost (for example for connectivity issues) and not recovered anymore.

            I'd like to implement a queue where peers can retrieve messages they have not received.

            I'm looking at this guide (even though it's for Python) and it seems I should implement the XREP/XREQ pattern:

            but it seems this is possible only implementing a queue server. Is it true?



            Answered 2018-Apr-10 at 18:26
            Q: Is this possible only implementing a queue server?
            A: No.

            May be I did not get your point of view exactly, but having a few years spent inside ZeroMQ based distributed-systems, I can address a few misses in the concept.

            Yes, Zen-of-Zero does provide ZERO-Warranty for a respective message delivery. This may seem surprising, but there are many reasons for working this way and no other. There is a warranty of consistency - i.e. a message is either delivered as-is or none at all. This means, if the message has made it through the socket, the receiving side may be sure, that the sender was dispatching this very content and no error-checking need be put in place, as the ZeroMQ has already spent all its effort to deliver a 1:1 bit-by-bit copy of the original.

            ZeroMQ is designed as a Broker-less asynchronous lightweight signalling / messaging tool. The word Broker-less means, there are zero-efforts spend for any sort of a tool-based persistence, so indeed there is no care about any Broker-side storing any (semi-)persistent replica(s) of the messages, be it those delivered or those not delivered due to whatever technical reason ( yet, those delivered are -- as expressed above -- guaranteed to be OK and an exact copy of the original ).

            this means, there will be zero effect from designing a zmq.device( zmq.Queue, f, b ) as this will have all the properties reported above, so it will principally live under the same set of paradigms.


            If one needs to have both the delivered content-warranty and also the all-messages-delivered warranty, the former is included in the ZeroMQ tools since inception, the latter is to be added on top of the standard tools, as an extended supra-pattern, re-using the delivery-agnostic standard tools.

            This way one can get what you have sketched above, yet not wasting a single CPU-clock in all other use-cases, where delivery-agnostic, just "best-effort" transports are okay.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49730049


            How to effectively establish point to point channel using ZeroMQ?
            Asked 2018-Mar-09 at 14:43

            I have trouble with establishing asynchronous point to point channel using ZeroMQ.

            My approach to build point to point channel was that it generates as many ZMQ_PAIR sockets as possible up to the number of peers in the network. Because ZMQ_PAIR socket ensures an exclusive connection between two peers, it needs the same number of peers. My first attempt is realized as the following diagram that represents paring connections between two peers.

            But the problem of the above approach is the fact that each pairing socket needs a distinct bind address. For example, if four peers are in the network, then each peer should have at least three ( TCP ) address to bind the rest of peers, which is very unrealistic and inefficient.
            ( I assume that peer has exactly one unique address among others. Ex. tcp://*:5555 )

            It seems that there is no way other than using different patterns, which contain some set of message brokers, such as XREQ/XREP.
            ( I intentionally avoid broker based approach, because my application will heavily exchange message between peers, which it will often result in performance bottleneck at the broker processes. )

            But I wonder that if there is anybody who uses ZMQ_PAIR socket to efficiently build point to point channel? Or is there a way to bypass to have distinct host IP addresses for multiple ZMQ_PAIR sockets to bind?



            Answered 2018-Mar-09 at 14:43
            Q: How to effectively establish ... well,

            Given the above narrative, the story of "How to effectively ..." ( where a metric of what and how actually measures the desired effectivity may get some further clarification later ), turns into another question - "Can we re-factor the ZeroMQ Signalling / Messaging infrastructure, so as to work without using as many IP-addresses:port#-s as would the tcp://-transport-class based topology actually need?"

            Upon an explicitly expressed limit of having not more than a just one IP:PORT# per host/node ( being thus the architecture's / desing's the very, if not the most expensive resource ) one will have to overcome a lot troubles on such a way forward.

            It is fair to note, that any such attempt will come at an extra cost to be paid. There will not be any magic wand to "bypass" such a principal limit expressed above. So get ready to indeed pay the costs.

            It reminds me one Project in TELCO, where a distributed-system was operated in a similar manner with a similar original motivation. Each node had an ssh/sshd service setup, where local-port forwarding enabled to expose a just one publicly accessible IP:PORT# access-point and all the rest was implemented "inside" a mesh of all the topological links going through ssh-tunnels not just because the encryption service, but right due to the comfort of having the ability to maintain all the local-port-forwarding towards specific remote-ports as a means of how to setup and operate such exclusive peer-to-peer links between all the service-nodes, yet having just a single public access IP:PORT# per node.

            If no other approach will seem feasible ( PUB/SUB being evicted for either traffic actually flowing to each terminal node in cases of older ZeroMQ/API versions, where Topic-filtering gets processed but on the SUB-side, which both security and network Departments will not like to support, or for concentrated workloads and immense resources needs on PUB-side, in cases of newer ZeroMQ/API versions, where Topic-filter is being processed on the sender's side. Adressing, dynamic network peer (re-)discovery, maintenance, resources planning, fault resilience, ..., yes, not any easy shortcut seems to be anywhere near to just grab and (re-)use ) the above mentioned "stone-age" ssh/sshd-port-forwarding with ZeroMQ, running against such local-ports only, may save you.

            Anyway - Good Luck on the hunt!

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49187357


            ZeroMQ what is XREQ and XREP?
            Asked 2017-Mar-20 at 14:31

            Can somebody explain in details how XREQ and XREP work? I was trying to find some explanation on ZeroMQ web-site but without luck.



            Answered 2017-Mar-20 at 14:31

            XREQ/XREP are aliases for ROUTER/DEALER. XREQ/XREP were used in ZeroMQ 2.x.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42900011

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            No vulnerabilities reported

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