mbf | Mbf method cookies - Update crack from requests friends | Command Line Interface library

 by   BladeKnife Python Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | mbf Summary

kandi X-RAY | mbf Summary

mbf is a Python library typically used in Utilities, Command Line Interface applications. mbf has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However mbf build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

Update crack from requests friends. $pkg update && pkg upgrade. $pkg install git curl python. $pip install mechanize requests bs4 futures.

            kandi-support Support

              mbf has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 18 star(s) with 23 fork(s). There are 5 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 0 have been closed. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of mbf is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              mbf has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              mbf has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              mbf does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              mbf releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              mbf has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed mbf and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into mbf implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Gets masuk
            • Setup menu
            • Pilih menu
            • Returns targetteman id
            • Returns the temanid
            • Grup ID
            • Main function to parse kikis
            • Get the id of a link
            • Search by id
            • Try to scrape url
            • Baner
            • Print NID
            • Clear the system
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            mbf Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for mbf.

            mbf Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for mbf.

            Community Discussions


            Shiny Event Observer Freezes with New User Selection
            Asked 2021-Mar-24 at 21:57

            I am building a Shiny app that provides canned reports and maps from a database of field-collected vegetation data. The app has a series of SQL scripts that draw in the data from appropriate database tables to generate the reports and to query the spatial data stored as blobs. The user interface allows the user to select a project and then a unit within that project on which to report. When my app runs, Shiny freezes when I try to change one of the projects. I suspect that this has to do either with how I have set up the reactivity to update the "Unit" drop down menu, or the interface between R and MS SQL. Unfortunately, I was unable to recreate the problem outside of my organization's enterprise data, so I will present two scripts which will hopefully be enough information. My apologies ahead of time for not being able to come up with a script that reproduces the error. Below is a working minimal reproducible example of how I have structured the app - this one works without error, but will give you a sense of how I have built the app and how it should work:



            Answered 2021-Mar-24 at 21:57

            This turned out to be an issue with an SQL script that I read into my Shiny server function. It was a lesson in making sure all helping scripts are running properly before sourcing them into Shiny.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66694554


            How to convert IEEE Single to MBF Single in .NET
            Asked 2019-Apr-13 at 13:22

            I need to convert an IEEE Single in .NET to the old MBF Single. There is a similar post here but it does the opposite of what I need.

            Convert MBF Single and Double to IEEE

            I can use either VB.NET (preferred) or C# code.



            Answered 2019-Apr-13 at 13:22

            I came across an example in Borland C++ at https://community.embarcadero.com/index.php/article/technical-articles/162-programming/14799-converting-between-microsoft-binary-and-ieee-forma

            I muddled through the example (I don't know C++) and came up with the following in VB.NET. It works except for the value of zero so I added a check for zero. I don't know if the C++ code also gets zero wrong or if it's my conversion. Anyway, it seems to work.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55660578


            Get values at specific time intervals
            Asked 2018-Dec-17 at 12:51

            I have a spreadsheet containing test data. The data are temperature readings at fairly regular intervals. I say "fairly" because the readings are usually at 10 second intervals, but occasionally the test hardware skips a reading or two.
            For the purposes of this exercise we can ignore the missing data.

            The first reading is at 09:00:00 on 12th May 2016 and the last reading is at 09:10:10 on 20th May 2016. File available to download here:

            I would like to find the average temperature at each hour interval.
            It would be great if these average values could be inserted in a new column (for example column D).

            For example, in cell B361, the time is 09:59:50. The next cell B362 would signify the next hour time segment, so in cell D361 I would like to see the average of the temperature readings from cell C2 to C361 inclusive. Then at the next hour interval cell D718 would show the average of the temperature readings from cell C362 to C718 inclusive.
            D1078 would average the cells C719 to C1078, and so on.

            Although I don't have any VBA workings to show for myself here, I have been trying various things in excel (for example autofill series formulas) but to no avail. To be honest I don't think I can get my head around the way Excel deals with times to figure this out, let alone translate that into code using my limited VBA skills. I think the fact that the time intervals aren't truly consistent, and the data spans several days, is making this difficult for me to solve.

            This is the first time I've posted a question, so apologies if I have disobeyed any rules (I managed to write my debut VBA Excel code without posting a question, although I did consult stackoverflow many times during that process!)

            Your help would be greatly appreciated.



            Answered 2018-Dec-17 at 11:24

            Put this in the top of column D and fill down.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53814108


            Javascript not loading in blade bootstrap template
            Asked 2018-Oct-30 at 04:02

            Hello all I am building a new web app in the Laravel framework. I am new to Laravel & Blade and I have been stuck setting up my bootstrap template with blade.

            It seems that when I yield a section into my main template file my javascript files do not run although I can see them on page inspection.

            I also get the following error in my console;



            Answered 2018-Oct-30 at 04:02


            Bot Framework region
            Asked 2018-Apr-09 at 09:29

            Is the Bot Framework deployed in any particular region? I want to avoid any unnecessary latency when connecting my app service with the MBF, and if the MBF is only hosted in 1 region, North Europe for example, then I would also deploy my app service in North Europe.



            Answered 2018-Apr-07 at 10:40

            Was just checking for any update on this. Last what I found is: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder/issues/1413 (Nov 2016, Bot Framework just release to North Europe and SE Asia, apart from both US coasts). Some posts there also confirm that when the bot is moved to West US then delay is gone. Would be good to have a clear statement from Microsoft and rules of routing to particular BF region depending on end user location, wouldn't it?

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47464633


            Java Mapped Byte Buffer - garbage values in buffer
            Asked 2018-Mar-08 at 07:41

            I'm experimenting with Mapped Byte Buffer (Java), I have to use DirectBuffer on a file to perform some arithmetic operations:



            Answered 2018-Mar-08 at 06:57

            A double value occupies 8 bytes. (In Java always, in some other languages usually but not always.) From the javadoc https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/ByteBuffer.html#getDouble-int-

            Reads eight bytes at the given index, composing them into a double value according to the current byte order.

            When you ask for the double starting at byte index 6, it actually uses bytes 6 through 13, and byte 13 contains the first byte of the (nonzero) value you stored.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49143750


            Microsoft Bot Framework State Management
            Asked 2017-Dec-05 at 12:02

            we are updating our MBF bot to have its state managed in Azure Table Store. We changed code according to documentation to register our Table store provider:



            Answered 2017-Dec-05 at 11:55

            It seems that you are not updating the Conversation container. You need to use the Conversation.UpdateContainer method for that.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47650345


            How to run this java recursive program that has complicated arguments?
            Asked 2017-Nov-01 at 11:56

            I am writing a program allowing the user to enter a 3 digit phone number and when they enter it, the program will return every combination of 3 letters put together (based on the letters each digit contains). Most phone digits have letters in it. For example, if the user types 6, 2, and 3, it should return the following:



            Answered 2017-Nov-01 at 11:51

            Here's my main() for the code:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47053988


            Draw direction and by parsing direction api overview_polyline
            Asked 2017-Sep-21 at 11:48

            I want to draw direction with waypoits based on the result of google direction Api, From this URL I want to parse the response and draw the route on the google map.

            Google Direction Api URl https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=10.1849092,76.37530459999999&destination=10.308027199999998,76.3336779&sensor=false&waypoints=10.2269749,76.3750218|10.263201599999999,76.3492569|10.283437099999997,76.3420206|

            From the result I am taking the value of "routes" -> "overview_polyline"-> "points" to deaw the line, I am having "points" value as



            Answered 2017-Sep-21 at 10:38

            I am using drawDirectionToStop() to draw the route, I am passing to the value of "points" decodeOverviewPolyLinePonts() for parse,

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46341749


            Linux Executables Sometimes Not Found
            Asked 2017-Sep-11 at 08:52

            Question: How can I resolve executables disappearing sometimes during batch processing scripts?

            Background: I have a series of scripts designed to parse xyz elevation data, partition into grids, merge and interpolate this data using tools like mbgrid and gmt surface. These can be called on manually, but generally run as scheduled tasks using configuration files specifying things like grid size, cell resolution and directory structures.

            These scripts are written in python, using multiprocessing and making system calls with subprocess.

            Problem: Sometimes, I get situations where commands are not found (e.g. cat 180E48S_mbgrid_output.log /bin/sh: 1: mbgrid: not found)

            Since these scripts are called via cron with a configuration file, I would expect consistent results. Most of the time (and it seems always when I'm watching, even if I just run the script cron initiates), the code runs successfully to completion. But sometimes not.

            Below is a snippet of a log file showing mbgrid not found (bolded), followed by a successful run. And then another instance of mbgrid not found before another successful run.

            grep '/bin/sh: 1: mbgrid: not found' 22E59N_mbgrid_output.log -B 10 -A 10

            /bin/sh: 1: mbgrid: not found

            Zgrid starting iterations Zgrid iteration 10 convergence test: -0.001000 last:0.000000 Zgrid iteration 20 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 30 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 40 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 50 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 60 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 70 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 80 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 90 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000

            ... snipped log ...

            mbm_grdplot -I22E59Nweightedgrid.grd -G1 -C -V -L"File 22E59Nweightedgrid.grd - Topography Grid:Topography (m)"

            executing mbm_grdplot... mbm_grdplot -I22E59Nweightedgrid_num.grd -G1 -W1/2 -V -L"File 22E59Nweightedgrid_num.grd - Topography Grid:Number of Topography Data Points"

            executing mbm_grdplot... mbm_grdplot -I22E59Nweightedgrid_sd.grd -G1 -W1/2 -V -L"File 22E59Nweightedgrid_sd.grd - Topography Grid:Topography Standard Deviation (m)"


            /bin/sh: 1: mbgrid: not found

            Zgrid starting iterations Zgrid iteration 10 convergence test: -0.001000 last:0.000000 Zgrid iteration 20 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 30 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 40 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 50 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 60 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 70 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 80 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000 Zgrid iteration 90 convergence test: -0.001000 last:-0.001000

            ...snipped log...

            Steps taken: When I first encountered this, I associated it with some particularly large and dense grids. I quickly saw that I had 10 processes, each of which wanted 20% of ram. Turning down the number of processes seemed to solve this issue.

            However, I've been seeing this occur even when it doesn't look like memory pressure has been a concern, but I may be missing something in my system monitoring.

            I have set up sar monitoring, to grab system stats every few minutes. I have also set up a cron to grab some of the top stats every 5 minutes. I don't really see anything in these that would cause linux to be so resource starved that it would fail to find executables. I'll put those at the bottom as this is already rather long.

            I've tried adding some logging diagnostics to spot the problem.

            Here is a snippet of code that checks for mbgrid's existence and then, if found, logs the exact command that is being run:



            Answered 2017-Sep-11 at 08:52

            Since these scripts are called via cron with a configuration file, I would expect consistent results. Most of the time (and it seems always when I'm watching, even if I just run the script cron initiates), the code runs successfully to completion. But sometimes not.

            Looks like that's envrionment problem. Try logging os.environ with manual run and with cron job.

            The variable to look for is PATH.

            PATH is an environmental variable in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that tells the shell which directories to search for executable files (i.e., ready-to-run programs) in response to commands issued by a user.

            If my conjecture is correct - you can resolve this issue by manualy setuping os.environ['PATH'] = "path to binaries dir" and then adding os.environ to cwd param of your subprocess call

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46150785

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install mbf

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use mbf like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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