ad.min | A minimal administration template

 by   Mikescops PHP Version: v1.1.0 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | ad.min Summary

kandi X-RAY | ad.min Summary

ad.min is a PHP library typically used in User Interface, Template Engine, Bootstrap applications. ad.min has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

This administration panel is made with Bootstrap 4. You can use it as a quick start for your projects.

            kandi-support Support

              ad.min has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 12 star(s) with 15 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 1 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 163 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ad.min is v1.1.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ad.min has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              ad.min has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              ad.min does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ad.min releases are available to install and integrate.

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            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of ad.min
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            ad.min Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ad.min.

            ad.min Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Radio button dropdown menu for google maps API marker filtering
            Asked 2021-May-22 at 12:13

            so i found this snippet of code that lets you filter markers when you select them from dropdown, the code actually works if i take out the radio buttons from the dropdown and click them, but if i put them back in an actuall dropdown menu, it doesnt filter the markers, it just stays how it is. I want them to work like this - if i Select Rīga from the dropdown, only show markers that have it as marker[4].



            Answered 2021-May-22 at 12:13

            You just have to move the call of updateView(this); from the inline event listeners to your dropdown click handler. Then check in an if statement if the target was an input.

            By the way you don't need to give this to updateView(); since it is just checking if this is truthy. So it is enough to give true to that function: updateView(true);

            Move the function call from here:



            Cannot do autocomplete on laravel 8 - Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'workshop.nama_suppliers' doesn't exist
            Asked 2021-May-17 at 02:20

            When I tried to do autocomplete on Laravel 8, the error is like this when i do inspection in my browser

            SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'workshop.nama_suppliers' doesn't exist (SQL: select Supplier.namasupplier from nama_suppliers where Supplier.namasupplier LIKE %abcd%)

            I've already do php artisan migrate and this error still occurs. Even though I don't do type nama_suppliers table at all in my code because in my database there is no table named "nama_suppliers".

            And this is my codes I've made :




            Answered 2021-May-17 at 02:20

            Add protected $table in your Model, change your model into



            The value show in the multi-select function not properly
            Asked 2021-May-03 at 13:01

            I have 2 problems in the multi-select function:

            i)The first problem, I set the value if clicked the Show Volvo and Opel and Show Volvo and Saav buttons, will follow the value shown in the multi-select box. Now the error is if clicked the Show Volvo and Opel button, it can show the correct values, but if clicked the Show Volvo and Saav button, the value cannot show properly.

            ii)The second problem, if I clicked the Show Volvo and Opel, it just can show the checked value in the multi-select box, the value of name cannot show in the multi-select box, for example, I need to show name Volvo, Opel like below this picture:

            Below is my sample working coding:



            Answered 2021-May-03 at 13:01

            You can iterate through options inside your select-box and where value matches set prop('selected', true); and then use $('#cars').multiselect('refresh') to refresh your mutliselect .

            Demo Code :



            How can I resolve “Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined”? (Google MAPS API)
            Asked 2021-Feb-19 at 20:40

            I've difficulties to display a simple marker, indeed I have "Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined" in Chrome console and marker doesn't appear. I searched everywhere in the forum but nothing helped me. I really have looked at every article there is but this error always comes up and no markers are added.

            I provide you my little HTML code



            Answered 2021-Feb-19 at 20:40

            The error google is not defined was thrown because you tried to use the google object before it is defined:



            How to add help text at the bottom of result list for Jquery Typeahead?
            Asked 2021-Jan-31 at 12:06

            I built an autocompleted using jquery typeahead because it has tons of options and most of them meets my requirements.

            But instead of its default option, I want to add some help text at the bottom of the result list like this:

            I inspected the its element and insert it with pure Jquery Script, but it does not work as expected.



            Answered 2021-Jan-26 at 00:45

            You can use the onLayoutBuiltBefore callback to decorate the list before it's displayed. In this example I've added it to the end of the list, with the .help class for styling.



            Selenium / Beautiful Soup can't find elements inside a Webpage
            Asked 2020-Nov-21 at 12:57

            I'm making a program to scrap some websites, and I'm finding a problem when scraping one of them. On the others I've found my way using Selenium + BS4 to get the information I need and navigating the pages.

            The page is this one:

            Now, the objective is to get all the paragraphs from the class: ng-binding, and the links of each "VER ANUNCIO" that each one has below them.

            Usually I would use soup.find_all() to get all of them and navigate the tree or use Selenium to get all the elements using XPATH/CSS SELECTOR.

            The problem I'm facing is that find_all(), or find() is returning nothing, (empty list or None), and Selenium returns None too.

            I've tried checking if the elements are inside a frame, which I think they're not. I've tried WebDriver wait to see if the page should stop to load before doing something. Different classes/tags give same result.

            Now, when I print the BeautifulSoup object, it returns this instead of the HTML code I see inspecting the page:



            Answered 2020-Nov-21 at 12:57

            What is going on is that the page content that you are viewing is actually being loaded by JavaScript code that is being executed after the initial page content (which you have printed out and are searching) has loaded and that is why you are not finding the elements you are expecting. There are two ways of dealing with this:

            1. Use Selenium to drive a web browser such as Chrome to load the page and wait for an element that you are looking for to be loaded using a Selenium call. Then you can get from Selenium the current page source and initialize BeautifulSoup with that and proceed as usual. This is the "standard" approach.
            2. Using a browser inspector you can look at the network XHR requests that are being made after the page has loaded. One or more of these will be the cause of fetching additional data for updating the DOM. You can then note what the GET or POST request(s) was, make the request yourself and process the data directly.

            For example:



            'self' scripts being blocked from loading, but when I use the nonce they work?
            Asked 2020-Nov-14 at 18:07

            There is probably a simple solution to this, but I can't figure it out.

            I have a CSP defined like so:



            Answered 2020-Nov-14 at 18:07
            1. Console err: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at INLINE says then you definitely have an inline script blocked not external, therefore it's nothing to do with 'self'. You can look al right console corner and see script_name:line_number:column where it happens.
              In case of lock externall script, the err looks like: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at HTTPS://EXAMPLE.COM/PATH/SCRIPT.JS.

            2. Could be 3 kinds of inline scripts:



            Wordpress Unable to upload images
            Asked 2020-Nov-04 at 13:11

            For some days now, in the admin area you have had these errors:

            Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'.

            on files moxie.min.js, plupload.min.js, wp-plupload.min.js

            This does not allow us to upload images to media galleries, pages, articles...

            When entering in Media Gallery we have this error: Uncaught TypeError: wp.Uploader is undefined on media-grid.min.js; and no images!

            If I try to upload an image from a page or post, we have the same above error but on the file media-views.min.js.

            The front-end has no errors.

            Some "online solutions" have already been tried, as well as updating everything, restoring a backup, installing worpdress again via ftp...

            The problem remains!

            I don't know how it happened, the owner of the site didn't make any operation.

            Any idea?




            Answered 2020-Oct-30 at 16:37

            Are you using a cache plugin ? Sometimes using those kind of plugin can break the js for some elements.



            Block YouTube Cookies when lazyloading Thumbnail
            Asked 2020-Nov-01 at 14:26

            On I have an YouTube-iframe embedded with the nocookie domain of YouTube. For speed optimization I am only loading an thumbnail via lazyload. This is my code:



            Answered 2020-Nov-01 at 14:26

            If you look closely, you have two img tags:

            You have duplicate codes:

            • The code in your globaljs.js loads from

            • The code inside your script tag embed in home loads from

            Last Step:

            For thumbnails does not work. You were fetching thumbnail from all along. Change your thumbnail loading code to:



            bootstrap multiselect is not working in table after append
            Asked 2020-Oct-20 at 04:40

            I am facing an issue that I am not able to make a bootstrap multiselect box after appending a new multiselect box in table >> td.

            I read the multiple threads on StackOverflow and other communities not I couldn't get a positive answer. I am trying in my code when clicking on PLUS BTN new TR will append with multiselect box. but it not working except one multiselect box.

            Please help me to how I fix this code which would be work as my expectation here I am explaing.. where I am doing mistake ?

            My code and error screenshot is below:



            Answered 2020-Oct-20 at 04:40

            One way to achieve above is to assign all your options inside some variable and pass same options to your mutliselect using setOptions and then rebuild your mutliselect whenever you append new trs inside table .

            Demo Code :


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ad.min

            You can download it from GitHub.
            PHP requires the Visual C runtime (CRT). The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 is suitable for all these PHP versions, see You MUST download the x86 CRT for PHP x86 builds and the x64 CRT for PHP x64 builds. The CRT installer supports the /quiet and /norestart command-line switches, so you can also script it.


            You can submit issues, feature requests as well as pull requests to this project. We use .php files to include redundant parts such as header and footer.
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