slickR | slick carousel htmlwidget for R | Data Visualization library

 by   yonicd JavaScript Version: v0.4.4 License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | slickR Summary

kandi X-RAY | slickR Summary

slickR is a JavaScript library typically used in Analytics, Data Visualization applications. slickR has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However slickR has 2112 bugs and it has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

We are happy to bring the slick JavaScript library to R. It is self described as "the last carousel you'll ever need". This carousel is based on putting the elements of the carousel in a div HTML tag. This makes the carousel very versatile in what can be placed inside. Regular objects that are placed in a carousel can be for example: images, plots, tables, gifs, videos and objects embedded in iframes. This tool helps review multiple outputs in an efficient manner and saves much needed space in documents and Shiny applications, while creating a user friendly experience. These carousels can be used directly from the R console, from RStudio, in Shiny apps and R Markdown documents.

            kandi-support Support

              slickR has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 119 star(s) with 14 fork(s). There are 7 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 9 open issues and 34 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 32 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of slickR is v0.4.4

            kandi-Quality Quality

              slickR has 2112 bugs (0 blocker, 0 critical, 205 major, 1907 minor) and 810 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              slickR has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              slickR code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 1 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              slickR has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              slickR releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.
              slickR saves you 7936 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 16339 lines of code, 0 functions and 116 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed slickR and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into slickR implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Initialize the slider
            • Attach a resize event .
            • Loads the responsive image .
            • Load all images
            • Information about each element and dimensions .
            • Build the DOM tree
            • Updates the dots height of the given element .
            • This function loads an image
            • parse the rules
            • Converts px to px in pixels .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            slickR Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for slickR.

            slickR Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for slickR.

            Community Discussions


            Dynamic Image Carousel R Shiny
            Asked 2021-Nov-03 at 21:10

            I would like to dynamically add a carousel of images within a shiny dashboard based on a filtered list. I have tried the shinydashboardPlus package as well as the slickR package but can't seem to get either of them to work.

            Tried my best to reproduce a short example using shinydashboardPlus. Not opposed to using other packages.



            Answered 2021-Nov-02 at 23:13

            It seems the problem is how you are building the list of items. Your images() reactive variable already has the image tags. So you don't need to use tags$img again when you build the list. Also you using the Map() function but you don't seem to actually be mapping over any values. Try



            Move previous next buttons in R's slickR carousel
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 18:36

            I can successfully move the "next" button for slickR's carousel. However, when I use the similar method to move the "previous" button it does not work. The action and the mouseover no longer work. Why is this? How can I move the "prev" button and maintain full functionality?

            The documentation refers to an element in settings called, appendArrows. But it is not clear to me how to use this.



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 18:36

            As this is the original question regarding the positioning of the arrow buttons, I guess it's worth mentioning, that @ixodid realized here, that @Waldi's column-approach is no longer working when the browser window is resized.

            The following is a workaround regarding this:



            Make slickR carousel responsive
            Asked 2021-Jun-08 at 12:21

            Here is a link to a two slide slickR carousel that works well on a desktop but when viewed on an iphone, the image is cut off. ie it is not responsive.

            How do I use slickR's carousel with images and have it work on both desktop and mobile without images being cutoff?

            Do I need to add the responsive behaviour manually? The original JS page talks about it, but I'm not sure how to translate that to R.

            R Script



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 12:21

            By default "auto" is set for .slick-slide img's width property. You can overwrite this setting using relative css units (% / vw / vh) to rescale the image:

            Edit: removed the column chaos and calculated relative positions for the arrows.



            SlickR Shiny R dynamically convert dots to images when filtering the carousel obj by user input
            Asked 2021-Feb-22 at 08:18

            Have been working through this slickR problem for a while. I would greatly appreciate any input or fresh perspectives on how to resolve this issue or different ways to approach a solution.

            There are two issues I've been working through:

            The first I think can be solved using CSS, which I am not super familiar with, slickR seems to be creating multiple divs when the 'obj' is updated through the use of input$series. This is undesirable since it relocates the most recent div lower on the page. I tried using javascript, which I am also not very familiar with, to destroy the old slick using an observe event. Bonus points for a simple solution for that issue.

            The main issue I am working to resolve is that I would like to convert the dots to images and have them update dynamically as each series is selected. The goal here is that I would like to have a larger image displayed above and a series of 'thumbnails' displayed below so that the user can have some idea of what each photo looks like without having to scroll through every image in the carousel.

            My app is much more complicated than this example, but I am using slickR since it has a convenient way to access the current, active, and center slides, which I am using to filter an additional dataframe to render the display of information regarding each active/centered image in the carousel.

            Here is an example which demonstrates both issues:



            Answered 2021-Feb-07 at 17:19

            To display the image in the middle, you could use carousel() function, and list the items in carouselItem() as shown below.



            adding alt text tags to slickR carousel in R
            Asked 2021-Feb-12 at 15:27

            Colleagues and I are building a website in R-Markdown (basic, not blogdown, distillR, etc.) and have a couple slide carousels created using the slickR package. The code looks like:



            Answered 2021-Feb-12 at 15:27


            R Shiny: Relative size of images with slickR
            Asked 2021-Feb-12 at 13:44

            Using a Shiny app, I would like to implement a slider with slickR to switch from one image to the other.

            I managed to implement the slider but I'm having trouble in displaying the images correctly because of their different sizes. In the following example, the stackexchange logo is way bigger than the stackoverflow logo. When displaying them with slickR(), the bigger logo makes inroads into the first one like this:

            I would also like to have the size of the pictures relative to the size of the screen.

            Here is a reproducible example of the Shiny app used to generate the above image:



            Answered 2021-Jan-19 at 14:39

            I don't manage to get it with the 'slickR' package. Here is a solution which doesn't use this package, it uses the 'slick' JavaScript library. You have to download the library files and put them in the www/slick-1.8.1/slick folder.



            R shiny: slickROutput disappears when switching tabpanel()
            Asked 2021-Feb-01 at 18:34

            I am making a Shiny app with tabPanels embedded in a navbarPage. In each tabPanel, I generate a serie of image. When switching from one panel to the other one, the image loaded in one of them disappear.

            I have to "refresh" manually the page to see it again. The problem seems similar than the one posted here but I cannot really subset my tabPanels, even though I gave $id and value to them.

            Here is a reproducible example:



            Answered 2021-Jan-22 at 15:22

            When there are multiple slickR objects to be rendered, you need to use a unique slideId for each. Furthermore you should not wrap render* functions in observe and use the same id for two selectInputs.

            Please check the following:



            How to use multiple slickROutput in shiny dashboard
            Asked 2020-Mar-11 at 10:53

            I am trying to create a webpage where I have to show multiple slideshows. I found a way of using slickR package in R to display slideshow but i am unable to show multiple. Here is the code where I am trying to render two slickR, I dont know what i am doing wrong.Please help I am just a begginer.




            Answered 2020-Mar-11 at 10:53

            You can simply give a different slideID name to each output, like this:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install slickR

            slickR Basics
            slickR with DOMs
            slickR with Iframes
            slickR with PDFs
            slickR with Plots
            slickR with Shiny


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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