judo | A more elegant way to play in the MUD

 by   dhleong Kotlin Version: 1.15.3 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | judo Summary

kandi X-RAY | judo Summary

judo is a Kotlin library. judo has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

A more elegant way to play in the MUD

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              judo has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 15 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 7 open issues and 68 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 53 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of judo is 1.15.3

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              judo has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

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              judo code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

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              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

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            Community Discussions


            Use sed to replace values in a csv column if a condition is met in another column
            Asked 2022-Apr-10 at 17:22

            I have a CSV file composed of several fields split by commas.



            Answered 2022-Apr-09 at 16:41

            In case you can use a GNU sed, you can use

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71809933


            divide different colours in color bar
            Asked 2021-Dec-05 at 16:36

            I am trying to plot some values on the matplotlib. This is what I have achieved so far.

            Problem is that the color bar only show some colors. how do I push different colors for each game entry?



            Answered 2021-Dec-05 at 16:36

            The tab20c colorbar only has 20 colors which is smaller than your number of categories. One thing you could do though is to concatenate several colormaps together and use it for your plot. I used the approach from this and applied it to your situation. You can find the code below:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70235192


            How can I create a loop to merge two DataFrames?
            Asked 2021-Nov-18 at 22:06

            I have two DataFrames:

            name age weight sex d_type john 21 56 M futboll martha 25 43 F soccer esthela 29 53 F judo harry 18 72 M karate irving 24 61 M karate jerry 21 56 M soccer john_2 26 69 M futboll malina 22 53 F soccer


            d_type impact founds_in futboll high federal soccer medium state judo medium federal karate high federal

            At the end I want a DF like this.

            name age weight sex d_type impact founds_in john 21 56 M futboll high federal martha 25 43 F soccer medium state esthela 29 53 F judo medium federal harry 18 72 M karate high federal irving 24 61 M karate high federal jerry 21 56 M soccer medium state john_2 26 69 M futboll high federal malina 22 53 F soccer medium state

            How can I do this in pandas? I need a loop or it's better try in Linux?



            Answered 2021-Nov-18 at 20:21


            In ggplot how to make fill argument works in geom_dotplot()
            Asked 2021-Aug-09 at 04:36

            This is my code:



            Answered 2021-Aug-09 at 04:36

            You want to remove the group aesthetic - it's overriding the separation (grouping) that naturally occurs when you group by the fill aesthetic. The group aesthetic seems to take priority over the fill aesthetic, so your fill is never applied over top of the group. Your data will already naturally be grouped by year since this is the x aesthetic.

            Oh, and I changed the ordering of the factor judo$medal to match the typical "Bronze, Silver, Gold". Consequently, your argument for values was changed to a named vector to ensure the proper mapping.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68705442


            Getting the mean of a variable depending on other column in a pandas dataframe
            Asked 2021-Jul-05 at 02:30

            Basically what its on the title, I have a csv that I converted into a pandas dataframe that its something like this:



            Answered 2021-Jul-05 at 02:28

            This is what you want!!

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68250158


            ggplot2 R : Percent stacked barchart with multiple variables
            Asked 2021-Jun-09 at 18:18

            R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)

            I want to create a percent stacked barchart including 2 groups (regional, international) and the means of 4 different numerical variables (ground low-intensity, ground high-intensity, standing low-intensity, standing high-intensity). The latter variables are representing the duration of each time period in seconds.

            My data are: dataset

            The image below represents an example of what I kind want to make: Time-motion analysis description relative to total fight time, considering modalities and positions of actions Coswig, V. S., Gentil, P., Bueno, J. C., Follmer, B., Marques, V. A., & Del Vecchio, F. B. (2018). Physical fitness predicts technical-tactical and time-motion profile in simulated Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu matches. PeerJ, 6, e4851.

            I have read a lot of guides and watched many YT tutorials, but most of them are using 2 categorical and 1 numerical variable, thus, it does not work in my case.

            Any help or guidance would be highly appreciated.

            Thank you in advance.



            Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 18:02

            You will find a lot of friends here, if you provide a reproducible example and show what you have done and where things go wrong.


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67908708


            How i can avoid the loop on my querysnapshot.foreach?
            Asked 2021-Apr-14 at 13:58

            My User has 2 teams :

            • Danse
            • Judo

            On my subcollection "membersList" the team Danse had 1 friend request and Judo had none.

            So I'm suppose to have just one request on my screen. But when I have 2 or more teams, the while continue to loop and the request appear with the numbers of team.

            I think the problem is on my querySnaphost.forEach but on my console he return me the doc not empty (so the team danse ) and an other one with document not found.



            Answered 2021-Apr-14 at 13:58

            You are reusing the variable you are looping in (querySnapshot and doc) inside the loop, so I think this is messing up everything. If you loop over querySnapshot, then you should not reuse querySnapshot again inside the loop.

            Also, to avoid headaches and callback hells, use await instead of .then( .then( .then( .then()))). You can't use await inside of a method (.filter(), .map(), .forEach() etc) but you can use it inside a for loop :

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67091953


            Iterating over a list column of xml nodesets with purrr without flattening the results
            Asked 2021-Mar-28 at 01:10

            Edit 2: Updated to take care of the problems from the dput output.

            I don't know why the dput output is not working, so here is a roundabout way of sharing the data.

            A simple zip file of the data can be downloaded from here: link to zip file

            The following code should then represent the data I was trying to share. Note that you will need to replace the path name for the downloaded zip file, and that the parse_file function will create a temporary directory:



            Answered 2021-Mar-28 at 01:10

            Use map in parse_text function so that you get lists separately.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66828679


            Rails 6 image upload to digitalocean spaces
            Asked 2021-Mar-12 at 18:45

            I have a blog that uploads banner and thumbnail images. I originally had it set to upload to the local directory using the carrierwave gem and I wanted to try to use digitalocean spaces since the app is deployed to the digitalocean app platform. I am able to get it working on localhost:3000 but when I deploy it to digitalocean it keeps reverting back to a previous deployment saying that a health check failed but not real errors.

            I decided to deploy it to heroku since I am able to get actual errors. Here is the current error I get from heroku:



            Answered 2021-Mar-12 at 18:45

            It seems like the server can't access to the content of the credentials.yml. This file is encrypted and Rails use the master key store in the master.key file to read it. So given that the master.key is not checked into version control, you need to provide it manually on the server. Please check this article https://medium.com/cedarcode/rails-5-2-credentials-9b3324851336

            This section :

            Deploying master key

            When you move your code to a server, you need to make sure that your config/credentials.yml.enc file can be decrypted. That means that somehow you’ll need to provide Rails with your master key, given that it is not checked into version control.

            There are two ways of doing that:

            Option 1: Place the config/master.key file in the server. You’ll normally want to symlink this file to a shared folder in the server filesystem. Again, do not version your config/master.key file.

            Option 2: create a RAILS_MASTER_KEY ENV variable. Rails will detect it and use it as your master key, e.g. in heroku: heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=.

            You should be able to use any of those indistinctly.

            If you are using RBENV as you ruby manager, you can store your env var doing this :

            You will create .rbenv-vars in your project folder, not your rails project folder but the folder in which is your project folder, the parent folder if you want.

            After that you put your env var inside the file like this:


            no quotes, no space too before ou after the "="

            For more check this link on goRails : https://gorails.com/deploy/ubuntu/18.04#capistrano

            Hope this can help

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66555977


            Calculate figsize automatically in matplotlib
            Asked 2021-Feb-25 at 13:24

            While trying to find a good answer for my on google I stumbled on this:
            It showed and solved my problem perfectly - from this:



            Answered 2021-Feb-25 at 13:24

            This is what plt.figure(constrained_layout=True) is supposed to do. If you want to stretch it further you could do for instance:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66368042

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            No vulnerabilities reported

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