mChat | Extension for phpBB 3.1 , 3.2 and 3.3 that adds a chat

 by   kasimi PHP Version: 2.1.4 License: GPL-2.0

kandi X-RAY | mChat Summary

kandi X-RAY | mChat Summary

mChat is a PHP library. mChat has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

phpBB Extension - mChat.

            kandi-support Support

              mChat has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 10 star(s) with 16 fork(s). There are 8 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 2 open issues and 26 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 76 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of mChat is 2.1.4

            kandi-Quality Quality

              mChat has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              mChat has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              mChat is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              mChat releases are available to install and integrate.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed mChat and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into mChat implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Render the page
            • Global settings page
            • Manage user settings
            • Get edited messages
            • Process messages in the database
            • Get log entries
            • Register permissions categories .
            • Initializes global settings .
            • Check if module is enabled .
            • Fix timepan .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            mChat Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for mChat.

            mChat Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for mChat.

            Community Discussions


            Unable to show the message list in left and right side of the chat room, always showing all the message in left side(receiver side)
            Asked 2021-Mar-01 at 14:22

            I am using recyclerview to show all my message in my app. But it always showing the messages in the left side of the chat room.

            How can I achieve this?

            This is my code:

            Here my adapter always goes to the else part and listing all the message in the left side of the screen(i.e) other user messages

            Sample image




            Answered 2021-Mar-01 at 14:22

            you are checking your viewType twice. you should not check it again in onCreateViewHolder.

            try something like this:



            NullPointerException on RecyclerView, there is no id mistake
            Asked 2021-Feb-07 at 16:01

            I have checked several times the name of my layout RecyclerView as I show on other StackOverflow questions but it is correct. The error of the logcat is this:



            Answered 2021-Feb-07 at 16:01

            You call findViewById() here:



            Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference (
            Asked 2021-Jan-26 at 18:15
            public class MessageActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
                TextView username;
                ImageView imageView;
                RecyclerView recyclerViewy;
                EditText msg_editText;
                ImageButton sendBtn;
                FirebaseUser fuser;
                DatabaseReference references;
                Intent intent;
                MessageAdapter messageAdapter;
                RecyclerView recyclerView;
                 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                    imageView = findViewById(;
                    username = findViewById(;
                    sendBtn = findViewById(;
                    msg_editText = findViewById(;
                    recyclerView = findViewById(;
                    LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getApplicationContext());
                    intent = getIntent();
                    String userid = intent.getStringExtra("userid");
                    fuser = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser();
                    references = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("MyUsers").child(userid);
                    references.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
                        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
                            Users users = snapshot.getValue(Users.class);
                            if (users.getImageURL().equals("default")){
                            }else {
                        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {
                    sendBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(View v) {
                            String msg = msg_editText.getText().toString();
                            if (!msg .equals("")){
                            }else {
                                Toast.makeText(MessageActivity.this, "please send a non empty message !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                 private void sendMessage(String sender,String receiver ,String message){
                    DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
                    HashMap hashMap =new HashMap<>();
                 private void readMessages(String myid,String userid,String imgurl){
                   mchat = new ArrayList<>();
                   references = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Chats");
                   references.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
                       public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
                           for (DataSnapshot dataSnapshot :snapshot.getChildren()){
                               Chat chat = dataSnapshot.getValue(Chat.class);
                               if (chat.getReceiver().equals(myid)&&chat.getSender().equals(userid)&&chat.getReceiver().equals(userid)&&chat.getSender().equals(myid)){
                               messageAdapter = new MessageAdapter(MessageActivity.this,mchat,imgurl);
                       public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {


            Answered 2021-Jan-26 at 15:28

            It looks like users.getImageURL() is returning null for one or more of your nodes. If this is indeed a common occurrence in your database, you can easily detect by using so-called Yoda-notation for your check:



            How to display sender name in group chat
            Asked 2020-Nov-12 at 05:00

            I am working on a chat app for android with firebase. so i want to show the sender name above of the first message from same sender but i get the sender name on every message sent by the sender,

            sender name bug image

            the logic i am using



            Answered 2020-Nov-11 at 09:48

            @mr. groot was working on a similar app and achived this on my RecyclerView onBind method



            I am having a two null pointer Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void
            Asked 2020-Oct-13 at 20:27

            I am having a null pointer of, Is Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference I am having problems with my recyclerView Here is my log cat Please help



            Answered 2020-Oct-13 at 20:17

            The problem is on the XML file I did not indicate the id on the recyclerview



            Firestore chat messages are not in the right order?
            Asked 2020-Aug-11 at 13:10

            So, I'm still a newbie in Firebase and I'm just switching from the Firebase Realtime Database to Firestore. This has worked out well so far. But I have a problem with the messages from my chat app. With the Firebase Realtime Database everything worked fine, but with Firestore there are some problems. I can send and display the messages, but Firestore somehow changes the order of the chat. Could someone explain this to me and suggest a solution?

            Example video of the bug:

            (Adapter) MessageAdapter:

            (Model) Chat:

            This is my code for writing and reading the data:



            Answered 2020-Aug-11 at 13:10

            Try to add new field (when sending message):


            And add field to your entity



            how to add UIView with code? Without using storyboard
            Asked 2020-Jul-19 at 15:23

            I am a beginner and am only able to add elements via storyboard.

            Now I would like to know how to add UIView code to the screen without using a storyboard.

            I need to place it at the very top, full width of the screen, replacing the NavigationBar with a UIView



            Answered 2020-Jul-19 at 15:23

            Here is how you can place it over entire screen



            Recyclerview not updating after activity restart
            Asked 2020-Jun-18 at 09:54

            So, I'm not sure about the title of this question but here it goes. I have a recyclerview for my chat room. The first time the activity started it has no problem displaying the messages but after pressing the back button back to the main activity showing all chat rooms then click the same chat room again it displays nothing. Then, after sent a message it can display all the messages again. I'm not sure what happened, help, please. Oh, I already tried a few things and browse the internet but because I'm not sure what the keyword is, so I'm quite stuck now

            Okay, here is the thing

            First main activity, (ignore the other 2 tabs, it's empty)

            Main Activity

            Then open a chat room

            First time open chat room fine

            Then press back button, back to MainActivity, then open the same room and no chat displayed

            chat room not displaying anything

            Then it displays messages again after sending a new messages

            new message

            I have tried to place notifyDataSetChanged() on various event like onStart, onCreate etc but nothing works;

            here is my chat activity



            Answered 2020-Jun-18 at 07:27

            in my case i used onResume()



            How do i select multiple items in Recyclerview with contextual Action Bar
            Asked 2020-May-03 at 13:20

            I am trying select multiple items from recyclerview using a contextual action bar my contextual action bar inflates correctly but i am having problems while selecting multiple items at once. I want to select multiple items and perform actions collectively on them

            My code




            Answered 2020-May-03 at 13:20

            There is solution useful solution for selecting multiple items in recyclerView.

            How to implement multi-select in RecyclerView?



            How to show if a message is seen or not via using Firebase Real time Database
            Asked 2020-Apr-28 at 17:39

            I want to show if a message is seen or not in my app which is using Firebase Real time Database.What i am able to till now is update it on on the database if the message is seen or not but i am not able to retrieve that value using listeners in my recyclerview Adaptor .It happens that if the last message is not seen it displays all the previous messages are not seen similarly if the last message is seen it displays all the previous messages are seen.

            Database Structure

            My Code for checking if the message is seen or not



            Answered 2020-Apr-28 at 17:39

            Do this in onBindViewHolder


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install mChat

            You can download it from GitHub.
            PHP requires the Visual C runtime (CRT). The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 is suitable for all these PHP versions, see You MUST download the x86 CRT for PHP x86 builds and the x64 CRT for PHP x64 builds. The CRT installer supports the /quiet and /norestart command-line switches, so you can also script it.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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